Start a sea view villa

Chapter 112 is about to fall

The words of , suddenly all passengers on the plane began to hesitate.

The bottom of the person is in an unlimited zoom in this moment.

"This .. What should we do, do we want to do it."

"I ... I don't know."

The passengers have to do it in mind, but they are afraid that Wang Li will shoot them for them, but if they don't do it, the companions detonate the bomb, they will die.

After seeing this scene, the face revealed the proud look, once again tempting: "What are you waiting for, not to do it, a person lives so many life, so I want to be very cost-effective? , I will give you ten seconds. After ten seconds, if you don't have a hand, I will detonate the bomb. "

This all said that the perennial is caused in the passengers, and many people who are still hesitating have been determined.

"Fighting, we are so many people, don't believe that he can kill all, let more, we are also for life."

"Well, in order to live, brothers, I can't help!"

"Dead you, I have a good death, you have a little conscience, don't resist honest."

The passengers played courage, step by step, but no one took the lead in shot, after all, the gun played the bird, and they didn't want to go to the bird.

But even so, many people have brought Wang Li in the center, but also brought a lot of pressure from Wang Li.

It is averaged that the companion looks at this scene, as if it has been stable. ,

This is the so-called human beings, in the case of itself, what morality, will be thrown away by them, in order to be able to live, what is more doing.

"Hey, what are you waiting for, give me a hurry, no longer, I will take a bomb!"

If the companion is like the last straw that overwhelves the camel, the passengers who have hesitated riots will add a panic.

Finally, someone could not stand the pressure, bite his teeth, and took the initiative to rushing to Wang Li.

"Ah, ah!"

The passenger shouted, and there was no chapter under the feet to Wang Li's face. However, there was no waiting for him to do, Wang Li was already in his chest, and he flew him Four five meters away.


The man hit the plane of the plane, the waist spine bones made a crisp, the whole person fell to the ground, and the painful mourning was issued.

Wang Li did not face the passengers in the face, and the blood lined a scarlet blood line with blood.

"Whoever dares to step into this red line, let me ruthlessly!"

The cold voice of Wang Li is matched with the bloodline of the blood, so that the passengers who have been very unbarished will pour the cold water in an instant. After all, I will refund, no one dares to easily before.

The scarlet blood line is like a day, any people who dare to cross, and will definitely pay a heavy cost.

After intimidating the passengers, Wang Li also looked at the left of the three whispering, the killing in the eyes, making people feel cold.

Step, step, step ...

Wang Li stepped forward, the pace is stable and heavy, as with a mountain, it is pressed, and the companions are not angry.

"You ... you are mad, stop me, stop!"

One of them was crazy, and the spirit obviously has reached the edge of the collapse. ,

They didn't think of it, how can they become like this.

Why is such a horrible guy on a plane, completely disrupted their plans.

If you can never, they will choose to change a plane to make hijacking, however, everything is late.

Wang Li is constantly approaching, and the rich bloody flavor is full of smells, defeating their last ingredients.

"Breast, this is your forced me, since you don't let me live, then everyone will be accompanied by me!"

The companion is crazy, the right hand is pressed, and if you want to detonate the bomb, let everyone on the plane come to him.

Wang Li's eyes were condensed, and the dagger in his hand came out, and the cold is broken, and it comes to the eyes of the companion.

In the next second, the companion only felt that the right hand hurts, and lost his feelings. He bowed down, and his right hand still fell on the ground.

The companion has grown up his eyes, and it hasn't waited until he reacted, Wang Li's figure still appeared in front of him.

Wang Li doubled his head of the companion, a violent knee, and scrapped him directly.

The rest of the two will also react at this time, and press the detonation switch in the hand.

Although Wang Li's response is very fast, one of his arms directly in one of the switches, but it is still unable to stop another person.

Drip drip -!

"Yun Qing, kneel down!"

In a hurry and sharp sound, Wang Li was retired after the fastest speed, and the whole person retired from a distance, quickly kneeling on the ground.

Next, the bomb on the body released the dazzling light, dramatic explosion, bloom at this moment.


Under a loud noise, the entire plane trembled, the bomb explosion, has been blown up a huge gap.

The powerful wind pressure exudes from the mouth, and many baggage have been taken out of the plane, and there are some people who have followed the baggage without reacting.

The riots broke out, everyone was cursing, discussing, crying with desperate shouts filled the interior of the entire plane.

Wang Li looked through a huge wind pressure by his strong body, found the hiding of Li Yunqing as a followed.

Due to the bomb explosion, Li Yunqing is hiding behind the seat, so there is no big harm, but the hair is a bit messy.

Li Yunqing saw Wang Lihou, has been hanging from the heart, and finally put it down.

"Wang Li, what should I do next?"

At the moment, the plane has been completely broken, and there has been a trend of lasting pendants, and it will not take long, this plane will crash.

In the face of this situation, Wang Li is also frowning, but it is still comfortable: "Yun Qing, nothing, there will be a way."

"Um ... Wang Li, I believe you."

Li Yunqing did not dare to see Wang Li's eyes, only red his face, as long as Wang Li's sentence, even what is dangerous, Li Yunqing is not afraid.