Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
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Senior Auditor opened the document in front of the Guardian.
“For the first time in the last month, GE Mobile Co., Ltd. generated over 7.2 billion in sales. ”
“7.2 billion would be 86.4 billion in annual revenue. ”
“That's right.”
“Song's new arrival brings together five new orders from the S company and its previous development AM083 assemblies, making it less than 90 billion years. ”
“We are increasing the number of new orders. ”
“So what was the cost of the 72 billion last month? ”
“At 7.2 billion, we have 800 million left, minus manufacturing costs and general administrative expenses. The interest on double finance is 200 million, and there's 600 million left. ”
“Do we have about 65 billion in total debt? ”
“Yes, there are 25 billion in outstanding debt and 40 billion in financial debt. ”
“If your financial debt is 40 billion, your monthly interest will be more than 200 million. ”
“Yes, we have 800 million in operating earnings last month, 200 million in financial interest and 600 million left, and we are accumulating as you instructed, without paying off our debts. Currently, the accumulated company reserve is around 1.2 billion won. ”
“If we could save 600 million a month, we could save about 72 billion a year. ”
“Yes, 7.2 billion can pay off short-term financial debt and have the capacity to M&A factories in similar industries. ”
“Just stock up first. ”
“I understand.”
Senior auditor said as he put the documents that he had reported in the trial.
“If you want to change your car, how about a rental rather than a purchase? It costs a fortune to buy, but rentals don't cost a fortune, and you can pay for them every month. It's a tax benefit. ”
“General administrative expenses will increase. ”
“There is no significant impact on remaining 600 million a month. Song also said it would be better to change his car. He said it was polite to change the boss's car because he hired a knight and the union was now a wage increase. ”
“Let me think about it. ”
“Foreign car rentals are also available. ”
“Really? Can I rent a ventry or something? ”
“We can do it. We can do it with Benz or Ventry. After about three years of rental, you will also receive a sublet. ”
“Very well. If you have any catalogues, bring them back later. ”
“I understand.”
Guggenho rented a 300,000,000 van in the name of a subsidiary of Giah Mobil. Randrover decided to park it in the Tower Palace parking lot and use it to go fishing or play golf on the holidays.
Gu Gu, who used to live in Cheonan City, put out an apartment to sell. It was because I didn't have to sleep in the fabric because I had a knight. The Insolvent Apartment has also recently risen by about 20 million won.
On the day of the executive meeting, Gu Gu said he would come with a date for the rectangular plant.
“From now on, I'll only come to the factory on Mondays and Thursdays. If you have anything to report, please report it at this time. Because it's functionally better to go to Song's responsibility management system. ”
The executives welcomed the decision of the Gu 'an.
“It's good to have a date when you'll come and not know when to go. ”
Dijon Korea was also welcome.
“Then you'll be in Mobile Monday and Thursday morning, and then this afternoon. ”
“If you have something to report, please do so in the meantime. This is Adam Castle and Executive Director Kim Dong-chan. Instead, we will evaluate your performance properly. ”
“I understand.”
Gu Gun-ho told Seoul's director and Shin Jeong-sook's boss that he would come to work on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
The lecturer and Shin Jeong-sook also welcomed.
“I didn't know when you were coming and when you were coming down, but I'm sure it's good now.
Gu told Chong-ho about the schedule as well.
“In the future, only Monday and Thursday come here. The rest is a Sinsa-dong building in Seoul, so don't get confused. ”
“I understand.”
“When I look at work here on Monday and Thursday, I don't have to go up to Seoul too much if the weather is very bad or if I work late. You can sleep at the Onyang Tourism Hotel in Cheonan or Asan. ”
“I understand.”
“Since you have a corporate card, you can calculate the accommodation fee using the corporate card and bring the receipt to the secretariat. ”
“I understand.”
“What, are you good at your job? ”
“It's good to take my boss with me. ”
He liked it because Gu Gu Gu had no backbone at all. I followed him like a big brother.
Gu Gu and Jeon Mu Kim took a ventry car to visit the EZ-No-Pack factory. The guard's attitude was different as he rode the knight in a ventry.
“Sangho, let's go into the chairman's room with you. Donghwan Kim, who was scolded last time in the Gangnam Room Sarong, is coming to see his father. ”
A pretty secretary asks me when I go into the chairman's room.
“Where are you from? ”
“I'm the CEO of Giant Mobile. You're here, right?”
Gu Gun-ho and Kim Jong-moo snuck into the room without waiting for the secretary's answer.
The chairman was surprised when he saw the helmet while cutting his nails.
“Why are you here? ”
“I just wanted to thank you for using so much of Dijon Korea's products. ”
“When you wrote me your letter, you agreed to spend a billion dollars a month on products that go into the Great War. It's your first time buying something like 2,000 a month and you will increase it every month. ”
“We have a meeting with the Hyundai Car Partners tomorrow. You'll be there, and I'll be there. Many of the bosses know that I was assaulted by your son at a pleasure hotel. If you ask me if the deal went well, I'll tell you that I'm sorry that you overdid it. ”
“So today I want to thank you and give you the order of the Japanese Kyoda Corporation in EZ-No-Pac. ”
“What? The Kyddah Corporation? ”
Kim Jong-moo pulled out the drawings of the Kyoda Corporation.
“Old boss said I should give this to EZ-No-Pack. I know a few companies that can make this. However, he asked me to give the raw materials to Dijon Korea and bring them to EZno Pack. ”
“Let's see. ”
EZ-No-Pack's chairman glanced at the drawing with a magnifying glass. And I called my assistant on the phone.
“Tell them to come to the lab director's office. And bring me four cups of tea. ”
The white-haired head of the EZ-No-Pack Research Institute has arrived. He was the head of a research facility with dozens of PhD researchers.
“You, take a look at these drawings. We can make it, right? ”
“Yes, I don't think this is a difficult drawing. ”
“Oh, hello. This is the president of Dijon Korea, and this is the executive director of Dijon Korea. ”
“Oh, really? We know that President Dijon Korea acquired GE Mobile at a young age. I heard that you are also interested in culture. ”
“Nice to meet you, too, Principal EZ-No-Pac. We've heard that the finished car companies are considerably evaluating EZ-No-Pac's results. ”
“I think I've met you a few times. You were in the water wave industry, right?”
“Yes, Chairman EZ-No-Pac has been kind to me since I was on the waves. He's like an adult in his family because he still cares a lot. ”
“This guy, he said," I didn't take anything. ”
EZ-No-Pac's chairman did not dislike Kim Jong-moo's sweet-talk.
“Make it well and deliver it to Kyoda, Japan. This is quite a volume. I'm talking to the chairman to use the raw materials for Dijon Korea. ”
“Yes, write it down. Drawings. He brought them. ”
EZI No-pack asked me to use Dijon Korea's products for his father. The principal smiled and said.
“Very well. You can send me a copy of the Dijon Korea Raw Material Test Report later." ”
As the principal leaves, the hook pulls a piece of paper out of his inner pocket.
“I have one more thing for you. ”
“What's that? ”
“The raw materials that you agreed with me to enter the Great War are pledged to buy you a billion. ”
“A memorandum? ”
“This could be an uncomfortable relationship between you and me. I'll give it back. ”
“Do you want it back? ”
“The children I was carrying were very excited when I said I was right. He put a knife in the face of hundreds of billions of wealthy people, and he said he had to avenge it. As soon as I tried to cut his face off, I stopped him from gathering around the Gangnam Room Salon where his son was, kneeling on his knees. Would it be okay to cut off your son's face like a nobleman? The young man next to me was with me that day. ”
EZ-No-Pac looked up at the detail. His head, which looked like a crowbar, opened his eyes.
“Now that you've returned the letter you wrote to me, you and I have done nothing. ”
“Hot hot hot.”
Suddenly, the chairman burst into laughter in the air.
Then I shoved my hand at Gu Gu 'un.
“I lost. I lost. I lost to a young man. I've never been more depressed than I am 60 years old today. ”
EZ-No-Pac held Gu's hand and waved vigorously.
Kim Jong-moo smiled and said in the car that's coming back.
“It seems to have worked since it changed strategy. ”
Chief Seong Journal went into sales from the Production Department called Kim Jong-moo.
“There's a new order coming in from EZ-No-Pack. There's a lot of them this time. That's a big month's supply. ”
“Are we done with exams in five, six? ”
“It's over.”
“Then start the machine today. ”
“I see. But the new recruits we hired last time haven't come in yet, so we're running." ”
“Work at night until you get a new hire. I'll check with the boss about the night pay. ”
“I understand.”
Gu Gun Ho was curious about hiring a new employee.
When do new employees get in?
"The paperwork and handwriting exams are over. Sand interview tomorrow. ”
“Who saw the interview? ”
“Adam Kassler, Yoon Sung-young and I see three people like this. Adam Kassler is the chair of the interview. ”
“You said you were going to pick 10 people, right? ”
“Yes. If a good person comes, I'm thinking of hiring one or two more professionals. ”
“Do it. And when the new recruits come in, they take turns giving DiYonsa a tour. ”
‘I want to go to Dijonsa too. “
“” When the company is stable, you should also go back. “
“Thank you."
Gu Gun-ho called for a solemn call to the president's room.
“Hey, you got involved in persuading EZ-No-Pac today. ”
“Yes? I didn't do anything. ”
“No. Sitting next to me was enough. Well done.If you go to Seoul later, have a drink with Taeyoung. ”
The hook took out an envelope from the inside pocket and gave it to the guardian. He received the envelope in surprise and bowed at a 90-degree angle.
“Thank you, Ms. Grant. ”