Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
IPO Investment Summary (2)
Gu went home with the Investment Bank data selected by the senior auditor.
Gu Gu practiced in the room with the data.
“Oh, hello. I am President and General Counsel of Dijon Korea, Inc. Our company is joined by Rymundel DiYonsa, a world-class chemical company in the United States……"
Kim Young-un opened the door and watched. Gu Gu said, smiling shyly.
“I have a presentation. I have an IPO presentation in front of the investors. ”
“Where are you going? ”
“Do it on the 63 Building Grand Volume. ”
“Hoho, you're struggling. ”
“Is the cold all right? ”
“I'm fine.”
“I'm glad you're awake. I was worried about Sangmin. ”
“Am I worried? Are you worried about Sangmin?”
“Both. ”
Gu Gun-ho hugged Young-un Kim and kissed her.
“When you practice like this, you're not rich, you're just a big business employee. ”
“I think that was you when we first met. ”
Gu Gu fell asleep while practicing.
Kim Young-un came in and saw that Gu Gun Ho had fallen down and that only IPO materials made of PowerPoint were scattered in the room.
Kim Young-un picked up this data and put it in. Then I kissed the gumbo's cheek and put out the fire.
Gu Gu also went to the Sinsa Dong building the next day and looked at the IPO materials.
I got a call from Songdae at Giath Mobil.
“It's me, Song. ”
“Yes, is something wrong? ”
“Director Park Jong-seok has resigned. He said he was going to run his own machine manufacturing company. ”
“I don't know. I thought you said that to me once, but you resigned. ”
“I tried to persuade her to resign, but it didn't work. The Vice Principals are very old, so they seem to be embarrassed and constantly bother the boss. ”
“I think he thought that because he was confident in touching the machine. ”
“It's hard to set up a factory without Dr. Park now. ”
“Dr. Isaiah says he'll be working near the factory near Giach Mobil. He didn't go far, he was next to me, so he said he would run whenever he wanted to call me at work. ”
“But it's going to take a lot of money to get out there on your own, and I don't know if you can do that. ”
“There's no big money, even if she lives to eat. He asked me to invest. So we said," We're geo precision. "”
“Well, maybe that's a good thing. ”
“Do you think that's a good thing? ”
“Think about it. My lab director and I are in our mid-50s, and our secretary or managing director and our new director of quality are all pre- and post-50s, and they're all going to be gone in 10 years. So who's going to take over for the next generation of people? ”
“Well, maybe we can try a new one." ”
“Of course, you can do scouts and headhunts, but you also need someone inside the factory who knows. When he's here, it's hard to learn how the company works as a whole. I think you should run a small business. ”
“Once you leave, it's hard for the company to come back in. ”
“No, you can become an affiliate under GE with a name of precision. Just like Dr. Park said, you should help invest and operate with GE precision. It's possible."
“Later, we can merge the precision of GE Mobile and GE Mobile. You can merge it, come in as a executive or vice president, and you can make a boss. if, of course, he goes out and learns and is judged to have that kind of talent.
“Hm, the merger...”
“If you go out and do a small factory, you will learn about finance, taxes, secretaries, quality, and operations in a short time. I have a friend who is willing to go to night school and work hard these days. And even though people are tough, the basic heart is simple and naive. I will never betray you again. It would be a great right arm for the G.H. Group. ”
“Hmm, yes. Very well. Repair your resignation first. ”
“I understand.”
Gu Gun-ho hung up on Song and thought to himself.
[Yes. The merger procedure will allow us to return to Giant Mobile at any time.]
Guggenho looked at the Internet.
Minister Lee Jin-woo's election was becoming a seesaw game again. Minister Lee Jin-woo was ahead of us a little, but it was not a relief.
[Minister Lee Jin-woo is going to be a pain in the ass. You wanted to call me, but you said you were gonna blow up a mid-term or a second plan, so you couldn't even call me, and now you're moaning. That's why I usually go down to the area and volunteer, and I neglect that.]
In the newspaper, Minister Lee Jin-woo is likely to become a party holder in the Democratic Republican Party if he is elected to run in the country.
It was the day of the investment conference.
Senior Auditor took the Director of Light Sook and the Chief of Seongil, who wrote the presentation data, and started with Yeouido. It was for the meeting room check. Although the stock brokerage company cooperated, it was a good idea to conduct its own checks. The rescue also arrived in advance before the commencement of the lecture, checking the microphone and checking the PowerPoint. Adam Kassler also comes in, tingling and sitting in a chair.
Gu Gu Khwa thought that the explanatory chairman would not be full of people, but surprisingly many people came. Institutional investors, investment advisors, and stockholders attended. Economic newspaper reporters have come.
Gu took hold of the microphone calmly.
“I am the President and Chief Executive Officer of Dijon Korea. Thank you for attending despite your busy schedule. ”
From a distance, I saw the chief of the diary taking a picture with his smartphone.
“DiYonkoria is a company that produces composite PP Compounds and engineering plastics, making materials for automotive products and electronics. Recently, we are also producing products using environmentally friendly materials....”
Attendees were just listening quietly and taking a brief note of what Gu Gu said. I didn't ask any questions.
Especially when explaining the financial situation of the company, the letter of relief smoothened the description without looking at the data or the screen to make sure it was memorized.
“Established within less than three years, but operating more than 30% annually, with a global brand ownership of production rights and sales rights across Limandel DiYonsa and Asia in the United States. He has already set up a readership manufacturing plant in Chennai, India, and China's rigid city, Suzhou, with only operating earnings without debt. ”
“Asia is now larger than Europe or South America or North America. India or China has a large area, and we need to set up a few more factories. Factories should also be built in Indonesia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and the Middle East. It's going to take a lot of money to set up a factory like this. That's why this time we've gone public. ”
After finishing his explanation, he had a Q&A time, but there were no questions. I ended up only asking questions about competitors and the ratio of rationalities. When Gu Gun Ho looked toward the entrance of the Explanatory Meeting, there were some who could not sit down and listen to Gu Gun Ho's story, whether there were people who later came to attend.
The manager of a brokerage firm reached out to Gu Gun Ho.
“Well done.”
“I don't know if I made a mistake. ”
“No, you've done very well. When I explained my financial situation, I also felt like the old boss when I didn't even look at the data. ”
“You think this is going to work? ”
“If the institutional investors don't have a lot of interest and the number of shares outstanding today, they will likely go up in stock prices from the meadow. Haha.”
“Is that so?"
Gu Gun Ho bought lunch at the Korean Restaurant Roof Garden on the 63rd Building with his staff coming up from Asan. I also had two beers.
“All these years, I've been working on the data. Let's have a beer. ”
“I think you've gone to a lot of trouble explaining yourself. ”
The lumber warden slammed into the glass.
“I was surprised when I explained the financial situation without even looking at the data, because I didn't know what the boss usually said. ”
He smiled and said thanks to his superior.
“If you lie to the numbers in front of the boss, you'll get a bullet in your head. ”
The staff had a pleasant meal because of the odds that the work was over.
Gu Gun Ho also said with a joyful meal in his mind.
“Now that Dijon Korea is listed, you can take pride in going to a listed company. ”
The chief of the diary in one of the configurations said.
“Ms. Grant, do you think our company will climb a lot? I bought all 2 million won. ”
Senior auditor responded on my behalf.
“Our buyer can sell in a year, so if you keep quiet for a year, the stone will be golden. My bosses are so grumpy, there are so many people who conspire to share it all over the place, but isn't my boss still at face value? A year from now, when we sell our shares, it'll be a big hit in the newspaper, saying that we've become a bunch of Dijon Koreans. ”
The chief of the diary made a favorable face with a sparkle in his eyes.
Gu Gun returned the staff to Asan and returned to the Sinsaidong building. I had lunch and drank a beer, so I fell asleep. After about 10 minutes, I opened my eyes. Guggenho drank the bottled water on his desk.
[How much will the conspirator determine in demand forecasting? According to Dijon Korea's due diligence, the brokerage broker said the expected price was KRW 25,000. It wasn't just a calculation, it was a valuation of Dijon Korea's asset value, return value and business value of 25,000 KRW. Here's a plus minus in the decision.]
[But today, the brokerage manager said there were not many outstanding shares, so they were strong from the beginning. Then I'm saying we should go up to the meadow, but I don't think Park Jong-seok should be thrown in the first place.]
Gu called the head of Gangnam Securities Branch.
“The branch manager worked hard until today's IPO Investment Explanation Conference. Thank you."
“Phew, no problem. We have only received documentation on our behalf. Above all, I'm glad the investment presentation ended well today. ”
“Let me ask you something. Earlier in Yeouido, you said Dijon Korea was expected to be strong from the very beginning. ”
“Yes, but when the club kids come in and play, they can fall for it in no time. Today, I heard that the head of a club I know was in the debriefing room. ”
“A club?”
“There are quite a lot of stock clubs. There are dozens of them, hundreds of them. ”
Gu Gu also knew the existence of the club because he had done stock in the past. Gu had once thought that even if the club members were cancerous in the stock market, without them, they would not be able to move the stock market variously.
[Does the Gangnam branch manager know the club leader? It's gonna be pretty fun later.]