Xu Pingan’s words made all the reporters start to exclaim, all of them looked helpless. They can understand Xu Pingan’s decision. The increase in corporate costs will inevitably lead to price increases. This is also impossible.

The press conference was over. All the reporters quickly returned to the hotel, closed the door and began to write reports. Those watching the live broadcast looked helpless, and they were going to increase the price. What kind of plastic particles are they? Tianqi Group is so scrupulous.

In the afternoon, some media began to report, "Super fish oil price increase", this headline appeared in the most prominent position of the front page headlines of many media, and the term plastic particles began to enter everyone's eyes.

Starting from the second day, the global media began to exert their efforts to comprehensively report the purpose of Xu Pingan’s inquiry conference, the price increase of super fish oil, plastic particles, and marine pollution. These three topics were fully screened, and people around the world were shocked. In my dreams, ocean pollution has reached this point.

On the Internet, the term "plastic particles" has become a hot search. Many people have begun to understand things about plastic particles. TV stations have also started to organize popular science popularization. Scientific researchers are invited to explain what is called plastic particles, so that people can fully understand what plastic particles are. What kind of existence.

L'Oréal, the name of this company has also begun to be mentioned. Many media call L'Oréal and Tianqi Group as the company with the heads, and many people give it universal praise.

L'Oréal will definitely not let this opportunity pass, and immediately held a press conference to announce that it supports the self-examination of Tianqi Group. Tianqi Group, like L'Oréal, is a company responsible for consumers.

Although the laws of various countries do not stipulate the standards of plastic particles, we at L'Oréal conduct self-examination in a responsible heart to consumers. Since last year, 80% of L'Oréal products have changed formulas, changed production processes and replaced equipment. Eliminate the presence of plastic particles.

Although this will increase a lot of costs and burdens, and at the same time we will reduce a lot of profits, but it is our pursuit to let consumers use safer products!

With the addition of L'Oreal, the media has become more enthusiastic, and various organizations have jumped out, especially environmental protection organizations, and they have repeatedly launched rallies to call for protection of our planet. For a time, the demons danced in chaos.

Many entrepreneurs around the world saw L'Oréal's statement and they all squirmed. You are so fucking shameless. Tianqi Group is a responsible company and L'Oréal is a responsible company. You are all good guys, but we are bad guys, two rascals. , I was full of resentment towards Tianqi Group and L'Oreal.

Statistics show that L'Oréal's sales volume has increased visible to the naked eye. This is a remarkable increase. L'Oréal is jumping up with excitement. It hasn't seen such a hot sales scene for many years.

The news is lively, and the seafood market is also lively. The prices of all kinds of seafood are beginning to fall. There is no way. With the introduction of the media, many people dare not eat seafood. Although there is no scientific data to show that plastic particles are harmful to people. harm.

Think about it and know that this is not a good thing. It is not a good thing when plastic enters your body. Take care of yourself more and try to reduce your consumption. This is what most people think.

Super fish oil is even harder to find a bottle on the market. The merchants are more savvy and know that the price will increase. How can they do it without taking the opportunity to make a fortune? After internal calculations, the current price has increased by 100%, which is so high. The prices are all bought, which makes many businesses feel incredible.

Only Y Nan and H country are not in a hurry. Anyway, Tianqi Group has broken the goods of their two countries. If you want to buy it, you can only buy it in foreign countries. There is no impact on the price increase. People who can't afford it will still eat. Sorry.

Kyle has left J City and started to return to the headquarters to take charge of the equipment transformation and upgrade. Time slowly passed. On this day, an incident broke out in Country M. Some members of the Council proposed that the Super Fish Oil should be fully reviewed.

Even if the production of super fish oil resumes, the relevant departments must conduct a comprehensive review of the safety of super fish oil, and must ensure that the people of country M enjoy safe food. The news came out and the people of country M were in an uproar.

Xu Ping’an didn’t pay attention to these people at all. As a result, things got worse and worse. At first, it was just a member of the congressman who made this statement. After more than a week, it has become a collective voice of a dozen members , Fengyu has a growing performance.

"Boss, there is a force in Country M to promote this," Kyle said directly on the phone.

"Is it clear that it is that force?" Xu Ping'an asked. With this mental preparation, the rise of Tianqi Group has broken many companies' financial avenues. It is reasonable to find opportunities for Tianqi Group to be uncomfortable.

"Not yet, they are very careful, I have arranged for someone to investigate, I believe there will be news in a few days," Kyle said directly.

"I have news as soon as possible. We can't do nothing now," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I have already talked to Betty on the phone, and she will hold a press conference soon to announce that we only need to release the news that we plan to withdraw from the M country market. Someone will definitely come forward to solve this matter. They can't do without super fish oil." Kyle said very positively.

"I think we should not build too many enemies now," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Understood" Kyle replied directly, chatting with Xu Ping'an for a while before hanging up the phone.

On this day, Betty, the general manager of Poseidon’s M country branch, held a press conference, “Poseidon is worried about the speeches of the current members. We are a responsible company, abide by the laws and regulations of various countries, and do not want to be involved in political turmoil.”

"I have received instructions from the headquarters that the country M branch will not consider upgrading for the time being. The headquarters is already considering canceling the country M branch factory and relocating the factory to another country. We don't want to cause trouble." Betty announced the news with a helpless look.

This time, many people from M country stopped doing it. This matter involves their vital interests. The price of super fish oil will definitely increase. Once the Poseidon factory moves to other countries and flows from abroad to China, the price will definitely be again. The rise will definitely affect their quality of life.

It is necessary to stop these brain-disabled MPs from coming out. Many groups have jumped out to accuse these MPs, and even MPs from the same party as these MPs have jumped out to issue accusations, accusing these people for personal gain and not for the people.

For a time, ghosts and gods danced, demons danced, and all aspects were chaotic.

The Black Palace, the President’s Office, and Spectrum are discussing this matter with a few staff members. Now the media of the whole country are reporting this matter. Isn’t it so turbulent that you have to turn the wind around? Should stay on me, not some shit fish oil.

I picked up a bottle of super fish oil that was next to it, opened one of them everywhere and took it with warm water. "Gentlemen, I can't do without this thing. The Poseidon factory must stay in Country M. We must find a way to calm this matter." .

"President, I don't think we will speak for the time being. Let them make a fuss. After a while, we will speak up. Although the president has entered the black house, we also need to prepare for re-election four years later." Grant's white-haired aides looked at the president with deep meaning in his eyes.

Spectra raised his brows and Grant was right. No president did not want to be re-elected. "Grant, tell me in detail."

"This time these councillors jumped out to accuse Poseidon Company. As far as I know, there is the shadow of Guge Company. These councillors are people who have cooperated with Guge for many years. We can do some secret activities to let more people on the other side jump out."

"The greater the impact, the more benefits the president will get when he comes forward to clean up the mess in the future. When the general election starts four years later, we will have a sharp excuse to hit the opposing candidate severely."

"We can honestly say that the people on the other side don't care about your life or death at all. They only care about their own interests and don't care if you can eat super fish oil at all."

"At that time, voters will definitely think of what is happening now, which will be a big help for us."

"At the same time, we can submit a subsidy bill to subsidize super fish oil to reduce the cost of people's purchase. Congress will certainly not approve it. At that time, the responsibility is the opposite."

"The Congressional election will be more than a year later, and we must think about it in the longer term." Grant looked at Spectrum and said his plan, killing two birds with one stone.

Spectrum laughed. Grant’s trick is very powerful. Voters will definitely make the right choice for their own benefit. This is definitely beneficial to them. In the future, Congress and the government will be on their own side. There is no need to be restrained.

"Grant, this matter is up to you. You can contact Poseidon Company. I am looking forward to seeing the constipation expression on the other side, hahahaha" Spectrum finished laughing, and everyone else also laughed. .

Grant is a veteran and has a good way of doing things. He directly used an unregistered phone with a voice changer to make a call with Kyle. After the call, he said that the calling card was crushed and the phone was thrown into the fire. Everything was gone. trace.

Without contact with Betty, it is difficult for the promoters in the dark to grasp the actual evidence. After all, they do not have the ability to monitor foreign countries at any time. Moreover, Kyle's public call is a satellite phone, and there is no recording of the call at the telephone company.

The reason why the satellite phone is expensive is not unreasonable. It is a very attractive place to not save the content of the call. Another encrypted communication function is a major feature. You cannot track it unless you have mastered the communication satellite.