Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Mori Eiko Audition (4)
How long has it been?
Morrie Eiko got up first and started getting dressed.
“Brother, aren't you getting up? ”
“What time is it? 5: 30? Yikes, we're gonna be late. ”
Gu also quickly put on his clothes.
“You won't be able to catch a cab. Let's call a cab. ”
They called a cab and left the mansion.
“When the cab arrives, drop Aiko off from Shinjuku in the middle, and I'll go to Akasaka. ”
“When are you coming back? ”
“Meet me at the accident. ”
A cab arrives. Guggenho drops Aikou from Shinjuku and he goes to Akasaka. He arrives just after 6: 00.
“Sorry I'm late. ”
“You don't seem to have time for being with a pretty face. ”
The CEO is here.
“Very nice of you to join us today. ”
“You know Yoshitaka well, but you don't know her well, do you? ”
“Yes, I've never seen you before. I think they're artists. ”
“This is the famous psychology filmmaker in Korea, and this is the famous Uyen filmmaker in China. ”
“Oh, you're filming. ”
Gu said while looking at the forensic director.
“This is the delayed president who was famous for being the star of the silver screen when he was young. ”
“Oh? Really? I've heard of him, too. ”
“Hoho, it's an old story. Looks like you're a little younger than us. You may not be familiar with the activities of our generation. ”
“No, I think I've heard that one before. ”
“Since you're here today, I'll ask you to bring me some fresh meat. ”
“Thank you.”
“But I think you had a great time today. ”
“You did what you did today. I made a cast with Morrie Eiko. ”
“Oh, really? ”
“It's not a Korean movie, it's a Chinese movie. ”
“That's why the Chinese director is here. ”
Late President went away when other customers came.
Matsui Yoshitaka asked Guggenho.
“What would you like to drink? ”
“Ask them if they like a drink. ”
“I've lived in Korea for a long time and now I prefer Korean soju to Japanese liquor. ”
“Then, shall we have soju? ”
“Korean soju is very expensive here. ”
“Since you're in a Korean restaurant, you should drink Korean soju. Hey, sis! ”
Gu Gu called the waiter.
“Bring four beef here and two bottles of Korean soju. ”
Yoshitaka dried it.
“South Korean soju here costs 20,000 won. ”
“Done. Director Uyen wants me to try some soju on this occasion, too. ”
The meat is grinding and baking, and the soju is turned around one by one.
“Mr. Uyen, this is Korean food and this is Korean liquor. ”
Uyen looked closely at South Korea's green soju bottle.
“Yesterday I drank Japanese liquor in a fairy and today I drank Korean liquor, so Director Uyen tasted both of them. ”
Director Uyen drank a glass of soju and ate the fire meat.
“Hmm, Phukchur (good.) ”
Soju has run out of 4 bottles. Now I'm a little drunk. Gu Gu had two more bottles of alcohol.
The delayed president joined the party after the lack of customers.
“Sounds like fun. Can I have a drink, too? ”
“Welcome. Welcome aboard."
“Senior director Lim Chang is still active, right? ”
“Yes, I'm still active. He's less motivated than ever, but he's still very motivated. ”
“If you see her, tell her I'm sorry for the delay in Tokyo. ”
“Very well. I'll have a drink. Sister.”
The foreman called the late president "The Great Sister."
“For those of you in the movie, I think you've met your hometown. Hoho.”
The delayed president poured Soju into the air.
Yoshitaka poured a glass of wine into the CEO's empty glass.
“It was great when you first started a restaurant here, right? There were many archaeologists here because Korean people didn't travel well at the time. ”
“Half those people would be dead. Life is so pointless. ”
“I see.”
“If Morrie Eiko had decided to play, Sega and Juncoe would have come out. ”
“I'm out.”
“Yoshita must have had different feelings. ”
“Segawa Juncoe is getting old. It's like looking at the old Sega and Junko in Mori Eiko. ”
“The world doesn't seem to meet people who want to meet and only people who don't want to meet. ”
“I think so. ”
Choi looked at Gu Gun Ho and said.
“You're still in business, aren't you? ”
“Yes, still. ”
Yoshitaka said.
“Old boss invested $5 million in films made in the accident. ”
“Five million dollars? As expected, you are the biggest hand in Gangnam, Korea. ”
Yoshitaka smiled and said.
“It seems that Japan has heard that Old Man is the biggest hand in Gangnam. ” ‘
The psychology director next to him also said,
“It is rumored that Old Man is the biggest hand in Gangnam. ‘
Gu Gu said with a smile.
“Tell me something else. ”
Choi said to Gu Gun Ho, bumping into the soju cup.
“The old man is a handsome man. There's a wind that we can't keep up with. ”
“Haha, let's talk about something else. ”
“Take good care of Morrie Eiko. I'm guessing Eiko's movie performance was a big word for you this time. ”
“No, it's not. It's entirely Eiko's skill. ”
Gu Gu said as he looked at the wrinkles on the neck of the delayed boss. After living abroad for a long time, I felt like loneliness was on the face of the CEO.
Another customer came and the boss went to another seat, and Yoshitaka asked Gugunho.
“Eiko and Old Man seem to have met a lot before. May I ask what the relationship is? ”
“Actually, I... am a patron of Eikoq. ”
“Old? A patron? I'm sure there will be a lot of Japanese revolt around here, so I'm supporting foreigners. What a surprise.”
The foreman was confused and asked.
“What's your guardian? ”
Professor Yoshitaka did not answer the director's question, but asked the Guardian again.
“Then you must have raised Eiko's head, too. ”
“That's right.”
“Of course, you are Odoko (male). ”
Yoshitaka clapped in front of Gu Gun Ho.
Gu Gu explained to the psychology director and Uyen about Geisha's successor.
Uyen nods first.
“I think I've heard of Geisha's patron system. I think I've seen Zhang Zi's successor appear in an Iranian film. ”
Gu Gu said with another bottle of soju.
“You should never go to Korea and talk to Shin Jung-sook. The new boss and my wife know each other well. When I talk about Morrie Eiko, I get kicked out of my house. ”
The psych director and Dr. Yoshitaka smile loudly. Gu Gu gave a simple interpretation for the confused Uyen. Director Uyen laughs loudly.
Yoshitaka picked up the soju bottle and said,
“Ms. Grant, there's a Japanese proverb that says, There's a saying in the men's world, we don't talk underbelly. It's not a man who tells the story below his belly button. ”
“Thank you, but I have a question. Speaking of drunk, where's Yoshitaka's family? ”
Yoshitaka said with a cynical smile.
“Do you want to know? I have a wife. I have a third daughter. ”
“Oh, really? ”
“But we're divorced. We weren't right for each other. This is a story from a patron who actually used to love Sega and Junço when I was young. ”
“Were you a patron?”
“The patron. The tadpole reporter who was just in the newspaper at the time is difficult to get in and out of the fairy. I followed the president of the newspaper, and I fell in love with Segawa Junço, who dances like Aiko now. ”
“Segawa Junko is very old now, but she was quite pretty when she was young. He was as popular as a kid. ”
“So the president of the newspaper was the benefactor? ”
“No, there was a friend of the president of the newspaper who was the president of the mining industry, and he raised Sega and Junko's head. ”
“Hmm, is that so? ”
“The fairy godfather bought it for me. He died recently. She's 20 years older than Sega and Junko. ”
“Then you can combine Yoshitaka and Sega and Junko. ”
Yoshitaka waves her head left and right.
“Even a geisha doesn't betray her sympathetic man. even though the opponent is a father's son. ”
“Hmm, is that so? ”
“I said to Segawa Juncoe, He said he would keep good memories and remain a lover in his heart. That's why we're still seeing each other like friends. ”
Gu Gunho folded his arms and thought.
[Would it be a good thing if Eiko followed me to the end? Is it bad? On the one hand, it's good, and on the other hand, it's horrible.]
[By the way, after hearing the story of Matsui Yoshitaka and Horse Rider Sega and Junko, I remember the Seongbuk-east street sergeant I heard when I was dating Kim Young-un. A love story with a poet's stone and a great diagonal elf.]
Gugan asked Yoshitaka.
“Do you know the Korean poet's stone? ”
“I think I've heard of it. ”
“There is a poem he once wrote because he loved the fairy master. It's called The White Donkey and My Natasha. ”
“Is that so?”
“This is what comes out of it. There's a phrase like," Poor me/I love beautiful Natasha/I can't sleep tonight. "”
“Oh, that's cool. It's not the poet's stone that's cool, it's the old boss who's cool. I feel like I'm seeing a different face from Old Man today in the rain. ”
Yoshitaka and his foreman of psychology applauded Gugunho at the same time.
Gu Gu came back from his dream two- or three-night trip to Japan. I bought Japanese autonomous party (Shiseido) cosmetics and spirits, women's t-shirts and baby goods and toys from Haneda Airport duty-free shops. I bought a lot to impress Kim Young-un.
The Gu Gun Ho came home with goods purchased from a duty-free shop.
“Sangmin, Daddy's here. ”
“How have you been? ”
“Yes, how are you? ”
“What's with all the bags? ”
“Yes, I bought your cosmetics and baby toys. ”
Kim Young-un opened the bag that Gu Gun-ho brought.
“Why else would I buy cosmetics? ”
“Just leave it. ”
“What's with the toys? ”
“This is for elementary school students. How can Sangmin play with this? Oh, my God, you bought Robert! ”
“Well, I'll let it go and give it to you when you grow up. ”
“What is this? ”
“I brought two bottles of liquor for Shin Rim-dong's father. Next to it are your T-shirts and pajamas. ”
“Good job buying T-shirts. Good job.Wash and eat. ”
Gu Gu quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower. I soaked hard to cover the tracks of Morrie Eiko.