Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
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Tuesday is commute to the Sinsaidong building.
As soon as Gu got out of the car, he went up to the 18th floor of the GE Development Office and to the management room on the first floor of the basement. It was because there was a magnificent desk in the administration room. Sang-ho used to play smartphone games here and write journals and things like that.
Gu Geon Ho drank the tea that his secretary Oh gave him.
I was contacted by Shin Jeong-Sook at the end of reporting on the income status of the instructor's building rent.
“It's hard, you don't have to come all the way here. Email me when you have a report. ”
“No, I'll see you in person. ”
Shin Jung-sook came.
“The Chinese Youth Transition Writer is not 100% satisfied, but he has succeeded in his own way. Exhibition fees alone cost over KRW 30 million. ”
“The gallery needs to plan another exhibition. ”
“First of all, there is a Korean painting exhibition. It's not a personal war. It's a four-man war. They're not famous writers. It makes sense to give exhibition space to the writers who are looking forward to it. ”
“First of all, I took a quick note before I emailed you last month's profit and loss. Let me report this and tell you about the next piece of exhibition. “
“Yes, go ahead. ”
“First of all, publishing is now the 10th issue of Amazon comic book history, and it's in the third edition. Even though the paper market is shrinking, there is a lot of child use. Five business books, two Chinese history books, six Japanese essays, and two others produced 25 volumes, and last month's revenue was 45 million won.
“That was a lot more than I thought. ”
“With the exception of double labor costs and expenses, we've lost 3500, and we're down 10 million, and that's the reserve for the next book. ”
“Fortunately, last month, there were about 30 million won in exhibition fees. In Mr. Dingpung's exhibition, it costs around 400, and the fee for the exhibition is 3400. ”
“That's 7,900 in total. ”
“It's as small and insignificant as your Chechnya Mobil or Diyonkorea. ”
“No, you did well as an enemy. ”
“What is the monthly sales volume of GE Mobile? ”
“72 billion last month. ”
“Hoho, we only sell about a hundredth of Mobile Media. ”
“The investment is wrong… don't worry about it. ”
“We'll see more sales next month. It's going to be better, because all the revenue from the exhibition is going into the fund, and the bookcafe is going into the revenue. ”
“How about a book cafe? ”
“During the exhibition, sales per day went up to KRW 700,000, but they usually go up by about 50. Less labor, rent and expenses from sales of 1,500 per month, down 7 or 800. ”
“No harm done. ”
“Let me tell you about your activity plans for next month. ”
“Go ahead.”
“Next month we are planning an exhibition of the work of French master of color aesthetics, Marion Kinski." “
“Is he famous? ”
“He's famous. All art lovers know. ”
“How else did you know about it? ”
“I was connected to the French gallery I knew when I was a curator. I'm going to France next week. ”
“I'll have to go if I have to. ”
“There's going to be another big publicity effect at the G.H. Gallery. ”
“Yes, sir. Push through. ”
“And this time, the best-selling author of all Chinese youth has donated a lot of props. Even if it's a prop by Weetzhong, it's worth more than 20 million won. I'll give it to the old boss.”
“Why would you give it to me? Don't you own it? ”
“Hoho, I'm not the owner of GE Media, it's 100% old-school investment. Donations to exhibition promoters are not mine. ”
“I don't deserve a place to keep it. ”
“You can stay at home, because it's a ticket, or you can stay in the front door, or the president's office, or the conference room. If you keep it quiet for a long time, the price may go up even more. ”
“Hm, 20 million won is 30 million won? ”
“Yes, so there are many examples of the work of financiers. with investment value. ”
“Is that so?"
“Painting also recognizes collateral value. ”
“Is that so?"
“Teacher Chusha's new limit is also said to have secured billions in the old bank. ”
When I heard this sound, Gu 'eho's ears flashed.
[Hmm, there was a fun world.]
“Let me ask you something, then. Who did you say was the French writer? ”
“Marion Kinski. ”
“That Marion...”
“I'm not a teacher, I'm a woman. ”
“Oh, is that a woman? Can I take a picture of that Marion on the first day of the exhibition and put a premium on it on the last day to resell it? ”
“It may not be theoretically impossible, but the image is not good. ”
“No, I'm not saying I don't have to. I'm just asking once. ”
“And there's one more hopeful thing next month. ”
“What else is there? ”
“Japanese book 'Wake-up Man in the Morning‘ was in five chains. You can see the best seller sign. The book accelerates once it's gained momentum. We're seeing signs of that. “
“Well, I don't think it was a good book... but I think the book written by the king is worth a lot more. ”
Shin Shin-Sook smiled.
“Books aren't like that. When someone says" nice, "there's an uproar. If you can't read the book, you'll have the impression of being left out of the conversation, so you buy it in an argument. ”
“Well, I hope it all works out.” If French painter Marion Kinsky appears to be the best seller or Japanese translation book 'The Morning Waker’, we will also actively review the transfer of GE Media to the building. ”
“Do so. Good work today."
Soon after Shin, Seok Lee left, Gu Gun-ho immediately texted the snowman.
[Thank you for coming to the last Chinese Youth Transition Writer. Our gallery is planning an exhibition for Marion Kinsky, the next French master of color aesthetics.]
I got a reply.
[You seem to know a lot.]
He texted me again.
[Be sure to come and watch it again. French art is another cool thing about avant-garde China.]
[I don't want to be photographed like last time.]
[I don't think that's happening. I'll contact you when I have an exhibition planned.]
↳ [^ ^.]
It was Park Jong-seok's wedding day.
Park Jong-seok has a very strong personality, so a lot of people came. Employees in Giath Mobil seemed to have come halfway through without lying.
Two sightseeing buses also came from Incheon. Many people came to know that Park Jong-seok's mom was active. The bride's parents also had a lot of people who knew if it was due to real estate and hair shops in Cheonan.
“Oh, there's so many people. Look at this wreath. It's stretched all the way to the entrance of the ceremony. ”
They were all trader coins of Josh Mobile. It was a coin sent by the owner of a raw material or a contractor named Techney or Chemical.
“The groom says it's a big company factory. ”
“How did you become a factory owner at such a young age? ”
The executives of GE Mobil and the executives of Diyonkorea have arrived. Shin Jeong-sook's president came, Moon Jae's ceremony came, and the lecturer came. I even came to Im Tae-young.
Ceremonial workers said.
“After the Cheonan Convention Center, I think it's the biggest crowd. ”
The bride took off her usual glasses and came out wearing a wedding dress, making her look like someone else. The bride's head of the company also came out and greeted the Governor.
“You're in Cheonan Trigonads. I'm in direct mountains. Greetings. The groom is like my brother. ”
“Greetings. The bride was a cutie from our lab, but she was taken from us at Giant Mobile. Hahaha.”
Park Jong-seok said she was going on a honeymoon to Bali, Indonesia. Bentley's car, which was driven by Jiangchang, placed a tint tape and stood in front of the ceremony. Guggenho lent me his car to Incheon Airport.
“Hey, groom. Shut your mouth. No matter how much you like the bride, you can't open your mouth like that. ”
People made fun of Park Jong-seok.
Gu Gun-ho lent his car to the bride and groom that day, so he couldn't go to Seoul. I stayed at the Onyang Tourism Hotel in Kim Jong-moo's car.
I sat in a hotel room and drank beer watching the 9: 00 news. I wanted to see snow because I saw someone else getting married.
“I want to see the snow today. ”
Gu Gu sent a text to the snowman.
Hello, Mr Sulving!]
[There was a company employee wedding at the Cheonan Convention Center today.
Lend my car and driver to the bride and groom, not to go to Seoul, not to sightseeing.
I'm staying in a hotel.]
Heh heh heh heh heh It's hard to be a good boss.]
[I keep thinking of Mr Sulving because he's here.]
Tsk, tsk. I'm shooting tonight.]
Gu Gu sent an emoticon that looked like he was asleep and ended the text message.
Park Jong-seok changed a lot after getting married. First, I went home early and drank less. I felt like I was working harder.
“It's a good thing. ”
Gu Gu saw this phenomenon of Park Jong-seok as a process of becoming more mature.
One day, Gu Gun-ho called Park Jong-seok once after the executive meeting at Giach Mobil.
“Hey, Seong-seok. You've changed a lot. ”
“Nothing's changed. ”
“My nose is radiant and my face is pale every day. ”
“Haha, that's what it looks like. ”
"Do you like the bride that much? “
“You should get married too. ”
Park Jong-seok bought a 32-balance Purgio apartment next to Doojeong Station. I also got help from my parents, but I bought it without debt because I had amazingly made some money.
Gu gave the company car as a wedding gift for Park Jong-seok. Park Jong-seok is a director, so his salary now exceeds 100 million annual salary. There were more than Cho Cho Chon-Cheol from Gu, who is the chief of a large business, or Hwang Byung-cheol from Pangyo's laboratory.
Also, Park Jong-seok's parents or father-in-law's apartment were all owned one by one. Although they were not rich, they did not have much to do with eating and living. Moreover, since both families were only children and only children, their parents' property was also inherited. When they had children, they seemed to want to take each other away from their families.
[Seok-suk, yes. You will have many children. Give birth to three, that's the way to be good to your parents. I'm always confident in this factory with you.]