Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Memories of Shinjuku Hotel (2)
When Gu Gu woke up in the morning, it was a hotel. I looked at the clock. It was past 10: 00 in the morning. Morrie Coke sleeps next to her.
The hook drank a cup of water and went back into the duvet. It was because the air in the room was cold by turning on the air conditioning all night. Guggenho pulls Morrie Coke from Vanna. Morrie grips the chest of the hook with loving hands. I felt like I was asleep. Guggenho fell asleep again, hugging Morrie Coe tightly.
Gu Gun Ho woke up because of Ji H. Mobil's Song President's call. Gu Geun answered the phone in his duvet, hugging Morrie Coke tightly.
“Notarized. I went to the notary's office in front of the Daejeon District Court's Seosan Support Office and did everything. ”
“Well done.“
“Check back later for notarized documents. I'll leave it to the managing director.”
“I understand.”
“All new drawings from the A Electronic Water Resources Lab have also been prototyped and completed in the third round of testing. ”
“Oh, really? ”
“After lunch, the principal himself decided to take the prototype and enter the A-Electronic Water Institute. ”
“Is that so?”
“We'll keep you posted if anything changes. ”
“Very well. Good work. ”
Gu found the main bank account number of G.H. Mobile, which he kept on his smartphone. And I texted the president of Electronics A at Ulzi headquarters.
[Send us the main bank account number of GE Mobile. Send 750 million KRW for the increase and we'll make it worth your while.]
Gu Gun-ho called Kyung-hwa Kim of Mobile.
“Yes, boss. ”
“If Ms. Song brings me a notarized copy of the A Electronic Supply Confirmation Form, I keep it. ”
“Yes, I understand. ”
“And someone's going to come into our bank account with 750 million won. Please report the money to me when it comes in. ”
“For the increase? Yes, sir. Boss.”
After hanging up the phone, Gu began to hug Morrie again and caress.
Gu Gu saw the watch.
“Yikes! It's almost 12 o'clock. ”
Guggenho and Morrieco had lunch and coffee at a buffet restaurant in the hotel. Morrie Coke, who was sitting across the street drinking coffee, smiled shyly as she met the Gu Gun Ho.
Morrie Coke's on the phone.
“Oh, the Horseman. ”
As soon as Eiko answered the phone, it was assumed that he was a horse and horse.
The horse master called Morrie and asked her.
“You didn't go to Sapporo after you applied for a vacation? ”
“Is it true that someone saw you at the Gao Plaza Hotel? Who were you there with? ”
“I went with my guardian, the old boss. ”
“Oh, really? As a patron teacher, I feel relieved. ”
Sega and Junko were extremely wary of Eiko meeting with other men. It was because if I did wrong, I shouldn't have punctured the performance by running away with my eyes or making a living. The dancing period ("22931;") had to be near the age of 30 to recover their investment. The beneficiaries are mostly talented and virtuous, and there are many married couples, so they don't make up their minds or make up their minds. Frequent contact with the sponsor was encouraged by economic assistance.
After the call ended, the doctor asked.
“Looks like the guy on the phone is a horse rider. “
“Aren't you going to Sapporo on vacation?" ”
“By the way, is your grandmother in Sapporo okay? You said you operated last time, right? I got a text from Eiko saying it's okay, but are you sure you're okay? ”
“Yes, stay healthy these days. ”
“I thought you were going to Sapporo, but is there a good vacation spot there? ”
“I wanted to walk the canal of Otaru rather than the resort. ”
“Otaru's canal? ”
Morrie says this and looks out the window, her eyes wet with memories. “
“Why walk along the canal on a hot summer day instead of a vacation? ”
“Because it's the last place I ever walked with my mom and dad. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“My dad was a teacher at Otaru. ”
“Isn't this Sapporo's house? ”
“Sapporo's right. My dad was the only studio there. On weekends, my dad would come up to Sapporo, but I used to go to Otaru with my mom sometimes. If you go to Otaru Sushi, sushi is famous. I wanted to go back to that broken place where Mom and Dad and I had memories. ”
And it reminded me of something called Gu Gu Cho.
It was because of the painting in Daikan Yama's Morrie Coke room. There were many picture postcards in the room and drawings of kimono outfits when he performed. Inside was a sketchy painting that he seemed to have sketched. It was a young couple walking along a canal with a girl's hand on either side.
“Well, that's the story. ”
Guggenho was sorry to take away Eiko's precious time travel.
“Is Otaru far from Sapporo? ”
“It's not far. We'll be on the bus in about 50 minutes. ”
“How long have you got left on your vacation? ”
“Three days left? ”
“Then I'll cut you off on your flight to Sappo. I want you to come with me, but I have a busy day in Korea tomorrow. ”
“Never mind. Let's just stay in Tokyo this year. ”
What are you gonna do for three days when I'm gone? “
“Let's just look at the comic books at home. ”
In saying this, Mori Eiko smiles brightly.
Gu Gun Ho and Morrie Co went back to the pool. The hotel's check-out was tomorrow, so I had plenty of time.
“It's too hot to go out now, so let's play here until 3: 00. And let's go shopping. ”
Guggenho and Morrieco splash and play in the pool. I even took a nap half-lying on a folding sunbed with a shiny sunscreen. Then I went back into the water and splashed. As Morrie Coke moved, many people looked at him. Even the young students looked at Morrie. It was a beauty that stood out in the hotel pool.
Guggenho and Morrieco are out of the Gaeo Plaza Hotel. While walking the streets of Shinjuku, I entered the floor department store and bought some clothes that Eiko liked. The floor department store was mainly full of young people's products, but not necessarily. Eiko touches the old man's hat.
“Can I buy you a grandmother? ”
He smiles and nods.
Gugunho also bought grandmother hats and grandmother's health food. Eiko dragged the Guggenho to the Bazaar of Marui. Eiko also chose a T-shirt and tie from the Marui mansion.
Guggenho and Eiko went shopping and had dinner at the main restaurant of the Marui department store. Then I went back to the hotel and ticketed my ticket to Sapporo. Tickets returned from Gu Gun Ho to South Korea were only ticketed in advance for flights to Sapporo. Sapporoga also cut off its seat or business due to the high season.
Guggenho spent another dreamy night with Morrie Coe. Gugunho picked up a t-shirt and a shopping bag with ties from Aiko after breakfast at the Gaeo Plaza Hotel. Then I pulled out two envelopes from the inside pocket.
“This pays for living expenses. ”
“Thank you.”
Morrie Coke received an envelope with both hands.
“This is for air-conditioning. ”
“I don't need air conditioning...”
“But buy one. It was too hot in the house. ”
“Well, I'll go first. ”
“The flight to Sapporo will take you to Yama's mansion in the afternoon. I have some luggage for you there. ”
“Really? This time, if you go to Sapporo, you won't be able to play much. I'll come right away. It's the end of my vacation. ”
“I have to thank the Horseman for that. I'm extending my vacation by a day or two. If you meet a successor, the horse master will also be very comfortable. ”
“Really? Goodbye, then. “
Guggenho sat and kissed Morrie for a long time. “
Gu Gun Ho has arrived at Gimpo Airport.
The escort takes the Bentley. While there was no Gu Chong Ho, the car was clean and smelled like perfume in the car.
“Did you wash your car? ”
“Yes, I did this morning because you're coming. ”
“Well done.”
As he ran along the riverside road, he looked at the rearview mirror.
“Ms. Grant, I think you lost more weight than you did when you went to Japan. ”
“Me? I've only lost weight in Japan for two days. ”
“It looks that way. ”
Gu Gunho laughed, but he thought to himself:
[I think you're right. I've been with Morrie Coe for two days. You bastard!]
He continued to look at the rearview mirror.
“But even when you lose weight, your face looks bright. I think you went to Japan and did a good business. ”
“Well, that's great. ”
“Where would you like us to take you? I still have a lot of work to do, but are we going to the Sinsaidong Building? ”
“No, let's just go home. I'm a little tired.”
“Very well. I'll be on my way to the Tower Palace soon. ”
The next day, Gu Gu Gu Gun went straight to Giah Mobil.
I stopped by the site where Park Jong-seok moved. Some of the machines were not running before, but now all the machines are running.
Park Jong-seok, who found Gu Gun Ho, jumped in.
“Are all the machines running because of the amount of A-electron sugar vacuum? ”
“I'm working nights now. ”
“You must have suffered a lot. ”
“No, I'm not having any trouble. You only need to have one night job at night, one supervisor or higher. They're temples. They don't build fires because they pay for the night anyway. There are a lot of people who like it because they get more pay. ”
“Song was here a while ago, but he told me to be patient for a few days. ”
“Do we need more machine equipment? ”
“Song said he ordered five extruders, injectors, and hydraulic presses, and they brought them into the lease. ”
“Is that so?"
“I came from Capital for Reese. ”
“When the machine comes in, does it have all the places to install it? “
“You can squeeze this equipment in. But if more come in, we'll have to build another production plant. Or we could rent a factory nearby and bring in some machinery. ”
“How big is the sugar vacuum? ”
“Amazing. But when the factory foreman came out, he complimented us on how well he had done. ”
“Really? It's the same factory, so I should be able to talk to you. ”
“Since I'm a manager, I don't think I've heard of a lot of welding and hammers myself. ”
“Yeah? Isn't that the head of sales over there? ”
“I keep hearing the head of sales here these days. You said you need to know the site so you can do business here often. When you see me, you keep telling me to have a soju in the evening. ”
When the conductor saw Gu Gun-ho, he was surprised and left.
“He's going back. ”
“Maybe it's hard to have a brother. Looks like they're on the run. Haha.”
“Hmm, the conductor must be working hard, too. ”
“Rumor has it Songdae breaks up once a day. No one's broken by Song because he's a corporate executive. I broke a lot at first, too. ”
“How are you these days? ”
“Less these days. At first, I tried to pick up the slack and quit the company. ”
“Haha, really? ”
“But it turns out people aren't so bad after all. There's no backstory. When I was at the Pocheon or Spirits Factory, there were a lot of factories and executives praising in front and chewing in back. Song didn't do that. I used to play in the big water, so I think it's a little different. I mean, I'm sure he did. ”
“In the future, this company will need to be led by Song and you. ”
“I don't know much about management. ”
“You're graduating from Polytech this year, right? ”
“Yes, I'm graduating. ”
“Are you going to go to a four-year college? ”
“I'm thinking about it. I'm trying. ”
“What's the matter with you? Who used to hate studying? ”
“Haha, I feel weak after becoming a father. ”
“Why does it weaken? Becoming strong.”
“Is that so?"
“Well, I'm going. Work hard."
“Okay, brother. ”