Starting from Douluo

Chapter 455 cannot fly

Limit ...

When I saw the token taken out of Shen Ge, Wantian said with her eyes and revealed that it was incredible.

But don't wait for him to open, with the wind and wind, the order originally placed in the sink hand disappeared.

Conversely, the Qingyun's hand is a token.

He looked at the moment of a large number of monks who had already walked to the peak of the world, and the eyes were dead staring at the token, and the body continued to tremble.

Sheng order!

It's really a supreme order!

Since several months ago, the monks who broke, the Qing Yunzi and other forces were completely in desperation.

The only Shengxian road was cut off, and if they re-suppressed the rejection of the power of the world, they still had to fall into the unknown cage as the big multiplier monk who once flying.

This result is forcing a lot of big monks to prepare for the soldiers and chemicals.

Even in anger, the blood demon that caused emptied crushing is not only completely destroyed.

Even other demones are also cleaned up.

But now, look at the sunset order again in front of you, and the Qing Yunzi has a untrue feeling.

Is the virtual situation not broken?

Why is there a sustain order?

He couldn't help but look up, he looked at the disciple of Wantian Road in front of him, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

"Is it related to you? What happened to you?"

When I heard the teacher, Wan Tai Road, one side, took a deep breath and stabilizing the mood, and looked at Shen Ge with the doubtful eyes.

Shen Song is observed that the two eyes are eager, but it is not worried that two people will shoot him because of the things of the order.

And not to mention the talents he present, no accident, the Mahayana is absolutely not a problem.

As long as the other party is not eye, he will definitely cultivate him as the hope of Haizong.

What's more!

Shen Ge is now in the late stage of success, plus many of the chaotic sacred countries and mountains and rivers.

Even if the Master Mono wants to kill him, it is impossible!

This is also the reason why Shen Song dares to take out the order.

Not surprisingly.

With the system prompt tone, it is also a shock value of two hundred and 15 million.

After the sultry face, he revealed that after concealing some of his secrets, he suddenly said he said in a virtual experience.

After listening, Wantian Road and Qing Yunzi are also .

Since the Millennium Monk fell into the darkness after the flying rises in the flying rises, the empty appearance came into being, and there was a decoration order.

The top of the imperial continent knew that the Robbery period and the above monks were judged, and it was definitely a problem with the flying channel.

Even because of the uniform appearance, they guess the back of this change, there is an invisible big hand in the manipulation.

It is the unfour monk who can do this kind of thing, fear is the high arrogant cactus.

as predicted!

I have heard the experience in the virtual situation in the emotion of Shen Ge, and the Qing Yunzi understands that he is guessing.

It is really a powerful immortal that can change the flying channel behind the scene.

The other party actually wants to directly refine the entire immigrant continent.

The blood demon is the power of this mysterious cactus in the imperial continent, and wants to fade with it.

Then the next situation will break the barrier to protect the imagustic continent.


The virtual situation is finally broken, but because of the intercede of Shen Ge.

The fairy branch is not only destroyed, but also a means of losing him to control the flying channel.

So now the flying channels in the imagustic continent have returned to normal.

Even if you don't have to increase the decline, you don't have to worry about the failure of flying, and fall within danger.

Thinking of this, I can't help but show the smile on the face, reach the shoulders of the sings.

"It's a disciple of me! Shen Ge, this time is not you, the immortal is already conspiracy, this fairyland mainland should not know what will happen.

So what do you want a reward, take advantage of the master of this respect, hurry!

Snoving you, if the teacher is flying, he is in addition to the fairy, and the other treasures will be left! "

This mason said that the Qingyunzi standing on the side glanced at Wan Tian.

However, he did not refute, but nodded.

"Xiaoman said, except for the fairy, other magic farewells will be left in Zongmen.

Just a good old man now has a half-fracture, give it to you first. "

Said, Qingyunzi handy, a flying sword appeared in his hand.

This is a cyan flying sword, looks ordinary, but the sword is haunting a far-spirited atmosphere.

Even if it has not been protected, the surrounding space is burst, and the hidden can hear the sword.

Wan Tiandao saw the cyan flying sword, and the eyes immediately revealed.

Unfortunately, this is not given to him.

Shen Ge is a little surprised.

Because he took the fairy crystal, it naturally knows that the flavor of the flying sword is.

It's not a fairy world here, so the fairy on it is also contaminated with the aura of the silk, also known as the fairy spirit.

But whether it is a fairy or a fairy spirit, don't don't do it.

Thinking of this, Shen Ge suddenly opened: "The disciples thank you Master!"

Then he took the flying sword and took it up.

As for the name of the flying sword ...

Qing Yunzi did not say, just let Shen Ge you will take a new name.

Shen Ge also didn't care.

When he took the flying sword, he suddenly recovered seriously on his face with a smile.

Looking at the two masses of the two sects that the flying rising channel returned to normal, Shen Ge couldn't help but break the two people just didn't have long time.

"Master, the ancestors, the flying channels have returned to normal, but the immortal did not give up here.

You look up and feel this about this sky in the sky. "

What do you mean?

When I heard the words of Shen Ge, Wan Tian Road and Qingyun were frowned.

But they still raised their heads and used their strongest knowledge.

Soon, the two faintly infatted the tyrannical hawwards that were raging on nine days, and a constantly flowing black texture.

A horrible pressure is in the heart of the sky, making the inexplicable birth of Wan Tiandao and Qing Yunzi.

At this time, a pair of hands suddenly pressed on their back, and the familiar sound came with her ear.

"Master, the teacher, you will look at it again!"


At this moment, Wantian Road and Qing Yunzi seem to be shrouded by an invisible force, and then rising and broke through the nine-day barrier.

Waiting until, they suddenly saw a scene that shocked and frightened!