Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Moon Jae Ceremony's Family History (2)
Gu Geunho had heard that Moon Jae's mother once lost her youngest son and lost her mind. I carefully asked my mom about her situation.
“How is your mother? How are you doing with your living expenses? ”
“Take it easy. My dad lets me pay for my living, and I let him pay for mine. There's a bit of an aging pension coming out. ”
“Then it's a life. ”
In the question of Gu, Moon Jae Ceremony only made a joke.
“There's nothing left but rent. Even in a two-bedroom basement, the rent is 150,000 won. I can't save money. If my dad gets a million won salary and pays the 400,000 court fee and pays my mom's living expenses, he'll live with 400,000 won. ”
Moon Jae Ceremony did not drink soju according to soju glasses, but instead drank cold water according to water cups.
“You said there are 3 billion apartments in Gangnam, Seoul. Every time I see such a newspaper, I want to light a fire in Gangnam's luxury apartment complex. Kick-kick.”
“Then I'll be taken. He's gonna get caught on CCTV for not being able to start a fire and carrying a trunk full of fun. And the whole world will be fingering me. You'd call it an impurity with a Red idea. A young man who works hard and doesn't think about making money and complains about society. ”
“You're drunk. ”
“Old Master, who do you think the law is for? I'm here for the rich, not for the poor. ”
“Drink slowly. ”
“I don't have enough rice to eat right now, so I can't pay rent, so my alumni took 50,000 won to use it for a while and they called me a fraud. Kick-kick.”
“It's in the past. ”
“I, Old President, will go to China and succeed. Thank you for giving me such a small opportunity. I'm always in your debt. You were the one who stopped me when I was beaten to death by Lake Lee, right? I owe you so much. ”
Moon Jae Ceremony poured liquor into an empty glass of Gu Gu Gae Ho.
“Well, it looks like I'm the only one drinking. Drink it yourself."
“You don't owe me. Rather, this time I sold the land for a good price and I saw your blessings. ”
“Gu Gu 'eha! You're a good man. I'm sorry I told the owner it was him. You're a character. I'm not the person who studied better than you, Cho Won Chul or Hwang Byung-chul. They were only supported by the environment. The character is also you. He's my friend, but I'm really proud of him. ”
“This guy's so drunk, he's full of shit! Basement! Stop drinking. I'm too drunk. ”
“Kick-kick, it's good to hear the basement. Just one more bottle. ”
“You all right? Just one, then. Ma'am, I need another bottle! ”
Gu Geon Ho pushed the cooked meat in front of Moon Jae Sook and asked.
“I heard you lost your brother and that your mother's mind sometimes goes off the rails. Are you okay? ”
“I did once, but it's okay. It's nice to hang out with the locals these days. Why are you picking on the old lady? ”
“How much money do you get per key if you don't mind? ”
“Well, there's that noise. ”
“It's not easy either. Last time I went home, my mom's nails were all black. That's what happens to your fingernails after a long time. I want to take good care of my mom when I get settled, but it's not easy for me to rent a telecomic home anytime soon. South Korea should have a home too. ”
“But you grew up well in a difficult environment. He has a talent for winning novels on the doorstep, but it seems that he has no luck. ”
“What a talent to freeze to death! ”
“And the reason I asked you to have a drink today is because of your reward. Now that I've sold the land and made some money, I'll give you a loan for your name. ”
“Never mind. I didn't mean to get that. ”
“That's not the way social practices work. I'm not satisfied, but I'll give you some. ”
“I said no.”
“The money I put into buying the land is about four billion. ”
“It will be. Logistics land was initially bought for two billion, rice paddies for 500, blind rice paddies for 2,600. It cost 3.9 billion. Four billion if you add taxes and other fees. ”
“Then I paid 300 million for the farm, changed the location and paid 6,000 registration taxes, and the total combined cost of working on the Holy Land and taxes and fees is 4,000, which is 4.4 billion, including the land value. If you sell it here for 6.5 billion, you lose 2.1 billion. ”
“You'll lose it all to the IRS. ”
“I'm going to pay half the income tax on the transfer. You won't be able to get a special deduction from long-term retention because you have a short retention period. And there's 1.1 billion after the real one, and there's 720 million in loans to buy heavy equipment and trucks, so there's about 300 million left. ”
“Sold for 6.5 billion, it's no big deal. ”
“No, I don't. I dropped 300 million in cash. How much is that? And a 27-year-old cargo company called Logistics, free of charge? Thanks to Moon Jae, I made a fortune. ”
“I didn't do anything. ”
“I'm going to spill the beans. I'll buy you a small apartment in Incheon for the price of borrowed land. ”
“What? Apartment? ”
“I bought and sold the farm to the address, so it's a natural reward. And you have to buy a house and take your parents home so you don't have to worry about going to China and getting into business. ”
“No way! ”
“Since your mother lives in Peace Dong near Dong Incheon Station, I'll buy you a public apartment next to Dong Incheon Station. Sometimes when you come to Korea, you need a place to rest, so buy a three-room, and you'll live for 200 million. ”
“Are you... drunk? ”
“No, this is something I've been thinking about since you bought the farm. And bring me my father. As couples get older, it's better to be together. ”
“Thank you, but what about the living expenses? I still can't afford to pay my parents' bills. You have to pay rent to go to China. Besides, he's got a court fund. ”
“When you go to China, you will get a house from the noose. Because it's a state-owned company, there are rules and regulations. I know that because I tried the ploughs at the Goldsmith in Gonzan City. ”
Moon Jae Ceremony listened nervously to Gu Gae Ho's words to see if he was sober.
“Because it's the general salary of a state-owned enterprise, you'll get at least 30 square feet of home. The rent will be settled on the property's dormitory. And your salary is 300 here, but there are rules of engagement, so you only get 10,000 yuan or 15,000 yuan. ”
“Is that so?"
“It's hard to live in Korea with that money, but it's cheap in China, so you can live well. So the shortage should supplement your salary at Logistics in Korea. The supplement is about 1.5 million won. That way, even if you get 10,000 yuan in China, your salary will be roughly balanced. ”
“When Kim Min-hyuk went to China for the first time, his salary was not right, and he assisted GE in developing 1.5 million won per month. ”
“The salary you receive in China will save you money in China, and if you send 1.5 million won from here to your parents, your parents will be able to live. “
Moon Jae Ceremony suddenly became a serious face and made a face to think of something.
“Since the public apartment is under your name anyway, it's your house when your parents die. It will be your fortune. You have to live like a human being in your own home. Let me out of your mother's basement. Now get your father out of that stinking money. You're not old enough to blame me or my parents anymore. ”
Moon Jae Ceremony was shaking her head and swallowing the roar. Gu got up from his seat.
“I'm going to pee for a while. ”
Gu Gu went out to pee and smoked cigarettes. Seeing Moon Jae Ceremony through the window of the restaurant, Moon Jae Ceremony was still shaking his head until then. I took out my handkerchief and stole my eyes, and I felt like I was crying.
The Gu Gun Ho went to the Sinsa Dong building and the exhibition plaque card of the gallery was changed.
“Youth Writers' War? You must be the new writers. Looks like all of Mr. Ikuzo's woodworking exhibits went to a high-powered S company factory. In fact, the AM083 assembly moulds were made by our company, so I was wrong to put them on the doorstep of Giant Mobile. ”
Gu Gu felt sad that all the wooden exhibits had gone to S company. I didn't know it at first, but now I'm disappointed.
Gu Geunho came up to the office and called Moon Jae Ceremony. Since it had been two days since drinking soju with pork belly in the sperm dish per minute, I thought I had signed an apartment contract at Dong Incheon Station.
“Moon, did you sign an apartment? ”
“Not yet. ”
“You've got a date coming up for China, and you better hurry up! ”
“Never mind. I didn't think I'd owe you too much. I don't need your name. Friends or something. I'm preparing to go to China. I'm listening to Chinese. ”
“You didn't? Are you ignoring others' intentions? You are no longer a friend! ”
“Forget it. I'm right about the house. ”
“Are you really going to do this? ”
“Suit yourself! Of course!”
Gu Gun Ho hung up and cooled off.
“Only my ego remains! I would have promised Lee Suk-ho that if I had done so! ”
I called a solemn vote to say no to Gu Gu.
“Let's go for a breeze in Dong Incheon Station! ”
Gu Gun Ho found the Soleil Town Public Apartment in front of Dong Incheon.
“Aigoo, this is a big complex. It looks like more than 2,000 furniture. ”
Gu Gun Ho went in because he had a real estate signboard.
“Do you have a property? ”
“How many square feet are you looking for? ”
“30 square feet.”
“There's one on the seventh floor of the Royal. ”
“How much? ”
“The landlord paid 26,000. ”
“Is it that expensive? ”
“It's cheap. There's 18,000 houses on the eighth floor. ”
“Why is it so cheap again? ”
“There are two 30-square-foot bathrooms and one 26-square-foot bathroom. Young people these days want two bathrooms. So there's a lot of price difference. ”
“Hmm, is that so? ”
“If you're a newlyweds and old couples who don't have kids yet, it's also a 26-feet playground. The owner's house is clean and empty right now, so you can go check it out. ”
No matter how much I thought of Gu, Moon Jae Ceremony 30 pyeong seemed to be burdened. Min-hyuk Kim also bought 200 million apartments, but the prices here were higher, so the Moon Jae-ho would jump. Even though the 26-pyeong bathroom was in China, Moon Jae-ho wouldn't feel any discomfort to the elderly couple. If the price of the house was 18,000, it would be less likely to reject Moon Jae's ceremony.
The real estate president boasted about the apartment again when Gu Gun Ho saw what he was thinking.
“This is a public apartment, and the streets are wide and cool. Also, the subway station is only 500 meters, so workers can live in Seoul. ”
“Let's see if it's empty. ”
Gu Gu went up. I liked that the lighting was good and above all it was new.
“The house is empty, so you can come in anytime. ”