Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Director Park Jong-seok, Factory (3)
In the morning, the manager came into the boss's room with a time stamp. The time-stamp with the executive audit signature was mainly the details of withdrawals and e-notes and B2B details that occurred the previous day.
“Show the timestamp to President Invoicewan as well. ”
“I don't want to see it. He only cares about sales and production. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
Although Gu Gun-ho gave him a position as president, he didn't want to make an overbearing impression. It seemed like a cautious person.
As the Account Manager left, Director Seo Chang-hoon came in. Director Seo Chang-hoon was promoted to secretary general.
“Did you get all the handovers from Dong-chan Kim? ”
“Most of them. In some cases, you may be asked by phone if you don't know something. ”
“Learn well. Sales are important. Even if the fate of the company depends on sales power, it's no exaggeration. ”
“I'm working hard. This time I received 50,000 sealing orders from Sungshang Co., Ltd. It's not something that goes out every month, but it's a one-time thing, so it probably won't help the company much. ”
“Is that so?"
“However, Director Park Jong-seok said that he would make it because the 4th line has not been working lately and is holding the machine. ”
“When you place a small order, you can place a large order, so make sure it's well delivered. ”
“I understand.”
“Do you have any other reports? ”
“The son of the Senate Industries CEO is getting married. I don't know how much money I'm going to have to pay for this. ”
“If it's a Senate industry, shouldn't we be delivering 200 million a month? Where is the wedding venue?”
“The Hilton Hotel in Seoul. It's next Saturday. ”
“If it's a Senate industry, I'll be there myself. It's an important account, and we can't ignore it. Tell the secretary to send me an exchange in my name the day of the wedding. ”
“Very well. I'll leave the invitation here then. ”
Gu Changhwan called up again to leave the invitation.
“By the way, I was sorry I wasn't able to attend your wedding when I was in Japan. ”
“No, the boss overpaid the congratulations and ordered all the executives to attend the wedding, so the people management positions at the company almost came. ”
“Where are you getting married right now? ”
“This is Cheonan Twin Dragon. ”
After the morning payment, Gu Gun Ho visited the Asan construction site. There were three container boxes side by side at the entrance of the construction site. One was written by Yoon Sung-Moo and one by Adam Castler and Kim Dong-chan. It was quite cramped because the translator was using another small desk. The other one was written in the rest room of the contractors who had been working on the project. The toilet was also uncomfortable because there was only one stall on the site, but they didn't complain about the massive, state-of-the-art building next door almost being completed. Rather, the idea of having to do construction quickly was dominant.
“You're going through a lot. ”
When Gu Gun Ho came in, Kim Jong-moo and the interpreter stood up and greeted him. Adam Kassler also stood up and called for a good morning.
Gu Gun Ho looked at the translator and said.
“Ask Adam Kassler if he feels uncomfortable. ”
Adam Kassler smiles brightly, saying, "What does the translator say?"
“Knowledge, Problem."
Yoon Seong-moong, who was at the site, came running because someone from the workforce told him he was here.
“Ms. Grant, are you here? ”
“Good work.”
“The building is finished and we're doing electrical wiring. ”
“Is that so?"
“Do you want to get a cup of coffee? Coffee vending machine is located in the partner break room. ”
“Haha, there you go. I drank.”
Gu Gun-ho entered the container box used by Yoon Sang Moon. There was room for three or four people to meet, though there was a circular table in the container box. Executive Director Kim Dong-chan followed.
“I need to set a semi-authorized date. ”
“Can we do it like we did at the mill? ”
“Do it. But this factory, the last time it hit an all-sightseeing hotel, it would have been in the local newspaper, and Asan would have been very interested. Talk to the Chief Secretary and ask him to send all the semi-authorized invitations to Asan City Operations. ”
“I understand.”
“What happened to you hiring one of the employees from Dijon Korea last time? ”
“I've chosen two people, but I'm still trying to decide who I want to vote for. ”
“Do you both speak good English? ‘
“Well done. Would you like to see your resume?”
“No, thank you. If you're greedy, you can hire both. ”
“Thank you. I'll try it that way. ”
Kim Jong-moo smiled brightly because he liked it.
It was around 11: 30 in the morning when Gu Gun Ho visited the Asan site and returned directly to the mountain. Director Park Jong-seok was wandering around outside the President's office door.
“Is something wrong? ”
“Early retirement application? Are you going to the hospital? Are you sick?”
“My parents have to come and go. ”
“Your parents? They're in the fabric? ”
“Oh, really? What brings you here? ”
“I have a meeting with my girlfriend's parents today. ”
“Really? That's why you even got a haircut. ”
“Where are your manners? ”
“Baek Seok-dong riding support. ”
“Where are your parents now? ”
“We'll be arriving at the express bus terminal soon. If we leave now, it would be perfect. ”
“Come with me. ”
“My brother?”
“You've come this far. You should say hello. ”
“You don't have to. ”
“Aren't they the ones who used to give me hot candy when I was hungry? Let's go.”
“You don't have to do that! ”
“Come with me, I'll go first. Meet me in the terminal dugout. ”
The Gugan has arrived at the express bus terminal in Shinbu, Cheonan.
There are a lot of people around the terminal, and they can't find a parking lot, so they arrive a little late.
When Gu Gun Ho entered the dugout in the basement of the terminal, he saw Park Jong-seok standing and two old couples sitting on chairs. Gu Gu said hello.
“How do you do?”
Park Jong-seok still hasn't told his parents that Gu Gu Ho is coming. Park Jong-seok's mom looked at Park Jong-seok with a puzzled look.
“This is Gunho, the boss of our company. ”
“Gunho? You mean Gunho? ”
“Yes, it is. ”
“Oh no, the award! ”
Gunho's mother got up and grabbed her hand.
“You're such a gentleman. You haven't changed at all since the old days. You look just like old nose and eyes. Awards, awards. ”
Park Jong-seok's mother was a concubine. I went to the tavern and became the tiger lady, but today it was not what Gu Gun Ho had in mind. He was taller and wrinkled.
“My butt is rotten inside, isn't it? ”
“No, I'm getting a lot of help from the valet. ”
“Are your parents in Incheon? ”
“Yes, it is. He lives in Guwol-dong.
“You're healthy, aren't you? ”
“Yes, she is healthy. I'll be happy to discuss it with you today. ”
“Well, I like the bride with glasses, so that's what it takes. ”
“She said that again! ”
Park Jong-seok next to me said with a dissatisfied expression.
“I saw someone who was going to be my godmother, and she looked beautiful and calm. They look smart. ”
“How many children does Gunho have? ”
“I'm still single. I have a date. ”
Gu Gu said that when you meet adults, you usually date people. I was afraid that if I told her that I didn't have anyone to go out with, I would bother her to buy a brokerage.
“My parents will be worried. If you're dating someone, you'd better do it quickly. If you get married late, you'll regret it because you're old. ”
“Haha, got it. I think it's time for you to go to the place of speculation. I have work to do, so I'll be going now. ”
Gu Gu took the envelope out of his pocket. The caldron shoved the envelope into my mom's coat pocket.
“Huh? What the hell! You can't do this. ”
“Be healthy! ”
The hook fled toward the parking lot with a wave of its hand.
Since Gu Gun-ho was out, he ate on the Dujeongdong side. After my meal, I walked around Cheonhoji in front of Dankuk University and went to a straightaway factory around 2 pm. When the Gu 'er's car enters the factory, the security guard stands tall and salutes the gate blocker.
As soon as I entered the boss's room, Park Hee-jeong brought me coffee.
“You didn't call me, did you? ”
“There was a call from the Head of the Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the Chungcheongnam Economic Human Resources Council. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
Shortly after my secretary left, the principal came in. The principal of the research institute was a man who did not usually enter the room of the Gu Gu Gu Gu Cho.
“Today is the day of the orientation, after the new hire selection is over. I'd like to say hello to the boss first. ”
“How many did you pick? ”
“Seven," he said, "just two more, seven more. ”
“Two people who have been to the United States in accordance with the factory formula in Asan will be deported to Dijon Korea. ”
“Now that it's replenished, you can send it. ”
“Are all seven of you here? ”
“Yes, I'm waiting outside your office. ”
“Really? Tell them to come in. ”
Seven new employees came to the rescue room greeting at a 90-degree angle. Everyone stands nervous with their hands together in front of them.
“Sit at the table in front of you. ”
The new employees carefully sat at the table.
“Congratulations on joining. The principal said he was going to hire only five people this time, but there were so many great talent that he chose two more. It looks like only people who are smart and look good at their work have come in. ”
Secretary Park Hee-jeong brought green tea to the paper cup and handed it out one by one.
“My company used to be a water wave industry, and I joined forces and turned each other into GE Mobile. You're like a public service parasite in Josh Mobile. ”
When Gu Gun Ho spoke and saw the new employees, he was usually in his 30s. There were a few who looked older than Gu Gu, but the rest looked younger than Gu Gu.
“The principal next door studied at Munich Technologies, a world-renowned German university. who had a Ph.D. from Munich Technologies and spent a long time in a BMW lab in Munich. You, along with the head of research, are going to take charge of the future of GE Mobile. We ask that you stay with us for a long time. ”
Gu stood up and shook hands one by one. When the new employees reached out their hands, they grabbed their hands and bent at their waist in a cheerful expression.
“Thank you."
New employees are of a similar age as the Old Testament. I went to a good school, but my identity has already begun to differ from the Gu Gu 'anho.
Gu, looking at the principal of the research facility, said.
“Since there are so many good people here, please make sure the principal welcomes you today. ”
“I understand.”
When the new employees left the room, Secretary Park Hee-jeong came back to the CEO's office to remove the paper cup.
“Park Hee-jung!"
Park Hee-jeong, who put an empty paper cup on the tray, looked at Gu.
“It looks like there's a lot of talent in the lab this time. ”
“I think so. ”
“Park Hee-jeong, why don't you look for your spouse in a man instead of looking for her from afar? ”
“I don't know, boss. ”
Park Hee-jeong's assistant walked out of the boss's room with a red face.