Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Limandel DiYonsa Due Diligence Division (1)
The principal came into the rescue room with a resume.
“This is someone I recommended. You sent me a resume.”
Gu Gu saw the résumé of the new head of the institute with pictures. After graduating from Yonsei University in Mechanical Engineering, he received a master's degree in Germany.
“You're from Incheon? ”
"Haha, it's the same neighborhood as you. “
Gu Gu looked at the resume carefully.
“You got your Ph.D. from Munich Technologies and went straight into the BMW Institute. It was also in South Korea's G-car. She has a great career."
“Look under your resume. When you are in the BMW, you will find details of your involvement in various development tasks. ”
“Above all, you're still young, so you'll be in good hands for a long time once you get here. ”
“Very well. If you have time, ask him to come here." Don't you have an interview to get to? ”
“Of course I do. I'll be in touch.”
After roughly making the payment this morning, Gu Gu sat alone in the boss' room and read. Although I have read books primarily related to management, I have read various history books, politics, societies, and philosophy in order to develop my humanities. Other people didn't have time to read books while working, but in this regard, the position of president was advantageous. Naturally, he gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom to see through social phenomena.
“There's going to be a lot of work to do overseas in the future, but we need to be sure to speak English. I can't speak a single Chinese. You speak simple English with Morrie Coke, so you can communicate to some extent. ”
Gu Gunho frequently watched English broadcasts and dramas while bringing a TV to his room to learn English.
Guggenho called the Secretary General.
“Get an English teacher. Have them study English language conversations every morning for an hour of supervisory work. You'll have to speak English in the future if you're going to collaborate with Dijonsa. ”
“I was going to suggest learning English instead. I'll find out right away.”
Gu Gun-ho called the account manager.
“Bring back what our company spent on training this year. ”
The Head of Accounting has quickly extracted the status of training expenses from the accounting program.
“Is that all you got? There's nothing to spend but legal education. Fire Safety Education, Quality Control Education, Sexual Harassment Prevention Education, Top 4 Insurance Education, Electrical Safety Education. Injection training -- minimal training. ”
“That's right.”
“I'm going to start teaching English and start spending more on it. If you need tax training, apply through the secretary right away. ”
“I understand.”
The secretary of general affairs came to the boss' office about lunchtime.
“I've found an English teacher. ”
“Really? That's great. ”
“I am a native English teacher at Hosser University. They will come to our training room every morning for an hour. ”
“Please pay generously for your education. Inform each department that you are starting your English education right away. Oh, and make a statement to each department that Polytechnic University and other technical education are also supported by the company. ”
“I understand.”
Gu thought he should also participate in the English language training, which is conducted every morning.
Gu Gun-ho came up from lunch in the cafeteria and fell asleep. I closed my eyes for a while and watched an English drama on TV. While watching the drama, I suddenly remembered Park Jong-seok.
Gu Gun-ho called Director Park Jong-seok on his in-house phone.
Director Park Jong-seok came to work with a cotton glove. It looked like it was just undressed.
“Are you working now? ”
“No, it's over. ”
“Sit there. ”
Park Jong-seok sat on the meeting table.
“Would you like some tea? Let's get some coffee. ”
Gu Gu gave his secretary two cups of coffee over the phone.
Director Park Jong-seok finally noticed what Gu Gun-ho was calling to say.
The secretary brought the car.
“What... do you want to talk about? ”
“You've been hearing good rumors lately. ”
“What rumors? ”
Director Park Jong-seok opened his eyes wide while drinking coffee.
“You said you were in love. ”
Director Park Jong-seok put down the coffee cup and scratched his back head. And I made a beautiful smile.
“Who said that again? ”
“Hey, man. What if I don't know, the boss? If there's any good news, I'll let my brother know first. ”
“I don't think we're at the stage yet. ”
“You said she goes to the company in the fabric. ”
“Yes, it's an electronics company in Cheonan Group 4. You work in the lab there. ”
“If you were in a lab, you'd go to college. You go to Polytech. ”
“I graduated from Hanseo University in Danjin. He is a humanitarian, so he attends Banel, a Polytec university workplace, courteous to the company. Like me.”
“You'll get married before me. ”
“You have to go first. ”
“There is an order to be born, but there is no order to get married. If you meet a good man, marry him first. ”
“We haven't made any progress yet. ”
“Do women like you, too? ”
“I think so. ”
“Hurry up, then. ”
“I'm trying to. ”
“Are your parents this broken? ”
“Yeah, my dad's a real estate agent and my mom's doing a hair shop. He lives in Baek Seok-dong, Cheonan. ”
“Anyway, good for you. When I get a chance, let me see the face of the person who will be my boss. ”
“Hehe, got it. ”
Director Park Jong-seok smiled naively.
I have a call from Rymandell DiYonsa. It is said that they will dispatch a team of due diligence.
He immediately contacted lawyer Kim Young-jin.
“Lawyer Kim? It's me, Gu Gun-ho. Lyman Del Yonsa has informed me that there's an expedition coming. ”
“When are you coming back? ”
“I'll be back in 20 days. They're sending three investigators to overseas supervise Brendan Burke. ”
“Oh, Brendan Burke's coming himself? Great. I'm glad you're coming to the new factory in direct mountains, not the Asan factory. I'm going back because I like the image of a clean new factory. ”
“Come with me that day. ”
“I'll go to Incheon Airport on the first day. Just say hello and I'll be down in a jiffy on my last day. ”
“Why? You can't keep coming here? ”
“There's a lot going on. Besides, due diligence, I don't know any technical terms. Get an interpreter."
“Got it.”
Gu Gu thought he would find an English interpreter.
“Should I call Shin Sook, CEO of GE Media? There will be a lot of people around to translate English manuscripts. ”
Gu Gu called Shin Sook.
“Oh, yeah. Mr. Gu, it's Shin Jung-sook. ”
“How are you? ”
“Yes, I emailed you the quarterly profit and loss report...”
“No, that's not why I called. I was wondering if I could get an English interpreter. ”
“An English interpreter? ”
“There is a multinational chemical company in the United States called Limandel DiYonsa. I'm thinking of making a joint company with this company, and I need an interpreter for three days. ”
“When do you need it? ”
“The due diligence team will enter Incheon Airport on the 20th. That's three days from then. That's four days in total by the time you get there. ”
“I have someone to do it with. He translates business books. He's a long-time president of the United States of America. I'm an American student. I currently translate business books after retirement. I've worked for a company, so I think it's better than a young college instructor. ”
“You were the president of the United States? All right, I'll pick him up. We'll pick him up on the 20th at 11: 00 a.m. at Incheon Airport. ”
“Very well. I'll be in touch. ”
Gugunho told me that DiYonsa's due diligence team is coming during the executive council.
“Finally. ”
“Have the production people clean the machines in the production area. ”
“Got it. I'll paint the peeling part again. ”
“Please also check the lab equipment. ”
“Very well. I'll check the equipment I didn't use. ”
“Yoon said the demolition is over, right? ”
“Yes, it is. ”
“Check to see if there were any recesses in the rain last week. The real estate team will go there to see the site. ”
“Very well. I'll push through with the roller. ”
Gu Gu called the Secretary after the executive meeting.
“On the 20th, there will be an American Duel Team at Dijonsa. ”
“Yes, I just heard from Sales Executive. ”
“The Secretary should be the one to receive Incheon Airport that day. ”
“I understand.”
“Since the translator is coming to the airport, go to the rental car and rent a passenger car. Borrow it in a clean new style. ”
“I understand.”
“When you go to the airport, be sure to accompany Park Hee-jeong, who is secretary and document proofing. ”
“Okay, but am I driving? ”
“Haha, can you do that? You're supposed to be in the entertainment business. I'll have them bring a car rental driver. ”
“Why don't you go with the Chief Secretary? You can drive alternately with me. ”
“Can all the executives of the General Affairs leave? ”
“That's okay, you can do important work over the phone. There are also delegates, so a few hours is fine. ”
“Then do it. It's because the Chief of Secretarial Affairs or Park Hee-jeong are all suitable to perform the ceremony. ”
“I like who I am. ”
“Haha, got it. Stop going out there."
“Then, let me contact the car rental company. ”
The secretary went out with a greeting.
It's the day of Dijonsa's due diligence.
General Manager of CH Mobile Co., Ltd. took the secretary and secretary to Incheon Airport. I met with lawyer Kim Youngjin, who was in the airport's conference room in advance, and an interpreter from overseas head of a large business. I called her on her cell phone and met her.
“Lawyer Kim met me during our factory semi-authorization. ”
“You've seen society that day, right? Mr. Gu, how are you? ”
“Yes, I'm fine. ”
“I'll meet with the Rymandell DiYonsa team at the airport and head right in. I will go straight down to the mountain on the last day after due diligence. That's all I had to talk to Gu Gun-ho. ”
“Oh, really? ”
The secretary saw 50 white-haired men standing next to him.
“You're the translator, right? ”
“Yes, it is. I'm here for Shin Shin-Sook's recommendation from GE Media. Take good care of him."
“We have to ask you a favor. I'm General Manager of GE Mobile. ”
The secretary gave his business card to an interpreter.
Travelers from Seattle spilled out at the airport entrance. There were a lot of Americans.
Lawyer Kim Youngjin, who knows Brendan Burke, Vice President of Rymandell Dijon, waves his hand.
Secretary General, Secretary General and Secretary Park Hee-jeong exchanged their business cards with Brendan Burke. The translator also said hello.
“It takes two and a half hours to get to Cheonan, where our factory is located. Our President Gu Gun-ho ordered us to take our visitors to Seoul and come down. I'm going to stop by the Gyeongbokgung Palace and Namsan Tower. ”
Brendan Burke simply refused.
“I will return the day after due diligence. ”
“When we go back to the company, we get scolded by Mr. Gu Gu, ”
“Then let's go down around the city centre of Seoul. I'm visiting Seoul for the second time, but I've never seen you two here before. ”
The Starrex car with the group departs Incheon Airport and reaches Gwanghwamun Gate via Yeouido. Youngjin Kim dropped out of Gwanghwamun.
“That's the Gyeongbokgung Palace. This is where the king used to live in the Joseon Dynasty. ”
“Who is that statue? ”
“General Lee Sun-Shin, a hero who defeated the Japanese army 400 years ago during the war between Korea and Japan. ”
One of the members of the due diligence team took a hard picture with his smartphone.
The Starrex car took a detour along Gangnam Tehran Road and took the highway. It was much later than 4pm when I arrived at the straight-line plant. Due diligence at DiYonsa noticed an English banner hanging at the entrance to the company's front door, "Welcome to Rymandell DiYonsa."
Officers meet at the entrance of the factory office.
“Vice President Brendan Burke, you've come a long way. ”
“Oh, President Gu Gun-ho. Nice to meet you."
The two of them shook hands hot.