Start the era of black technology

Chapter 759 Don't mind letting them go bankrupt and be merged and reorganized

"I remind you that this matter should not be reported as a document"

"You dictate directly, it's good for us," Xu Ping'an looked at Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping with profound meaning.

The two looked at each other, then at Xu Ping'an, Wei Dongshuo nodded and said goodbye with Yuan Shiping.

After Xu Pingan drove the two people into the car and left, he shook his head and left directly in the car, heading to his parents for dinner.

As time passed slowly, domestic and foreign public opinion was raging about this matter.

But the United States and Tianqi Group were all silent, as if things hadn't happened.

According to relevant media reports, the United States has not submitted any new proposals to the United Nations, which has become very strange.

This makes people fanciful.

More people began to think about a question, what is the technology of Tianqi Group.

When foreign countries are speculating.

The domestic tycoons were dumbfounded during meetings. Xu Ping'an was really good at playing, and this empty city trick really worked.

According to the information, after the Blazer unloaded the meteorite from the Apocalypse Iron and Steel Group, it flew directly to Edrius Island.

The reliable news is that Tianqi Group really dismantled the power system of the Trailblazer. The internal explanation is that there is a problem with the power system and must be maintained and upgraded.

As time passed slowly, Xu Ping'an was already in Quanzhou, and he went to Hangzhou after gathering with his brother.

On this day, Tianqi Group issued its latest statement.

First, there was a problem with the Pioneer’s power system, which has been dismantled for a new generation of optimization.

Second, Tianqi Group has reached an agreement with France and Country E to purchase nuclear technology and nuclear materials provided by the two countries to conduct peaceful scientific research, and the number is very small.

American companies can own nuclear technology, as can companies in other countries.

After the announcement, everyone was stupid.

What kind of operation is this? The purchase of nuclear technology in a fair manner, the US proposal is completely abolished.

Isn't your pioneer using new technology?

Soon, Country E and France also issued statements, confirming the Tianqi Group’s statement that Tianqi Group can reasonably and legally possess nuclear technology.

It’s just so confusing,

I can't figure out why Xu Pingan bought nuclear technology after he had new technology.

Two days later, an American media released a message.

The new technology of Tianqi Group may not exist, and the nuclear technology used on the Pioneer is very likely!

Now the power system on the Blazer has been completely dismantled, and there is no chance to obtain evidence.

America got fooled,

For nothing, a reasonable and legal opportunity to sanction Tianqi Group was lost.

This article spread all over the world at an incredible speed, and many people shook their heads and smiled after seeing it.

Xu Pingan, really good at playing.

The big bosses of many organizations, as well as the big bosses of the country, don't know how to say so good after seeing this news.

The big guys in the U.S. have a black face at work and off work, with two characters engraved on their foreheads, unhappy.

At that time, no one dared to make up their minds. The dark history of Tianqi Group's new products subverting the industry was too thick to take this risk.

Knowing that this was a smoke bomb released by Xu Pingan, it was strong enough without vomiting blood.

Just when everyone was discussing this matter.

Columbia, Apocalypse Botanical Garden, 11 o'clock in the evening.

No one noticed that the entrance to the huge warehouse was opened by artificial intelligence.

A mercury-like object slowly emerged from the exit from below, slowly flowing out of the Tianqi Botanical Garden all the way directly into Hanoi not far away.

The entrance to the warehouse slowly closed.

During this process, the artificial intelligence star system set the camera images of the entire park to be static, which no one found.

After the mercury-like substance enters the river, it shuttles through the bottom of the river as quickly as a large python, extremely fast, faster than fish swimming in the water.

It didn't take a long time, so it went straight into the sea, began to deform on the bottom of the sea, and then headed towards the South Pole. Everything was silent.

The seabed stretched out below the Antarctic base and stopped, and the shape began to change, blending perfectly with the surrounding environment.

A mass of sea water enters from one end and comes out from the other end, and all that flows out are impurities. The pure water energy has been extracted.

This water will be transferred to the sound fusion device to convert it into energy and begin further recovery.

At six o'clock the next morning, Xu Ping'an's order arrived in the park. All the supervisors received the order. Starting today, everyone is prohibited from going down there.

The air-conditioning transmission that has been maintained is also completely stopped, and the equipment is not dismantled.

Although everyone was surprised, they still obeyed the order. Everyone could not imagine that the huge temple under the warehouse had disappeared.

There are many workers on Presfériès Island, the Celestial Empire, and Argentina, and the aircraft factory has started formal production.

This time, two ships were started together, one for country E and one for Germany.

James' deputy Boll is in charge of the aircraft factory.

More than two months passed slowly, and a big news broke out on this day.

This time it is news from the celestial dynasty, the Enterprise has been assembled and will be tested in two days.

Many countries were shocked, and they all issued congratulatory statements in accordance with the usual practice, congratulating the Tian Dynasty on completing the construction of a new generation of aircraft.

The US was shocked by the news.

The United States was the first to announce the construction of a new generation of aircraft. As a result, the celestial dynasty was completed and the United States was still under construction.

The chairman of several giant companies, including Gu Ge, was called together to urge them to speed up the progress.

As a result, Dean, the chairman of Guge, directly submitted a notice to withdraw from the project.

"Gentlemen, our artificial intelligence system cannot meet your requirements. We are willing to withdraw and compensate according to the contract" Dean said calmly.

The big guys just frowned, what Guge is going to do.

"Dean, you can just say if you have any questions"

"What do you mean by doing this now, to threaten us?" a big man said with a black face.

"Gentlemen, I am not a threat, I really have difficulty completing this project"

"Don't say that our ancient song can't complete this project, even Tianqi Group, they can't complete this project"

"Even if our two companies add up, there is a 97% chance that this project will not be completed."

"The difficulty of intelligent decision-making thinking technology has exceeded our expectations and has exceeded our capabilities" Dean said with a serious expression on his face.

Now is not the time to be a hero. In order to keep pace, Dean has run away a developer.

As a result, a few days later, Dean personally admitted that he was wrong to raise the treatment and invited the person back.

Because Dean can't find a better researcher than this one, and another, many people have plans to resign.

Dean could no longer consider other issues.

What artificial intelligence development needs are truly top talents. There is a shortage of such talents in the world. It is difficult to find a replacement.

Everyone could see that Dean was really a little anxious. The big guys looked at each other, and they all saw each other's helplessness.

At this time, the chairman of other manufacturers also began to complain.

There are those who lack money, and there are excuses that are similar to Dean, in short, all have problems.

A big man couldn't help rubbing his temples, then stared at these people with cold eyes, making many people feel embarrassed.

"Dean, to what extent can you do it?" the boss asked.

"At best, optimize a little on the basis of the present, not much change" Dean said calmly.

"Give you one month to optimize, one month later, it will be directly shipped to the factory for assembly, and the relevant data will be sent to our mailbox within three days." The boss gave the result directly.

"Okay" Dean said.

Secretly heaved a sigh of relief, this level was finally over, anyway, the one billion contract was completed.

When other people saw this result, they immediately began to complain, and the faces of the big men changed.


"Enough, do you really think we don't know what your situation is like"

"Think carefully about what benefits you will get if the United States can monopolize Mars."

"If the United States loses in this competition, how much will you lose?"

"From now on, I solemnly inform you that if you can't deliver before the due next month, wait for bankruptcy." The boss patted the table and said, standing up and turning away.

The other big bosses also left, so that the brain damage was awake, and now there is no time to waste with them.

If you are not interested, don't mind letting them go bankrupt and be merged and reorganized.

Two days later, the Celestial Interstellar Vehicle Enterprise began its test flight. This time it was broadcast live by official media, and it made a fortune from selling the broadcast rights.

At ten o'clock at noon, the Enterprising slowly drove out of the huge warehouse. The whole body was silver-white with a red Celestial flag sprayed on it, which was very conspicuous.

Immediately after the screen was turned, many people were watching the scene with excited expressions.

Xu Pingan can see clearly through the screen that the expressions on these people's faces are sincere and contain no falsehood. They are really happy for the motherland to be able to build such a large aircraft.

"This is the people's mind" Xu Ping'an said to himself.

This kind of look was also seen in the eyes of those branch presidents during the annual meeting, and it was really incomparable with the current situation.

The aircraft didn't last long, so it moved slowly to the take-off site. The materials used in this site were products of Tianqi Steel Group.

At present, only the special steel of Tianqi Iron and Steel Group can withstand the high temperature jetted by this kind of aircraft, and the temperature jetted by interstellar aircraft is higher than that of rocket jets.

Soon, the aircraft began to spray, and Xu Ping's brow wrinkled when he saw it.