Start with a fake university

Chapter 259 Mechanical Engineering Ace Team (second more seeking subscription)

After Ding Yue and Wang Liwu, CEO of Guoxin Technology, discussed the military order and the order for the 7nm GaN chip he needed, he asked An Yujia to take charge of specific matters, such as payment. of.

Ding Yue needs to provide National Core Technology with the authorization of gallium nitride semiconductor material technology to manufacture chips.

The next day, Ding Yue accepted an exclusive interview with China National Television News and Wucheng TV. The Institute of Semiconductor Materials of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences also officially announced today the honor of four honorary researchers, Ding Yue, Zhou Wen, Shen Congde and Wang Shangzhong.

Suddenly, Ding Yue's reputation can be said to have reached a peak.

This wave is obtained from system rewards [gallium nitride semiconductor material technology], and then to the successful development of this technology.

In addition to reaping monetary gains, Ding Yue also gained personal and Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences reputation promotion.

From this time on, most of the domestic private colleges and universities could not be compared with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

This time the research results lasted for a few days before the heat dropped.

It's just that Ding Yue never thought of things, one after another before the wave!

Another hot search appeared, involving Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

this day.

Ding Yue was in the principal's office communicating with Luo Peng and Subeilin on the draft of the experimental project for the lithography machine.

It took Luo Peng and Subeilin for more than half a month to finally draft a plan for an experimental lithography machine project, which he brought over to President Ding today.

"So, from the cost of equipment, materials, etc., it is estimated that it will cost 1 billion or more?"

After Ding Yue read the relevant plans, he couldn't help exclaiming in his heart that he wanted to develop and manufacture a lithography machine. It was really a huge investment.

Even though Ding Yue has given the corresponding technology to the members of the optical technology experimental project preselection team, according to Luo Peng and Subeilin's plan, it would cost a lot of money to make an awesome lithography machine.

"This is just a preliminary R&D investment." Luo Peng said with a sigh.

Ding Yue frowned when he heard the words, then after thinking for a moment, he looked at Luo Peng and Subeilin and asked: "Okay, let's come slowly and step by step. It is estimated that 200 million yuan can be invested in optoelectronics and precision machinery. Should we study these two aspects first?"

"Of course it is possible. Take it slowly in steps. After all, the lithography machine experimental project is too expensive. If one step is in place, non-state support is obviously unrealistic."

Subeilin nodded and replied.

"That's fine. According to the plan you drafted, the school will establish a lithography machine experimental project base, and then invest 200 million yuan as an initial R&D investment."

Ding Yue thought about it.

I still have more than 300 million money on hand. After all, most of the money left in the previous more than 1 billion has already been invested in the expansion project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

There are more than three billion left just in case there are other projects during the period or whatever, to prepare for use.

However, these three billion obviously cannot be invested in the lithography machine experimental project all at once. First, invest two billion, and reserve one billion before making preparations.

After all, neither the school's expansion project nor the lithography machine experimental project can be completed in a short while, and it is possible in three years or two years, so this is a long and delicate work, and it is hard to rush.

That being the case, the lithography machine experimental project will invest money step by step to let Luo Peng and Subeilin study them.

In the future, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can receive more than one billion tuition fees each year. In addition, Ding Yue's Feiyue Group has begun to commercialize medical and health robots and gallium nitride semiconductor materials, and there will be more and more benefits.

Secondly, Ding Yue believes that his animated film "Big Hero 6" produced by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences should also be profitable.

At that time, all the money earned can be invested in the lithography machine experimental project.

"Okay, President Nading, let's start with the preliminary research on the two aspects of optoelectronics and precision machining, and solve some problems that are slightly better."

Luo Peng expressed his thoughts.

"For relevant talents, you can see if there is anything you need in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Optoelectronics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

Ren Luo Peng selected outstanding students from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

After Luo Peng is selected, Ding Yue can give [lithography machine manufacturing technology] at that time, so that outstanding students in related majors of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will become talents who can contribute to the lithography machine experimental project.

The lithography machine experiment project to be established by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is a huge project. Compared with the previous medical and health robot project, it is much more complicated and difficult.

Therefore, the manpower and resources that need to be invested should also be very large.

Ding Yue talked with Luo Peng and Subeilin for another half an hour, and then Ding Yue signed the "Proposal for the Lithography Machine Experimental Project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences".

"Well, this principal will simply announce that the lithography experiment project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has been officially established. Luo Peng and Subeilin, please go and prepare. My sister Ding Xiaoyou, I will let her after the military training is over. , Get involved."

After Ding Yue made the announcement, Luo Peng and Subeilin were busy.

Luo Peng and Subeilin are highly motivated. They are responsible for the precision machining of lithography machines. They will work with Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei, Yang Jie and Li Shengbin to establish a team responsible for the precision machinery of lithography machines. Processing and R&D team.

This team has gathered the top talents in mechanical engineering from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and has been given the [lithography machine manufacturing process technology] by Ding Yue. It can be said that Ding Yue has built it into an ace team!

And this team should not expand every year, because the students of the Mechanical Department of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences have new students joining every year. This year, the number of students in the Mechanical Department is much more than last year.

After so many students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering were given the effect of learning BUFF by Ding Yue, how could there be several outstanding student talents like Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei and Yang Jie?

We must know that due to the influence of the robot master, the Department of Mechanical Engineering has now become one of the key departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

After discussing the establishment and preliminary plan for the experimental project of the lithography machine, Luo Peng and Subeilin went back to prepare related preparatory work.

Wen Ruohan walked up cautiously after seeing that President Ding had finished talking about the matter, and handed the phone to President Ding: "President Ding, look at this hot search, our school’s national martial arts major has been dissed."


Ding Yue frowned when he heard the words, then glanced at the phone interface Wen Ruohan handed over.

On Weibo, a post said that a domestic Muay Thai master said that the so-called national martial arts in China is just a cover, and those who practice martial arts are all waste?I also said that today I will be pk with a so-called master of martial arts, like Master Koma, koo off today's master of martial arts.

Who is so arrogant?

Ding Yue brushed his Weibo, and couldn't help muttering: "This map was fired, so why did it hit us at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences all at once? Who is this Weibo ID called [24k]?"

Because the guy with the Weibo ID called [24k] threatened to say that the national martial arts in China are all rubbish, and those who practice martial arts are all rubbish.

This Nima.

Ding Yue’s Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has set up a major in Chinese martial arts, and there are many students. These students practice martial arts every day. In fact, they are quite good, but they are called rubbish by a Muay Thai guy?

"Principal Ding, this person is called Zhao Kai. He is a Muay Thai and has won many boxing matches!" Wen Ruohan explained to Principal Ding.

When Principal Ding was chatting with Luo Peng Subeilin and the others, Wen Ruohan took the time to check this Zhao Kai. He is a domestic Muay Thai master who has played many matches and has achieved certain achievements.

"Gan, I thought it was a Thai. It turned out to be our Xia country?" Ding Yue felt a little dumbfounded when he heard the name.

A man from Xia Guo fought Muay Thai in Xia Guo, saying that Xia Guo's martial arts was rubbish, this...

Is it really the licking dog of the Thai dynasty in Southeast Asia?Still look down on Xia Guo's martial arts!

"The reason why this guy is so arrogant is actually because the last time Master Ma was embarrassed by Ko."

Wen Ruohan still knows something about Master Ma, so he analyzed it briefly.

Because she saw that all netizens said so.

After the last time Master Ma was ko, many people who learned Taekwondo or Muay Thai had very contempt for the national martial arts. After this situation intensified, there was today's hot search for Zhao Kai's outspoken national martial arts waste.

The most important thing is that Zhao Kai also made an appointment today with a master of national martial arts named Wu Changying. Is this Nima trying to rub the national martial arts on the ground?

"Those masters of national martial arts are indeed swindlers." Ding Yue shrugged and said helplessly.

That Master Ma had no real ability at first glance. It was normal to be punched, but the key thing was that Master Ma’s face was completely lost.

Now anyone can step on a jio martial arts.

However, the national martial arts that Ding Yue saw was not so rubbish, just like the last time he faced a student studying Tai Chi, Ding Yue was easily knocked down.

"Principal Ding, the Xingyiquan master Zhao Kai will challenge today is called Wu Changying, Huh? How do I feel that this name is familiar?"

As Wen Ruohan was talking, she couldn't help frowning, always feeling as if she had seen this familiar name somewhere.

"Wu Changying..."

Ding Yue muttered, then opened the computer webpage and searched for this person to see if this guy was a fake master like Master Ma. However, in the next second, Ding Yue seemed to think of something: "Wu Changying... What does it have to do with Wu Changdao, the dean of our Chinese Academy of Chinese Studies?"