Start the era of black technology

Chapter 275 Return of the Wild [Second More]

Every week, the company sends people to the traffic police department to impose fines for violations. Now that fines are imposed across the country, Xu Pingan will be punished as soon as he violates the traffic law. Eighty percent of the reasons are speeding.

Zhang Jianbin heard the report from the person in charge of the transportation department in his office. He laughed and shook his head again after he laughed. What is Xu Ping'an? Is he rich and headstrong? He doesn't care about fines, he only cares about his own happiness.

One month later, Xu Ping'an's driver's license was revoked, and all points were deducted, but Xu Ping'an still did not come back. According to the last fine information, Xu Ping'an had already arrived in Gansu, and had really arrived in the Northwest.

Xu Ping'an is happy himself. I don't know how many people are following him. Qiao Yicheng checks GPS location information every day. This is a device that Liu Wenjun secretly installed on a motorcycle. The technology company can perform location tracking.

The signal stopped at Jiayu Pass. A week later, the signal started to move again, turning to start again, and soon entered Qinghai Province. According to the inference, Xu Pingan was likely to want to go straight to Lhasa.

The internal analysis of the company is very correct. Xu Pingan’s goal is Lhasa, and he has already contacted Zhang Wenyuan. Seeing Xu Pingan riding a motorcycle all the way in Lhasa, Zhang Wenyuan slapped his head when he found out Xu Pingan’s situation.

"Are you crazy" Zhang Wenyuan said directly.

"Wen Yuan, arrange things for the company, ride a motorcycle to join me, and go crazy with me," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Brother, I am different from you, there are a lot of things here" Zhang Wenyuan said distressedly.

"Let’s put the big things aside, how long have you been riding the motorcycle I sent you, and the motorcycle will be useless when you are not active. Let’s take advantage of the craziness now. Let’s meet in Tanggula Mountain Town and return to Lhasa together. "Xu Ping'an said with a big smile, the pride of the past has returned.

Zhang Wenyuan's heart moved for a while, and turned to look at his wife. His wife smiled bitterly. He knew Zhang Wenyuan's thoughts at the moment. Zhang Wenyuan had been suppressing the wildness in his heart, and would usually take a motorcycle to take a walk at home.

I really wanted to go for a ride, but I didn't take it until I was worried. Now Xu Ping'an's seduce made Zhang Wenyuan moved again. Seeing the longing in Zhang Wenyuan's eyes, his wife nodded and Zhang Wenyuan agreed.

Xu Ping'an was already in a state at this moment. He ran for four and a half hours and took a break. While he was resting, he also let the motorcycle engine rest. Poor Suzuki's concept motorcycle was in a state of disuse within two months.

Replaced with ordinary motorcycles on the market, it has long since been abandoned, and it is not supported at all. Xu Ping'an uses a satellite phone and does not worry about the lack of signal. Zhang Wenyuan contacted Xu Ping'an along the way.

A few days later, Xu Ping'an first arrived at Tanggula Mountain Town, with a gray head and face. He opened a room and went directly to rest. The next day, he washed the car. Zhang Wenyuan rode Harley to arrive in the afternoon.

Apart from anything else, I took Zhang Wenyuan to a restaurant in the town for a drink, ordered a pot of stew, drank a big bowl and ate meat, and then returned to the hotel to rest. The next day, the two of them made up for supplies. Go straight.

After playing and playing all the way, only returned to Lhasa after more than ten days. Zhang Wenyuan’s wife really couldn’t laugh or cry when she saw Zhang Wenyuan’s appearance. Both of them had messy hair, smelled heavy on their bodies, and their beards were not short. No more.

Arranging a room for Xu Ping’an, Zhang Wenyuan went home and felt relieved. The previous Xu Ping’an came back with a wildness. Originally, Lin Yide called and said that Xu Ping’s condition was not right. Now Zhang Wenyuan is completely not worried.

After getting a haircut, shaving, shaving, taking a shower, I found a scrubber to clean myself, and then went to bed after a big meal. Xu Ping'an slept for almost twelve hours.

After playing in Lhasa for two days, Xu Pingan took the plane back to Hangzhou. The motorcycle stayed at Zhang Wenyuan’s side and belonged to Zhang Wenyuan. He kept sending Xu Pingan on the plane. Zhang Wenyuan smiled and rode the motorcycle. Come back home.

Darina waited at the airport with the convoy, Xu Ping'an walked out of the passage and saw Darina, walked over and shook hands with Darina, and got in the car directly. When she returned home, Darina keenly felt Xu Ping's leave. Time is different.

When Xu Ping'an left Hangzhou, there was still a twilight mood in his body. Now, there is no more energy in his body. Instead, there is more spirit. This shows that Xu Ping'an has completely come out. This is a good thing.

After returning home, Liu Wenjun made a pot of tea for Xu Ping An and poured a few cups, and Xu Ping drank one by one, "It's comfortable, it's been a long time since I feel so comfortable."

"Boss, I guess you will feel uncomfortable soon" Liu Wenjun said while looking at Xu Ping'an.

"Say something directly" Xu Ping'an was very simple.

"First thing, FZ has already started to install production and environmental protection equipment. Please ask for instructions to proceed to the next step and start recruiting."

"The second thing is that Qiao Yicheng has received several special authorization applications. I don't know whether it should be approved or not. The boss needs to make a decision."

"The third thing, Ye Changlin reported that the players have already begun to attack the top dungeon, and the boss still can't put any easter eggs."

"Fourth thing, Chen Fansheng called. I hope you will return a call as soon as possible and only said a red level breakthrough."

"Fifth thing............"


Liu Wenjun reported more than a dozen things in a row, all of which required Xu Ping's decision to be made in person. Xu Ping'an smiled after listening, but didn't care very much. Now I want to open it completely, it's no big deal.

"Notify Qiao Yicheng and them. I will go to the company to listen to their report tomorrow. In addition, I will inform Burson that I will inspect in the last few days. For the time being, I will hire technicians and equipment maintenance personnel. Make another decision," Xu Pingan said directly, and Liu Wenjun took notes.

"One more thing, it's been so long, you two will arrange a vacation instead of a one-month vacation," Xu Ping'an said while looking at the two.

"Boss, vacation is very expensive" Darina said immediately next to her.

"Paid vacation" Xu Pingan added.

"Thank you boss" Darina smiled, waiting for Xu Ping's words.

Xu Pingan smiled and shook his head to rest. One night later, Xu Pingan woke up, looked at Darina lying next to him and smiled, got out of bed to wash, and went for a run after finishing washing.

When Xu Pingan came back for breakfast after exercising, Darina and Liu Wenjun had washed and went downstairs. Today Liu Wenjun accompanied Xu Pingan to the company. Darina started to take a vacation. Today, he flew directly to the UK at noon and started after returning home to visit her parents. Travel vacation.

After eating breakfast and changing clothes, Xu Pingan and Liu Wenjun left by car, and went straight to the largest building of the Technology Headquarters. The highest floor was Xu Pingan’s office. Xu Pingan occupied the first floor.

The office area, leisure area, sports area, and rest area are all available, all of which are top-notch decoration. There are many green plants scattered and orderly in each area, and the oxygen content of the entire first floor is far higher than that of the outside world.

He was dressed in casual clothes. This was Xu Pingan's dress. You didn't need to look at anyone's face, how comfortable they were, soaked a pot of tea and drank slowly. After a short time, Qiao Yicheng, Ye Changlin and Ding Zhijun came over.

Qiao Yicheng first said about the patent application of several countries, "Give them according to the market price, as long as the country does not restrict us, the authorization will be authorized, and the extra charge is a lump sum" Xu Ping An immediately made the decision.

"President, these companies are all military industry companies" Qiao Yicheng asked again.

"Old Qiao, take a long-term view. The country doesn't know about our foreign patent authorization. Has the country spoken? No, the reason why we didn't speak is to acquiesce in our foreign authorization."

"The country considers more than us. Tianqi Group is a company, not a state-owned enterprise, and not a military industry enterprise. If we are stuck with no external authorization, then other countries will also card us."

"What's more, this type of technological country already exists, and other countries also have it. The other party follows the business rules. We also need to follow the business rules. Do you understand?" Xu Pingan looked at Qiao Yicheng and explained, Qiao Yicheng nodded , I have understood what Xu Pingan meant.

"I'll go back and handle it immediately," Qiao Yicheng said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

"What is the current progress of other projects" Xu Pingan asked.

"Currently there are 74 projects underway by technology companies. I reviewed their plans and made regulations. Every project must make progress every month. Even a slight progress is considered progress. The phenomenon must not happen"

"As of today, a total of forty-eight project teams have been adjusted, 236 people have been dismissed, and 649 new people have been added. We maintain two to three-digit patent applications every month."

"Especially the intelligent robot project. After relocating to the technology headquarters, our Tianqi Group's technology injection has made leapfrog progress. I visited it a few days ago and it is about to match the Boston robot in the United States."

"The robot dog has made a big breakthrough. In terms of load, we are 100% the world's number one," Qiao Yicheng said very seriously, including Xu Ping'an in surprise.

"Are you sure you made a mistake," Xu Ping'an said questioningly.

"It's not wrong. I rode it and made a lap at the time. If it wasn't for confidentiality, I would record the video directly," Qiao Yicheng said directly.

"Take me to see it later, if it's true, I'll record one myself" Xu Ping'an became interested.

After speaking, he glanced at Qiao Yicheng, Qiao Yicheng nodded, and Xu Ping'an understood that Qiao Yicheng would guide this project, otherwise there would not be such a big breakthrough. It was just that the breakthrough was so fast.