Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
India Establishes Chinese Relations (1)
Gu Gun-ho fell asleep while drinking the tea Park Hee-jeong brought. Song came in.
“Lunch is almost over, aren't you going to eat? ”
“Is it already like this? ”
“Won't you be dining with our officers for a while? ”
“Sure. ”
“Then I'll call the executives. ”
Gu Gu and his executives went to a finite house in a fruit orchard not far from the factory. Kim Min-hwa, a woman, liked the green trees of the fruit farm the most.
He looked around the seat. Song and the Principal Investigator, the Executive Director, Minhwa Kim, and the Director of Production, Dr. Park and the Director of Quality were present.
Song said with a smile, looking at Gu Gun-ho first.
“The takeover of the parcel plant has kept the secretary and the producer very busy. ”
“I saw you two struggling in the morning. ”
“The packing plant we acquired this time decided to call it the second plant in Giant Mobile, and the hydraulic presses will be moved to the second plant once the paint painting and warehouse facilities are complete. ”
“And in the meantime, I haven't recruited because of the saturation of the one-factory facilities, but I have a huge recruitment ad. We currently need about 50 productive workers, but we need to fill up the next 100. ”
“So many? ”
“As labor costs go up, sales go up, so you don't have to worry too much. ”
The director of Recognizing Profit, who was just touching water cups before the food came out, said.
“We also need to recruit our quality control staff. We got out a lot when we founded Dijon Korea, but we didn't replenish it properly. ”
Gu Gu said a word.
“Thanks to the personnel who escaped from Mobile Quality Management, DiYonkoria was awarded ISO14001 and Venture designation. ”
Dinner is served.
While eating, Gu Gu Gun Ho asked.
“Are there many applicants for our buyer in Dijon Korea? ”
“We have about 50% of requests right now. There will probably be a lot of applicants on the last day. Now you can only see the person next to you. ”
“Are there any sales increases for companies other than Electronics A and H? ”
“Other companies have not changed significantly. We can't accept orders right now. It's hard to handle both the A and H group orders. ”
“We have to clean up two factories quickly. ”
“When the second plant starts, my breath will explode a little. ”
Gu Gun Ho returned to the mobile plant after eating. Gu Gun-ho called Song, the president, in front of the front door.
“Have a cup of coffee in my room. ”
They both drank coffee in Gu Gu 'eho's room. While drinking coffee, Gu Geon Ho asked.
“If any of our employees want to take it, please give it to us. ”
“I'll do that. ”
“What is your current company reserve? ”
“It was six billion by the end of May. Two billion won went into the second plant. The buy-in combined three billion from Dijon and four billion from the reserves. ”
“Do we have five billion left in our reserves? ”
“Yes, but sales will increase in the second half, so there will be more. This year, the net income after taxes will be more than 10 billion. And if there's more sales, the cost of sales goes down, so maybe there's more. “
Guggenho went to Dijon Korea.
“By this time, Dijon's Kim Jong-moo will be out and back. ”
As soon as Gu Gun-ho sat in the boss's room, he called Lee Sun-hye.
“Do you want me to get you a car? ”
“Yes, take your car slowly and ask Kim and Senior Officers to come over first. ”
“I understand.”
After a while, Kim Jong-moo and his superior thanked me. Then Lee Sun-hye, the secretary, brought three cups of soybean tea.
Kim Jong-moo said first.
“Mobil wants to create a second factory and recruit a lot of employees. We're 100 now, but I think we need to pick 30 more as we grow our sales. I want you to look into the future and pick 50 people. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“ISO or venture designation can make people struggle if they fall short of a meeting or education. Now there's a machine running from one to sixteen. It's got 100 people, but sometimes it's tight. ”
“You should discuss that with Adam Kassler and recruit for yourself. ”
“I understand.”
“And you came because you set up factories in China and India. “
“Did you get a call? Do you have anything that came out? ”
“There's a call from a deputy director out of India saying there's a 5,000 square feet factory near Chennai Corporation. ”
“Is that so?”
“In addition, China has a factory in Suzhou Industrial Park where Kim Min-hyuk has to go to India and China. Look at the factory and if you think it's okay, just sign the contract. ”
“Ms. Grant... ”
Senior Auditor hesitated.
“Yes, tell me. ”
“I'm not a plant specialist, I've only worked for finance. I think you should go instead of me. ”
Kim Jong-moo looked at his senior auditor and said,
“Thank you, I prefer the finance of factory contracts. So here's the deal. ”
“How what? ”
“Since I've been to India last time, why don't you thank India this time and let me go to China? Just don't go alone and go with Adam Kassler. India is an English-speaking country, so Adam Castler would be a good place to go. ”
The Bible says it is good.
“You have to give the impression that the US is also involved in the factory contract. Adam Kassler was in China last time, so this time he can go to India. ”
“If you're going with Adam Kassler, shouldn't you bring an interpreter? ”
“When you get to Delhi Airport, Lee Jong-geun, an English proficient, will meet you. ”
“Then, what if Yoon Jung Myung goes to India instead of me? I've built a lot of factories, so you know a lot about factories. ”
“Is that so? ”
Gu Gun-ho called Lee Sun-hye.
“Please ask Yoon to come. ”
“I understand.”
After a while, Yoon Sang-woo came in.
“Have a seat.”
As Yoon Sang-mu sat down, Lee Sun-hye brought me another cup of soy sauce.
“You should go to India once. ”
“Old? India? ”
“I got a call from Lee Jong-geun, who is out of India, and he seems to have a factory property in Chennai. Go take a look and come back with a contract if you want. ”
“Am I going alone? ”
“Go with Adam Kassler. ”
“When can I go? ”
“The sooner the better. ”
Senior Officers, please make sure you give enough travel to the people who are going to sign the factory this time. “
“I understand.”
“The sooner you get to China, the better. You can talk to Min-hyuk Kim directly and schedule with each other. ”
“Okay, but I think I'm going to suffer from Kim Min-hyuk. ”
“I'm sure I'll reach out to the S company in China, the EZ-No-Packs, the Manjewelry Arena and grab my arm to go. ”
“Haha, it must be sales. President Kim Min-hyuk will probably give you a great treat when you go. It looks like they're going to have a five-star hotel. ”
Gu, when he looked back at Yoon, said.
“Find out more about Indian factories in a clean one. In the future, China, India, will be hosting Brandon Burke, Vice President of Dijon's headquarters. ”
“Old school? Does Vice President Brandon Burke quit Dijonsa? ”
“It looks like you're retiring this year. Two years into retirement, we're going to take you to India. India is an English-speaking country, and if you hang out with the heads of foreign countries in India, it will contribute a lot to sales. ”
Kim Jong-moo, Senior Appreciator, and Yoon Sang-moong nodded.
When the three of them returned, Gu Gu called for Adam Kassler this time. Adam Kasler, vice president, enters Gu Hao Bangel with an interpreter for him.
“Factory properties in India and China. ”
“Oh, really? ”
“So China told me to go see Kim Jong-moo. India is accompanied by Vice President Adam Kassler. ”
“Yes, am I? ”
“Go to Chennai, India, and take in a factory contract and take in a tour. ”
Adam Kassler frowns because he likes the sound of Taj Mahal. It felt good to come to Korea and go on a business trip in India because I was bored.
In fact, Adam Kassler didn't do much. The work was done by the Korean people. He wrote a Wickly report to the headquarters.
“And if you ever speak to the headquarters, please say this. ”
“What do you mean? ”
“Tell Brandon Burke that I want to take him to India when he retires. ”
“Oh, that's nice of you. There's no reason to say no to Brandon Burke. I think you'll like it. ”
“Tell me this again. Please also tell Burke I had a disagreement with him, but he admires that his administration and skills are outstanding. ”
“I understand, boss. ”
“When you get to India, Lee Jong-geun will be very pleased to see you with Mr. Castler. ”
“Haha, I will. So when do you want us to leave? ”
“The sooner I tell Yoon, the better. ”
“I understand.”
I washed my hands and found the baby when I came home. I kissed him constantly because he looked cute smiling. Kim Young-un wouldn't let me.
“Oh no, that's enough. I'm tired of babbling.”
The food at home was always plentiful. It was because there was a housekeeper and Kim Young Eun was at home.
“I went to Seoul University Hospital during the day. I set up baby vaccinations. I ate with my colleagues. ”
“How are you? ”
“Everyone loves it. My sister, who buys me good food, loved it. But his doctor gave it to him. ”
“Why, give me Pinzan. ”
“The guy who's married to a moneylender says," What's with the car? ”
“I had to take the next Landrover. ”
“I'm fine, but I don't know why people judge people by home or by car. ”
“That's not how people feel. ”
“People think I'm rich once I live at the Tower Palace. And ask him what kind of car he drives. ”
“Get rid of the SM5 you're driving and buy a new car. I'm embarrassed. ”
“No, I'm still fine. ”
“I'll pick a new genesis and send it to you. Get on it from now on. ”
“Waste, that. ”
“If you're riding around with a baby, there are safety issues, so do as I say this time. ”
Talking about the baby's safety issues, Kim Young-un blinked his eyes and made a face to think of something.
Gu Gun Ho watched TV in the living room with his baby in his arms after dinner. Watching the TV news, Gu Gu opened his eyes wide.
Minister Lee Jin-woo resigned from his post as Minister. And there was a speculative report that the reason for his resignation was this time because of the congressman's election.
Minister Lee Jin-woo, who was a former congressman, also voiced an announcement that he would expect a tectonic shift in political power if he were to appear in the elections.