Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
GE Chemical Co., Ltd. Established (1)
The Securities and Exchange account in the previous edition currently contains 200 billion won. It is money that only the Old Tree and the sky know. Originally, there were 210 billion shares in the stock market, but 100 billion won was spent partly to take over the company and play a role in Japan's popular Geisha Maurie. Gu Gu tried to figure out what to do with 200 billion won.
“There's no rush. I don't invest my property in corporate operations How many people have been dragged out of the water? ”
Gu Gun Ho thought about real estate.
“Real estate is regulated. Lots of taxes, not so much money. Real estate will not be touched unless absolutely certain. ”
Finally, Gu Gu thought about investing in stocks.
“You have to hit the stock and bail, but if you have a lot of money, it's hard. Living takes time, selling takes time. There's no definite assurance that it's going up. Chairman of the Board of Directors Cheongdam-dong said, Don't do stocks because you don't know your opponent's hand. You can blow your hard-earned money away. Be careful.”
Gu Gu suddenly wanted to see Chairman Lee Dam-dong.
“I guess he's been fishing alone these days. You must be lonely.Do you want to go fishing with the valet on Sunday? I didn't know I was in Seoul, but it's too far from Asan to Pocheon. It's hard to go, but it's hard to come. ”
Gu Gu called to say hello to Chairman Lee. I did not make a personal call, but a company phone.
“Hello? Is this Cheongdam? Is Chairman Lee here?”
“Excuse me, where are you? ”
I heard a woman's voice. It seemed to be a secretary who also knew Gu Gu.
“I am the President of Gu Gu, CH Mobil. ”
“Oh, Ms. Grant. How are you?”
“Thank you for remembering me. ”
“Why can't you remember? Thank you for coming to buy a cape earlier. ”
“Haha, did I? You're here, right?”
“Yes, I'll put him on. ”
A long time later, you hear the old man's voice.
“Are you the chairman? It's me. I'm Gu Gun Ho.”
“Oh, Old President. It's been a long time."
“You're doing well, right? You keep fishing for Fossils, don't you? ”
“Then, let's go. It's my vacation home. ”
Gu Gun-ho closed up the face of Lee, looking at the depths of the fishery with Japanese technician Sakada Ikuzo reading the Five Wheels Book.
“I'm sorry I never got to see you. ”
“I'm sorry. You can't come if you're busy. I thought you said you were in Asan. ”
“That's right.”
“How's the company? ”
“I'm doing quite well. If you succeed in developing a new product this time, you will increase your sales. ”
“How much do you do now? ”
“Seven billion a year. 250 employees.”
“That's enough. Raise it well and put it on the market. ”
“Thank you.”
“The old boss is from Agari, so he'll do well. ”
“Cute little girl? ”
“It's someone who goes from the bottom with no punishment or background. ”
“And I'm building a new factory on a direct mountain to move the factory. ”
“Direct mountains? Are you referring to direct mountains in Cheonan? “
“Yes, it is. ”
“Hmm, well done. You're working hard. ”
“When the factory is complete, come and cut the tape at the semi formal. ”
“Call me when you get a date. I'm going down to the hot springs. ”
“Thank you. I'll be in touch. ”
I got a call from the Vice President of S Enterprises.
“Congratulations, old man. The results of our lab work are passed. But there are conditions. Raw materials must be used with Dijonsa products. ”
“Hey, Vice President. Dijonjefen is out of stock and needs to bring in Dijon American products. ”
“Just send me the bill for the cost. Imagine using a Dijon American product and incorporating shipping costs. ”
“Very well. I'll pick up and send the bill immediately. ”
“You can email the bill to the person in charge. Once approved, you can check the volume of superficial goods in our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. ”
“Very well. Thank you for your efforts. ”
“Thank you. Thank you for developing it. ”
Gu Gun-ho called in a sales associate.
“The new product has passed the test results. ”
“Oh, really? That's great.”
The commercial executive smiled.
“They want me to pick out a bill and send it to them. ”
“Very well. I'll have it extracted and sent to you immediately. But what about raw materials?"
“Because the raw materials are not Dijonzepan, we decided to use something from DijonAmerica. ”
“Then it's going to cost a lot of transportation. ”
“Still, I can't. You can't change the raw materials. But can I get a Dijon American product? ”
“I heard that the American factory at Rymandell DiYonsa in Seattle, USA, is enormous. We can supply it to the whole world, so it won't interfere with supply. I'm worried about transportation costs. ”
“They want us to incorporate shipping costs into the cost price? ‘
“Yes, I will reflect the Cost Insurance Freight (CIF) price. ”
“Let's do that. ”
“Labor costs will reflect next year's wages, not this year's minimum wage. ”
“Do it. ”
“I'll come to take charge of the boss's payment once I fill out the bill. ”
“Ask the factory to look at the manufacturing expenses. ”
“I understand.”
Moon Jae Jae happened to be in charge of factory security.
He was elected to the contest by writing novels while guarding it at night. I was elected not under my real name, so no one knew about it.
Park Jong-seok suddenly ran into the boss's office.
“Dude, we're in trouble. ”
“What's the big deal? ”
“Little brother! ”
“What's the matter with you? Someone's watching, so close the boss' door and talk to him. ”
“The ceremony was elected by my brother. ”
“Really? Huh. He's got that knack! ”
“The prize is 50 million won. ”
“50 million won? Haha. Amazing. ”
“Did Jae-Hyung go to work? ‘
“I haven't done it yet. I just got a call.”
“When is the day of recess? ”
“It's Sunday.”
“Are you in Incheon Sunday? ”
“I'm not going anywhere. Ikuzo-san, a Japanese engineer, is still here. ”
“Tell Ceremony. I'll throw you a threesome party on Sunday. ”
“Hey, I haven't heard that from my brother in a while. ”
“Did you feel bad?”
“I felt like we were the only ones who could get away with being boss. ”
“Shit! When did I put my distance between me and you? I'm busy.”
“By the way, isn't he the one who won the contest? ”
“I'll buy it. But I have to buy it as the boss. ”
Gu Gun-ho, Moon Jae-shik, and Park Jong-seok met in a house in Asan city.
“Hey, this house still uses the country house as a restaurant. ”
“Yes, I like this country house better. ”
“Seong-seok, you didn't bring the car, did you? ”
“I didn't bring anything to eat today.
“Well done. ”
“I eat pork belly for a long time. ”
Soju goes home for a drink.
“Congratulations, asshole. ”
The three of them smashed their glasses and drank each other.
“What are you going to do now that you've been elected? Are you going to Seoul? ”
“What are you talking about? I'm just going to stay here at work. ”
Park Jong-seok poured an empty glass of Moon Jae Ceremony and said.
“Brother, if you were elected to the contest, wouldn't the plaintiff's petition come in and out? ”
“There's no such thing. It's hard to save Seoul with the tax-free allowance. ”
“I don't think so. Seoul is not a joke just for the room price. ”
“This place is free. The company will take care of what we eat. It's coming in on my payday. Go to Seoul. A few hundred thousand won for the room. I'll pay for my meals.It won't cost me a penny to do some calibration. I don't care if the money comes in. It's a place without real nutrients. ”
“Yes, there's no Park Jong-seok from Seoul. I don't even have Gunho. I'm going to slaughter you.”
“So I like it here. And Gunho, of course, apologizes to you. ”
“I didn't do anything for you, thank you. ”
“Thank you for being by my side. If I fight someone else, you'll at least give me something to say. ”
“I'm going to turn my back and go. ”
“You bastard! ”
The three of them laughed and chatted and stayed up all night long. I drank to death.
“Brother, there's a big tree in the yard. Isn't that nice? ”
“I see. What kind of tree? ”
“Three people drinking in a yard like this, and we're from three different countries. I think he's making a decision. ”
“Then you would be the youngest of the young. What you do is like a piece of equipment. ”
The three of them came again and laughed.
“Yes. I'm the equipment, the archetype is the metaphor, and the connoisseur will be the connoisseur. The one without the beard. ”
“Then what should Kim Min-hyuk do in China? ”
“Do you want to do it on my terms? Should I do Cao Cao Dragon?”
“Well, what can I get you? ”
“It's hard to say goodbye. I understand Gunho is having a hard time with his greetings. ”
The three of them came out, shoulder to shoulder, and sang. I was stirring up hot springs.
The second plant with a laboratory sold for 4 billion won.
The bailout paid off the credit guarantee fund to lower the debt ratio. I gave him a personal guarantee of solidarity, but it worked well on the car I used to steam. Gu Gunho felt that the debt ratio of GE Mobile Co., Ltd. had decreased significantly.
Gu Gu called the account manager.
“When is our semi-annual settlement? ”
“I'll be out next week. Because it's a semi-annual settlement, it's not made out of brochures, it's just printed water. ”
“I'm going to have to get some copies. They'll have to take it to the state bank, they'll have to send a deposit, they'll have to ask for a state account. ”
“I originally made about 20 copies and brought them in. If you need more, you can copy and write here. ”
“Talk to your accountant's office and ask them to make one in English. ”
“In English?”
“Tell them to get ready because I have to take it to Dijonjefen, Japan. ”
“Just know that and be prepared. ”
“I understand.”
“And you know the number for the Chinese G.H. Morgan Co., Ltd.? “
“Yes, I know. ”
“Tell Min-hyuk Kim there to make it into semi-finalized English. No, I'll talk to him. ”
Gu Gun-ho immediately called Min-hyuk Kim.
“How are you? ”
“Yes, it's working. ”
“This is the semi-annual conclusion of the G.H. Morgan Co., Ltd." ”
“Otherwise, I told my accountant to send it to the old boss. ”
“When it comes out. Ask him to make a copy in English. ”
“Okay, I'll do that. Something else good happened? ”
“I'm not going to tell you yet, but I'll let you know when I have a specific outline. ”
The staff were excited when they heard that the two factory sites were sold.
The principal of the research facility has found Gu Gu Cho.
“I get excited when I hear they sold the site. I don't want to work. ”
“How many people are in the lab right now? ”
“Assemble the council room. ”
“I understand.”
Lab staff gathered in the small conference room. Everyone seemed nervous because the boss had gathered them together.