Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Seed Money in Tears (4)
KRW 515 million was withdrawn from the company.
“One won was deposited without a mistake, but he can't be saved by touching the company money. ”
Gu Gu tried to figure out how to deal with the problem in the future.
“You must fill out a replacement slip when the money leaves the corporate account. And when the money comes in, you have to fill out a replacement slip as soon as it comes in. You think we should just walk away with our resignations? I have 530 million won on my bank account after returning the company's money, so I won't have any trouble living alone. Shall we?”
Gu Gu thought he might tell the boss the truth.
“The boss is going to go crazy touching the company's money, right? Even if I don't tell the boss, I'm worried about periodic audits and CPA audits, which are external auditors....”
Gu Gu tried to roll his head around, but there was no answer.
“Put on a resignation and let's execute and report on the salary of the employees, since you might get a criminal complaint. However, the 530 million won that I have in my account must be protected at all costs....”
Gu Gu went to the president's office to enforce the salary of more than 80 employees.
“We will be executing the employee salary this morning. ”
“Hmmm.. really? What's the total labor cost? ”
“₩ 214 million. We will enforce the Beethoven discount of the water wave industry. ”
“So how long do we have? ”
“There's 31M won left, 30 days worth of raw materials to be used at that time. On the 28th, the mortgagee from the commercial bank plant leaves. ”
“Hm, got it. ”
The boss signed the Labor Expense Resolution.
After executing the employee salary, Gu devised another draft.
“Making slips out of short-term employee cars? No, too much money for that. ”
The company sometimes loans employees if they are experiencing a natural disaster or need urgent operating expenses. But in this case, it was only a few million won, not worth getting away with 500 million won.
“The director's singing a song? ”
Since the CEO is an executive agency, he may temporarily withdraw funds and put them away. However, this was also impossible because it had to be signed by a representative director. The troubles of Gu Gu Gu became deeper and deeper. My cured lips began to burst again.
“Well, yes. Ask the Accountant who is trading. ”
Gu Gunho called the office of an accountant who deals with WIESTEC. I mentioned that I was a manager at WIESTEC, and the head of the government who often came to my office got a phone call.
“Are you the governor? I'm Wys Tech Gu. Do you have an accountant? ”
“Mr. Accountant? What's going on? Talk to me.”
“No, that's not it. A friend of mine asked me to ask you about a legal issue. ”
“I don't know if you have an accountant. Just a moment."
A long time later, a man answered the phone.
“I'm Jong-soo's accountant. ”
“Oh, yes, hello. I'm a cashier's aid worker at WIESTEC. We're sorry you're busy, but we wanted to call you with a few questions. ”
“Yes, tell me. ”
“A friend of mine... must have withdrawn the money from the company and had it deposited back a few days later. In this case, I'm calling to see if there's a problem even if there's no company loss. ”
“You mean withdrawn to a personal account? ”
“I think so. ”
“It is absolutely illegal to withdraw to a personal account. ”
“Even if there is no loss to the company? ”
“Of course, if you withdraw money from the company and deposit less money, that amount will be a money embezzlement. If you deposited the withdrawn amount without shrinking it, it is not an embezzlement, but it is a funding utility. ”
“Does that get you arrested? ”
“An embezzlement, of course, would sue the company. But if there's no loss to the company, it depends on the way the company handles it. ”
“I don't know, a friend of mine took some company money and invested it somewhere, and then he made a few million won. Can this be my friend's? ”
“Well, corporations can invest in stocks. In this case, the return on investment should be a capital gain to the company. However, if the company knew that they had taken it out to their personal account and made a profit, they could ask for it, but it would be hard to know. ”
“Can the utility continue if the company doesn't press charges? ”
“I wouldn't leave a useful employee in the company, even if I didn't lose the company. The decision as to whether or not to file a police complaint is made by the judgment of the company. ”
"Thank you for taking the time to speak with me."
"No, please call me if you have any questions."
Gu Gu made a bad decision. The boss chose a good day and went to his office with his resignation.
“I have sinned against the boss. I'm sorry."
The President's eyes curled as Gu Gu gave his resignation.
“What happened? ”
“Actually... I took the money from the company to my personal account and deposited it back a few days later. ”
“Excuse me?”
“I'm sorry, Ms. Grant. Submit a resignation form because you did not cause any loss to the company but did something unfortunate. ”
“What are you talking about, yin, yin, yin? ”
The boss woke up. It was a sign of excitement when I saw the accent pouring out of the boss's mouth.
“I'm sorry, Ms. Grant. ”
Gu Gun Ho bowed to the boss at a 90-degree angle.
“At this time of the month, pick out a bank statement for each bank this month! ”
“Here's what I just pulled out. ”
Gu took out the transaction statement by bank in the court he was holding.
The boss carefully examined the transaction statement by bank. In particular, I looked closely at the corporate bank.
“I deducted 5 days from the corporate bank's Beep Beep Sale and deposited the exact amount minus 20 days. ”
The boss looked at the bank statement for a long time and threw it on the floor.
“So, you touched the company money? ”
“I'm sorry."
“Son of a bitch! ”
A piece of the boss flew in.
“Hey, you! The company's money is a purse, so I can't just take it away from you. If it doesn't cost you anything, can I do whatever I want? ”
“I'm sorry."
Gu Gu Kneel on the floor of the boss's office.
“I thought I'd raise you like my youngest brother, and you did this? You don't even have blood on your head! Era, you bastard! ”
The boss ate and threw an orchid planter on his desk next to the Gu Gun Ho. The pot shatters, and the soil splashes.
“I'm sorry."
He knelt on his knees and begged for forgiveness again with his head on the ground.