Start a sea view villa

Chapter 304 is framed

Wang Li only felt a "bombing" in his own mind.

"Which employee?"

Li Tang. "

Wang Li swallowed his mouth.

This little child is the most well, how can it be ...

Absolutely impossible, this is absolutely misunderstood!

Wang Li took a good clothes and rushed to the Jingzhu.

D Wang Lido is swearing in the heart along the way.

This kid did not make things that were easy to make people.

But he didn't send a prevalent to the room last night?

Is it ...

His and Fan?

Wang Li shakes his head and gets this unrealistic idea.

After arriving at the scenery, Wang Li felt a bit heavy.

During this time, it is a bit diligent.

He sighed a slight sigh and went straight.

When I entered the door, I saw Li Tang and sat next to the chair, and I was also copied in my hand.

Li Tang saw Wang Li, tears were simply coming out.

"Wang Li ..."

Wang Li swayed, indicating that he sat down first.

After handling a series of procedures, Wang Li is ready to take away people.

The scenery of the scenery: "I am afraid I can't leave here."

Wang Li's heart is a bit impatient: "What else is there?"

"The victim is not accepting private, and now it is ready to take the procedure. If you want to get the understanding of the victim, you must understand the book."

The scenery looked at Wang Li and the person with identity. He looked down: "When you meet this kind of thing, you can only recognize the mildew, even if it is deliberate, there is a license in the hands of people, even if it is a lawsuit, it is not necessarily win."

Although Wang Li did not know the details of the incident last night, I also understood what kind of thing.

Wang Li Zi three explained, paid the bail, or brought Li Tang out.

Li Tang still wearing a suit last night, crumpled, as if it is embarrassed last night.

In the car, Wang Li diamond, looked at Li Tang sitting at the co-pilot.

"What is going on, let people pit?"

With Wang Li's understanding of Li Tang, he is not like a person who will make this kind of thing.

Li Tang's great sigh: "When I sent it to the time yesterday, he didn't have to stay chat, and let me have a bottle of mineral water."

"and then?"

"Then I don't remember anything ..."

Li Tong now reminds that he should not take the initiative to send a good return room, or there will be such a thing.

"It seems that the bottle of water is the problem."

Wang Li knows these routines.

Although they have signed the contract, once their own company has a scandal, the other party will take the price.

Even if the price is not compatible, it will also propose a bunch of conditions.

But he is too long, actually pitted on his own head.

Now in the whole circle, no one knows that he is the mother of his father.

It is already known that it is also a disgusting person in this way. It seems that this fan always deliberately.

Looking at Li Tang or a sharp look, Wang Li took his shoulder.

"Reassuring, not something big."

Li Tang may not have a good thought of Wang Li.

He is now like a numb, and the mind is like a large pile of paste.

"I heard that they have taken a video, if the video streams out ..."

Li Tang did not dare to imagine what kind of consequences would there be.

If you only have your reputation, it will be calculated.

This kind of scandal will bring a loss to your company, he doesn't dare to think.

"Wang Li, you help me, let me work here, but ..."

Wang Li suddenly laughed, and immediately hammerned the shoulders of Li Tang.

"Do you not believe that I can solve this thing?"

Li Tang looked at him, very firm and shook his head: "You know, my most trusted person is you."

"That's good, give it to me."

He can't allow someone to use this dirty means to bully their friends.

Is this not playing his face!

Wang Li's heart already has a countermeasure, but there is no explanation of Li Tang.

He is now needed to rest, and the company's things will be held first.

People who have deal with the style, if it is hard to him, I am afraid that he will make a more embarrassment.

It is better to go along his idea, and finally fight him.

After sending Li Tang home, Wang Li came to the company.

The assistant in the office is only going to Li Tang, but I don't know what it is.

But look at the face of the patriarch, know nothing.

He was carefully handed to hold the document to the front of Li Tang.

"Total Wang, this morning, the file sent by Fan, I need you to sign."

Wang Li looked at it and was very refreshing.

"The goods must be shipped on time, can't have a agreed time, tell the people below, if you mistake, give me something home."

The assistant nodded and took a document and left the office.

Wang Li is on the chair, I feel that I have a little bit of the brain these days.

Have a good rest ...

He is thinking, heard the door to the office.

A pretty figure came in, holding a packing box in his hand.

"How did you come?"

Seeing Li Yan smile, Wang Li felt that his mood was a bit.

"Give you a good time, you must forget to have breakfast!"

Wang Li smiled nodded and looked at Li Yan opened his box.

"It is Huang Yellow Milk Packet, you will take me when you are a child."

Li Yan picked up a milk yellow bag and fed his mouth.

"You are a child!"

The two said a while, Li Yan suddenly lifted Li Tong's things.

"How did you know?"

Wang Li has confidential action on this matter. It should be reasonable that there should be no more people know.

"It is Li Tang telling me, and I apologize again, but let me have an mood for you."

"He is really a heart."

"Yeah, according to this, he is also a victim."

Li Tang is this kind of heart from knowing himself, and there is no change now.

Wang Li wants to make a better solution, and want to minimize the influence of this matter.

"Now Fan does not dare to act rashly. After all, we have a business in the next thing. If our company is affected, they will lose."

"It's really damage to the damage, you can't get cheap here, you will start the people around you."

Li Yan said.

But she thought, she took the shoulder of Wang Li.

"I have an idea, I can have a whole whole whole."

Wang Li watched her and wanted to hear what happened.

"I have a girl under my hand, and the long national color is fragrant, and I have always asked me to introduce the relationship to climb the branch, and Fan has already coveted for a long time. Just like this opportunity, whole."

Wang Li said something concerned: "Will you get tired to you?"