Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Votes (2)
The next day, Gu Geunho called Minister Lee Jin-woo.
“Minister, that's Gu Gun Ho. ”
“Oh, Governor. Long time no see."
“You've been through a lot lately, haven't you? The newspapers and the news are listening to you. ”
“Don't say it, I'm just resting my voice. ”
“I think it's more so since the election district is so big. ”
“A few visits to the Route Party will last a day of the year. I've done the elections several times, but I think this is the hardest one. But I will triumph lightly. ”
“That's what I see. ”
“Is that what you think of the secretary? ”
“Of course, not only me, but my Seoul National Political School colleagues all say so. ”
“Really? Huh. I want you to be supportive of your fellow graduates. ”
“And I'd like to meet the Minister. Are you still in the area today? ”
“No, I'm going to be in Seoul in the afternoon for a political meeting. ”
“Then I'll go to the district office this afternoon. ”
“Do you know where the district office is? I don't even know the address there. Let's just stay put. When you get downtown, there's a National Bank. It's on the third floor, across from the National Bank, with a dog center on the first floor and a flower shop. ”
“Very well. I'll see you at 3: 00 p.m. then. ”
Gu Gun went to visit Minister Lee Jin-woo's Gyeonggi-do at 00 o'clock this afternoon. The election office was easy to find. Gu Gu went up to the office. There were three employees, and the first person looked only mid-20s, whether they were interns or not.
“How did you get here? ”
“I'm the one who promised to meet with Minister Lee Jin-woo today. ”
A young employee welcomed me. The man in the back of his 50s said,
“Let's get him to the conference room. ”
The distress call was escorted to the conference room by a young employee. The conference room was not big. There were a lot of pickets on one side. There's a banner on the wall. I'll be with you on the civilian scene. ’It was written.
Gu Gunho sat alone in the conference room, and a woman in her 40s came in and gave her green tea.
“Thank you."
I sometimes heard loud noises about visitors in the office.
“The chancellor should be elected and rushed to the Senate. This is no place to sit quietly. ”
Gu Gu waited another 30 minutes. While taking out my smartphone and looking at pictures of actresses, Minister Lee Jin-woo came in without knocking.
“Oh, I'm sorry about this. It's been a long meeting and I'm late. ”
“I'm here to tell you how much you're going through. ”
“Look at my lips. My lips are all chapped. ”
Secretary Lee Jin-woo said as he took out a lip balm and applied it.
“Are the opponent candidates also from this region? ‘
“He grew up here in Seoul after two or three years in elementary school. I don't know where else the same guy comes from and grabs my crotch. ”
“You need a lot of electorates, don't you? ”
“We need a lot. There's a lot of athletes out there right now. ”
“Do the locals pay a little? ”
“The economy is not the same as it used to be. But the announcer candidate has a fan club, and I don't have a fan club where polar members play athletics with me. I'm a money-grubbing son-in-law who thinks I have a lot of money and asks for help. Money is a lot of artisan inspiration, and I don't have a lot of it, but people don't think so."
“Minister, can I mobilize an athlete? ”
“A jockstrap? You want to recruit some of the employees from the old firm?"
“No, I'll mobilize members of civil society. ”
“A member of a civil society organization? ”
“I won't tell any organization. I'm going to mobilize 3,000 members here. ”
“Three, three thousand people? ”
“They don't come to this part of the country to vote. I do it over the Internet."
“On the Internet? You want me to call it a commentary unit?"
“Comments are wrong and can be voted on. If you do wrong, Minister Lee Jin-woo, who has a lot of money, could be attacked for even mobilizing comment troops. Reverse effect. ”
“Well, what are you going to do? ”
Gu Gun Ho had to be exaggerated here.
“We will recruit 3,000 people, starting with the demolition of the Announcer candidate. ”
“He's an annoying parrot at the station. What can I get you? ”
“No one in the world is perfect. ”
“If you've got 3,000 people in there, if you've got a shotgun job, if you've got a shotgun job, you've got 30,000 people who know about it. ”
“Even if my in-laws have a lot of money, I can't pay Albany for 3,000 people. ”
“I don't need Albany. The 3,000 can move swiftly if I give the order. ”
“Huh, I didn't know the secretary had that kind of ability. ”
“You asked your fellow graduates to support the elections, right? 30 policy graduate motivators have no impact on elections. Rather, if there are 3,000 members under me, there will be more powerful powers. Moreover, they are young people who are members of society. ”
“I'd appreciate it if you'd mobilize them, but you'd expect a price later, wouldn't you? ”
“There is no price. If there are any, I'll cover all of them. ”
“Thank you.”
Secretary Lee Jin-woo gripped the hand of Gu Gun-ho.
“The Constitution must keep this a secret. Only you and I need to know who's under the sky. ”
“Of course I will. ”
“And my organization will be disbanded at the same time as the Vice Minister's election. ”
“I've been secretly running this organization since yesterday. I caught two Achilles guns from the announcer candidate. ”
"Really? What's that? “
This minister pulls the chair straight to the front of the helmet.
“You have to pretend you don't know what our members are doing. You must never ignore it in the corners. ”
“Of course I will. ”
Gu Gunho said, sipping a cup of green tea.
Our members tell us that the candidate for the announcement once said, “
“What do you mean? ”
“The women in Gangnam are all beautiful, but there are too many ugly people in other parts. So I live in Gangnam. It's what I said." ”
“That's a strong expression, but I don't think it's going to affect the election. ”
“You're welcome. It's a problem. It's a big one. Only people in Gangnam and people in other parts of the world can argue whether they look like pigs. ”
“3,000 of our members will attack this. Attack regardless of election. And the people who see the people of the local constituency as pigs, they're going to ask," Where does the congressman come from? "What do you think? Can't you hear the ticking? ”
“Hmm, that could work. ”
“If the attack becomes chaotic, the opponent's announcer candidate will actively explain this. When you're young and immature, you say you're the only one who can make progress and reform politics in the region. ”
“Then the mood will be calmed down again, and your vote with the minister will be reduced again. And then I'm going to add a new demolition. ”
“Is there another ingredient like that? ”
“I already have something for you. Now it's going to be more and more problematic. ”
“I'm not much of a soldier myself. I was exempt from waist at the time. ”
“I had a funny expression when I was in college. There's another material that connects this to the reason for exemption from military service, and 3,000 of the battalions are going to take the wave. ”
“Amazing, old boss. I heard you went to high school from Incheon, too. What do you think? Would you like to work with me to reform this country's political landscape and stabilize the civil economy? I'll give my best effort to the Incheon Sanctuary in the future when I get accepted to our party. ”
“Haha, I have no intention of politics. I'm an entrepreneur. Politics won't even die. It also doesn't fit well. ”
“I'm sorry to hear that. If someone like the old boss gets accepted into the party, it's a pity that he gets 10 million horses. ”
There is a knock outside. In the back, 50 people who looked like office chiefs came through the door.
“Candidate, the district clerk is here. What can I do? ”
Gu Gun-ho woke up from his seat.
“You seem busy, so I'll stand up. ”
“I'd like to talk to the old boss more...”
“I've done all my talking. I don't have to come or do anything from now on, because I have eyes to see. And I'm not going to do that until the polling date, unless it's a very important issue. ”
“Thank you. I've come here to tell you a powerful story, and I'm going to give you a gift someday. ”
“Thank you."
Minister Lee Jin-woo listened to Gu Gu's words and began to revitalize his limp face. When Gu Gu went out, he muttered to himself.
[You have 3,000 members of civil society down there? That guy's a piece of shit now.]
It was the day Gu Gun Ho went to work. Gu Gun went straight to Diyonkorea without stopping by the direct route to Giach Mobil.
Gu Gu opened his email in the president's office. There was a copy of the Social Security Certificate and a copy of the bank account sent by Kang Minho, who works for the society. He printed and printed these documents. And I want to thank Adam Kassler and his superiors.
“Will the people who went to India come back tomorrow? ”
“Yes, this time, besides Director Park Jong-seok and Director Yu Hee Yeol, Yoon Sang-mu will come back. ”
“I don't know if you got the prototype. ”
“It works well. ”
“I'm glad.”
This time, Adam Kassler said,
“Me, and Ms. Grant. Brandenburg, president of India, asked me to thank him. ”
“Thanks for joining us in India, by the way. ”
“I might be able to play in Dijon Korea. It seems that President Brandenburg, India, strongly recommends that as he retires, he should have Adam Kassler. ”
“I, too, would like to raise my hand if Vice President Kasler were to remain here.
“Thank you."
“Vice President Kessler loves our employees here. If that's the case, I can resign to the board of directors with confidence. ”
“Thank you. And Brandon Burke, president of India, asked me if I could send Director Park Jong-seok to India very much. ‘
“That won't be possible. He's not from Dijon, he's from Giant Mobil. ”
“I told Brandon Burke that, too. And then he asked me to tell him, because it's a company owned by Mr. Gu.
“No, Song said no to that. ”
“Brandon Burke, president of India, said he wanted to have Dr. Park run a factory in Deyondia. ”
“Is that so?"
“When I saw Mr. Park Jong-seok, I thought I saw Mr. Sakada Ikuzo on a young day. Both of them said that their skills were excellent, but they seemed to have similar personalities. ”
“Haha, really? Burke, the president of India, seems to have seen Dr. Bailey. Tell him it's hard to get rid of him not only in extrusion, but also in plastics. ”
“I understand.”
“Say that you can always send a trip if you need it for factory mechanical faults or machinery fittings. ”
“Very well. I'll pass it on.