Start with a fake university

Chapter 354 Wharton Schoolmates (for subscription)

After Abin performed an upgrade and optimization for Dabai, the functions Ding Yue needed could be realized.

Just like A Bin said.

Dabai can now intelligently generate a novel based on the core elements such as the role, setting, plot, and theme given by Ding Yue.

If Ding Yue wants to make a movie or TV series by the film and television academy or animation studio, he usually needs to adapt it based on the original work.

As for the original work, as a traverser, Ding Yue would of course choose those works that have been successful on earth.


Although Ding Yue is a traverser, his memory is not that strong, and he can memorize the well-known works on the earth without missing a word.

It’s not easy to be able to memorize a song. It’s because you are familiar with the song and you also like it to copy it.

But novels and works are different!

It is impossible to remember the full text without missing a word, but as long as Ding Yue has seen or understood the plot, role and settings, these are not difficult.

With these core factors, "creation" will become simpler.

But Ding Yue didn't plan to write it himself.

I'm already a principal, so I need to do it myself?

It just so happened that Ding Yue had a robot Dabai who was using artificial intelligence, so Ding Yue asked his good partner Xu Bin to take Dabai back to upgrade and optimize it according to his own functional requirements.

So Xu Bin embedded an intelligent creation program in Dabai's body. Ding Yue only needs to give out the core elements such as the role, plot, theme, and setting, and Dabai can automatically write a novel.

And it was created at an extremely fast speed. Unlike a certain gangster author, it would take a day to write a thousand words in a day, so the thief is strenuous!

"Principal Ding, has Da Bai upgraded again?"

After seeing Xu Bin leaving, An Yujia glanced at the Dabai robot that was charging, and then asked curiously.

Ding Yue nodded: "It's just a small upgrade."


An Yujia thought that Dabai has been greatly improved in artificial intelligence. It turned out that it was only a small upgrade to optimize the function.

An Yujia still quite likes the artificial intelligence robot Dabai of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Sometimes after coming to Principal Ding’s office, An Yujia often likes to interact with Dabai, because Dabai has a human-like logic function of intelligent learning, and communication is very interesting, just like interacting with a person.

But after An Yujia came here today, she found that Da Bai was not in Principal Ding’s office. Originally wanted to ask where Da Bai went, but because An Yujia and Principal Ding had been talking about work matters, there was no time ask.

It turned out that Dabai was used by President Ding to optimize and upgrade to Director Xu.

"President An, I found you like Dabai." Ding Yue asked An Yujia with a smile.

Then Ding Yue returned to his office chair and sat down, and A Bin came over to send him Dabai back. It was a small episode. Ding Yue had another important thing to discuss with An Yujia.

"Well, who doesn't like Dabai, and it is still an artificial intelligence."

An Yujia immediately nodded and said with a smile.


With the great success of "Big Hero 6" and the popularity of Dabai, a medical and health robot, the image of Dabai has penetrated into the hearts of the people of Xia.

Many young people especially like Dabai.

There are even some middle-aged and elderly people who think Dabai is good too. What if there is such a fat guy in the family?

However, due to the particularity of Dabai, it is not so easy to spread to every family.

After all, even the hospitals and health institutions across the country have not yet universalized medical and health robots.

Not to mention Ding Yue’s exclusive artificial intelligence robot, there is only this artificial intelligence in the world. Even Ding Yue is still experiencing continuous optimization and upgrading to own such a robot. If ordinary people want it, they really don’t. Too realistic.

And in a short period of time, even in the next few years, Ding Yue basically never thought about commercializing his artificial intelligence robot.

"By the way, Principal Ding, you just said there are other things you want to tell me, what is it?"

An Yujia quickly got back to business.

Had it not been for President Ding to have something to say to himself, An Yujia would have already returned to work.

Principal Ding paid a high salary for himself, but he didn't let himself chat with him here.

"Well, there is one thing."

Ding Yue immediately nodded when he heard the words: "Did Mr. An hear about the incident that happened in our school's School of Business Administration today?"

"Hmm, I heard it."

An Yujia replied.

Although An Yujia lives in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, An Yujia's work involves more of the Feiyue Group. Therefore, An Yujia does not need to know everything about what happened to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. .

However, what happened today, because the teachers and students in the school are all discussing it, so An Yujia has indeed heard about it.

"I heard that several students from the School of Business Administration had conflicts when the department leaders, teachers, and students checked the hygiene of the dormitory?" An Yujia asked suddenly.

Ding Yue nodded: "Yes, Liu Qianxing, the dean of the School of Business Administration, has cleaned up some Yao Mozi's regulations and uniforms, trying to restrain the students, but it is not practical at all, and it is in line with the teaching management method of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Go against it."

"Indeed, I heard that there are no books on the desks, no people on the bed, no rubbish in the trash can, and no back to the dormitory if there is no class during class. These regulations are indeed strange."

An Yujia feels a bit weird about the rules and regulations formulated by the School of Business Administration that are circulating on campus.

College students, actually use these rules and regulations to restrain students?

It's ridiculous!

The strict management of high school students and even senior third-year students may be excusable, after all, at that time everything was based on the college entrance examination.

But college students obviously can't do this. College students must have relative freedom no matter whether they are living or studying.

"For such rules and regulations, I have already punished Liu Qianxing, the dean of the School of Business Administration, and removed his position as the dean of the department. If this happens, the position of the dean of the School of Business Administration will be vacant. "

When Ding Yue said this, the meaning became obvious.

And An Yujia also understood what Principal Ding meant, and frowned slightly and asked: "What Principal Ding meant...want me to take over as the dean of the department?"

Ding Yue was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then shook his head and said, "Of course, Mr. An, you are a good choice. After all, you are a graduate of a world-renowned business school, but if you manage my Feiyue Group so busy, then let you be the dean of the business school. , Obviously not suitable."

Ding Yue did have such thoughts at the beginning, thinking that An Yujia was the best candidate.

After all, An Yujia graduated from the Wharton School of Business in the United States, and his ability is visible to the naked eye. He manages and operates his Feiyue Group in an orderly manner.

If An Yujia could be the head of the Department of Business Administration of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it would not be more appropriate.


Ding Yue quickly considered other factors.

An Yujia is also a human being. The Feiyue Group that manages her is already very busy and exhausted. If we hand over the business school to her, wouldn't she be exhausted?

Talents can't be used like this!

After all, if you are the head of the Department of Employee Business Management College, you will have to do a lot of various teaching and management affairs of the business school, and the workload is not ordinary.

"Well, what Principal Ding said is that if I currently manage and operate Feiyue Group for Principal Ding, I have just the right energy to manage the business school...I am afraid that I will be unable to do the work on both sides. Ok."

An Yujia said truthfully.

"Yes, I think so too." Ding Yue smiled faintly, nodded and said: "So, I thought of another way."

"Huh? What does Principal Ding mean?"

An Yujia frowned slightly and asked curiously.

"President An, do you see if you have a good relationship with you? If you can come to our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences School of Business Administration as the head of the department to develop well, in the future, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences Business School may have a brighter future.

Ding Yue asked with a smile.

That's right!

Although Ding Yue knew that An Yujia was not suitable for the post of Dean of the Employee Business Management College, he turned his attention to An Yujia's classmates and friends.

An Yujia is a high-achieving overseas student who graduated from the Wharton School of Business. Naturally, her classmates and friends don't need to say much. There is no doubt about the ability of business management.

Therefore, Ding Yue felt that it was a good choice to invite An Yujia’s classmates or friends to be the head of the Department of Business Administration of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Of course, it depends on whether An Yujia can provide Ding Yue with such human resources.


An Yujia fell into contemplation for a while.

Upon seeing this, Ding Yue wondered if An Yujia had no good classmates and friends at Wharton School of Business?

Isn't it?

You must know that An Yujia Ke graduated from Wharton School of Business, and then worked as an executive in a well-known international company in Yingjiang Country.

Had it not been for some circumstances to be forced to resign and return to China, An Yujia's development prospects can be said to be bright.

Such a high-achieving business school student should have some personal connections.

"I do know some people from the Wharton School of Business, but if I come to China for development, I think I'm afraid...Principal Ding, I will try my best to see if I can find someone."

An Yujia said without any confidence.

After all, if An Yujia had been told that it was the School of Business Administration of a private university in China, he would have rejected it.

Many Wharton senior students like An Yujia came to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and joined Ding Yue's Feiyue Group. Many people felt it was outrageous.

Even An Yujia's best best friend thinks it's overkill.

But now An Yujia seems to have come to the right place, because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has unlimited potential in the future.

This also means that the future of Feiyue Group is also infinite, and there is a lot of room for displaying their talents and abilities.

"Okay, I just have such an idea. Let me tell you. If it works, of course it would be great. If it doesn't work, we can find another person with strong ability in business administration as the head of the department."

Ding Yue didn't mean to ask An Yujia to help him find a suitable talent.

It's the best that can do it, and it doesn't do it or force it.

After all, from the business school, Ding Yue knows that this school is not like computers or machinery, but it may be accomplished in time. It is not so easy for business schools to cultivate the wolf of Wall Street, and whether it can be cultivated is still a question. It.

Because most of the current business school students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences choose business administration majors. In fact, they are in a "hyper" mentality. Although they can graduate successfully with good grades, they can only work in general business administration. jobs.

It is not so easy to enter a large international group company, or rush to Wall Street or something.

If An Yujia can't find relevant talents for herself, then Ding Yue will have to hire a high salary.

"Principal Ding, I will try my best."

An Yujia took a deep breath and said.

"Then I'll wait for your news, it doesn't matter if the post of Dean of the School of Business Administration is temporarily vacant for a while."

Ding Yue was full of expectations for An Yujia.

After An Yujia returned, she began to sort out her relationship with Wharton School of Business.

The relationship between two people at the same level is not bad, and they have kept in touch after graduation. Maybe you can give it a try.

In addition, An Yujia also knew a senior brother and a school girl.

As for this senior, the future seems pretty good. It is estimated that it is unlikely that he will return to China and become the head of the Department of Business Administration of a private university.

The school girl was three grades lower than An Yujia. When An Yujia was about to graduate from the Wharton School, she knew a young girl who had just arrived at the Wharton School.

"Sister Jia, say that, your boss, that President Ding and his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, lack a department head of the School of Business Administration?"

In the evening, An Yujia returned to the apartment and chatted with her girlfriend on the video phone.

Basically every night An Yujia chats with her best friend Luo Qi, who is Luo Peng's sister.

"Yes, that's why I was asked to see if I could find someone." An Yujia replied.

"Actually, I really want to share the worries for Principal Ding, but now I am in charge of the entire Feiyue Group, and I cannot do what I can.

After a while, An Yujia said again.

"Yes, you are busy enough now. When you video chat with me every day, you often have work on hand. For example, are you busy now?" Luo Qi asked.

"Yes, I'm going to ask those alumni I met before at Wharton School of Business."

Although An Yujia is still busy now, the video call with Luo Qi will not be turned off, because the video call with her good friend Luo Qi every night is already a way for An Yujia to relieve the pressure of daily work.