Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Business Performance Debrief (1)
On this day, Gu Gun Ho and Kim Young-un attended a play at the Art Theatre at the University of Arko. They also talked to each other about the play. Kim Young-un was a person who once dreamed of being a painter, so he was very good at art.
“If I were married to Snow Ice or Gay Co, I'd be pretty, but I wouldn't have the same sympathy as Kim Young-un. ”
Gu Gun-ho and Kim Young Eun came out to the street after watching the play.
“You're not hungry? ”
“I'm hungry.”
“What do you want to eat? ”
“Um... pizza! ”
As they were walking, they found a pizza parlor called Poroco Rocco.
“Gu Gun-ho is a businessman, but I like it because it's informal. ”
“I like that Kim Young Un is also informal. ”
“You're a normal person. Hoho.”
Gu Gu had fun. I prayed and prayed in my heart that this day would continue.
“Well, where do you live? Do you live alone without your mother? ”
“Yes, live alone. Live in a Sinrim-dong East Apartment. ”
“I'm sure you'll write it down for yourself. ”
“It's not like that. Go to Origin, leave GO and go to the library. Sometimes you go to Gwanak Mountain with your friends. You like it there.”
“Young Eun must have sent some allowance. ”
“Hoho, I'm not spending my allowance well. You don't get a lot of allowance because you have a pension.
“I heard you were an elementary school teacher. ”
“You've been a teacher for 34 years. ”
“I look forward to seeing you. ”
Kim Young-un laughed while eating pizza.
It became December 15.
It was the day of the year's business performance report and the announcement of next year's business plan. The President of Invoicing Hwan summoned all executives from the meeting room above the level of exaggeration. In particular, a union chairman was present, and 36 people all entered the conference room. Six of them were officers, so the chairs of the officers were placed in the front row and faced the attendees. Everyone came to the meeting with a company diary next to them.
The secretary general announced the opening statement and started the performance report. The PowerPoint is on and all the executives staring forward turn their chairs to the screen.
Kim Minhwa, a female executive, was in charge of the performance report. Director Kim Min-hwa came forward with a command rod and started reporting at a slightly higher tone than usual.
[Our company's revenue this year reached 81.6 billion. This is about a 9% increase over the legal period. The manufacturing cost will be 67.8 billion, and the profit will be 13.8 billion. The general administration fee was 8.1 billion, and operating earnings were 7.7 percent. Among these, non-operating expenses are 2.6 billion, and net income after income tax is 2.4 billion. 2.9% of revenue.]
[Next, we will talk about the detailed expenditure on manufacturing costs.]
The President of Invoice Hwan stopped the Chief of Staff.
“There's something I have to pick up here. ”
Everyone looked at the face of President Invoicewan.
“Our company's paid-in capital is 2.5 billion. In order to repay the malicious debt, Ms. Gu lent the company another three billion in addition to the capital. In addition to the capital, three billion is the money the company owes back if it profits. But he returned all of these three billion to capital, and the current capital is five billion.]
There was no cough in the bowel.
“And he instructed us to use it to repay all of our debts without dividend for 24 billion in net income this year. For this reason, we expect our non-operating costs to decrease somewhat over the next year and our debt ratio to decrease as well. Everyone here should thank the Old Master. ”
The manager's words resumed.
[Details on manufacturing costs....]
Song blocked the horse again.
“The Head of Accounting is missing the bad numbers, but only the big letters. ”
“I understand.”
The performance report took a while for the manager to speak only large letters.
Next year's business plan was announced by Deputy Director Seo Changhwan of Sales.
[Next year's business plan will be announced. Next year's revenues are aimed at 9.1.4 billion, up 12 percent from this year's estimated profit and loss, driven by increased sales of the new AM083 assembly and volume of the S company….]
[… so next year's estimated profit and loss is aimed at the realization of 5 billion net income]
When the report was finished, the senior auditor said.
“Over the next year, we expect our debt ratio to be close to the industry average. ”
At the end of the report, there was a final evaluation of the distress call.
“You've done well. I'm very pleased to see your efforts have made the company grow gradually. Our sales target for next year is 9.1.4 billion, and I'm sure your enthusiasm will exceed that.
In order for us to go public in Kosdaq, our debt ratio needs to be 1.5 times lower than the industry average. Listed will increase the company's external credibility and your pride will increase. Welfare will also improve. We ask that all of us work together until that day. You guys have been through a long time. “
At the end of Gu Gun Ho's words, I clapped as one.
On this day, more chicken and fruit were served at the cafeteria. On the day of the announcement of the business plan, people said that there were more special meals with Old Master's special instructions.
“Old boss is a scholar, so he gets angry when he gets one wrong number. ”
“The executives will keep their wits about them. ”
Gu Gu Gu and the executives ate in the cafeteria that day.
Gu Gun-ho called from the artist while drinking coffee brought by his secretary Park Hee-jeong after eating in the cafeteria.
“I am the best painter. I wanted to give you a call because it's lunchtime. ”
“How are you? ”
“I'm fine. How many times have you met Young-un? Marry me without prejudice. It's December, so do it right after winter. Do it in March. ”
“I don't mind. ”
“The wedding month is decided by the bride, and the day of the wedding is decided by the bride. Have you met your father? ”
“Not yet...”
“I don't know if it's like a man or a woman. I asked Young-un to bring me some ashes from Old Man's Finger, so I'm just bringing ashes. Young-eun likes his dad's liquor, so just buy a bottle and go. ”
“Haha, got it. ”
“Then I'll tell Young-un that the groom has decided to be in March. I'll ask Young-un to catch a specific date in March. ”
“Thank you.”
“Actually, I wanted her to get married sooner, even though I saw her dad alone. But this lunatic volunteered for Africa or something, and he got older. ”
“Thank you for your attention to many things. ”
Guggenho went to Dijon Korea. Dijon Korea also had a performance report this year and a business plan meeting next year.
Gu Gu, who could not even take a nap as a hobby, went straight to Dijon Korea after drinking coffee. The meeting still had 20 minutes left, so I turned on the computer in the boss's room to try to stay online. There was one in the mail. It was sent by Director Yoo Hee Yeol of Production.
[There are many kinds of Raw Material Formulation Tables for Dijonsa, so I haven't been able to register with the owner in a while. We are now going to view the raw material formula table as an attachment. I'm sorry I'm late, but we haven't made this public to anyone but you.
He gave me an opportunity to train in the United States, and he got me promoted, and he sent me to Dijon Korea. In order to repay the boss's consideration, I tried to clean up quickly, but in the meantime, the machine equipment kept coming in and there was a lot of test production, so the report was delayed. Again, I'm very sorry.
Director Yoo Hee Yeol from Production -]
The hook opened the file. It had thick numbers and chemical symbols written on it. Incredible quantities.
“Oh, I don't know if I can see this. Just know you're registered. ”
Gu sent a short reply.
[I saw the raw material formula chart very well. The Chairman has done a lot of hard work. Let's work together to improve the company. Thank you.]
Dijon Korea's performance announcement was made by the manager of the Department of Finance, Light-Sook.
[Dijon Korea is a nine-month business year with no more than one business year.
The gross revenue is 21 billion and the cost of sales is 157.5 billion. Gross profit is 52.5B. General management costs are 2 billion 9.5% compared to sales and operating profit is 3.2 billion. Non-operating expenses have not been incurred....]
Since he was a tie, Lee translated into English when he finished speaking to the tanker.
Next year's business plan was announced by the head of the sales journal.
[Next year's business plan is expected revenue of 36.4 billion, 33.6 billion in domestic and overseas revenue of 3 billion….]
After a boring interpretation, Gu Gu, who had a final comment from Gu, was somewhat tired because he had been reported since this morning.
[Dijon Korea has grown remarkably in your first year of dedication. The joint venture benefited from the absence of financial debt, but in the future, it may be less profitable to incur its own finance by expanding overseas sales networks. However, even if you are financially motivated, increasing your sales volume can lead to significant profits.]
Adam Kassler nods as he hears the translation.
[Our overseas sales are a bit weak next year, so please pay attention to overseas sales. Please allow machinery to be fitted by the first half of next year. Thank you for your time. “]
Gu Gun Ho was having tea and resting in the boss's room after the meeting, and a phone call came from Song President of Mobil.
“I'm Song. Is Dijon Korea's business plan presentation over? ”
“It's over.”
“We've heard that our gross revenue this year is 25 percent. ”
“That's right.”
“The profit margin is great, because it's also a raw material company. International sales will continue to happen next year. ”
“You caught it at three billion. ”
“The overseas sector is a little weak. We have announced our business plans in Mobile or Dijon Korea, but the fact is we need a planning part. I think planning room installation is also required for future strategic investment or business analysis. ”
“You must have been very tired to receive reports from both companies today. ”
“You're still young, so that's fine. ”
Gu said and hung up, but he was really tired.
Gu Gu, while drinking tea, thought.
[If each one of them has over 100 billion in sales, we'll need a department called Planning. for business planning, for validity analysis of new investments, for self-auditing. That needs to go directly to the president.]
Gu, sitting at his desk, emailed the director of development, Shin, Seok, president of media, and Kim, Min-hyuk, president, China.
[Today there was a report on the business results of this year's year's edition of Giah Mobil and Diyonkorea, as well as next year's edition of business plans. Developments, media and China Co., Ltd. are replaced by written reports, so please email them by the end of this year. Please briefly provide an A4. You've had a great year.]