G Electronics vice president said.

"Is the document I requested ready?"

"You mean the third quarter profit or loss on the financial statements for the first half of the year? We're ready."

President Kim of Pitestech called the accounting director over the phone.

The accountant came in and greeted the big shots at a 90-degree angle.

Kim, president of Pietestech, told the accounting director.

"The one in front is the vice president of G Electronics and the one next to him is the president of Mogang Tech."

Director Gyeong-ri bowed his back again as if he was in a hurry.

"Did you copy the documents you brought? Give them a copy. I'll give it to Choi!"

The accountant distributed the documents taken by Ho Chi Kis. And said G Electronics Vice President, looking at him.

"Should I explain?”

"No, it's done. I'll just take a look."

G Electronics vice president said while looking at the documents.

"You have a lot of debt. I think we'll have over 200 creditors.”

"You've seen it. There were 225."

"This is the level of dismantling. With this level of financial status, I'm sure G Electronics' purchasing managers wouldn't want to deal with you."

"Ehyo, I have nothing to say."

"Is the total debt 30 billion? There must have been a lot of things that didn't fit in the asset inspection. It's a mistake to see that you have so much credit. Big companies pay for it in a month, right?"

Kim Kyo-young, president of Pitestech, only scratched the back of his head.

I said.

"After due diligence, we had 33 billion won in debt."

G Electronics vice president told me.

"You said Choi invested 15 billion won, right?”

"Yes, we took capital reduction of 500 million and then capital increase. The capital increase is 5 billion won. We've taken out 500 million won from our former boss' widow."

"Then the capital inflow would be 4.5 billion won and the borrowing from J.S. would be 10 billion won.”

"That's right."

"We've got 14.5 billion won, but the debt is down to 4.5 billion, the capital. The remaining 10 billion won was paid off, so the amount of debt remains unchanged."


"But the capital increase has lowered the debt ratio considerably. I don't see this level of financial statements as good, but I don't think they're going to go bankrupt right now."

"Is that so?"

"Did you get all the money you invested in?”

"We're all in."

"Then, please re-create the financial statements as of September 30 and bring us G Electronics. Your debt ratio has been lowered, so you'll be a lot nicer than before."

replied the accounting director.

"I see what you mean. I'll do that. I'll take all of your investments into account."

"We have a president of Mo Kang Tech here, but it is not easy to register with G Electronics as a partner. Fortunately, Pietestech didn't even go as far as to cancel its partner registration. Try to make a deal again."

"Oh, I see."

The vice president of G Electronics saw profit and loss for the third quarter this time.

Winked his eyes.

"As expected, the profit and loss are negative.

"That's what happened. The financial costs were so high that it happened."

"Because operating profits are coming out, we will cut costs more and we will have a chance to win if we pay back our debts. Plus, we'll recover if sales increase. Of course, Mr. Choi of JS Invest was aware of this and invested in it."

Kim Kyo-young, president of Pitestech, suddenly took the hands of the president of G Electronics.

Everyone was surprised by this sudden action.

"Come to Pitestech. Pietestack wants someone like Mr. Han."

The president of Mokang Tech also responded.

"This is the perfect place for a vice president to come."

"Oh, my God."

"It would be nice if you came to a small company from a big company, but isn't it worth coming here and growing a small company? Please come."

"Well, I don't know."

"And isn't President Choi, the major shareholder, someone who doesn't interfere and trusts you?"

I said, too.

"I guarantee you a term of office. Please come."

The accounting director also said.

"We'll serve you well when you come."

"Oh, what's wrong with this? How could you do this with a few questions? Just show me around the line."

President Kim Kyo-young called the factory manager over the phone.

The factory manager came running like a shot.

He must have thought I was here when he saw a Mercedes on the porch. The factory manager only said hello to me because he only knew my face.

"Did you call? Mr. Choi!"

"It's not that. Here's the vice president of G Electronics and the president of Mokang Tech. Please direct me to the production line."

"Old? You're Vice President of G Electronics and President Mokang Tech?"

The factory manager greeted the two at a 90-degree angle with a surprised look.

"I'm the head of the Pitestech plant."

Our party followed the factory manager down to the scene.

When I looked back, all the people going down now were in their 40s and 50s.

They were all older than me. Of course, I have more money than these people.

As I hung out with such old people, I naturally changed my tone to my 40s and 50s. Maybe that's why his classmates, Yang Sung-mo and Kang Hyung-suk, looked young now.

Hwang Byung-chul, Lee Soo-chul and Lee Hak-sun, who called a few days ago, were also very attracted to the language.

I also seemed to have the ability to control my emotions.

I thought I would be less excited and restrained than before.

Looking at the production line, the vice president of G Electronics and the president of Mogang Tech said they would have to increase production if the volume of orders increased.

I think we should expand it in the vegetable garden next to the restaurant."

He also said that he didn't need a crane, so he didn't have to spend a lot of money on building per pyeong.

Mo Kang-tech CEO Kim Kyo-young said to Piettek CEO Kim Kyo-young.

"You don't have to build it big. 300 pyeong is enough. Build it on the second floor."

"It costs a lot of money, doesn't it?‘

"Oh, what are you worried about when you're next to the rich CEO Choi Joon-sik?”

President Kim Kyo-young smiled at my face.

"From construction to last electricity, telecommunications, and firefighting facilities, 1.5 million won per pyeong is enough. That would only cost 450 million won!"

President Kim Kyo-young looked me in the face again. I gave the green light.

"Go ahead. Work on it."

"Thank you, sir."

I went from production to office building again.

President Kim Kyo-young spoke quietly as he went to the factory square.

"Mr. Choi! Ten billion won came in today and auditor Jang Yoon-sik paid back two billion won in debentures. That creepy guy won't show up here anymore. And the remaining unpaid wages for today's management have been cleared up."

"Good job."

"I received a month's overdue salary before Chuseok, but now that I get it again, I feel like I'm in a trance. Of course I did. Thank you."

"Thank you! I got paid back."

"The employees are alive. And I'd appreciate it if you could arrange for G Electronics' vice president to come to our company."

"Okay. I wish he could come.

I came back to the president's office in Samu-dong.

I felt like I shouldn't let these people go without a cup of tea.

I wanted to have dinner for a deeper relationship.

I said it out loud on purpose.

"President Kim Kyo-young! These precious people are here today, so why don't you treat them to dinner? Last time I saw it, there was a famous eel restaurant near Anyang stream!"

"Oh, you should. We've got two precious people here, and we're going to have to bring them."

I asked the president of Mogang Tech.

"Mr. Cho has a separate driver, doesn't he?" Tell the driver to follow along."

"Okay, I will."

G Electronics vice president seemed to like to eat here rather than go home and eat alone since he is a goose father anyway.

Moreover, he came by my car, so I had to follow him where I was moving.

Four people came to the grilled eel house.

My style is pork belly, but I chose this house when I came here with my old bosses.

Three luxury cars carrying the bosses were parked in front of the eel house.

The restaurant owner recognized and welcomed President Kim Kyo-young.

"You're the president of Pitestech, aren't you? Thank you for coming."

The restaurant owner quickly introduced fried eel bones, calling it a service.

I ordered a beer.

"G Electronics Vice President and Mo Kang Tech CEO, eat a lot. The vice president of G Electronics will go home right away, and the president of Mogang Tech will have an article, so please help yourself. I and the PTTIC boss need to drive, so we'll have cola instead."

I bit the fried eel bones into a crunch.

I had fried eel bones for the first time in my life. The taste was savory and fine.

Suddenly, the president of Mogang Tech called his car driver sitting in the hall.

"Dear Kim! You know the Chinese liquor in the trunk of the car? Get that thing!"

I thought it was Maotai.

The driver ran quickly and brought Chinese wine.

Mo Kang-tech's president proudly said, holding a bottle of liquor.

"This is the famous crystal room in China. This liquor is 500,000 won if you drink it at the cooking house. Hot, hot."

In my mind, I thought that the CEO of Mo Kang Tech was yellow when he was suffering from the children of EMG Asset, but now he seems to have regained his energy.

The vice president of G Electronics nodded.

"If it's a crystal room, I'll get it at a big restaurant. They charge $300 for two bottles."

"The liquor was sent by the head of the West Bank plant in China, Mokang Tech."

"Oh, how's Mogang Tech West Bank going? "I think I heard that a lawsuit was filed not too long ago..."

"The lawsuit was a headache. The production line was also a part of the stop, but J.S. President Choi helped me to solve it.S. It's working now. Samsung Electronics' West Bank plant said it would increase orders."

The president of Mogang Tech placed four soju glasses in front of him and poured alcohol from the crystal room.

As a 52-degree soloist, he poured only half a glass each without filling the soju glass. Then he took up the first glass and gave it to me.

Choi is a major shareholder of Mokang Tech and a major shareholder of Pitestech, so we will give him first. You're driving today, so this is all I'm giving you."

I was embarrassed. I hesitated when he gave me first, beating out the boss-level old men next to me.

Mo Kang-tech also gave glasses to G Electronics president and Kim Kyo-young president.

The glass reeked of strong liquor. I felt like throwing up.

But I thought I should taste this expensive alcohol.

The president of Mogang Tech held the glass high.

"Okay, nice to meet you."

Four glasses of wine crashed into each other.

I've had a little drink.

It seemed stronger than the Chinese liquor I drank with my dad at home. We drank a 52-degree liquor, biting the eel bones to make a bad sound. I didn't drink but just wet my lips.

President Kim Kyo-young seems to be younger than vice president of G Electronics, so I think we should introduce him again in a good way. I said.

"Kim Kyo-young, president of Pitestech, graduated from KAIST University of Technology and received a doctorate from the same university."

"Kaist only has talent."

"I started my own business with my late boss. He doesn't have shares now, but he was originally co-investing with his late boss."

"Oh, did you?”

"He was a senior researcher at Samsung Electronics in the lab and is currently the CEO of Pitestech because he is a founding member of the company. I'm also listed as co-CEO on the corporate register."

"Pitestech will be fine with a great boss."

Proposal to establish a Chinese subsidiary