Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Primary Vendor (1)
It became Friday. Kim Young-un came home holding the belly that had become sacred. As soon as I got here, I sat on the living room couch and breathed a short breath.
“Hard, isn't it?"
Guggenho secretly met Morrie Coe and pretended to be Kim Young-un's biggest guilt.
“I'll wash your feet. ”
Gu Gun-ho also washed Kim Young Eun's feet, tapped her back, and shook her head.
I kissed him on the cheek, and I even got a pinkie.
“Go away! ”
Kim Young-un wiped the place where Gu Gun-ho kissed his cheek with her hand.
[That's weird. I feel like Japan's the only one who's annoyed. I snuck to Japan this time.]
Gu Gun-ho looked at Kim Young-un's hand.
“Huh? What's going on? ”
Kim Young-un's hands and feet had edema. It was the seventh month of gestation. Gu Geon Ho was tired because the woman who conceived her baby had edema on her hands and feet, but he was sorry that he had come to Japan to play. I wanted to pray with both hands.
“If it's hard to eat, can I order you a pizza? ”
“No, I want to eat. ”
Gu Gun-ho cooked and boiled kimchi stew. I thought a simple meal would be cooked because I was living in a studio during the Gu Gongjoo period. I also bought a lot of side dishes from the diner shop, so I didn't have much effort.
Kim Young-un pulled pork belly from a black plastic bag. I guess I bought it on the way here. Kim Young-un grilled pork.
“It's hard. Should I bake it? ”
“That's enough.”
They ate without saying a word. Gu Gun-ho remembered drinking, but I was afraid Kim Young Eun would hate drinking in front of the pregnant woman.
“Whoever goes to China will be dismissed next month, right? ”
“Moon Jae Wook's wife? Next month, I think. ”
“The baby's got to be over two kilos. ”
“Hm, does it work? Is our baby going to be a pound? ”
“It's one key. Now's the time to understand your mother. ”
“What if I want to? ”
“Respond when I call you. ”
Kim Young Eun brushed her teeth after eating, and fell asleep without seeing the TV. When Gu Gun-ho went and kissed Kim Young-un's breasts and looked down at the boat, he was really full. The hook covers the duvet quietly and comes out.
“I won't meet any woman until the birth. I'm sorry."
On Monday, Gu Gun Ho received a phone call from Shin-Sook, president of media, on his way to Chechnya Mobil.
“I went to the airport to get hurt. Goodbye."
“Farewell. ”
“Can we sign and exchange documents in front of the table flags, just like when we signed the Memorandum of Understanding? And can we take a photo of the authentication? ”
“We don't need to worry about that. You can do as China asks. ”
“I understand.”
I arrived at the straight-man plant.
Songdae came in.
“Did the last bad break go well? ”
“That's great, because you've been claimed for 4 million won and earned 400 million a month. ”
“But I got a job. ”
“In the sugar vacuum, researchers zoomed in and showed the bad parts directly on the screen. It's not raw materials, it's not technical, it's a glitch in the assembly process, so I just let it go. ”
“Just let me go? ”
“Instead, the president and the plant owner have asked me to write a memorandum of implementation to prevent a reoccurrence. ”
“You did?”
“And we can't make it unless we make it ourselves. Only our products are not discolored in the export process and are shown to be heat resistant. ”
“Well, I hope there's nothing wrong with that. Small mistakes lead to big accidents. ”
“Ever since this incident, rumors have been circulating between employees that the boss and the factory owner have been writing a memorandum. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“And did you stop by the production site on your way up? That's a lot of people, huh? ”
“No, I just came up to the boss' office today. ”
“If you go down there later, you'll see that there are now more than 500 employees in GE Mobile. Monthly revenues are up 10 billion. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“Again, the volume of electronics A is nothing compared to the S companies we've dealt with, the Full Coin Arena and the EZ-No-Pac. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“Plus, there's going to be some change in the procurement team. Becoming the first vendor of Group H will also be an opportunity for our company to thrive as a company such as the Full Coin Box or Easy No-Pack. ”
“We're also busy with the vehicles we're delivering, and we're trying to negotiate with the owner of the land in front of the factory to rent out the finished goods warehouse. so we can alleviate some of the congestion in the factory. ”
“How many acres of land are there in front of you? ”
“It's about 3,000 square feet, and they're going to take a loan and build a warehouse. The land in front of you is not industrial, it's warehouse. It's a warehouse, so it won't take long to build. I'll be working before it gets cold. ”
“That's great. ”
“The landlord was originally a farmer here, but now he's having a hard time farming. He wants to change his use into a warehouse and spend the rest of his life on rent. He must have come to the Secretary himself. ”
“That's what the secretary said about bringing a canned tuna set to the neighborhood during Thanksgiving. I lived in a shabby house, but I didn't know that old man owned land that big. ”
“Hmm, I see. ”
“This is being pursued by the Secretary General. ”
Gu went down to the scene. I went to Production B, and Park Jong-seok was carrying his backpack back and forth.
“Thank you, Dr. Park. ”
“Are you home? ”
“You said there were more people. ”
“There are 500 now. Hehe.”
“Must be hard to manage. ”
“Chief, I'm comfortable with the deputies. ”
After Jung-Seok Park circled around, he kept talking.
“And, brother, can I call you brother if I don't have someone else? ”
“I like you to call me brother, too. That's more like it. When there are others, they call me boss, and when there are no others, they call me brother. ”
“Thank you, brother. ”
“Did you treat Lee Suk-ho well? ”
“I bought you ribs. Corporate card.”
“Well done. Anything else? ”
“He told me to buy a shop in the Chinese Ocean. He said you could pay in installments. ”
“Did you say no? ”
“I bought a Purgio Apartment in front of Dujeong Station and said I had no money. Even if I had the money, I gave Pinzan a reason to go there and buy something, and he couldn't say anything. “
“Well done. ”
“He still looks like a faggot to the people he used to play with. ”
“Well, he's got a point. ”
“Wait, there's a call. ”
Director Park Jong-seok answered a call from someone.
“Oh, are you my brother? Can't the chief of ophthalmology take care of that? Just detach it and have it disassemble. ”
Park Jong-seok hung up whining.
“Who are you, the man you call your brother? ”
“This is Kim Jong-mook from Diyonkorea. ”
“Are you still calling Kim Jong-moo from Dijon Korea? ”
“He likes it when you call him that. ”
“But what do you want me to disassemble? ”
“Looks like the three extruders screwed out. Looks like it's broken again. The chief of staff, the head of public affairs, can't seem to figure out why. So I told him to put the machine down and just disassemble it. ”
“Then why does it leave? ”
“I don't work according to the rules. That's what happens when you screw too hard. Don't overdo it. You have to calm down. ”
“You're talking like Sakada Ikuzo, the Japanese engineer. ”
“Sakada Ikuzo is the best engineer I've ever seen. ”
Gugunho remembered Sakada Ikuzo on his knees and gasping for breath in Motomachi, Yokohama, where he lives.
[Ikuzo-san risked his life for one skill.]
Park called somewhere else.
“Ms. Song left, right? ”
I heard that he left beyond the handset.
“Why do you ask about Song? Where are you?”
“It's the guard room. I don't like Songdae going to Dijon Korea. ”
“Is that so? Because if you're free, there's a gap here. ”
“Then, brother, I'll be back soon. I'll be right back with tips. ”
Gu Gu wondered what caused the three extruders to fail. That's why I decided to move to Dijon Korea. Originally, Dijon Korea visited after lunch, but today it was mid-morning.
“Isn't it a little early for dinner? ”
Jiangho thought Gu Gun-ho was going out to eat.
“No, let's go to Dijon Korea. ”
“You don't eat? ”
“Looks like there's something going on there. ”
Dijon Korea also has more vehicles coming and going. Today, there was a 40-foot container vehicle with goods going to India or China.
“Ms. Grant, the doorway is getting complicated. More cars, more people. ”
“I see. ”
As Bentley's car approached, the guard paid a huge homage and led the car to the front of the main building. The rescue hatch got out of the car and went straight to the scene with machine equipment three. There were Kim Jong-moo and Yu Hee Yeol, as well as other executives. I also saw the face of Adam Castler. As soon as the Governor entered, everyone said hello.
I was sitting down with Director Park Jong-seok and Chief of Public Affairs, Ahn Yong-seok.
“What's the matter? ”
“The screw is broken... ”
Park reported to Gu Gu, because there are so many people around.
“Are you okay? ”
“All you have to do is sharpen the parts. ”
Dr. Park woke up.
“Now guess what. ”
Dr. Park also called the Chief of Staff "sir." The Chief of Staff began to assemble the machine according to the tips given by Dr. Park.
Gu Gun-ho thought that it would sound more empathetic in the world of technicians to call him "sir" even to the head of government.
Guggenho calls Adam Castle to his room. Interpreter Chae Myeong-jun followed.
“Did you get a good look at the three screws? ”
“Good to see you. ”
“That's because the fact that Dijon's headquarters makes a living brings that kind of junk. ”
“Would that be possible? ”
Adam Kassler, vice president, said in a puzzled expression.
“If it's not junk, then why is there a flat screw? ”
“That could be worker negligence. ”
“Worker carelessness? ”
"It may be that the raw material is overloaded into the hopper and speeding up, or that the temperature has increased or RPM speed has failed to be controlled. ”
“So it's a worker's fault? ”
“I see it that way. ”
“Very well. I'll call Kim Jong-moo and have him fire all the workers." ”
I was greatly surprised by the words that Adam Kassler and his translator, Sun-jun.
“How much do you lose to the company when the line stands? If it's the worker's fault, we should fire him. ”
“No, well, you're fired! ”
“You said it was a worker's fault. You said the machine was as vibrant as new. ”
“No, it's about guessing, and it's not conclusive. Let me give you a closer look. ”
“No, leave it. When Dijon headquarters was investing in real estate, they rated the old machine too expensive, so I just said a few words. That's all you need to know, Mr. Castler. ”
Adam Kassler sweats and greets politely and leaves the Salvation Room. I greeted the translator at a 90-degree angle.
[You have to say something like that. You'll see what I said when Castle sent the wickley report to their headquarters.]