Start the era of black technology

Chapter 504 Don't want to fall behind [third more]

Soon, the various branches were notified, and many people took a long breath. They don't need to go to the annual meeting and can spend a lot of time with their families.

The Tianchao Finance Headquarters and the European Tianqi Accounting Firm started to get busy. They began to count the funds submitted by each branch and sort out the bills of each branch. When going to Xu Ping'an for a meeting, it was necessary to give Xu Ping'an a goal.

On this day, Xu Pingan received a call from Miao Yiyi, planning to travel to France to relax. Xu Pingan would definitely not refuse. Two days later, he arranged a vehicle to pick up Miao Yiyi at the airport.

Liu Wenjun and Darina were a little unhappy. I don't know why, as long as Xu Ping'an is with Song Xinyun, Miao Yiyi, and Isabella, they will be in a bad mood.

Think that your beloved toy has been taken away.

This kind of thinking comes and goes fast, Song Xinyun, Miao Yiyi and Isabella all know about the two of them, but there is nothing to break, and women have changed a lot together.

In just one day, it was okay or something. The three of them started to go shopping together to buy clothes, chatting non-stop, and Xu Ping'an was happy and free.

On this day, Tianqi Renewable Resources Company issued a statement that all the 700 foreign trainees recruited have been qualified, and normal salaries and benefits have exceeded the industry’s normal standards since January 1.

At the same time, it was announced that Tianqi Renewable Resources will start the construction of a renewable resource ecosystem in eight countries including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the United States, Japan, Austria, Italy, and New Zealand.

Legal contracts have been signed with relevant national and local governments. This group of trainers will serve as the management of these newly-built renewable resource ecosystems and be responsible for middle and high-level management.

At the same time, it was also announced that Tianchao will once again start the construction of five renewable resource ecosystems in China. Facts have proved that Tianqi Renewable Resources Company can perfectly solve urban waste and reduce urban waste pollution to the lowest standard.

In some countries, the garbage problem is more serious, but the government is unwilling to pay, and Tianqi Renewable Resources can only give up establishing a renewable resource ecosystem in these countries.

After the news spread, many people were shocked. They didn't expect to start the foreign renewable resource system so soon. Not to mention too much, just how much profit the Tianqi Group will bring to Tianqi Group every year.

Many people are very jealous. Xu Ping'an does not authorize it at all. This is a clear plan to eat alone. But you still have no choice. You can refuse it. Your urban garbage has reached the point of urgency.

Don't refuse, it is very painful to see that so much profit is taken away by Tianqi Group.

Every year, each city must subsidize a certain amount of garbage disposal fees. The renewable resources sold by the renewable resource ecosystem are also tax-free. Xu Pingan makes money at both ends, and both are net profits.

Although each city earns a small amount each year, it adds up. A city is tens of millions, a provincial capital is hundreds of millions, and a super city has reached 200 million. The rubbish subsidies of Modu, Beijing and first-tier cities are all in Amount of 200 million.

Now that five ecosystems have been completed, plus the annual sales of fertilizers, feed, electricity, heating, plastic pellets, metal, wood, pulp, etc., these renewable raw materials have brought a lot of resources to Tianqi Renewable Resources. profit.

What makes these cities gratifying is that Tianqi Renewable Resources Corporation provides a large number of jobs, but waste sorting is a labor-intensive enterprise that can provide thousands of direct jobs.

It can also provide a lot of low-priced public materials. Purified water is a good material. With the national investment canals, the cost of peasants' irrigated land has plummeted, and the cost of urban greening water has plummeted.

Resources are used more effectively. This is the benefit brought by the Apocalypse renewable resource system. The Danish renewable resource system has been running for more than a year, and Isabella properly earns tens of millions of euros in net profit every year.

The benefits are obvious. First of all, the employment rate has been greatly improved. Only when urban people have a job can they have income, and only when they have income can they have consumption, forming a virtuous circle.

Another is that garbage pollution has been greatly reduced. According to Danish policy, you can earn points for placing garbage at a specified location, and these points can be exchanged for many daily necessities.

The cost of these items is divided equally between the municipal government and the renewable resource company. It does not cost a few dollars, but it can solve the garbage problem very well and the environment will become better.

Before everyone knew it, the Tianqi Renewable Resources Institute signed a contract with the Chinese government to establish air purification facilities in 14 areas prone to fog in the north.

The land for air purification facilities will be provided by the local government free of charge, and the Weather Resources Institute will build 68 air purification towers to capture PM2.5 dust in the air.

Each air purification tower is 70 meters high and consists of 15 meters, 30 meters, 50 meters, and 70 meters, respectively, and consists of four huge air purification facilities, which purify pollutants in the air at multiple levels.

The total investment is up to 11 billion yuan. The government subsidizes 30,000 yuan for each air purification tower every year for the harmless treatment of adsorbed harmful substances. The contract period is 30 years.

All air purification towers are built according to the characteristics of air flow and can be adjusted according to the wind direction. In the absence of wind, the fan can be driven to flow air according to the current generated by solar energy and wind energy.

This business is losing money. The reason Xu Pingan approved this business is also for long-term benefits. He monopolizes the garbage disposal industry and must be rewarded.

Xu Ping'an, the big intentions, knows very well that they have invested more than 10 billion in vain, and you are not asking for anything.

As time passed slowly, Wu Sikai, Huo Minghai, Niels, and Bruce all arrived at Xu Pingan’s manor in France. The year-end award list has been released, and Xu Pingan now has the final review.

Although the cost this year is larger than last year, the income is also higher than last year. The two major game companies in particular have ushered in a record harvest. After the voice control system is fully operational, the growth can be seen by the naked eye.

Xu Pingan adjusted the year-end awards of Ye Changlin and Jacques, the year-end awards of the head of the institute, and Bannon's year-end awards.

Of course, Wu Sikai, Huo Minghai, Niels, and Bruce's year-end awards have also been adjusted. Two days later, several people gathered in Xu Pingan's study for a meeting.

"The year-end bonus will be issued according to the amount I adjusted." After Xu Ping'an finished speaking, he handed the documents to Huo Minghai and Niels.

"There are those companies that have not completed the set-aside funding targets this year" Xu Ping'an asked while looking at the two.

"Boss, according to statistics, Tianqi Supermarket Group, Tianqi Video Company, Tianqi Agriculture Group, Tianqi Logistics Company, Tianqi Technology Company, Tianqi Life Research Institute, Tianqi Agricultural Research Institute, Tianqi Space Mining Offensive, Tianqi Steel Group, these companies did not complete their goals. "

"There are companies newly established this year, as well as companies established for several years," Huo Minghai reported.

Xu Ping'an smiled, "Apocalypse Technology is well-known on the list every year. It can make money and spend money. Scientific research investment is really expensive. I estimate that it may be difficult to make a profit in the past two years."

"Indeed, I talked with Qiao Yicheng. They lost 1.7 billion euros after excluding profits this year. Each project team is a gold swallowing beast, and the funds are eaten by the project team," Huo Minghai said with a smile.

"The same is true for French technology companies. After excluding profits, they lost 1.9 billion euros. I read the detailed financial statements. The funds have flowed into each project team. The purchase of equipment and materials is really expensive." Niels said Also followed with emotion.

Bruce was amazed. He didn't expect technology companies to lose so much. You know, technology companies charge a lot of patent fees, so are R&D costs so high?

Bruce asked puzzledly: "Boss, what is the annual research and development expenses of our Tianqi Group now, and how can they lose money".

"Bruce, the actual research and development expenses of our Tianqi Group last year reached 36 billion euros," Xu Ping'an said while looking at Bruce.

Both Bruce and Wu Sikai took a deep breath, unexpectedly spending so much.

"Our profits are generally recognized to be high, but most of our profits have flowed into technology research and development. Our senior leaders in countries that spend a lot of money are aware of this. This is also the fundamental reason why those countries did not increase taxes on us."

"If we don't have such a large investment in scientific research, tax increases are inevitable," Xu Pingan explained a little.

"The president is right. This year, our scientific research expenses will reach a new high. Because space technology research and development will be carried out on a large scale this year, it is really difficult for technology companies to get rid of losses for a few years," Huo Minghai said on the side.

"President, space technology costs so much money, why do we have to invest? At present, all countries have limited investment. Is such a strong investment worthwhile?" Wu Sikai frowned and asked.

Huo Minghai, Bruce, and Niels also looked at Xu Ping'an. Several people were puzzled about this issue, and they didn't understand why Xu Ping'an must vigorously develop space technology.

Xu Pingan's enthusiasm for this piece of work has exceeded expectations.

"Gentlemen, what I'm going to say is top secret, do you understand?" Xu Ping'an looked at the four people after speaking, and all of them nodded seriously.

"According to the investigation by the intelligence agency, the U.S.'s alien planet base program is likely to become a reality in the next five years, and its true strength is much more terrifying than what the outside world said."

"Japan has been secretly using satellites to collect meteorite samples from outer space for many years. Otherwise, why would Japan lead the way in advanced materials?"

"Other countries have their own aerospace programs and all have their own unique features. Why do international giants spend so much money on their own space projects every year? These expenses are their net profit."

"Because they have mastered the latest news of global aerospace technology, in the future, it depends on who can make breakthroughs in aerospace technology. In the past few years, if you pay attention, you will see."

"Many countries have made major breakthroughs in space technology. In the past few years, Russia’s new spacesuits, our new generation of anti-radiation materials, the US’s alien gravity warehouse, super engines, super fuels, and the new generation of space stations in the sky, European highly sensitive sensor"

"Wait, these breakthroughs all show one thing, that is, all countries recognize that space is the future. If you want to grasp the future, you must go to space."

"So, we can't fall behind. Otherwise, when other international giants go to space in a few years, we will be left behind. More importantly, the resources on outer space meteorites will not belong to us."

"Japan plans to have four satellites this year. As far as I know, one of the satellites is a manned satellite and can stay on some relatively large meteorites."

"The outside world only thinks that only China, Russia, and the United States have mastered manned satellite technology. In fact, Japan and some countries also have this technology, but they kept it secret."

"On the international black market, rocket engine drawings, satellite design drawings, etc. have all begun to circulate. What does this show? This shows that major countries have mastered a new generation of technology."

"This kind of old technology is not very useful. In this way, some countries can be drawn into space competition. The more countries participating, the faster the development of space technology. This is a good thing for mankind."

"The international giants in the future have a very important criterion, that is your space strength. International giants without this kind of strength will fall behind. This is a competition between enterprises."

"You have also seen that the three small islands sold in France have been bought by international giants, and they are all engaged in space technology research and development. They all see this, and they are not willing to fall behind." Xu Pinggan looked at the four people and explained briefly. a bit.