Start the era of black technology

Chapter 77 Carbon is the future of the current development of the earth

When the phone hung up, Nilun made a fist with his left hand and directly shouted "yes" with an excited expression on his face. This is a rare opportunity. I must grasp it. I put the phone down and opened the cabinet and took out a bottle of wine. He directly drank a few mouthfuls.

The next day, Xu Ping'an got up to wash, had breakfast in the hotel restaurant, and then went back to the room to drink tea. At around 9:40, Nilun arrived. After the bodyguard asked Xu Ping'an for instructions, he let Nilun in. Xu Pingan's room.

The two shook hands and sat down. Xu Pingan gave Nilun a cup of tea. "Professor, Dr. Luck highly respects professors. What project is the professor currently working on?" Xu Pingan asked and went straight to the topic.

"Dr. Luck is my mentor. I cannot achieve my achievements today without the guidance of my mentor. Although we are not in the same place, we still keep in touch. We basically see once a year."

"I am currently researching new solar materials, but many people are not optimistic about my research, so I can only ask my tutor to contact Mr. Xu with a cheeky face," Nilun said seriously.

To be honest, Nilun first explained his relationship with Dr. Luck, so that Xu Ping'an could feel relieved, and then raised the question of not being optimistic about his own research projects.

The reason why you are so honest is that Dr. Luck has repeatedly explained that you are not afraid that your project will not be optimistic, but that you are not honest enough. What Xu Ping An hates most is cheating.

Dr. Luck is very smart. During his stay in Iceland, he had a good relationship with Kyle and also with Degusson, especially Degusson. The relationship progressed very well when Dr. Luck wanted to make friends. I also heard from Dgusson. Having said many things about Xu Ping'an, honesty is the side that Xu Ping'an values ​​more.

"Professor, Dr. Luck's previous fish oil research is not optimistic, but I am optimistic about him, you see what the result is"

"I guess the professor’s research completely broke the existing mainstream ideas, so it was not accepted by people. It’s okay. Science itself is a matter of constantly breaking the conclusions. Only the courage to break the old conclusions can create epoch-making products. My philosophy" Xu Ping'an said seriously.

After listening to Xu Ping’an’s words, Nilun felt like a confidant in his heart. Xu Ping’an was right. Scientific research is to break all kinds of restrictions and overthrow all kinds of theories. Only in this way can we create epoch-making products. No more correct.

"In order to make breakthroughs in scientific research, people like Mr. Xu are very much needed" Nilun said this sentence very seriously.

"Thank you, professor, can I look at your research materials?" Xu Ping'an went straight to the subject, saying a thousand words and ten thousand, it still depends on your research progress.

"Of course," Nilun said with a smile.

After speaking, I took out a thick stack of materials from my briefcase. This was specially prepared. I had prepared a long time for this day. Nilun knew very well that as long as I can satisfy Xu Ping’an, I will fund myself as a laboratory. It's not a problem at all.

The text of the information is in German. Xu Ping'an couldn't understand it, but he looked at it carefully. Protoss analyzes whether the project is feasible or not. Now Prossing and Xu Ping's cooperation is in place.

When Xu Pingan looked through the information, he asked questions from time to time. Nilun answered with a serious face and understood in his heart that Xu Pingan’s questions were all key questions. Originally, Xu Pingan had a little underestimated what Xu Pingan meant, but now it is thorough. No more.

After reading it slowly for more than half an hour, he asked more than a dozen questions. Nilun gave very definite answers. Xu Ping'an looked calm. Nilun couldn't see anything. In fact, Xu Ping'an was also very uncomfortable.

Protoss has given the answer long ago, and the rating is A. This rating is very high. In Protoss’ words, although the information is very naive, it has already started on the right path. Carbon is the current earth. The future of development.

Nilun’s research direction is a new type of carbon element solar panel, an epoch-making high-tech material. If there is no correct guidance from Xu Ping’an, Nilun would not even think of a successful day until natural death.

Slowly closing the information, Xu Ping'an closed his eyes and thought for a while, "Professor, I am optimistic about this project, I think we can talk in depth." Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and Nilun also had a face after hearing this sentence. Smile.

The two began to negotiate, and it didn’t take long. They reached an agreement after half an hour. Xu Ping’an sponsored Nilun’s research. The results belonged to Xu Ping’an, and the authorship belonged to Nilun. Xu Ping’an was responsible for equipment and research funding. Give Nilun five assistants.

After the big frame was set, the two let go. The conversation was very enjoyable. The topic unconsciously extended to the solar energy industry. Nilun began to talk about his views, while Xu Ping'an kept nodding.

Nilun is strong, and his eloquence is very good. He has his own views on the solar energy industry and the development of solar energy in various countries, and can be incorporated. Besides, Nilun is not very young, and has collected more than ten or twenty. Years are not a problem at all.

The two had a great chat. During the period, Xu Ping'an boiled another pot of water and the two drank a lot of glasses. "Nilun, it's getting late, let's go to dinner and talk slowly" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Good boss, I think I can call it that now" Nilun said with a smile, Xu Ping'an laughed and nodded.

The two stood up, left the room and went straight to the restaurant of the hotel. Each ordered their own food. Xu Ping An asked for a good bottle of red wine. The two started drinking and chatting. Neither of them had any ideas. Someone nearby took it. He was recording the two of them with his mobile phone, and he was still a reporter.

After the meal, the two separated and Nilun could investigate his assistant. Xu Ping'an needed to find a reliable lawyer firm. Both parties must sign a legal contract. There are other troubles that need a lawyer to deal with.

At night, Xu Ping An went to bed very late and found a very good TV series. After watching it at night, it was already three o'clock in the morning when he went to bed, and he hadn't woke up after ten o'clock, and was finally ringing by the phone. Woke up.

I took the phone and looked at it and found that the area code should be Germany, could it be Nilun? Xu Ping'an answered the phone directly and said "Hello".

"Boss, this is Nilun. We were photographed while chatting in the restaurant yesterday. Today, there are scenes of our two toasting encounters on the Internet and in the newspapers," Nilun said directly.

"What?" Xu Ping'an's sleepiness disappeared. How could this be possible? I was low-key enough, could it be Nilun.

"Did you arrange it?" Xu Ping'an's voice was a little cold.