Oh Mi-hyang said.

"How nice it would have been if Hwang Mi-na had come with us today!"

replied the operation.

"Director Hwang Mi-na said she would quit S production.”

"Why? It hasn't been long since I went in."

"S Production is difficult to manage. He said he'd just write as a freelancer."

"But I heard there are more than 2,000 writers, not just one or two. There's no guarantee that everything you write will come out, right?”

Jun-hee was also eagerly listening to Oh Mi-hyang and Eun-young's conversation.

The name Hwang Mi-na was because she had heard of it.

Unyeong said with tears in her eyes.

"Mina's out of luck. Even the composer, his fiancee, is a very nice guy who only knows about art..."

I was well aware that Hwang Mi-na even sang the singers at my wedding.

I wanted to help if I could.

Lawyer Yoon looked me in the face and said,

"Can't your brother help you?"

"If you can help me... ...you want me to invest in the S production that Hwang Mi-na belongs to.”


But S Productions failed to issue 5 billion convertible bonds two months ago. It's proof that the entity that took over the convertible bonds has been looking into S Production and is uncertain about the future."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"I also have to send my staff to do a due diligence if I want to invest."

"You're right. It's just what I said."

Unyeong said in a quivering voice.

"The broadcasting station offered to outsource Mina's work this time, but the production company seemed to be nervous and said no. Broadcasting stations also evaluate the production company's ability.”

Yoon said.

"It's a pity, then. If the production company is strong, it will get outsourced.”

My hunch moved.

My hunch of chasing money doesn't come after me no matter how elite the people here are. Grandmother Baek admitted to being a Level 7 master!

I thought the stock would double if S Productions gave an announcement that it succeeded in issuing bonds and won a contract for broadcasting stations. But I couldn't express my feelings to the students who didn't know the core of the investment.

I humbled gently.

"Then you must be worried. The president of Central Add, who created our pamphlet, also has a stake there."

said Unyeong with her eyes wide open.

"Oppa! Isn't Central Addra the husband of the elder actor Kang Myo-ja?"

"That's right. It turns out Central Add sold his company to S Production. I think they received the sales amount as a stake instead of cash. I heard you decided to give them all the work instead.”

"How much is your stake?"

"I've heard 1.2%. The total market value of the company is 40 billion won, so 480 million is his own money. He asked me what would happen if the company went bankrupt.”

asked Omihyang.

"What happens if the company really goes bankrupt?"

"I'm going to court receivership for now. But if we don't recover, we'll go through closure."

This time, Yoon asked.

"So an ad company called Central Add is losing its share?”

"The remaining assets will be shared among creditors. But since it's an entertainment company, I don't think there will be much left over. If the manufacturing company goes down, we'll have factory land, we'll tear down production lines."

Jun-hee was amazed that the best elites next to her were only looking at her brother's mouth.

He is a mean brother who always takes delicious chicken legs first when his mother buys them, but today he was like a god who preaches the gospel.

I'm telling you the truth, but if I complain to my brother who takes both drumsticks first, who would not sit still if he said that I'm a dog breed or a dog?

Yoon said with a sigh.

"Oops, I was going to have a drink with Mihyang and Bruce today because Choi's house is spacious and nice, but I can't help feeling depressed about Mina."

"Brother! Things will be fine for Hwang Mi-na. I'll go over it. So since you're here, let's dance."

"You'll review it?"

"So dance and go."

"Then you should drink the liquor in front of you! Jun-hee, drink it, too."

"Oh, yes. Yes."

Lawyer Yoon bumped his glass into Jun-hee's glass of spirits.

Junhee reluctantly drank the brew,

Jun-hee has a terrible temper, but she was not as strong as me because she looked like my father.

We forgot about Hwang Mi-na and drank to our heart's content.

The liquor is quite strong, so everyone is drunk.

Eunyeong turned on the music.

Since Eunyeong works for broadcasting, she has had a good audio system.

We moved into the living room.

When the music came out, Oh Mi-hyang and Yoon, who like to dance, came out to the center of the living room.

The music was Bruce's.

I dimmed the light a little.

"Choi and his wife are also coming out!"

Me and Eun-young came out in the living room.

I danced Bruce with Eunyeong. Me and Unyeong couldn't dance, so we just hugged each other and moved our bodies.

Without even thinking about going home, Jun-hee sat on the sofa and watched this unusual scene carefully.

When Bruce finished, a waltz song flowed out this time.

Me and Eunyeong sat on the couch in the living room because they couldn't dance.

In the living room, Oh Mi-hyang and Yoon began to waltz.

Jun-hee opened her eyes wide when she saw the dance, which kept the beat together.

I know vaguely about American culture, but I never saw such a fantastic dance, I thought it was really cool.

When the dance was over, lawyer Yoon wiped his face with a handkerchief and said,

"The living room is so spacious that it's perfect for dancing. Jun-hee, would you like to dance with me instead of just sitting there?"

Jun-hee was startled.

The song came out again.

Lawyer Yoon beckoned to get up from the sofa.

"Well, I don't know if I'm going to dance."

"American students dance sometimes, too."

"Well, I really don't know."

Students studying abroad dance, but they shake their bodies at a club, not like this.

Eunyeong turned down the volume.

Jun-hee stood up from the sofa.

"Well, I'll get up first, I've got a place to go."


"Older sisters! I'm going first. Have fun!"

Junhee waved her right hand to Oh Mi-hyang and Eunyeong.

When I saw Jun-hee wearing shoes on the porch, I quickly went into my study and put one 50,000 won bundle and five 10,000 won bundles in my shopping bag.

And followed me out with a shopping bag.

Eunyeong also followed suit. Junhee told Eunyeong to go in in front of the elevator.

"Oh Mi-hyang and her husband are the only ones. Go in, step sister."

"If I go into the States, I won't see you for a while..."

"It's okay. I have a lot of friends in America."


Then, Eunyeong held an envelope in Junhee's hand.

"Oh, no. You can't do this."

"Not much. I put in a million won. It's going to cost you a lot of money in the U.S., so just


I saw you squabble and said,

"It's your new sister's first money, so take it. You should also think of the sincerity of the giver!"

Jun-hee received reluctantly,

"Thank you, sister."

Unyeong reached out his hand and the two shook hands.

The elevator door opened.

"I'll go downstairs. Go in."

I came down to the bottom of the elevator.

"I'll have to catch a cab."

"It's all right, let's slowly walk to Hangangjin Station."

"And take this."‘

"What is this?"

"I've heard that studying in the U.S. costs a lot of money, including a bundle of 50,000 won bills and five bundles of 10,000 won bills among the congratulatory money you brought. I think it's worth 10 million won, so go to the bank and exchange it. This is all I get for being able to exchange only $10,000."

"I still have a lot of money left for you."

"That's it and this is it, so take it.”

"No thanks."

"It's okay to take the money you give me!"

I put the shopping bag in Jun-hee's hand.

I patted Jun-hee on the back and said,

"You and I are the only brothers in the world? Study hard. I didn't study well, but you should study hard. So please make your parents happy."

Jun-hee smiled.

Jun-hee also seemed to have a cute side when she smiled.

I don't like it when I rush hard, but I really wanted to hug you at times like this.

"Good-bye, then!"

I waved.

"Oppa! Be nice to your new sister. I think she's too big for you.“

"Yes, I see."

Jun-hee waved to the front door.

"Now that you've got things, take a taxi!"

I kept standing to see Jun-hee.

Jun-hee looked back at the entrance of the main gate and waved again.

I waved my hand, too.

After Junhee left, we played around 11 p.m.

Oh Mi-hyang and Yoon were envious when we said that they bought the apartment, not a lease. However, I believe that they will buy luxury apartments soon after a few years of hard work because they are high-paying workers.

Their combined monthly salary is over 30 million won.

Lending 1 billion won from banks was not a burden on interest.

After Oh Mi-hyang and Yoon went, we cleaned up the living room first.

"I'll do the dishes."

"I put the burnt meat on the grill in water for easy removal.”


"Just don't do it half-heartedly. My brother's dish-washing sometimes catches my eye with a rough patch."

It was over 11:30 after we cleaned and brushed our teeth.

Today is not Saturday. It's Tuesday. To get to work tomorrow morning, we had to fall asleep quickly.

In the blanket, I showed the Porsche catalog to Eunyeong.

"This is Porsche Panamera. Just pick a color.”

"Oh, that's a pretty car!"

"Pretty, huh? A pretty girl like Eun-young should ride a pretty car."

Eunyeong said she would not buy a car, but she looked at the catalog and seemed to want to ride it.

"Pick one!"

"The truth is... My mom doesn't have a car... If I bought a car, I was going to give my mom the SM7 I used to ride."

"Did she not have a car?"

"He got in his dad's car together. The day I didn't use my car, I used my car."

"Good for you. If you buy Porsche, give SM7 to your mom."

"Should I...?

"Then I decided. If you don't choose the color, I'll just pull it out black, so I know that."

"I like pearl, not black. Ivory or..."

"Then I'll have it in pearl color. I'll make a contract tomorrow and ask you to send it."

"Thank you, brother!”

Unyeong dug into my body under the blanket.

"And why do you give so much money to my brother?”

"You're having a hard time studying abroad. I wish I had more money.”

I said, hugging Eunyeong tightly.

"And I'll only give you one paycheck, so keep that.”

"One paycheck?"

"I get paid in two places. I get about 1,500 at Pites Tech and 1,500 at JS Invest. If we deduct taxes, the actual amount will be about 1,200. It's 24 million won for two."

"Oh, you get it even if it's a lot."

"So I'll send the payroll from Pietestech to Eunyeong for living expenses. I can't give you JS Invest's because I have to save money and pay for my parents' allowance, can you make a living with 1,200 from Pistetac?”

"1,200 is enough.“

"Announcer's salary can be taken care of whether Eunyeong saves money or buys taffy. 'Cause that's none of my business!'

"Thank you, brother!"

And Eunyeong hugged me more and more because she liked it.

SillaJen convertible bond