Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
China (1)
No one came to see me for a month after I gave up the store. I went to the real estate office
“Why isn't anyone coming to see you? The Noryangjin Merchant Guild has always been famous. Why? “
“Thanksgiving is near. Please wait a moment. ”
That's all the real estate president said. Gu, Gu Gu, is on fire. Over time, it was only losing money.
“I come out every day to help with the kitchen and clean toilets, and there's nothing left, so I'm wasting my time. I worked hard when I worked hard before, but I got paid a month's wages. Now what? The more you do, the more you lose. Ugh! It's stirring!. ”
Gu Gun Ho also opened up shop in other real estate. I also thought about putting it on the internet. Now I'm rotten to the kitchen lady. I don't know when the shop will be sold, so the attitude of the lady became impaired. Rather, I felt like I was getting Gu Gun-ho to work.
“Put this garbage away, please. ”
“Turn off the lights over there. ”
Now I felt bad about being a very commanding member. While I was out smoking, the bald boss next door came.
“Did you leave the store? ”
“Nobody's coming to see me. ”
“Come on, give the real estate a drink. He'll take care of you. ”
Why didn't I think of that when Gu Gun Ho heard that? I regretted it. It turned out that the real estate owner was very cunning.
“Son of a bitch! When I come in, I say I came in cheap, and when I go out, I don't get excited. ”
Gu Gun Ho bought a bottle of water and went to the real estate. Only then did the real estate manager bring in those who were looking for a shop, saying that he would consider the cost of the cannons generous in addition to the cost of the belly button.
The landlord asked me to give the shop to 9,500. It was the same price when I came in. This would cost only 12 million won for the interior.
"Ms. Grant, you have to give me at least 9,500. If you keep it, it's a loss. ”
Gu Gu tried to hold on a little longer until I met the owner, but I got bored and wanted to sell quickly. I really didn't want to do my job because there was nothing left to clean or do in the kitchen. I got bored and gave it to KRW 95 million.
I decided to leave the store in a week.
“Ahoy, let's clear our minds, although the damage is substantial. ”
I was relieved when I signed the store transfer agreement, even though Gu Gu had lost money. I went out to the place where I was going to smoke and met the bald boss next door.
“You and I have the same biorhythm. at the same time, smoking the same cigarette. ”
“Haha, I see. Did you leave the store?”
“He's gone. He's supposed to be empty in a week. ”
“That's good. You've been through a lot. ”
“Now that I've sold it, it's cool. ”
“What are you going to do now that you've sold the shop? ”
‘I'm going to take a break for a while. “
“If you don't have any other plans, would you consider buying a Chinese restaurant? ”
“Coffee house? ”
“No, it's not that, it's a restaurant that's run locally in China. ”
“In China? I don't even speak Chinese. ”
“You don't have to speak Chinese. It's a restaurant my youngest uncle used to run in China. It looks like it's going to be a little business, but it's going to sell this time and come to Korea. ”
“Where is China? ”
“I want you to stay close to the accident. ”
“What restaurant? ”
"It's called a Korean restaurant. My youngest uncle was the head of a large business, and he started the restaurant after he retired. Do you have any ideas?"
“I don't know. I'm sick of restaurants. I still want to rest for a while. ”
Gu Gunho was sitting in a restaurant hall wondering how much he would get if he sold the refrigerator and the hot water heater. The head of the house next to the bald head came into the shop.
“My uncle in China is coming out of Korea tomorrow. Would you like to meet him? Sell the shop, take a break, and go to China for a breeze. You don't have to buy Korean restaurants in China. It's just that China is different from here, and I recommend it because you can buy a restaurant as big as this rice noodle house. ”
“Haha. I don't know. Anyway, I got it.If you come, I'll see you. It's not that hard. ”
“When my uncle comes to Korea, he'll visit our shop, so I'll meet him there. Don't burden yourself. ”
“Haha, got it. I don't have to. ”
Gu Gu thought the store was closed because the store was out.
“Keep the door open until the day we move in for rent. ”
Gu Gu looked out from the hall with no guests. The kitchen lady was just making a long phone call somewhere. The more I thought about it, the more I felt ashamed.
“A child who looks like a parasitic brother next door looks like he's laughing at me. I feel bad!”
There was no face to see Park Jong-seok from Lee Suk-ho or Yangju.
“I'm ashamed of them. I'm glad I didn't tell Mom and Dad in Incheon that the store was open. ”
He tapped the small electrocalculator on the counter.
“Interior value, belly and board, kitchen utensils, tables and chairs in halls. How much is all this? Shit, 20 million won is clean. ”
Gu Gu took a deep breath.
“If I had robbed the restaurant of all the money I had, I would have robbed 100 million. If the retirees in their 50s came out like this, they'd be ruined even more. I'm on my own, but they can't afford to go to college and make a living. ”
It was creepy to think of it like this.
I dozed off in the chair because I didn't have any guests. Sitting in a nightmare, the bald boss next door brought someone.
“Ms. Grant, this is my uncle I was telling you about. ”
An uncle smiles and extends his hand. He is a tall man in his late 50s. It was not a business style because of my long working life.
“I'm Gu Gun Ho. Have a seat. ”
“You sold the shop? If you're interested in Chinese restaurants, come and visit us. China has no more investments than here. You can have a pretty big restaurant at this level. ”
“How many square feet is your restaurant? ”
“It's about 100 square feet. This is a restaurant in a hotel. You can only invest 50 million won in it. ”
“Is it that cheap? ”
“China mainly leases with no security deposit or goodwill. ”
“Are you laying it?”
“It's a one-year lease with no deposit. ”
‘Hmmm… “
“You can just take a tour and decide. Isn't it something a store should touch? Haha.”
“When do you go to China? ”
“I'll be there in three or four days. If you have any questions, please tell my nephew.
“Very well. This shop is supposed to be empty tomorrow, so I'll give you a call about sand." ”
“Yes, please. And if you don't have a passport, make one now. You can get a one-year commercial visa if you go to a travel agent with your business card before you get your passport issued and close your store. ”