Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Celestial Connection (2)
Gu Gun was looking at the economic newspaper in the office of the Sinsa Dong building.
According to the article, political power was always noisy. I didn't have a day to be comfortable.
“I have to help politicians do business well, but I don't think so. If the big companies get out of the country, there's going to be a huge hiring riot. ”
Gu, while drinking the coffee Yeon-soo the secretary gave me, made a strange phone call to look at the newspaper.
“Are you Mr. Gu Gun-ho? ”
“Yes, it is. ”
“I got the old boss's number by introducing him to the delayed boss in Akasaka, Tokyo. ”
“Oh, really? ”
However, the voice of the caller was a little strange.
“I was wondering if I could see you today? ”
“Yes, I don't care if you're coming. What's going on? ”
“I'd like to discuss contemporary art in Japan. ”
“Modern Japanese art? ”
“Yes, it is. We'll see you in the morning. ”
Here comes the caller. He looks in his 50s, a strange man with a wavy hair and a mustache.
“I'm the one who called. ”
“Are you the person who was introduced to you by CEO Choi Delay in Tokyo? ”
“That's right.”
“Have a seat. ”
A man pulls out his business card from the inside pocket of a combi shirt and gives it to the guard.
“My name is Matsui Yoshitaka. ”
“Oh, you're Japanese. ”
Gu also took out his business card and gave it to a visitor. Then I called her assistant Yeon-soo to order a car.
“You speak very good Korean. ”
“I've been a Korean correspondent in a Japanese newspaper for seven years. ”
“Oh, that's why you speak Korean so well. Are you still a correspondent? ”
“No, I'm in the middle of an art deal now. They also sell Korean art to Japan or bring Japanese art to Korea. Sometimes we also deal in cultural treasures. ”
“Oh, really? You said on the phone that you wanted to discuss contemporary Japanese art...”
“I said contemporary art, but I want to tell you about Japanese cartoons. ”
“Japanese cartoons are widespread in Korea, and there are many children's favorite writers. ”
“I know that story. ”
“Speaking of which, why don't we put on a Japanese cartoonist's exhibition at the G.H. gallery? ”
“Yes, a Japanese cartoonist painted it by hand. ”
“The GE Gallery is not treated as a formal piece of art. ”
“Cartoons are art, sculptures are art. You need to widen the horizon of your eyes. ”
Gu Geon Ho was trying to attract the work of the maestroes with only pure paintings of the Ch 'H. gallery, but he felt bad about exhibiting cartoons.
“I'm not involved in the Giant H. Gallery. It's run by a company called GE Media. We'll talk to them and get back to you. ”
“Very well. I look forward to the good news. Thank you for the tea. ”
The guard muttered to himself as the visitor left.
“I'm going to see all these crazy people. ”
Shin Shin-Sook, president of GE Media, recently visited the Sin-Sa-dong building. He managed an underground gallery and a rooftop bookcafe.
“Is the underground gallery waterworks until next week? ”
“That's right.”
“I had a strange friend this morning. I had a friend who asked me to do a cartoon war in my gallery. ”
“Comic book war?”
“I was chased away by Japanese cartoonists for an exhibition of won coins. We said that we were purely conversational. ”
“Do you know his contact information? ”
“I know. I left my card. He speaks very good Korean. ”
Shin Jung-sook quickly noted the phone number of Gu's business card.
“Then why write down his contact information? ”
“The Japanese cartoonist's exhibition is a triumph. Japanese cartoonists' won paintings are better than trivial paintings. ”
“Is that so?"
“Japanese cartoonists are especially popular with students here in Gangnam. There will be a lot of students here for less than a few dollars. Comics are something to keep in mind. We need to widen the horizon of our eyes. ”
“You say the same thing about the Japanese. ”
“They told me that cartoons are art and sculpture is art, so I need to expand my horizons. ”
Shin Jung-sook smiled.
“That's true. ”
Gu Gun-ho felt ashamed that he was too outdoorsy about art. I quickly changed the fire.
“By the way, there was snow the last time before French painter Marion Kinski. ”
“Oh, really? I didn't see it. ”
“I went back and forth especially around 8: 00 after the exhibition. ”
In saying this, Shin Shin-Sook glanced at Gu Gun-ho's face.
“What's the matter? ”
“Don't you... like snow? ”
“Rather than like it… I'm a fan. Haha.”
“I was going to introduce someone nice to the old boss, but I don't think so. ”
“Was it?”
“Keep an eye on the snow and get together. ”
“I don't know about snow, but she's a little...”
“How's your mom? ”
“No, you two have a good time. ”
I got a call from my sister at the university hospital.
“Mom, you'll be in the O.R. in a minute. ”
“Really? I'm on my way. ”
“You don't have to come. Come over for dinner. ”
“Call one of the caregivers. ”
“Don't you get paid? ”
“Don't worry about the money. ”
“Okay, come to room XXX at night. I moved the room.”
“Is this a one-man thread? ”
“It's a one-man thread. My mom told me to get some rest and go home. ”
“Well done. ”
Gu Gun Ho stopped by the hospital room at night.
An unfamiliar woman greeted him. Apparently, she was a caregiver. She was having dinner.
“You're here? Don't come if you're busy. ”
“I'm done. Can I eat? ”
“No. I haven't eaten in a while, but I'm not feeling well. ”
“You don't need an enema, do you? ”
“I haven't eaten anything yet. Let's move the room back to room six tomorrow. ”
“Stay in the room. Have a baccarat. ”
“No. Let's just have an apple juice. I can't sleep well at night when I eat baccas. ”
“Still not going to the bathroom by yourself? ”
“I can't go by myself yet, but I could use your help. ”
The doctors and nurses are in. He was a doctor on rounds. The doctor was a man in his late 40s, and a woman who had an enema yesterday was behind him. He seemed to be an attending.
“Are you all right, ma'am? ”
“Yes, I'm fine. ”
“The surgery went well. You can eat well and walk out in a few days. Lie down.”
When she fell down, the nurses stripped her of her clothes. The male doctor pressed on her waist.
“You okay?"
“Yes, I'm fine. ”
“What about this side? ”
“Ow, ow! It hurts.”
“This way. ”
“It's okay there. ”
“” Never mind. Enjoy your meal. “
The male doctor looked at the hook.
“Are you your son? ”
“Yes, it is. ”
“The surgery went well. I wouldn't worry about osteoporosis. You can get up on your own in a few days. Don't worry about it. ”
“Thank you.”
Gu said a respectful hello to the doctor and sent a funeral to the woman doctor yesterday. It may have been a mistake, but it seemed like a woman doctor was smiling.
Gu Gun-ho left Seoul University Hospital and saw his smartphone in the back seat of a Bentley car being driven by Sung Chan-ho.
On the smartphone, there was a picture of Mori Eiko performing at the Tokyo Cultural Hall.
“You're always so cute. ”
Guggenho searched for snow on his smartphone. As soon as I took the name of the top star, a lot of pictures appeared.
“You look beautiful. ”
The hook closed its eyes.
However, this evening, I remembered the face of a woman doctor who had been baptized in the hospital without remembering the appearance of Mori Eikona snow.
Gu Gu opened his eyes. But I kept thinking about the woman doctor's face.
“Am I really a cheater? Are you the cheater of Gangnam, not Gangnam's biggest hand? ‘
But in fact, there was only one Morrie Eiko.
Gu Gun-ho reminded me of the mother of snow ice that the new boss said. He was seven years younger than Gu, who was driving in front of him. The news about the entertainment industry seemed to be well known, so I asked.
“Chanho, you know Talent Ice, right? ”
“Isn't it rising a lot lately? ”
“Do you like him? ”
“Oh, great. It's beautiful.”
“I came and went to our gallery once. ”
“Really? The ice is pretty, but she's a little... ”
Sangho also said the same thing as Shin Shin-suk. “
“What's wrong with you? ”
“I'm so excited. There's a rumor going around that managers are saying, ”
“It's on the Internet. He says his daughter doesn't get married unless she's financially ill. ”
“Really? I don't think anyone's ever been together. ”
“Who knows? I've heard rumors of a relationship with the second son of group N. ”
“How do you know that? ”
“How should I know? It's like an Internet cafe, you know. ”
“The snow is said to have studied well while walking around with Seomun. ”
“Why are you smiling? ”
I went to Seomun and I went to a central theater. “
“Then why are you laughing? ”
“Haven't you seen the show? The broadcaster showed me a picture of Mr. Kim and asked me who I was, so I asked him if he was relaxed. ”
“Well, it could be. ”
“Who doesn't know Kim Gu? I didn't look at the book. ”
“If you're going to a middle-school theater, don't you have to study? ”
“I don't know. Maybe he went to a parasite. You said his father was from a station executive. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“Anyway, I don't want to be on her mom's show. I think I'm gonna be sick. ”
Gu Gu had a bad feeling.
[Sang-ho, don't you only believe in rumors?]
It was Monday, and Gu Gun Ho went to Giant Mobile on a straightaway mountain.
The President of Invoice Hwan came in.
“How are you? ”
“Yes, the company is fine. Sales are increasingly increasing. ”
“There's nothing to worry about here, Song. ”
“By the way, did he ask you to retain the profits without repaying the debt? ”
“Wouldn't it be great if a good company were to acquire it later? We're going to have to distribute our shares in the Kosdaq listed conditions anyway. ”
“Of course, our company has less than 500 shareholders and less than 50 billion shareholders, failing to meet the requirements for stock diversification prior to pre-screening. ”
“So wouldn't it be a good idea to take over? ”
“You don't have to do that. Weekly securities companies for cosdac registration can recruit minor shareholders via private equity or public offering prior to registration. I want to do more than that. ”
“Increased? You want me to invest more? ‘
“No, let's divide and add it back to the company at the end of the year. ”
“What do we do? Explain that again. ”
“We expect a net income of 2.5 to 3 billion after income tax payments this fiscal year. This is for shareholders. Since Juju is the old boss alone, he will pay for everything in front of the old boss. ”
“and put the dividend back into the company and increase it. In other words, increase with money. Although the boss is not personally paid to spend, his company's assets are growing. In other words, you will increase your fortune. ”
“The company's capital is 3 billion. If you put 2 billion dividends in for a capital increase, the capital becomes 5 billion, and the company is relaxed with 2 billion in cash. You can use this money to repay your debt. That is, the after-improvement debt is reduced. ”
“Registering for Kosdaq makes funding easier. Isn't the stock list system supposed to facilitate corporate funding to help you expand your business or develop technology? You can do the M&A at that time. ”