Start the era of black technology

Chapter 2 Black-Bone Chicken and Black-Bone Chicken

The elder brothers started to move forward, intending to control Xu Ping'an, and can't let Xu Ping'an drink any more. If he drinks it again, something will happen. It hasn't waited for a few people to come to Xu Ping'an.

With a "click", a lightning flashed across the sky, and an electric light struck Xu Ping'an.

No one could see clearly. When the lightning was still more than ten meters away from Xu Ping’an, the space was distorted, and a fist-sized ball of light appeared, blocking the thunder for Xu Ping’an. The lightning struck directly into Xu Ping’an’s body, but the lightning was strange. He turned a bend and chopped on the tree beside Xu Pingan.

With a "click", the branches of the tree were cut off, and they fell directly, and the strong current rushed to the sky on the right finger, and the Xu Pingan of the society was stunned.

Xu Ping'an kept his right finger to the sky, and his whole body began to dance, trembling all over, foaming on his mouth, and with a "bang", he was hit by a branch and he was lying on the ground, his body twitching.

"Fuck me, hit 120." Mabo shouted directly, and ran towards Xu Ping An after he shouted.

Xu Mingyang reacted the fastest. He immediately took out the phone and started dialing. The others also reacted. They immediately ran towards Xu Ping'an and began to move away from the branches that were pressing on Xu Ping'an. He kept calling Xu Ping'an's name in his mouth.

The time was not very long. The ambulance sounded "Willow chicken and black chicken and black chicken". The ambulance drove directly into the park. The back door opened. Several medical personnel carried the stretcher and got off. Xu Ping'an was carried into the ambulance by several people. , Brothers all went to the hospital with them in the car.

When he arrived at the hospital, he immediately carried out various examinations. After a short time, he was pushed into a separate ward with a drip on his body. Several doctors conducted detailed examinations around Xu Ping An.

"Do we need to inform Xu Pingan's family" Lin Yide said, everyone frowned.

"Wait and see, if the situation is critical, we will notify the parents of Ping An, if the situation is stable, don't notify, so as to save the two elders from being anxious," Mabo said calmly, and the little brothers nodded.

As time passed, several people were suffering. After a little while, the doctor came out. The doctor asked, "Who is the patient's family?"

"We are his classmates, tell us something," Mabo said directly.

"The patient was fainted by a strong electric current. There is no life-threatening at the moment, but he is still in a coma. If he does not wake up for 24 hours, he is in danger of becoming a vegetative person. You'd better inform his family." The doctor was expressionless. Said.

"Understood, thank you doctor," Mabo said directly.

"You go through the procedures and pay the fees first, otherwise, it will be difficult for us to continue taking the medicine," the doctor said directly.

"Understood, we will go to school to get medical insurance procedures soon," Mabo said, the doctor nodded and left.

Mabo turned to Xu Mingyang and said, "Famous, you immediately go to the school to find Teacher Qin, and take the medical insurance procedures for peace. I will pay the medical expenses first, and the hospital cannot stop the medication."

"I'll go right away" Xu Mingyang said and turned to leave.

At this moment in Xu Ping's mind is another scene, as if he has experienced another life.

A handsome guy wearing a black trench coat, standing on top of a tall building, looking down on all beings

Have a look against the sky,

Superior literary accomplishment,

Extraordinary taste,

The chic and boldness of feasting and feasting,

Eighteen times to start a business, eighteen times to fail, no matter how big the heart is, it can’t bear this kind of blow, and the failures and the dissatisfaction, in exchange for more scars, finally in the sky and the society. When he was killed by thunder.

After an hour or so, Xu Mingyang came back with the materials. The brothers went to the billing office to pay the fee. They needed to pay 30,000 yuan. Ma Bo was shocked. It was so damn black.

"I only have 10,000 in Kari, any of you have," Mabo said directly.

"I'll transfer you twenty thousand," Lin Yide said directly. After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and transferred two thousand to Mabo, very neat.

When the other people saw that the money was enough, they didn't make a sound. It was not that they didn't work hard, but they were unnecessary.

Mabo didn’t say anything, he just started to go through the formalities. It’s normal. In terms of financial resources, Lin Yide is the strongest one in the dormitory, and Mabo is the most outrageous one. As the boss, he can do everything for everyone. All convinced.

One more, don’t worry about Xu Ping’an. Xu Ping’an’s tuition and living expenses for the first year are borne by the family. From the second year on, Xu Ping’an will solve these expenses by himself. He opened a small online store to start his own business. There are now two employees.

I can’t wait, I started my own business and made a profit. It can be seen that Xu Ping’an’s ability to make progress has captured Li Tingting’s heart, and has also been recognized by Li Tingting’s family. Otherwise, Li Tingting’s superb quality would not follow Xu. safely.

Lin Yide is one of the most shrewd businessmen in their dormitory. He is from Zhejiang and has been in business for three generations in his family. Lin Yide himself is not bad for money. However, Lin Yide is very low-key, except for a few brothers in the dormitory. No one knows Lin Yide's net worth.

Ma Bo's family is in Fujian. They run a tea business at home, and they don't need money. The tea business in the dormitory is provided by Ma Bo. They are generous, and they never know what a low key is. There are many confidantes.

Even after the final breakup, Mabo couldn't say bad things about Mabo. Mabo gave enough compensation. You guys and I would like to get together well and be happy.

As long as the roommate has difficulties, as long as he talks to Mabo, he is very righteous, and he is recognized as the boss of the dormitory.

Xu Mingyang, Li Rulong, Zhang Wenyuan, although the three of them are not as rich as the two, their family conditions are fine, and they have some spare money on hand. Knowing that Xu Ping's family is not well, they all take care of Xu Ping's very much.

Another, Xu Pingan is very reputable. The funds to open the online shop were funded by several roommates. After the second year of profitability, he paid a lot of points. I didn’t want to pay any interest. In the end, Xu Pingan invited the brothers out to drink and sing, thank you brothers very much.

It can be said that in the past few years in the university, several people have borrowed money, but a lot of them have been paid back. They are very credible and cherish this relationship, and do not want to lose a good friend because of money.

"Rulong, Mingyang, today you two will be on duty a little harder, tomorrow the three of us will replace you" Mabo said directly.


"By the way, boss, refunded the ticket, safe like this, we can't leave" Li Rulong said directly, and Xu Mingyang nodded.

Mabo looked at Zhang Wenyuan and Lin Yide, and the two also nodded, "Okay, I'll apply when I go back, and the tickets have been refunded. I'll talk about it when safety is over," Mabo said very simply.