Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
GTH Logistics (3)
Machine installations seven and eight from Hansa Diyonkorea entered the Port of Busan. The last major investor on the U.S. side was finished. Due to the global brand and its own sales force, Rymandell DiYonsa was on a voyage.
Vice President Adam Kassler walks into the Salvation Room with an interpreter.
“We have now completed the actual investment in Dijon headquarters in the United States.
“Good work, everyone. It's time to focus solely on sales. ”
“Since both parties are finished, Dijon's headquarters would like to hold their first Board Meeting. ”
“We have to do it because of the terms and conditions of the agreement. ”
“The chairman of the board and one of the directors will do it. ”
“Is Brendan Burke coming? ”
“As Chairman of the Board, Brandon Burke, Vice President of Dijon headquarters, will come as Director of Overseas Affairs, Angelina Lane, or Richard Amiel, President of Dijonjefen, Tokyo. ”
“Me, Jeong-Moo Kim, and Yoon Sang-mu are attending. ”
“Very well, then I will schedule it with the head office and inform the boss. ”
Guggenho suddenly wanted to see Morrie Eiko after hearing that Adam Kessler had just come in and that Amiel might be in Tokyo.
“I haven't seen you in a while. I haven't seen him since I was thinking about the snow. How are you doing? ”
Gu Geun Ho is thinking this, and a phone call came from Park Hee-jeong, an assistant of GE Mobile.
“Ms. Grant, it's Park Hee-jeong. ”
“Oh, Hee-jeong, what are you doing? ”
“I have an international letter for you. I couldn't tell her today because she didn't stop by and went straight to Dijon Korea. ”
“Are you from China? ”
“No, I'm from Japan. ”
“Japan? Who sent you? ”
“The sender's name is in English, so please wait. I think it's Aiko. ”
Gu Gu instinctively knew it was from Eiko.
“Send him here, I'll send him. ”
“Yes, ma'am. ”
Gu Gu called Jiangho on the phone.
“Yes, boss. ”
“You need to go to a straightaway factory. If you go to Park Hee-jeong's secretary, I'll give you a letter. Bring it here. ”
“Yes, ma'am. ”
“What is it about? ”
Gu Gu slowly opened the mail.
It was an invitation to a traditional talent show at Tokyo Cultural Hall.
On the back of the invitation was a short guide to the performance in small text. A dance by the artist Mori Eiko, a popular weapon, was written.
“Painter's Dance? ”
I thought about how much more makeup I would get. The deeper the makeup, the sadder the Japanese geisha seemed.
“You have two invitations. Who do you want me to watch with? If I'm getting married, you want me to come with you? ”
When Gu Gu picked up the date, the performance was from this Friday to Sunday. “
“I want to see Morrie Eiko at the concert. ”
Shin Jung-sook reported on the settlement before French writer Marion Kinski.
“We had a lot of visitors and a lot of pamphlets. But the sale of the paintings was a little short. ”
“Is it because the painting is too difficult? ”
“I don't think it fits our mood a bit. ”
“This is a problem even if the color is too strong. ”
“The pamphlet was out of print and paid for printing. The painting bought a few points at a university, rather than a regular person. Gangnam women also bought several points. ”
“Kim, who I've known since I was a curator, bought two points without hesitation. This is a guy who makes hundreds of millions of years investing in art. ”
“I guess they resell, too? ”
“Yes, you can see the painting and you can do it well. ”
“Does your husband have a lot of money? ”
“My husband is a retired state-owned company president who originally said he had a lot of money from his grandfather's generation. ”
“You should know him well. ”
“Fifteen million won away from Marion Kinski. The last time I was a writer for China, I now have similar publishing and gallery income. Hoho.”
“What exhibition will you plan for next time? ”
“Korean writer's play. It's an exhibition of artists painting watercolors in Yangpyeong. ”
“Does anyone have a name? ”
“I couldn't shake the big name, but I'm good at painting. The GE Gallery is also a guest exhibition for world-renowned writers, but don't you think it's a good idea to discover talented local writers? ”
“That's a good idea. ”
“I think it's a way to improve the image of the gallery and eventually the reputation of the old boss if you let creative writers who are talented but don't have money cheaper. ”
“Haha, me too, well...”
“By the way, I donated another painting by Lady Marion Kinsti. I do not have the authority to dispose of this image as it was donated to GE Media. ”
“Just take it to the man's house. ”
“No, it's hard for me to do my job. ”
“Wherever the mural is. ”
“Keep it. And once the paintings are piled up, we'll have an exhibition of the Old Master's Complaint in the future, won't we?
“Like ‘Teacher Gu Gu's Complaint' in the future? ”
“That's right.”
“Haha, that's it? ”
“By the way, how is Moon Jae-shik Week doing with the transportation company? ”
“You seem motivated. You can also leave the art import and export there. ”
“Oh, you do that, too? ”
“We're going to turn it into a total transportation company.
“Wow, that's amazing. ”
“Have you picked a new editorial week? ”
“It's not a public recruitment, it's someone I've been with before, and there's one person who's really good at editing. I'm working underwater to get it out because I'm currently employed. I'll come and say hello to the boss when I get here. ”
“No, you don't have to say hello. You can just write it yourself. ”
It was Friday.
Gu Gun-ho got on a plane to Tokyo.
“You said the Tokyo Cultural Center is just outside Ueno Park. ”
Gugan took the subway from the airport and entered downtown Tokyo.
The Tokyo Cultural Center was right in front of the Ueno ( ) station.
“Traffic is good. It's very accessible, so a lot of people will be watching the show.
This performance was not only a Geisha dance, but also a tradition. Gu Gu had a lot of show time, so he thought he'd have to go around the park. There was a statue standing at the entrance of the park. He was in the shape of an old samurai.
“Huh? Whose statue is that? ”
It was a statue of Sago Takamori.
“Tsk! A statue of Saigo d 'Amori! ”
Gu Geon Ho was close and I felt bad seeing the image of Dagamori. Saigo Dagamori was the one who insisted on invading the Korean Empire for modernization.
Guggenho walked between the cherry blossoms in Ueno Park. It's not spring, so there are no cherry blossoms and only leaves. Guggenho stumbled upon the memory of the first time he met Morrie Coe in the fairy. Eycho, who danced with a flower arrangement on his head, was like a fairy. Gu sent a text to Mori Eiko.
[I'm here. I'm here to see the show.]
Morrie Eiko didn't answer if she didn't see her smartphone because she was preparing for the performance. Gu, who walked for a long time, rang a notification and looked at his phone.
It's me!]
Gu Gun Ho smiled and replied.
[I'll wait for you at Daikan Yama's mansion after the show.]
[I'm going to be late. Come in after dinner.]
Okay. Slow down.]
Gu Gun Ho watched a traditional play at the Tokyo Cultural Hall. Half of them fell asleep because they didn't know Japanese. The Japanese laughed and clapped in the middle to see if the play was fun. When I clapped, I also clapped with him without knowing Gu Geon Ho or English.
After waiting for a long time, there was a broadcast of the English language guide. There is a broadcast announcement that there is a dance performance of Geisha's origin. After the English broadcast, the Japanese broadcast came back. Many of the spectators took out their phones and prepared to take pictures.
This time, Odori (the dance of origin) was not only the dance of Mori Eiko, but also the military. It was a dance with various talent holders.
The stage opens with a strange traditional instrument. Dozens of geishas poured out under the bright lights. They were all wearing dark makeup and traditional kimonos. The Geisha in the middle is Mori Eiko. It was centered because Morrie Eiko's character was the best.
The spectacular military begins with the sound of a traditional instrument, Samissen.
“Mori Eiko Girei! ”
“Girray! (Beautiful). ”
People press the shutter towards Morrie Eiko in the center.
Guggenho also pressed the shutter towards Morrie Eiko.
It was past 10: 00 p.m. when the Goguryeo returned to Daikan Yama. The contact key number was still the phone number of the distress call. The guava put the beverages, bottled water, and fruits I bought in the refrigerator.
“Can't you eat at home often? Your fridge is empty. ”
At night, Mori Eiko sat on the bed with a teddy bear to see if she was sleeping with it. It was a doll that Gu Gu bought for me.
“Did you sleep with this at night? ”
Suddenly, I thought of poor Morrie Eiko. If the snow was like a blossom, Mori Eiko was like a shy blossom in the rain.
I fell asleep in Mori Eiko's perfumed bed without washing.
Gu Gu wakes up when he opens the door.
Mori Eiko bought a bag of fruit.
Morriecoe wrapped his arms around the neck of a hook, placing a fruit bag on the dining table. And I kissed the face of the Gu Gun Ho countless times as usual.
“Have you seen the show? ”
“You saw it.”
“How was it?”
“You're beautiful. ”
“I took a picture. ”
Guggenho showed me a picture of Morieco on his phone. “
“It's really me. ”
Morieco leaps again and hangs on the neck of a hook.
They sat at the table and ate the fruit Maurico had just bought.
“You bought the same fruit I bought you? ”
Mori Eiko runs into the fridge and opens the door.
“Omana. Really. ”
After eating the fruit, Morrie said,
“Take a shower first. ”
“I'll do it later. ”
“Then brush your teeth and feet. ”
Morrie said as she gave me a new toothbrush.
Mori Eiko took a shower and came out after cleaning her teeth and feet.
It's almost 12: 00 at night.
After applying the lotion, Morrie went to the bed where Guggenhorn was sitting.
“Did you sleep with that teddy bear every night? ”
“Yes, you bought it for me. ”
Gu Geon Ho smiled so cute that he kissed the ball and lay on the bed. I just showered and Morrie Eiko's skin was firm. Guggenho turned on the lights and sat Mori Eycho even more vigorously.