Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Rehabilitation companies (3)
As Chairman Lee said, Gu Gu decided to confront the chairman of the wave industry directly. The chairman of the wave industry was Oh Se-young. The name was on the Internet and on credit information agencies' paid sites. During Jung-hee Park's administration, he was a man who came out of a large business factory and acquired his ex-girlfriend's family business.
Gu Gu called the water wave industry. The staff called after about 12 o'clock to go out for dinner.
“Hello, this is the Daejeon District Court. Is the account manager here? ”
“He went to eat. ”
“What time do you get in? ”
“Coming in at 1 pm. ”
“By the way, what's your name? ”
“I'm Minhwa Kim.”
“Very well. I'll call you back. ”
“You fools! The bureau is killing me. ”
At 1: 00 p.m., Gu Gu called the account manager.
“Officer Kim Min-hwa, please. ”
“Yes, I'm Minhwa Kim. ”
It was a woman's voice. I would have avoided thinking it was a creditor's call, but I got the call because I can't afford to be in debt now by the power of the court.
“I'm the CEO of a GE godfather in Seoul. I'd like to see Chairman Oh Se-young. When is it possible? ”
“Yes? My chairman? Where did you say you were the godfather? ”
"I am a Giacci loan company. “
“Wait a minute. ”
The Chief of Staff was also a man with a head start. Since he said he was the president of the godfather company, he was reporting to the president immediately.
A long time later, the manager answered the phone again.
“What brings you here? ”
“I have something to say to you in person. ”
The account manager also left his handset and went to report it to the president. I got a call back a long time later.
“He says he'll be in his office until 5: 00 p.m. ”
“Very well. I will find you quietly until 3: 00." ”
Gugan took a Rendrover to Asan, calling Bohemian Repsody.
“Two hours to the Yeongjin side of Asan City, where the water wave industry is located. ”
When Gu Gu arrived at the water wave industry plant, he found the account manager first.
“You're Officer Kim Min-hwa, right? This is the godfather I called you about earlier. ”
Her manager was a woman in her 40s. The manager looked like he really had money because Gu Gu had a fancy tie on his clean outfit. Gu Gunho wore an expensive watch that is not very well these days. Moreover, I liked that Gu, who was neatly groomed and respectfully greeted me.
“The chairman is here. Follow me.”
In the large presidential room, Oh Se-young was sitting in the newspaper.
“Hello, I'm the CEO of a GE lending company. ”
“Have a seat. ”
Chairman Oh Se-young was in her 60s with her hair cut off.
The chairman led the distress call to the conference table next to his desk.
“What brings you here? We are a law enforcement firm. ”
“I know. Even if you went into court, you still need the money quietly. ”
Gu Gun-ho gave Chairman Oh Se-young a card for the development of GE.
He took out a magnifying glass and saw the business card Gu gave him.
“Are you not a lender and a real estate company? ”
“We don't lend money openly. I carry this business card because I only handle corporate emergency funds quietly. We appreciate your patience."
“Well, is it? But you can't borrow money right now. I can't pay interest. It is controlled by the court. ”
“I know. ”
“Then why? ”
“You may have borrowed money from a financial institution, but you may have borrowed it from acquaintances. ”
“A little. ”
“You can't even go into court and pay interest to them. ”
The manager brought me two glasses of green tea.
‘Let's talk over tea. If you had a mortgage like that, would you lend it to me? There's no collateral. “
“Depending on the circumstances, I can lend it to you. ”
“Do you know where the funds came from? Excuse me, but you're a young man and you can't afford to raise big money...”
“There's another big Jeonju behind me. ”
“Oh, really? I wish I knew someone like you before I went to court. ”
“Still good. ”
“Actually, I borrowed 300 million won from my sister just before I went into court, and now I can't even pay her interest. Besides, it's frustrating because I can't give him money to pay for the house because he bought it. ”
“Can I lend it to you? as collateral for your private property, not your corporate property. ”
“Haha, I hope so, but the house in Bangbae-dong, Seoul, is set up twice. ”
“Are there multiple collateral settings? ”
“Since the National Bank is mortgaged and the raw material expense cannot be procured, there are three things that have been set up as collateral for customers. ”
“You have a lot of respect. You're a rare person because you've secured corporate debt as your personal property. ”
The president expressed his face to see if his honor had been restored.
“I'm a corporation and I didn't do it for my own good. ”
“You are a true entrepreneur. ”
I liked Gu Gu Gae Ho and told him various stories. There were times when a suitable father needed one.
How far is Sitga to the bomb shelter?
“It's about 1.8 billion won in real estate these days. It's a 50-balance apartment. They all grew up there. ”
“How much did you reply in total? ”
The chairman called the account manager in a hurry in the hope that he could borrow more money.
“You know the address of the bomb shelter? Do you have anything to play with? If you don't have one, take it off. Can you get off the Internet? ”
“I understand.”
Shortly after, the executive secretary brought a copy of the chairman's registration for the treasury house.
“What was the total amount of the collateral? You did the math a few days ago, right? ”
“1.2 billion won.”
The chairman willingly gave a copy of the registration to Gu Gu Gu.
“Take a look. The total collateral is 1.2 billion, which is 400 million difference from the market price. ”
I took a closer look at the copy of the register given to me by the chairman of Gu Gun Ho.
“Even if you borrowed money, would you still be able to pay interest? ”
He sighed for a long time.
“I have to give it to you personally, but the court has cut my pay off. ”
“Also, if there is a difference between the total amount of collateral and the market price, what would you do if one of the collateral setters put it on the auction? ”
The president flinched.
“Unfortunately, what happens if the house is sold for less than 1.2 billion won? ”
“That can't be right. There's Sitga. ”
Gu Geon Ho drank green tea while being juicy.
[As Chairman of the Board of Directors Cheongdam-dong said, the money is the best. Once upon a time, when I worked at Wiestech in Dunpo, this wave industry was like the sky, and the chairman was stunned in front of me. Is it because I'm a great person? No, it's money, not human relief.]
Gu Gun-ho was full of water, but he turned his head and just looked at the ceiling.
“This is all because of my son. If he hadn't expanded so much, he wouldn't have made it this far. Aye!”
“Hey, Chairman. Do you have any intention of selling the company? ”
“If that proves to be of high liquidation value, so be it. ”
“Is there a result to our Survival Value? ”
“I don't know. You don't even tell me if the new trustees, the accountants appointed by the court, are weaving. Bastards!”
“We know that our Survival Values are the first to write the basic data inside the company. planning to make some money next year, some money in three years, some money in five years to pay off debt. The sales executives did, didn't they? ”
The chairman called back the head of the department.
: Is Kim Sang-mu in charge of sales? Let me see him. “
“I understand.”
A long time later, the account manager came and reported.
“Sales Executive called from the court and went to the room. ”
“You're the caretaker, you're Naval, you tell them I'm coming! ”
The chairman yells if he's angry.
A sales rep arrived shortly after. He was in his 50s.
“Are you writing a sales plan for your company's survival value or something? Is that it? ”
“The court appointed custodian has asked me to rewrite it, so I'm modifying it now. ”
“What the hell do I know? Do they know about these factories? You bastards! Get out!”
Gu Gu, who is a businessman, thought that he was highly hematologic.
As soon as the sales executive left, Gu Gu told the chairman again.
“Even if you have a legal license because of your high survival, you can't take your money away until you pay your debts back. ”
His face became a chewing face.
“Also, if the liquidation value is high, the factory is sold anyway. Jeollju, who I work with, also acquires a legal management company. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are willing to sell. And I'm going to think about that, and I'm going to give you some answers. ”
“Phew, I see. ”
“I'll take the copy of the register. ”
Gu Gun Ho drove to Seoul and went to a warm sightseeing hotel close to the water wave industry.
“Shall we take a hot spring bath here and spend the night? ”
Gu Gun-ho ate at a restaurant in a tourist hotel and then soaked himself in hot springs.
“With Chairman Oh Se-young, we have to be really good at business. Who knew that would happen in one day? But do you think he'll lend us 300 million? He's broke, so he'll call me back someday. Let's take a look.”
Gu Gu was tired because he had a bath. I fell asleep at a tourist hotel.
In the morning, Gu Gun-ho called the director at the Onyang Tourism Hotel.
‘I can't come to work today after I come to see my business at home. When you arrive in Seoul in the afternoon, don't wait for me. “
“Very well. I'll tell Mr. Jung-young the same. ”
Gu Gun-ho drove back to Seoul, murmuring.
There's an unknown phone call in the car. I did not answer it, but I answered it because it was a mobile phone call.
“Gu Geon Ho? It's Moon Jae Ceremony. Do you remember?"
“Moon Jae Ceremony?”
“Yes, it's Moon Jae Jae's high school alumni ceremony. ”
“Oh, yeah, I remember. How did you know my phone?
“I heard from Lee Suk-ho. You said you were in big business. ”
“What business! What are you doing? ”
“I'm in the middle of a delivery and I've been playing. I made a list of our reunions. It's not just us, it's a list of graduates and addresses by year. ”
“Oh, really? You did a good job. ”
“But it cost a lot of editorial and printing, so I couldn't just distribute it, so I decided to get 50,000 won. I'll text you my account number. Take a copy. ”
“Yes, yes. I will.”
“Thank you. Some of my classmates don't want to buy this either. I'll send the book home to you. Give me the address tomorrow. ”
“You can send the book home, but not to our office. I had a hard time making books. ”
‘Why bother? “
“You were at the gate when you were in school. You made a paper or something, right? ”
“It was bullshit back then. Thanks anyway.Sorry I'm busy. ”
Gu Jae-ho thought about Moon Jae-ho's ceremony.
“The face of the Moon Jae Ceremony is a bit cheesy. I was at the door when I was in school, and I tried it out and I was like that. Going to the courier company doesn't seem right to me. ”
A text was sent to Moon Jae Sook informing him of his account number. There's one more text. I was thinking of sending a letter to my homeroom teacher in high school, but I was wondering if you could help me. My homeroom teacher was at home after retirement, and he said he wanted someone from his alumni to serve him because it was hard to get money.
“I'll send you one, too. Good work.”
Gu sent two hundred thousand won to Moon Jae's account.