Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
GH Soap (£22609; £) Co., Ltd. (1)
Gu Gun-ho and Sung Chan-ho rode in Kim Min-hyuk's Audi car to visit GE Train Embassy Co., Ltd. Upon arriving at the factory, a few executives who knew the face of Gu, greeted him.
“Oh, is Dong Wook here? ”
The executives called Gu Geon Ho Dong.
“How are you guys? ”
He shook their hands and patted their backs.
“Hmm, the machine's all working. ”
“It's 100% operational. But it's not enough to work at night. ”
Retirement factories also ran after they heard the news that Gu Junho had come.
“How are you? You look healthy.”
“I feel comfortable because Kim Min-hyuk is kind to me. ”
“I like how you're doing. ”
“The machines work well, so there's not a lot of work for the old man. I always think I'm being treated well. ”
“It's okay to be around people like you. ”
Gu Gun Ho inspected the production site and inspected the cafeteria, offices, meeting rooms and even toilets. I told Min-hyuk Kim to redecorate the bathroom because it looks dirty.
“Don't be afraid to do it. The money spent on employees comes back later. ”
“Okay, I'll do it. ”
Min-hyuk Kim led Gu and Chongho to the office. There were three of them.
“Omana, aren't you the old boss? ”
In detail, it was Cho Eun-hwa of the Joseon who taught Chinese to Gu Gun-ho and Kim Min-hyuk.
“Oh, Eun-wha! ”
I also shook his hand because it was nice to meet you. Kim Min-hyuk smiled and said.
“I was translating and now I'm in charge of judicial work here. ”
“Oh, yeah? That's great.”
Gu Gun-ho also greeted the caretaker. Gu Gu held out his hand in greetings because he was also a mercenary.
“How long has it been since I've been an accountant? ”
“Nihao! Dongsoo. ”
“Oh, what an ophthalmologist! Come here. ”
In the middle came a man sitting at a large desk.
“I'm the manager I hired last time. ”
“Oh, really? ”
A man who looks three or four years younger than Gu Gun Ho greeted him.
“How do you do?”
“I was in a Korean company and came to our company because the Korean company is withdrawing. It's been in China for seven years. ”
“Really? In seven years, you'll be out of China. ”
“A friend of mine came to China after college and got a job. College is behind me. ”
“Haha, really? ”
“I've heard a lot about you. ”
“Greetings. Are you married? ”
“Still single. ”
“If you work hard, you'll have a lot of good things to do. It's good to see someone who's talented. ”
Kim Min-hyuk trembled.
“This guy comes in and I go out to do business with my mind. ”
“I feel like Kim is comfortable having a good comrade. Take good care of Kim. ”
“I understand.”
Gu, Gun-ho and Ji Chan-ho went to Ding's company on Soju Plain with Kim Min-hyuk. His company on the third floor already had a clear sign with the GE logo. "GH Soap" was interconnected.
He was alone in the office and Dinding was alone in the office. Dinging greeted Gu Gu Gu Gu with a happy greeting.
“Nice to meet you, Dongsoo! ”
When Gu Gun Ho sat on the couch in the boss's room, the clerk brought the car.
“Maybe it's just the women. The office is clean. They have Western flowerpots and Ding Fung paintings. By the way, how's Mr. Dingpung doing? ”
“Yes, she is healthy. He went to Hong Kong for an event. ”
“I thought you said this office was a tariff? ”
“Yes, 450,000 won per month for Korean money. The average is inside and out of 100 square meters. South Korea is about 30 square feet. ”
“So this employee is the one on the outside? ”
“There are currently four employees. You have two guards in your warehouse as employees. so I could work responsibly. ”
“Well done. ”
“Dijon Korea's raw materials now come in at KRW 4.5 million per ton. ”
“That's right. Once we're at 450, we're at 480. 6.6% profit margin. The main account is GE Train Embassy Co., Ltd. ”
Everyone laughed at this.
“You digested 50 tons last month? ”
“I was forced to go 50 tons. ”
“Hmmm, it's 240 million won, 50 tons of Korean money goes down 15 million won. “
“That's right.“
“Is that worth going back to? ”
“We have less than a 10% margin rate, but we are not a manufacturing company, so we may be able to keep our labor costs and expenses low. ”
“Hmm, is that so? ”
“The $100,000 he gave me was a lot of venture capital. I don't worry about collections starting next month. ”
“What are the chances of a saline plant coming into contact with you? ”
“We are producing prototypes and looking at reactions. It is a company that produces not only automotive parts but also appliances, so there will be a lot of order when trading. ”
“How did you say you knew about it? ”
“Your son and his wife were both studying in the United States. I know Kim Min-hyuk well. Hoho.”
“You said the warehouse is about four keys from here. ”
“Come with me. ”
Gu Gun-ho, Su Chan-ho, and Kim Min-hyuk all went to the warehouse. The guard is imagining the raw materials coming in from the forklift.
“I bought a used forklift. The guard is working so he knows how to drive a forklift. ”
“You can get 100 tons of stuff in this warehouse, right? ”
“A maximum of 100 tons is possible. ”
Gu also went into the on-site container office next to the warehouse. There was a desk and a round table.
“Do I use the telephone for work orders? ”
“We do it by phone, we do it by email. Print out the invoice sent by email and send it with your transcript. ”
“It took me about 15 minutes to get from the normal office to the warehouse here. ”
“Yes, so if you ask me to buy you something you need, I'll come here myself. It's a must-hear almost once a day. ”
“Hmm, I see. ”
“We have two guards now, and we need three. We're hiring one more. We'll have to take three shifts to get out of here." ”
“Looks like we'll have to buy some freight trucks if we get too big. ”
“Transportation comes first. I think it would be great if you could lower the supply price of raw materials due to the high cost of transportation. ”
Gu Gu Gu smiled.
“I'll go back and consult with the practitioners. ”
The rescue party is escorted to a restaurant near the office on Soju's Plaza. The restaurant is on the second floor, and the marble is neat.
“It's traditional Soju food, so listen. ”
Foods such as traditional foods such as circulatory fermentation meat (R&D) 32905; and osmotic pressure (R.P.) were produced. Gu Gun-ho didn't eat much because he didn't have diarrhea yesterday, but he ate a lot while trying to beat him.
When I left Soju Airport, Kim Min-hyuk gave me 4 bottles of alcohol.
“Four bottles of alcohol, two bottles each, and I can't give you any more.
Gudang also bought two bags of cigarettes in a duty-free shop with perfumes, men's wallets and a set of belts. Cigarettes were given to Sang-ho.
“I don't smoke a lot, take all these cigarettes. Give a bag to Im Tae-young. ”
“I understand.”
The mouth of the protective guard is wide open.
Gu Gun Ho arrived at Incheon Airport around evening. The parking fee for Bentley's car in the parking lot was quite high.
“Take care of your parking receipts. ”
Gu Gu paid for parking with a Dijon Korea corporate card. Gu Gu took a three-company corporate card.
Despite being pushed off due to work hours, I arrived at the Tower Palace around 8 pm.
“Chanho did a lot of good work. ”
"Thanks to you, I was able to watch and eat a lot of delicious food. Thank you."
“Today is Friday, so rest the day after tomorrow. ”
“I'll see you Monday, then. ”
When Gu Gun Ho got out of the car, he shouted.
“Ms. Grant, you didn't bring these two bottles. ”
“Those two bottles are yours. You can each take two bottles. ”
“Aren't all four bottles yours? ”
“No, two bottles are yours. ”
“Thank you, Ms. Grant. ”
The mouth of solemn protection opened again.
Kim Young Eun was at home on Friday. When the door rang, Kim Young-un in front of the front door accepted the goods that Gu Gun-ho had brought.
“Are you coming now? What's all this? ”
“Drinks and my things. ”
“Your face looks awkward. ”
“It's because I have diarrhea. Thank you for the medicine you gave to Chongho. ”
“Have you taken your laxatives? ”
“I ate.”
“You didn't get dinner, did you? ”
“I don't want to eat anything. I just need one kimchi in my rice. ”
Kim Young-un's attitude was clearly different from when she came back from Japan.
[Do women really feel that way?]
Kim Young-un prepared dinner when Gu Gun-ho came out after washing. In addition to kimchi, there were some more miso stew and some side dishes from the diner. I also sent him an egg.
“You ate, right? ”
“No, I didn't eat it because it was the day you came. ”
“If you're this late, eat first. You're hungry, right?”
Kim Young-un smiled at Gu Gun-ho. The smiling face was cute, so I kissed him on the cheek.
After eating food, Kim Young-un carved the fruit.
“Don't do the dishes. You must be tired from the long haul. ”
Gu Gun Ho gave Kim Young-un a drink, a purse, and a set.
“Bring me Shinrim-dong's father. ”
“What about Incheon's father? ”
“Here's another one. ”
Gu Gun-ho lay side-by-side with Kim Young Eun in the living room bed.
Lying side by side in my pajamas, Kim Young-un felt warm. Kim Young-un hugged me and said.
“Home is the best. There's a cozy room and a lovely wife like this. ”
“Earlier, I was scared. ”
“I was worried about what I would do if my brother didn't come. I was scared to sleep alone in a big apartment. ”
“I told you I was coming on Friday. ”
“But if I came late because I had an extra day or two, I had to do something. ”
“Did you miss me? ”
“I was too busy to do that. I've got a lot going on lately. ”
“What's going on so much? ”
“I have to help my attending operate, I have to check on her, I have to go on rounds, and I have a lot of paperwork to do. ”
“My calves are going to hurt. ”
“I sometimes put weight on my calves. ”
“I'll let you go. ”
Gu Gun-ho raised his torso and began to rub Kim Young-un's calves.
Kim Young-un grinned instead of answering.
“Last time I went to Japan, why did I get so sick? ”
“At that time, the wind blew. ”
“At that time, I was strangely like the man my brother was pulling out of. ”
“Me? Why? ”
“I don't know. I just hated it.”
“What about today?"
“I came in here today and I felt sorry for you. ”
“Why do I feel sorry for you? ”
“I don't know. My face is all crooked and my back is crooked. ”
“Did I do that? ”
“My brother smells like China. ”
“The smell of China? I washed it before.”
“Haha, I'm in a mood. ”
“It looks like it came from a Chinese wind. ”
“Where have you been to China? ”
“I've only been to Beijing once. I went to Beijing University Hospital at a medical conference. ”
“Really? How's Beijing Hospital? ”
“That's what hospitals do. I went to the pharmacy and caught the belly button. I remember everyone who went with me smiling because the sign said" the real medicine ". ”