Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Move Stock Distribution (3)
Kim Young Eun came home at night with a dying face.
“Are you sick? ”
“No, it's hard. ”
“What did you buy so much of? ”
“I bought vegetables for cheap. I bought a pepper paste with nothing on it, and when I brought it back, I got mad. ”
“You should have had it delivered. ”
I put the items I bought in the refrigerator after placing them on the dining table. Kim Young-un was on the living room couch.
“Don't work too hard during pregnancy. When you go to the market, come with me. ”
“Okay. Take me back to the fan or me. ”
“Air conditioning? ”
“I hate air conditioning. I have a cold.”
Kim Young-un fell asleep on the couch without even thinking about preparing dinner.
Guggenho got up on Juju Island, boiled kimchi stew and didn't eat. All I needed was rice and stew, but all I needed was the rest.
“What is that smell? ”
Kim Young Eun woke up because of the smell of boiling kimchi stew.
“I made the stew and the rice. ”
“Really? I fell asleep. ”
Kim Young-un stood up and roasted the eggplant sprouts, made cucumber paste, and baked fish.
Gu Gun Ho said while sitting across from the table eating.
“It's been five months since I've been married, and I haven't paid you a dime for your life. ”
“Why? Give it back? ”
“If I don't give it to you, you won't get a say in it. ”
“We have to give it to him before he asks. ”
“How much do you want? ”
“Take care of it. ”
“I get paid by four companies. There's going to be one more company, five more. If you add up what you're getting now, it'll be $3,000 after taxes. ”
“Three thousand? Oh, my God! ”
“It pays more than the principal of our university hospital and more than the president of Seoul University. ”
“That's how stressful we are. You should take that. ”
“Speaking of which, I actually have a lot of places to go. He's the president of the wedding awards, so he leaves for 50,000 won and 200,000 won when he leaves for 100,000 won. If I give him less, he'll swear at me from behind. ”
“That's why I'm spending 10 million won of my 30 million won income and 10 million won of your living expenses to save for the future. Is that okay?”
“Can't I spend 5 million a month, 5 million living expenses and 20 million won in savings? ”
“I have to spend 10 million won. Hundreds of people who work for the company. I know a lot of people in business. It's all over the place when the money goes out. ”
Then Gu Gu, instead of eating, brought an envelope.
“What is this? ”
“Take it. It's a living expense. I haven't given it to you once since I got married, so I'll give it to you back for five months. 50 million won. ”
“50 million won?”
“Use it when you need it. And I'm not taking a doctor's salary, so take care of it. ”
“Oh my God! 50 million won! ”
Kim Young-un only looked surprised with her eyes wide open.
Money was a magical object that I wanted more. Kim Young-un was a good doctor who made money, but he seemed to be happy that money was coming in every month. I sang a nostril while doing the dishes. I took it to the room with the Gu Cho, which was cut to the side of the fence.
“What are you doing?"
“I'm on the Internet. ”
Kim Young-un looked at the item in the corner. It was a t-shirt and tie from Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. These were Morrie Coke's picks.
“What is that? ”
“Yeah, T-shirts and ties. ”
“T-shirts and ties? Did you go to Japan? ”
“Oh, no, that's why I got the gift. ”
“Gifts? Really? What's wrong with the color? Childish!”
“I don't know about that. ”
“Give me someone else! The color is rustic. It's too solid. ”
Kim Young-un even wrote an impression.
“C 'mon, I'll give you someone else. ”
Gu Gu had no idea no matter how much I thought about it. Kim Young-un seemed to feel something strange when he went to Japan and only met Morrie.
Kim Young-un went out to Gu Gun-ho's room and turned on the TV loudly and lay sideways in the living room. Gu Gu brought water to the living room in a wash basin.
“Hard, isn't it? I'll wash your feet. ”
“You're acting like you never had a foot. ”
Gu Gun-ho washed Kim Young-un's feet. Kim Young Eun lay down in a pleasant posture and entrusted her feet to Gu Gun-ho. I was washing my feet for a long time, and Kim Young-un called me.
“I believe you. ”
“What are you talking about all of a sudden? ”
Gu Gun-ho kissed Kim Young Eun's cheek. Then I went to the bathroom to dump the water in the basin. Gu, when he saw the mirror in the bathroom, muttered to himself.
“What did I find out? ”
Kim Young-un said no more. The two of them watched TV while eating outside. TV even watched a famous weekend painting. Kim Young Eun went into the room because she was sleepy. I followed the Governor's Law.
“Brother, aren't you going to sleep in your room? ”
“Young-un looks prettier today. ”
Gu Gun-ho hugged Kim Young Eun and kissed her mouth. Kim Young-un didn't push Gu Gu Cho today. I was entrusted with what Gu Gu Cho did. Gu Gun-ho began to take off Kim Young-un's clothes one by one.
It became Saturday.
Gu Gun-ho walked with Kim Young Eun Yangjae Cheoncheon. I remembered Mori again when I walked with Kim Young-un's hand. Maurico said he wanted to walk along Otaru's canal in Hokkaido, but what about there? How about here instead of Yangjae-cheon? Guggenho tried to get rid of Eiko's thoughts.
“Young-un has a child, and I have to avoid it. It might have a bad effect on the pregnancy. ”
Then Gu Gun-ho grabbed Kim Young's hand and smiled at him often. In fact, I was happy to walk with Kim Young Un holding hands like this.
Gu Gun-ho told Kim Young-un about the company. Kim Young-un was the closest family, so I thought I should tell her.
“You haven't been to our factory in Cheonan Mountain, have you? ”
“I've never been. ”
“Do you want to go? ”
‘Madam President, when she shows up, the waitresses won't like it. The wife of the hospital is standing up in front of the hospital. Do you want doctors or nurses who work at the hospital? It's all stressful. “
“I think so, too. Why don't you look from a distance? ”
“It doesn't matter if you look from a distance without going in. ”
“Well, tomorrow's Sunday. Shall we go? ”
“Go next time. I have a lot of work to do at home tomorrow. ”
It became Monday.
Gu Gun Ho went to work at Ji H. Mobil, a direct mountain. Park Hee-jeong's assistant came in with the car.
“Ask the manager to come over. ”
“I understand.”
After a while, the executive director brought the paperwork.
“Have you completed the capital change registry? ”
“I'm done. Here are all the court transcripts. This is your current certificate.”
The Evidence Gazette looked at the total number of issued shares, the total amount of capital, and the date of the amendment registration. And I looked at the executive. The matter regarding the executive was unchanged.
Representative Director Gu Gun-ho and Director came up in the name of his father, and the name of Ko Dil-yeon, who was just a senior auditor, was listed.
[Senior auditor has gone to Dijon Korea. Should I replace it with President Invoice? No, let's just leave it at that.]
“Did you bring the list of notarized shareholders? ”
“I brought it. Here it is. ”
“You have two documents? ”
“This one is your affidavit. ”
I read a notarized affidavit.
[I certify that this meeting has been duly convened as the President Director of GE Mobile Co., Ltd., in soliciting the certification of the Doctorate of the Temporary Board of Directors by Notarized Legal Entity XX, and that the resolution procedures and content are in conformity with the truth. Gu Gu, the above statement]
“Damn, I've got all the lines. ”
Gu Gu, reorganizing this document, looked at the manager's face.
“Good look at the paperwork. Well done.Tell Song to come if he's there. ”
“I understand.”
Songdae came in.
“When I first brought Ms. Song in, she offered me a 3% stock option. ”
“I remember. ”
“In fact, the stock options event is complex and incremental, so I decided to give him 3% of my shares this time. ”
“Have you not heard from the managing director? ”
“I haven't heard. ”
“For some individuals who paid in increments, Song decided to have 13%, 3% and 84% of my shares. Here's the notarized shareholder list. ”
Song examined the notarized documents carefully.
"Ms. Grant, I didn't do anything. Thank you. “
“We got 3% of our contributions this time, so our company is doing well, but we're not, and now we have a collective responsibility. If the company marches in black people every year, they will receive a 3% annual dividend. ”
“Go, thank you. “
Song's mouth caught under his ears.
“But can I ask you a question? ”
‘Yes, ask “
“Who is Lee Beomsik, who will have a 13% stake? Is he connected to electron A? ”
“Just know that. No more questions. ”
“Oh, I see. ”
“It's a bit of a bump, so we've also got a new copy of the corporation registration. ”
I saw a new copy of Song's corporation registration.
Gu Gun-ho sat around the bridge and called Park Hee-jeong his secretary.
“Song, you're here. Bring two cups of tea. ”
“I understand.”
Gu Gu said while drinking tea.
“Did you bring our bill to the A-electron sugar vacuum? ”
“Yes, I did. It was a slight increase in labor obesity. ”
“Is there anything else? ”
“I have nothing else to say. ”
“Do you get delayed or not because of the temporary production of 5 items? ”
“It hasn't happened yet because Dr. Park is in charge and working at night. ”
“I heard you were discussing bringing in more machine equipment with Capital. ”
“First, we agreed to bring in five hydraulic presses. Machines are coming in this week. ”
“Do you want the installation space? ”
“That's enough.”
“I understand.”
Song said good-bye. Song's attitude towards Gu Gu Gae became more polite than when he first came in.
Gu Gun-ho called the executive director again.
“Send me a copy of the original and notarized shareholder list of this corporate register you brought to Mr. A. I want you to go to the post office in the morning and send it to a registered express delivery. I want to see the status of our company. They say they need to register the status of their first partner. ”
Gu gave the business card of President of Electronics A with the address on it.
“Just write down your business card and bring it back. ”
He said, "Okay, he's in the press sometimes, so I think I remember his face. ”
“Haha, really? ”
Gu Geun called Dr. A.
“The increase is over. We will send you a copy of our newly issued and notarized list of shareholders as of today. They'll be arriving in the middle of tomorrow. ”
“Once again, you didn't leak any information about Eltu? ”
“None of our executives know. We don't even know who Song is with. ”
“Very well. You don't need to talk to me often anymore. You may expect to see sales in the future. ”
“Thank you."
Guggenho leaned against the couch and drank tea twisting his legs again. And I picked up the day newspaper. The newspaper was filled with articles from congressmen who killed themselves for 40 million won.
[Politics needs money. Minister Lee Jin-woo seems to have a long political life ahead of him!]
Gu Gunho drank tea slowly.