Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Prototype Production of Plywood (2)
Kim Dong-chan from Dijon Korea didn't seem to like the test produced.
“The companies that used to use the American Dijon products would ask me if I had this, if it was fake in China. We don't need three American technicians. ”
Kim Dong-chan called the President of Invoicing Hwan at Giach Mobile.
“A prototype of Dijon Korea is here. ”
“But I didn't like it so much...”
“Are you asking me to move to Park Jong-seok? ”
“The former head of research is coming out of the office now? ”
“Come out. He came out this morning and went in. Why?”
“I want to support this side for a day or two with the former principal of research and the director of Park Jong-seok. ”
“What do I do if I tell people to keep coming? ”
“There's a lot of people there, though. It won't take long, just a day or two. ”
“Very well. I'll let you go. It's been two days."
“I mean, I'm over here, but isn't his mother, Giath Mobil? I'm also interested in selling Diageo Mobile products while I'm in Dijon Korea.
“I understand.”
Gu Gun Ho was curious about the site and went into production dongle. There was no lab function yet, so I was experimenting and producing right in the production plant.
“Huh? The former head of research is here? Is Dr. Park coming?”
Kim Jong-moo approached Gu Gun-ho.
“I asked him to come. I asked him to hold it because it was dull and hard. ”
The test production failed twice in the morning and came out a third afternoon similar to that of the US headquarters.
Gu Gu came to the scene and asked Dr. Park.
“Why did you come out in the first place? ”
“Temperature and cooling time. I heard the principal of the lab may have been able to figure out what caused it. ”
“Can I go into the amphibious system? ”
“I'll take your order. Dong-chan Kim packed a sample and took it away. First of all, he said he circled around where he used to be a dealer in Giant Mobile. ”
Gu Gun-ho and Park are talking, but Kim Jong-moo came in.
“Dr. Park, if you have a new prototype, you can have 10 more boxes. ”
“Did you finish what you took this morning? ”
“I sprinkled it all. ”
“Not right now. The vice president of Production and the chief of staff are pulling up right now. I'm going to go over there now. Brother, don't keep calling me that. ”
“Hey, come on, stay here. ”
No matter how old he was, he called him Unni. However, the invoice president, senior auditor, and the laboratory director of Mobil were too old to hear his brother's voice.
Kim Jong-moo approached Park and grabbed his arm with a smile.
“Hey, why don't you make me a die of raw materials in the warehouse and go. ”
“The new head of government. ”
“Someone's got to catch it. It's hard being alone.”
Yoon bought equipment such as forklifts and lifts that carry raw materials. Park Jong-seok tried to test the forklift.
The secretary brought a woman who will work in the restaurant.
Park Jong-seok and the Chief of Staff made the die that builds raw materials into three layers of steel beams. It was made by two skilled technicians, so it was quick.
Adam Kassler, vice president, looked at the work of Director Park Jong-seok and Chief of Staff Ahn Yong-deok, raised his thumb and winked.
The President of Invoice Hwan called Gu Gun-ho.
“Today, the former head of research and Dr. Bak went out to support them. ”
“I heard you're going back to Mobile after work until today. ”
“I was thinking, what if the former head of research were to stay over there? ”
“The former head of research? ”
“Yes, it may be uncomfortable for the new principal to be here. ”
“You two are very close to the Munich Brotherhood. ”
“It's friendly, but being in the same room can be uncomfortable and inconvenient for employees. You may think that there are two mothers-in-law in your head, even if you don't nag. ”
“It is now an advisory area for a one-year contract, but there is also the publicity effect of having a lab on the ground. It will also be an opportunity to pass on know-how to young, inexperienced employees. ”
“Wouldn't you hate it? ”
“Rather, you'll like it. because I would be uncomfortable here, too. ”
“Okay, I think that's good. ”
Gu Gun-ho called Kim Jong-moo and Yoon Sang-moong.
“The former head of research at Giath Mobil is still on site, right? ”
“Yes, he is. ”
“The former principal of research is an advisor, and he's only in Mobile until the end of this year. For the rest of your tenure, why not stay in Dijon Korea rather than Mobil? I don't want you to come in here and give me a room and watch a book, and sometimes I don't want you to give me a field map. ”
Kim Jong-moo received a message.
“I was thinking the same thing. I think it might be a good idea for one of you to have some experience. ”
“Wouldn't Adam Castle disagree? “
“There's a whole board meeting tomorrow. If I come and you cooperate, Castle won't disagree. ”
“Hmph, got it. ”
The entire joint meeting was held for the first time since the formation of the joint venture.
Partnership meetings were long and boring. Because the interpreter had to go in the middle, it took more than a general meeting.
The chief secretary saw society.
“The meeting was held for the first time since the launch of the shackles today. Attendees attended the meeting, including the president, Adam Kessler, Kim Dong-chan, Senior Vice President Yoon Hee Soldier, Senior Vice President Yoo Hee-hee-yeol of Production, Senior Vice President Seong Il-ki, Senior Vice President Light-Sook of the Ministry of Public Affairs and Ahn Yong-deok, Senior Vice President Park Hong and employee Lee Sun-hye of the Ministry of Public Affairs, and Senior Vice President Mi-young, who is in charge of translating with three American technicians. One of the cafeteria workers couldn't attend because of work. We will now have a total of 15 people. ”
As Lee was about to start speaking, Gu said.
“Keep the interpreter short. ”
“I understand.”
The translator only mentioned the title, except for the name of the attendee.
The Governor of the Republic of Korea has spoken.
“Your strength was great in the formation of the tether. Now we have a prototype and we need to compete in our sales activities. The backing for the sales should be a good product on the production side. ”
As soon as the Gu Gun Ho's remarks were finished, the sequential interpretation of the translator began. In the meantime, Gu Gu took over the sentence to make it easier for Lee to translate. After finishing his speech, he turned his head toward the translator.
“It also needs to be supported by government and supported by the support of a step department, such as a secretary or a clerk, to support all of this. ”
Adam Castle said the same thing.
“The United States and Korea are on the same boat. Currently, the operating fund, except for the actual equity, is half a million dollars. It adds up to a million dollars, but there's a lot of labor going on right now, a lot of equipment, pick-ups, operating expenses. Now that you have a prototype, you will need to focus on your sales activities. ”
Kim Jong-moo also said.
“A prototype came out yesterday and went around the business. First of all, it was a good reaction because it was no different from Rymandell Dijon's American headquarters. I just picked up the cost calculation in a hurry, and at the end of this meeting, I'm going to bring the practitioners together and recalculate the cost calculation. ”
Edem Kassler raises his hand.
“I'll give you a Coast Accounting sheet I brought from the United States. Please note.”
The secretary and the female employee Lee Seon-Hye went out and took a cup of green tea.
The words of the Old Testament followed.
“Dijon Korea's products are not for domestic sales. The products produced here are also targeted at the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. That's why Adam Kassler, who has experience in many countries, is from Dijon headquarters. ”
Adam Kassler shrugged his ear after listening to the interpreter and said with the expression mentioned above.
“First of all, when domestic operations in Korea stabilize, I will circle the Southeast Asian market. ”
“The meeting got longer. Anyone else have anything to say? ”
The others were quiet to see if they had nothing to say. Kim Jong-moo raised his hand.
“Sales cannot be done unless quality is supported. So I'd like you to come over here for a little while yesterday and take the former head of advisory work for Mobil, who helped us with our work. ”
Gu Gun Ho received a message.
“He's an advisor who only works until the end of the year, so it shouldn't be too much of a burden. Isn't he a long-time head of research with a Ph.D. from Munich Technologies? Vice President Adam Castler! I don't think it's a bad idea to take her. ”
“You're from Munchen Tech? ”
“Yes, it is. ”
“OK! I agree. ”
This concluded the entire meeting of the first thread.
Gu was reading the economic newspaper brought by the secretary and female employee Lee Sun-hye after the meeting. A call came from Kim Min-hyuk in China.
“You said there was a prototype for the shackles. ”
“Yes, I did. ”
“I spoke to Park Jong-seok a while ago, but he said that it's not that different from the US headquarters. ”
“I don't know what it looks like yet. Customers will have to try and be satisfied. ”
“How many tons of rice paddy here in the warehouse? ”
“Wait a little longer. I'll take a closer look at the domestic response. We've only got two machines in here. We need to move in more. ”
“Oh, Liscan called me yesterday. ”
He gave me a pamphlet. They say if you send it to the old boss, he'll know. “
“What pamphlet? ”
“It's an art exhibition pamphlet. Chinese Youth Writer's War, Chinese Art Transition, World Master Cheonchao Teacher's Fair... A lot of it. ”
“Let me go. ”
“And Lee Suk-ho called me tomorrow. ”
“Lee Suk-ho? You mean Lee Suk-ho, who sells on the way? ”
“That's right."
“Why are you here? ”
“I don't know. He said he didn't want to see me when he did what he did to me in school. ”
“Meet me. Buy me a meal when you get here. Then why are we going there? ”
“Come and let me tell you a story. ”
Gu Gun-ho told President Invoicewan to send his former principal of research.
“Vice President Adam Kasler has agreed to come to the former head of the Research Institute. Mr. Song, please tell him. I want you to work here from tomorrow. ”
“I understand.”
“I can't do this as an advisory extension, but I'll also give you a room to make yourself comfortable while you're here. ”
“Thank you."
“How did you react to the goods you delivered to the S Changshan Plant last time? ”
“There's not much to talk about, but the order seems to have increased, so it seems to be responding well. ”
“Is that so?"
“Today, we are entering the S Enterprise ERP system and have an order to deliver 10,000 items by the 12th day. ”
“Really? Haha. ”
“And Kim Jong-moo is here. ”
“Kim Jong-moo? Why there? ”
“I see you've brought a sample from a prototype of Dijon Korea. Apparently, it's a yes. Kim Jong-moo asks for a promotion on Dijon Korea when he goes to his customers. He also offered to assist in the sales of GE Mobile. ”
“I like the top story. ”
“Three of the five orders that I have received from the S company are now being delivered. When the other two cases are completed, we'll review the raw materials for Dijon Korea. ”
“Well, try that. ”