Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Professor Wang Yen (2)
In the Italian restaurant Borghetto, four people were drinking two bottles of wine. Gu Gu Gae also made more drinks, such as seafood salad. I drank alcohol mainly by Chinese people, and Gu Gun-ho and Kim brought tea, so I did not drink more than one drink.
Wang and Deputy Mayor Lee kept chatting among themselves in Southern Chinese, and Gu Gun-ho spoke to Kim's lawyer again.
“Then how do you usually spend your Sunday? Are you going for a hike or something? ”
“I'm not going hiking. Sometimes I go out on the field and play golf. By the way, when are you going to play golf together? You play well, right? ”
“Yes? Golf? Well, I'm not very good. ”
In the meantime, Gu Geon Ho has not even touched a golf club, not to mention golf clubs, because he has been practicing something like life and dining.
Kim asked the professor as if he had remembered.
“Hey, Professor Wang, don't you play Chinese book golf? ”
“Someone has to strike. ”
“Do you want me to go play with the four of you in China? Perfect. Four people. ”
“No, Deputy Mayor Lee is not very good. This is the old school, but you're gonna be great. ”
“Huh? Me, neither. ”
Previously, Gu Gu remembered hearing the manager of Gangnam branch said to go round once. After talking about golf again today, Gu Gu decided he needed to learn how to play golf.
“A lot of people ate it. Now get up. I've arranged a second place in Itaewon, so let's go there. ”
“Itaewon? I think it's in the tourist guide book. Good! ”
Kim's lawyer took the bill to Jorge's counter.
“No, I'll do the math. ”
“No, I'll do the math. I can't go on the second shift because of work tomorrow. I'll pay for today's meals. ”
Kim's lawyers calculated Gekko's diet.
“The king, and Deputy Mayor Liscan, I'm sorry. I have an important report for the meeting tomorrow morning. That's why I need to work tonight. ”
“Really? Then you should go. I'll play with the old boss for a second. ”
“Then I'm going. I'll go to China when I'm free. Why don't the four of us have a round? ”
“Okay, fine. Deputy mayor Lee, I'm gonna let you practice your Mandarin. ”
Gugan took Wang Jien and Liskan to the underground parking lot.
“Come on, Tara. It's my car."
“Oh, Luhu! Tea, yes! ”
Gu Gun Ho headed to Itaewon.
“Thank you, Gu Gu Ha. Besides, you're coming to the industrial park tomorrow. ”
“Why are we going to an industrial park? ”
“Yes, create a golden industrial complex on the outskirts of Gonsan City. That's why they want to benchmark the Korean industrial complex. ”
Deputy Mayor Liscan nods.
Gu Gun-ho found a bar called “Arariyo” in Itaewon, which Lee Suk-ho told him about.
“This is a famous foreigner's street. Look, there's a lot of Westerners passing by. There are black people.”
“Hmm, I see. ”
“Welcome! ”
The waiters outside the Arariyo Bar whispered in a loud voice. The tavern is underground. Through the long corridor where the mirror died, you enter the hall.
“Roundhouse, Roundhouse! ”
I heard the jango already. Looking around, the seat seemed almost full. There was a stage in the middle and one person, Mu-hee, was dancing with me. I drank alcohol watching them dance at the table downstairs.
“Girray! Girray! ”
The guests shouted, "Are there many Japanese people (beautiful)?"
The rescue party sits at a table guided by the waiter. The guest seat was a little dark, but the stage was bright and saw Mu-hee dancing well.
“It's a traditional Korean dance. ”
“Oh, really? ”
When the bottle beer and fruit snacks came out and the hall was ripe, Muhee suddenly went round and round, bursting into flames.
“Girray! Girray! ”
The Japanese liked it by hitting the wall. The professor looked back at his attention.
“There are no Chinese tourists, only Japanese tourists. ”
The sound of the jango loosens and the woman dances, throwing her smile away. I danced in white underwear.
“Looks hot, right? ”
He said as he watched Deputy Mayor Liscan dance hard.
Mu-hee threw off his whistle ring this time. I danced with my jewelry on my naked body.
Mu-hee even threw off his skirt this time.
Suddenly, it was quiet in the hall. The Japanese tourists, as well as the royal professor and Liskan, looked down their necks. Some people swallowed the saliva.
“Aha, that's why Lee Suk-ho recommended this house. It's a different house, but it's kind of gross. ”
But the guests were watching hard.
(scene below omitted).
Gu, after drinking a few drinks, became difficult to drive.
“I'm going to call my deputy. ”
“What's a surrogate? ”
“Someone to drive for you! ”
“You're sober here, aren't you? ”
“It's bad. You'll be fined a lot if you get caught. If you're wrong, you can cancel your license! ”
“I have to be careful. Thank you for today. ”
“I'll pick up Deputy Mayor Lee tomorrow and be at the hotel by 10: 00. Rest well.”
Gu called for a surrogate driver to return from Itaewon to the Tower Palace in Dogok-dong, where the Intercontinental Hotel and his home are located.
Gu Gun, along with Deputy Mayor Liscan, departed for an industrial complex.
When he saw Liskan in the seat next to him, he said,
“There's a national industrial park in Ansan or Pyeongtaek. ”
“National Industrial Complex? No, I want to see an industrial park in a small town. ”
“Really? How big is the industrial complex that your city is building? ”
“It's about 1,000. ”
“1,000 moons?”
When Gu said Moo, a Chinese unit, I didn't feel fast enough.
“How much is a thousand pounds? ”
“It's a square meter, but it's less than 700,000 square meters. ”
“Ugh! 700,000 square meters? I think it's more than 200,000 square feet. ”
Gugan reminds me of Asan Technobelli, who used to work near Wiestech.
“Let's go to Asan! We can go there and watch the Cheonan Empire. ”
Gugan gave me a tour of Asan Technoveli.
“Phew, I like this place. Small countries like Korea have big local industrial complexes. How big is this place? ”
Gu went to the management office and came out with a pamphlet.
“Huff! 2,980,000 square meters! ”
The Guggenho was surprised at its size: 2,980,000 square meters, more than 9,000 square feet.
“The advertisement says that there are workplaces, living places and shelters, and it's going to merge with the apartment complexes. The factory itself won't do that. ”
Liscan sighs at the factory buildings and apartment complexes.
“Good. Excellent. Well done.”
Liscan took out his notebook, took a note of something, and photographed the factory landscape.
Gu Gun-ho also gave Deputy Mayor Lee a tour of Cheonan Gongdan.
“You said you worked in a factory before, right? ”
“I worked in a plastic factory. You said you worked in a steel mill? ”
“Not for long. It took me three years to become President of the Council. By the way, is this the factory where you worked? ”
“No. I've moved everywhere. ”
Gu Geon gave tours to Cheonan 3rd, 4th and Foreign corporations. “
“Well, there's a foreign corporation. ”
Deputy Mayor Liscan took hard notes and photographs.
“This is an agricultural park, according to the sign ‘Paleolithic Commonwealth' in Cheonan. ”
“The Commonwealth? Let's go there! ”
Deputy Mayor Lee was interested in the agricultural complex. It seemed that the industrial complex that he was pursuing was a small town in the province.
Deputy Mayor Lee got out of his car and looked around the farming complex.
“Isn't there a management office here? ”
“Management office?”
Gu Gu went to the management office to ask a passerby. There was a warden in the management office.
“How big is this place? ”
360,000 square meters. ”
Gu Gun Ho translated for Deputy Mayor Lee.
“Old President, ask me how many move-in companies are there?"
The guard asked the head of management about the number of admissions providers.
“We started with 50 companies, and now we have about 100. Some people share a factory. ”
“This place is close to the city, so the land must be expensive. ”
Deputy Mayor Lee muttered to himself.
I visited an industrial park in Cheonan and headed to Seoul.
On the way, Lee wore his arms and thought about something for a long time.
“Hey, Gu Gun Ho. What is the capital of the real estate development company you are working for? ”
“It's small. It's 300 million. About US $300,000. ”
“How much do you make? ”
“Not to mention sales. 500 million in Korean money for a year? ”
“Can I see your financial statements? ”
“Why is that? ”
“Would you like to join us in partnership? ”
“Yes, if you want a partnership, you need your financial statements. ”
“I just started. I haven't settled in a year. ”
“It won't be long before December's settlement. How much debt do you have? ”
“No debts. ”
“Not a penny? ”
“He said?”
Deputy Mayor Lee smiled a little.
Deputy Mayor Liscan looked out the window and said:
“Actually, my city government is building an industrial complex. I planned it. I'm worried about attracting foreign trade there. “
“Are you afraid you won't be able to eat? ”
“If I'm trying to be rational and I don't have a mover, I'm in trouble for pursuing this. ”
“What if the rations are good? ”
“Attracting foreign companies will boost your performance. I can return the gold in the event of an injury. So I'm starting a partnership. A company that can attract foreign corporations, build factories, landscape, and even manage them afterwards. ”
“Phew, I can't do such a big thing. Sounds like a lot of money. ”
“Capital is going to start with three million dollars. ”
“Look, three million dollars is a lot of money. I don't have that kind of money. ”
“Because of the connection, the Chinese side is going to be 50 percent, and the Korean side is going to be 50 percent. When we talked about this in the company meeting yesterday, everyone seemed willing to do it. But I'm sorry I wanted to be a trustworthy old man. ”
I thought about it.
“50 percent of a $3 million company is about 1.5 billion...“
A mere 1.5 billion won was enough money to cover his personal property. Currently, there was only 1.64 billion won in cash.
“The plot thickens, and the royal professor has decided to take part in a bit of a stake. In fact, we don't have three million dollars to start a partnership. The problem is that I think it would be good to introduce a Korean company to go to China because Gu Gun Ho is participating in the foreign trade. ”
“How much is the professor involved? ”
“I haven't decided yet. I wish Professor Wang could introduce us to an American company, but that would be difficult. I don't think Korean companies adjacent to China will be interested. ”
“Hmm... When are you going to make the shackles? ”
“Let's start around April next year when the 3rd round is done. ”
“What's a three-pack job? ”
“Yes, that's the first way to get electricity, the second way to get water, the sewers, and the third way to get roads, etc. It is commonly referred to as tradition, circulation , . There's still time, so think about it. ”
“That's an interesting expression. So you're in league with Gonzanne? ”
“The city can't do this on its own. There's a construction company that's run by the city. It's called gold building. It's a state-owned enterprise. I'm in partnership with this company. It's a partnership with state-owned enterprises that can be secured and insured for malpractice transfers. ”
“It took a little while for the old company to set up, but it's a debt free company, so it's worth a try. Besides, the financial statements can come out after three jobs. Construction of Factory Buildings, Landscaping, etc. can be done in Gold Coin Construction as a joint-partners. That place is crawling with high-end engineers. ”
The Governor thought it was tempting.
It was the day of the returning professor and deputy mayor Lee.
Since Deputy Mayor Lee is working as a group, he decided to take a bus arranged by the host.
Gugan escorts to Intercontinental front gate.
The professor reached out his hand.
“I'm doing well in Korea thanks to my old boss. Come play in China. ”
“Yes, I'll go after Thanksgiving. See the gold industry complex. ”
“There's still nothing out there. Why, are you interested? ”
“What can I tell you? But I thought you said you were in on the plot. ”
“I'm not sure yet, but I'm willing to do it. Let's meet again in China if you think about it. ”
“Yes, goodbye. Good luck with Liscan. ”
Gu Gun-ho shook Lee's hand.
Gu opened his computer to see how the shares recommended by the securities company were changing.
“About three percent in a month. ”
Securities companies did not recommend stocks with a big drop. I recommended a slowly moving large business owner, so the rise was not large.
“You've made KRW 90 million since you invested 3 billion. In a month! ”
Money made money, too. Previously, when I invested 10 million won in sunlight loans, I only gained ₩ 300,000 in increments of 3%. If I took out 300,000 won and used it to pay for a flat, or repaired my car and drank a drink, there was no money left because of interest. However, if there was a loss, there was a lot of loss because the sum of interest and loss were lost. Eventually, I couldn't break free from the card closure.
“A good shareholder earns 90 million won with just 3 percent of this money. I made a salary for the big business workers in a month. When Cho Chul, an idol of our ancestors, joins the big leagues with me at Sky University, will fall asleep. ”
Gu Gu opened the account.
There was a salary of KRW 4 million and an office rental fee of KRW 2 million.
“The salary seems to have been deducted by Mr. Jung-young to meet the cost of 4 million won. Your pre-tax salary must have been more than KRW 4 million. ”
Gu Gu was sitting around making money.
When I was living in Gondol, I always had less money than I would make in a month. Now, even if I just breathed, money poured in.