Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Stone Becomes a Cashier (1)
The life of Gu Gun Ho's gas delivery company began.
When I sold gas to customers, I e-issued a tax invoice and recorded it in Excel. If there was also expenditure, it was stated on the slip and recorded in Excel.
“Old Master, you can sell your slip at the stationery store. If you look like a receipt that you spent money on, you put it on the back of your statement. ”
“Yes, we should. Include amounts and stamps on the slip, followed by receipts. And you can tie it up on a monthly basis and bring me a tax professional. ”
“Anyway, good luck. I'm going out. ”
Sometimes, the boss would carry his tools around in a mini truck. At this time, his wife came to the company.
“Where do you go every day with your tools? ”
“Don't you see? I'm going to fix the gas pipes. ”
“Oh, right. ”
“One of the best things about him is that he repairs the gas pipes. Hohoho.”
His wife bragged about him in secret while fighting.
“By the way, don't you want me to deposit the money you received for fixing the plumbing? ”
“Oh, yeah. I'm taking it.”
In fact, he did not make the deposit as many times as he left. I only deposited large amounts and those issuing tax invoices.
I heard a ton of truck engines outside, and the boss came back.
“How are you? ”
The boss asks if everything is always okay when you go out and come back.
“Yes, everything is fine. I sent Kim to the Deoksu Conference and Shincheon Foods to ask for it like gas. ”
“Well done. Next month's tax month. Old Master, don't forget to take care of it. ”
“I understand.”
I have never filed a VAT return before. When I entered the IRS hometex, I had a tip to file a VAT report, but I did not try.
“Is the VAT due this time? ”
Gu was embarrassed by the boss' question. When I was educated, I heard that VAT was confirmed and that there was to be a report. The manager couldn't say he didn't know.
“Yes… yes. ”
I answered for now.
“Again, we've got money to pay. ”
As the boss said, Gu Gu Gu quickly opened the IRS Hometex. Fortunately, the next month's VAT was due for the reporting period.
“Phew, thank God. ”
Gu took note of the time to pay the Internal Revenue Service VAT on his diary.
“This is how you learn. ”
Gu Gu called the tax office where Bangil Gas deals. The female employee receives.
“You're a tax office, right? Here's the gas chamber.”
“Bang Bang gas? Wait a minute. I'll replace you.”
This time another woman will answer the phone.
“It's gas shield. I'm the new financier. ”
Gu Gu was ashamed to call like this. I don't deal with computational accounting and don't resent it, but it was a little unfamiliar to call it a manager.
“Oh, gas repellent? Hello."
At the tax office, I receive a friendly phone call because gas protection is for customers.
“What can we do to prepare for my VAT return next month? ”
“Don't put the tax invoice on the slip, just send it monthly. All you need to do is send the expense and only those that have been issued a simple receipt to the back of the slip. ”
“Oh, yeah. I will.”
“You can pick them up on a daily basis. ”
“So, are you here for the slip and the tax invoice? ”
“Well... you could do that... The man who used to bring it to our office...”
“Oh, yeah. Then I'll do the same. What's your name? ”
“You can find the river chief. ”
“My name is Gu Gu Cho. I look forward to it. ”
“Oh, yes, please, we have to do it. Thank you."
I felt more energetic when I heard the voice of a young woman I had never heard before in my life.
Gu Gu wrote slips and handled Excel faster in Bangil Gas. I also increased due to my practice. Gu was comfortable doing this, but I hated insisting on depositing money to customers.
“It's Ducksu, isn't it? It's gas shield. I didn't get the gas deposit. ”
“I'll do it tomorrow. ”
The people who brought it to trauma said well, but they didn't keep their promises well.
“You said you'd give it to me today, right? ”
“No, who are these people to take it off? Why are you doing this in the morning? Put your boss on the phone! ”
There were some people who raised their voices, so I often argued. Those who had been pushed for months also wrote transcripts.
“Old Master, send your credentials to the council. You bastards!”
“I understand.”
Gu said this, but I didn't know how to send proof of content. I've searched the internet, but I'm not sure.
“Haven't you used your credentials? There's a file of evidence at the top of that cabinet. Speak up. ”
In his statement, I pulled the transcript file out of the cabinet.
“You should have seen this before. ”
Gu, when he lived in Noryangjin, wrote numerous letters to the company to get a job, trying to get a job as he failed his ninth grade civil service exam and ran out of money. However, he didn't even ask me to come to the interview. His academic background at Cyber University did not allow him to drop out of the gang. That's why I had to live my life.
“I've used more than a hundred prosecutors. This is nothing. ”
Gu Gu was excited to type in the proof of content.
“Are you finished? Go to the post office. Before you close the door. ”
Gu, with an envelope containing proof of content, drove to the post office near the cotton office.
A nostril came out of the car.
“My career is no big deal. ”
Gu Gun-ho even sang a song and drove.
“That's why people need heads. If I'd gone to vocational school and learned how to drive a weld or fork lift without getting my accounting certificate, I'd still be out of here. ”
I went to the post office, and the courier was in front of me, and I waited a while.
“Why do you have so much luggage? I send a lot of things to the courier company. Oh, that sucks. ”
After waiting for a long time, it was my turn to deliver the proof of content envelope.
“What will you send me? ”
“I'll send it to you as proof of content. ”
The post office lady took out the affidavit from the envelope and looked at the letter with her face up.
“Why one? ”
“Proof of content must be chapter 3. ”
The post office lady handed me her transcript back and rang the rich license plate calling out to the next person.
“Is that so?"
Gu Gu came back to the company scratching his head.
“I'd be embarrassed if I had a boss. What do they surround you with?”
Gu Gun-ho sang when he went, but when he came, he drove his car with a look on his face.