I quickly took out my smartphone and answered the phone.

"I'm Choi Joon-sik of J.S. Invest."

"Mr. Choi? I'm the president of Mogang Tech."

"Oh, yes. How have you been?"

"I will stop by the wedding hall in Yeouido today and visit you around 2 o'clock. Would that be all right?

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

I looked at Zhang and said,

"The president of Mokang Tech is coming here."

"Our office?”

"Yes, I'll stop by Yeouido wedding hall and come back around 2 o'clock."

"Really? Why are you here?"

"Well, I'm not sure about that.”

"Mogang Tech CEO is coming in person... ...and I think there's going to be an interesting story. I'm curious, too."

"Then shall we meet together?“

"No, if we had a secret talk, the president of Mogang Tech might not like me being next to him."

"Then if you need me, I'll call Mr. Chang."

"That would be good. I'm not going out today either, so I'll be waiting in the office."

The president of Mogang Tech is here.

I greeted politely and guided the president to my room.

"I like the view of the office."

"The boss's office in Anseong is spacious and nice. Rent is expensive here, so I can't afford to spend a lot."

While talking, Mr. Hong Ji-young brought coffee to a pretty bowl of tea.

Mo Kang-tech's president seemed to be a VIP customer, but he came in carefully.

The president of Mogang Tech is currently the second-largest shareholder of Mogang Tech, but he is still the CEO of a KOSDAQ-listed company. At a glance, it looked like a booty.

The president of Mogang Tech took a sip of coffee and asked me.

"How much assets did you say J.S. Invest had?”

"We're not a big asset manager, as you can see. It's just a small private equity firm with seven employees. To be honest, I have about 30 billion won in assets today."

I received a report from Mr. Chung in the morning that the company had 26 billion won in operating assets. I said 30 billion, a little overblown.

"30 billion?"

The president of Mogang Tech nodded.

"At the last general meeting held at Anseong factory, you said Choi had 100,000 shares, right? Our shares in Mogang Tech.

I said with a smile.

"At the time, it was 100,000 shares, but now it's 300,000 shares. "Mogang Tech had a lot of talented managers like you, so we were sure they'd make it."

"You've got a lot for three hundred thousand.”

"It's nothing compared to what EMG Asset has."

"You would have invested more than a billion won if you gave me three hundred thousand. Is that the company's operating assets? Or did you do it personally?”

"I did it with my own money. My staff won't know I bought shares in Mogang Tech."

"You have a lot of personal wealth."

Meanwhile, the president of Mokang Tech gave a dejectedly.

Mo Kang-tech CEO said after a brief pause. said in a determined voice.

"Mr. Choi! Do you want to make any money?"

"I want to make a lot of money. But how easy is it to make money?"

"You have a good place to invest and you're not willing to share?"

"What is it?"

"The company I know won the exclusive right to import rare earths from a country. If this is announced, the company's stock will rise like a clam. Aren't you willing to invest with me?"

"What are the conditions?”

"If you invest 10 billion won, you can eat ttakbul. Let's split the profits in half."

"Are you sure?"

I`m the CEO of a well-known KOSDAQ-listed company. If I say something absurd, I'll let you know the wrong information when it's dangerous for me to do this."


"There is one more condition."

"What is it?"

"You're handing me 300,000 shares of Mr.Choi's stock at the current price of 3,500 won."

"Excuse me, do you have the money?"

"It's because you said.

I pretended to worry for a while and called in Chang.

The conductor entered my room.

I introduced Chang to the president of Mogang Tech.

This is Deputy Director Jang Yoon-sik, who is in charge of the actual responsibility of our company's fund management. He's been with K Securities for a long time."

Deputy General Manager Chang bowed politely to the president of Mogang Tech.

"Oh, really? I'm the president of Mogang Tech."

"I've heard a lot."

I asked the conductor to sit down.

When Deputy General Manager Chang sat down, I explained to him about the offer made by the president of Mokang Tech.

"The boss here knows a company that has an exclusive import contract with a company that supplies rare earths in China. It hasn't been announced yet, but if it does, I can run on a boat."

"Rare earths? As the president of the KOSDAQ-listed company said, credibility is high."

"If we invest 10 billion won, we'll split the profit in half. I'm also asking you to hand over 300,000 shares of Morgang Tech to me for 3,500 won per share, the current market price."

"I don't know how much it's worth per share, but we need some volume to invest 10 billion. Is there a possibility of trading volume? Of course, material exposure will result in trading volume."

"The volume of the deal... Not a lot now, but we'll have to keep the wind to get out."

"But are we the only one who invests 10 billion won on our own?”


"In the past, there were forces that raised stock prices because they found a diamond mine in Cameroon, Africa. Eventually, the company failed and closed down. Without knowing the specifics, we can't invest."

"I remember that, too. It was a company called CNK International."

"What the boss is saying is vague. It's not easy to make an investment decision. We need to be careful because all of our operating assets are from our customers who have invested in us."


After a short pause, said Morgang Tech CEO.

"Let me be honest."

"Yes, go ahead."

Me and Zhang pricked up our ears.

The CEO of Mogang Tech hesitated again after saying that he was talking.

said Chang with a smile.

"Is it Morgang Tech's story to import rare earths exclusively? Isn't this a joke for EMG's Esette? If you don't have an M&A session with Morgang Tech, that's the idea."


I noticed that it was the work of EMG Esset children when I saw that the president of Mogang Tech was not able to answer quickly.

It was clear that the E.M.E.S.E.S.E.S.E.s had a strand toward the

To shake off as much as 7.5 million shares, the company seemed to use this method because it would be difficult without strong ingredients.

From the perspective of Mo Kang-tech's president, 7.5 million shares of EMG Asset should not have been handed over to anyone else. That's only the first major shareholder being replaced, not the second largest shareholder of Morgang Tech.

Morgang Tech appeared to be struggling to increase its stake in this opportunity.

Morgang Tech president said.

"I'd like to say that you know that unlike us, who used to be manufacturing, they're fund managers. The issue of rare earth imports is Mogang Tech."

"That's a guess."

"This issue was reviewed by the board of directors of Morgang Tech last time. That's why we've ordered our branch in China to contact our rare earth suppliers."

"Not yet an exclusive contract has been made."

"People at EMZ Asset say the review alone is more than double the stock price. I'm sure you know better than I do because you' Right?

At this remark, I and Deputy General Manager Jang just listened without saying anything.

"I have 5 billion cash now. I got a loan from a financial institution as collateral for my account receivable. I'd like to take this money out and buy our company shares. But if I buy the shares myself, it'll be unfair trading using internal information."

"So you're trying to put it in our fund and go in the direction we're collecting.”

"Yes, so we're going to invest five billion, five billion at J.S. Invest, 10 billion. Then I can buy nearly three million shares, so I can increase my stake and my voice."

"Are you going to take the company's five billion won out of the CEO's dowry?"

"I'll have to do that's what I'm going to do. We'll have to fill in the company's money with the profits when the stock splashes."

"What about the 300,000 shares my boss has?”

"It was bought personally by Mr. Choi, so if you lend me 1 billion won, I'll take over it through a bicycle deal. It's kind of a loan. Instead, we invest 5 billion won in the company.”


Jang seemed to be thinking about whether he was worried.

I thought hard, too. The 300,000 shares I've collected so far are currently worth about 1 billion won, so you can check and lend 5 billion won to the fund. Still, I hesitated to answer readily.

I asked.

"What day do you think the EMZ-Eset children will be operating?"

"Maybe we should do it if we get a second-quarter profit and loss estimate?”

Zhang smiled with a smile.

"We'll be operating on a profit-taking basis for the second quarter. We're always weak with one material."

"You know very well."

"I should have given you the raw material price in June, but you must have put it off in July.”

"I can't lie in front of you."

I asked the president of Mogang Tech.

"By the way, I thought the EMZ Asset kids would be interested in M&A, but why did you suddenly go to Muktwi?"

"I'm not sure about that. Your father and I first saw it as a management takeover. But suddenly, it seemed like he was turning towards eating and running.“

We had no idea whether the change in direction was due to the anger of the Group Chairman.

The chairman of Group G did not want his son to swallow up his friend's company. It was because he thought that if he did this, he would someday get a bone in his throat.

Also, I didn't want my friend to lose his company in his later years and be disappointed.

The chairman of G Group asked his son and his friend to step down from taking over management rights.

The G Group's Mangnanny resisted his father's opposition, but the chairman's fortune was still huge.

He took a step back because he was afraid that too much pressure would affect inheritance.

Chang asked the president of Mogang Tech.

"It's an interesting suggestion. But if the volume doesn't go as well as you think, what happens if EMG Asset signs up to take over shares at the same time in the other fund companies?"

"Well, maybe if the plan doesn't move as you think."

"That would change only the number one shareholder, and nothing would change your position, would it?"

"Mogang Tech shares are now 15 million. It's a small company, so there aren't many stocks. A few years ago, 10 million shares were traded a day when Mogang Tech was doing well. There's a good chance that about 7.5 million shares will be exhausted in 15 days."

I spoke.

"Okay, I'll go over it internally and give you an answer."

"I don't think I'm pushing myself on the scale of the JS fund's assets."

"When I went to the shareholders' meeting, I said that JES had 20 billion won in operating assets. We're a little bit more, and we've got about 30 billion."

"Then let's take a bold step. Isn't there 5 billion won in loans from Morgang Tech?"


"If it goes according to our plan, it's going to be awesome. Who else knows? If Morgang Tech happens like a fire and has a lot of company reserves, we'll be willing to invest in J.S. Fund."

acceptance of terms