Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
State-of-the-art factory expansion (1)
Following Gu Gun Ho's instructions, Yoon, the managing director, started demolishing the property.
Gu Gu did a field sweep. Yoon jumped out of the container box in the temporary office.
“You don't have to come here to demolish it. There is too much dust. ”
However, Gu Gunho was curious about the job at the direct mountain factory. I went again a few days later.
“Huh? The factory's gone? ”
The factory building was all dried up and dry.
“The blueprints are in. There are three factories. Two coppers will hit the production line. It's over five meters tall.
“The office is on the second floor.” There's a restaurant downstairs in the office.
“I planted a pine tree in front of the office to save the landscape. The transformer goes up to the office and installs the garbage disposal plant behind the production site. ”
“I dug a pond behind the last gate of the production site. The pond is going to be landscaped with natural stones and planted with mycelium. ”
“No, you have to put the pond in front of the office. Why are you in the corner behind an invisible production site? ”
“Haha, this pond is for handheld certification. ”
“For verification?”
“Our factory purifies the wastewater, allowing it to flow into the pond at the end. We're going to raise fish in ponds, and if anyone comes and sees us, we're going to show them that we clean wastewater like this. ”
“If you like, just sign for the payment on the outside of the design paper and I'll get right into the construction. ”
Guggenho forcefully signed the approval in front of many people.
I got a call from my sister.
“You're busy doing business, right? Next Saturday is Dad's seventh birthday. I'm not very good at food, but I'm supposed to be serving some relatives. ”
“Oh, yeah? I didn't even know it was the seventh one. Thanks for taking care of that. ”
“Come to Incheon on Saturday. I'll forget my face.”
“I don't go to work on Saturdays either. I'll go up. I'll give you guys some travel expenses, by the way. ”
”I'd like that. “
Gu Gun-ho called Jung-young of GE Development in Seoul.
“Oh, Ms. Grant! ”
“How are you? How are you?”
“Yes, nowadays, the director has been posting Gossip Tel ads on his blog, which has dropped the vacancy rate a lot. ”
“Really? Haha. ”
“Ms. Grant, when are you coming up? I miss you.”
“Not only did I call you today, I want you to find out about the European cruise next Saturday. because my father is going to ask them to go on a trip with him because he is the seventh son. ”
“Very well. I'll look at the departure time, the price, etc. ”
Director Kang or Jung-young liked it very much when Gu Gun-ho put him to work because there was not much work. I just got off the phone with Mr. Jung-young, who looks like a bullet.
“I looked up the departure date and the price. ”
Jung-young asked me for the price with the departure date.
“Just hang up two tickets. You have money at the company, right? ”
“Yes, it's been piling up. ”
“Pass the tickets here to Asan. with a postal service registration speed. ”
“Yes, ma'am. ”
There was a meeting of regional corporation presidents at Onyang Tourism Hotel. It was an event organized by the local economy of the city hall.
“If there is a company that works to set up a factory clean room, there is support from Jincheong Industries, Small and Medium Enterprises. If you have an internationally accredited activity or patented company to help innovate your technology, we will provide you with support services. ”
Gu Gu, who was half asleep at the hotel, was listening to the descriptions of people coming out of the city, but a strange phone call came in. I did not answer it because it was an advertising call
It was time for a break when Gu Gun Ho went to the bathroom and called again.
“It's a cell phone. Where?”
Gu Gun Ho answered the phone.
“You hear a gloomy voice, a little moaning. ”
“Gu Geon Ho? It's Moon Jae Ceremony. ”
He took away 100,000 won to make a list of alumni. Gu did not bring up the list of alumni.
“Oh, Moon Jae Ceremony, what are you doing? ”
“I'm sorry I can't be human. ”
“What are you talking about? ”
Moon Jae Ceremony let out a sigh.
“You talk a lot about me among your classmates, don't you? ”
“I don't know what you're talking about. ”
“I couldn't make a list of alumni. Actually, I tried to make it, but it turned out to be difficult for me. Understand.”
“Yeah? Well, that's fine. ”
Moon Jae ceremony sighed again.
“Why are you sighing like that? You blew it up in high school at the Mungye Clan. ”
“Actually, since I'm a bad credit card, I called because I don't deserve to go to work. There's a rumor that you have a lot of Gossip Girl and you can't get a job? ”
“Yeah, I just need a place to stay. I have a list of alumni events to attend. I hesitated to call because I heard that you were the best among the alumni. ”
“Are you studying for the civil service exam? ”
“No, I don't have anywhere else to go right now. ”
You hear the sound of tears coming from beyond the phone. Gu, too, was confused.
“There was a rumor that you went to the courier company. ”
“That's right. I had an accident working there, and I lost a lot of money in business. I got a divorce. ”
Moon Jae Ceremony seemed to cry again because of emotions.
“Are your parents in Incheon? ”
“He does. He's not a credit offender at all things he does. ”
While Gu Geunho was thinking for a moment, Moon Jae Ceremony said first.
“I'm sorry. Seeing that you're speechless, I must have done too much. Everyone hung up on me as soon as they heard my voice, and you listened to me. Well done, then.”
Moon Jae Ceremony tried to hang up the phone.
“Oh, wait! ”
Gu Jae-ho urgently stopped Moon from hanging up the phone.
“Come down to Asan. No, come straight to Cheonan Mountain. ”
“Direct mountains?”
“Yes, Jigsan-eup Cheonan. ”
“Phew, no car fare. Then why there? ”
“You can take the subway. If you come to the mountain, you might have a job. ”
“Stop, it won't work. They won't write you down as a loan shark, and even if they did, you get a salary seizure. ”
“Trust me and come down. ”
“Do you have a Gossip Girl there? ”
“Come down, no matter what! Meet me at the station by 12: 00 tomorrow. ”
“Got it… Thank you. ”
Gu Gun-ho went to work in the morning and called the account manager.
“Are bad creditors confiscated? ”
“No, I confiscate the rest of my basic living expenses. ”
“What is the basic cost of living? ”
“I don't know if it's a million or 1.2 million, but that's going to be it. ”
“So if the base cost of living on a salary of 2 million won is 1.2 million won, you're confiscating 800 won. ”
“Yes, it is. ”
“My company had one of those homemakers. ”
“Is that so?"
“The housewife asked the payee to come to her mother, but the company didn't do it. It's sort of illegal.”
“I couldn't help but notice that the housewife quit the company. ”
“Hmph. Got it. ”
In the morning, Gu Gun reported the payment paperwork and went straight to the mountain. I stopped by the construction site. Yoon Issa came running in her helmet and safety boots.
“Hello, Ms. Grant. ”
“That's a lot of ground to cover. ”
“I'm going to put some bars on it. We have to do civil engineering. ”
“Are those workers on payroll? ”
“There is a salary system, but most of the service companies are part-time. ”
“Is something wrong? ”
“No, I'm not.”
Gu Jae-ho met with Moon Jae-ho at the straight-man station.
Gu Geunho almost didn't recognize Moon Jae Ceremony. It was the same with Moon Jae Ceremony.
Moon Jae Ceremony appeared to be 40 years old because it looked old because of its poor appearance. Moreover, the size was quite small.
Moon Jae Ceremony almost didn't recognize Gu Geun Ho. When Gu Gun-ho went to school, his family was torn to pieces, so he was always drenched. I didn't get involved. He seemed to be in good shape, but now he looks like the president of a big company and everything is remarkably different.
“I almost didn't recognize you for so long. ”
Moon Jae Ceremony laughed lonelily when she saw Gu Geun Ho.
“It's the same for me. I almost didn't recognize him. ”
“How's the Gossip Girl business? ”
“Yes, it works. You don't want to work in a factory? ”
“The factory? Who wouldn't use it? Your salary is confiscated. ”
“I run a factory. I'll see how I can adjust the payroll foreclosure. ”
Moon Jae Ceremony seemed to have a sparkling ear.
Gu Gun-ho took Moon Jae-ho to his car and went to the Sugar Canyon house near the University of Dongseong, located on the direct mountain.
“Let's just eat and go to our factory. ”
Moon Jae Ceremony ate sugar very sweetly.
“Can I order you another bowl of air? ”
“Well, eat a lot. I just need some air food. ”
I looked at Moon Jae-ho eating. I felt like I had worn a lot of shoes in my old jamba. I felt something strange about his life.
[Ah, this fellow was a friend called Moon Jae Ceremony who used to fly in the Moon Ye Clan.]
Gu Gun-ho burned the Moon Jae-ho ceremony and headed to Asan.
Moon Jae Ceremony was silent. I didn't have much to say. Inside, I thought about what to do with this nuisance.
Moon Jae Ceremony was greatly surprised at the factory. There were a lot of people and a lot of machinery going around. Gu took Moon Jae-ho to his room instead of taking him to the small meeting room. Gu Gun-ho called Park Jong-seok, Head of Production.
“You know Moon Jae Sook, right? Say hello, Moon Jae Ceremony. This is Moon Jae from the Blue Gate House below the Laundromat. ”
“Well, I think I've seen it before, but I can't remember. ”
Park Jong-seok did not recognize Moon Jae-seok well. Park Jong-seok followed the boys like Lee Suk-ho who do business on the Kyung-ryung street, but he didn't know the kids like Moon Jae-suk who don't go in and out well.
“Maybe it's the son of a restaurant. ”
Moon Jae-seok recognized Park Jong-seok.
Gu Gun-ho asked for Park Jong-seok.
Is there a place for Moon Jae Jae to work in your production team? “
“Plenty of jobs. But I wonder if he can work. ”
Guggenho called the Secretary General.
“I know someone here who wants to work in our factory. Do you have the right seat? ”
The secretary asked Moon Jae Ceremony a question.
“Do you have any special technical credentials? ‘
“Do you have a driver's license? ”
“We are at a standstill due to an accident. ”
The secretary general reported to Gu Gun-ho.
“A night watchman has gone missing and is recruiting. Other things are hard, but I think you can do that. ”
“Very well, tell the secretary what he needs, and let Moon Jae Won book a room. I like Gossip Tells.”
“I understand.”
Secretary General and Park Jong-seok replied at the same time.
Moon Jae Ceremony quickly turned pale on Gu Gae Ho's words to hold the room.
Moon Jae Ceremony followed the Secretary General.
Gu Gu sent Moon Jae Jae into his room.
On the smartphone, there was a phone call made from lawyer Kim Young-jin of Kim & Jeong Law Firm.
Gu Gun Ho called Kim's lawyer.
“I'm sorry, I didn't get your call. ”
“You're busy, right? He's not answering his phone. ”
“Oh, it's okay now. ”
“I got a call from Amiel in Tokyo. ”
“You asked if the new product drawings AM083 assembly you brought last time was developed. ”
“You don't. You don't even give DiYonsa the opportunity to produce experiments. How do you develop them? ”
“I would recommend someone who can solve the problem. ”
“Recommended? Who? ”
“He's Japanese, a retired engineer from Dijonsa, United States. He said he was the best engineer in Dijonsa. ”
“Oh, really? ”
“Why don't you consult him if you need to? ”
“I like it. I'm trying to catch a straw. ”
“Well, I'll tell Amiel. I need that tech. ”