Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Expansion of Overseas Subsidiaries (1)
Gu Gu 'un left for Dijon Korea with george precision. Kim Jong-moo stopped working in Dijon Korea and called for a temporary executive meeting.
In addition to Chon-mu Kim, Senior Auditor, Sang-mu Yoon, Chairman Yoon, and Edum Kassler came to Gu's room.
Secretary Park Hee-jeong came in and brought 7 cups of soybean tea. The number of executives was 6, including Gu Gae, but there were 7 interpreters.
Gu, who was sitting in the middle, had a cup of tea and spoke first.
“The company must have changed a lot since Dijon Korea went public. I know you're getting a lot of calls and a lot of visitors. The more we do this, the more our employees will have to be different than before. I think we've increased our sales a little bit. What do you think, Mr. Kim? How is your sales these days? ”
“More than 200 million a day and a little less than 250 million a day. ”
“Less than 75 billion a month. ”
“What about overseas? Tell me about Adam Kassler. ”
“Dijon India and Dijon China sell about four tons every day. That's about 120 tons a month. ”
“How much is it? ”
“500 million monthly sales. India China has just emerged, but Brandon Burke has targeted European companies in Chennai and brought them to the current Dijon China level. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“Kim Jong-moo wanted to go on a business trip last time to target a Korean company in Chennai, but in the meantime he was too busy being listed as a company. Once again, we would like to request that you travel for business. ”
Gu Gun-ho looked at Kim Jong-moo's face and said.
“What do you think, sir? Come back next week if you have time. ”
“I'll do that. ”
“And India and China have asked that we send four more machines, both of them. So we did a project on the precision of GTH. We've now delivered two to India and China, one to each of them. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
Gu Gu said, looking at the Head of Yu Hee Heat Production this time.
“Kim Jong-moo just sold an average of 250 million won a day, but the production side is okay, right? ”
“I'm dealing with it now. I told Yoon to recruit about 30 people because I think we need to hire more employees. ”
Gu Gu looked at Yoon Sang Mu's face. Yoon said with a dry cough, raising his butt.
“I've already put out a recruitment ad on the Walknet and finished my sentence. Watch the first interview tomorrow. ”
“You're going to pick 30 people, right? ”
“Yes, there are many more candidates on the walknet, as well as advertising as a Kosdaq company. And the volunteers grew young. ”
Kim Jong-moo vomited.
“Older people will no longer apply to Dijon Korea. You're a Kosdaq corporation. You want to hire us old men? So they'll give up support. ”
“750 people filed a petition to support 30 people. We took about 60 of them and interviewed them. ”
“So that makes 230 of our employees? ”
“Together, India and China make up about 300 people. ”
“This company will grow to over 1,000 employees in three years. ”
Kim Jong-moo nodded.
“Well, maybe you will. ”
The words of the Old Testament continued.
“Yoon, make an educational plan for executives. With more people, we may need to strengthen our training in management techniques. ”
“Yes, and our secretary is planning an annual education program for next year. When we're done, we'll send you a payment. It's a hierarchical training plan."
“Hmm, well done. ”
“In the future, if you do not complete certain job training, we will exclude you from the promotion review. ”
“Do it. ”
Gu said, looking at the senior auditor for the last time.
“This year, the combined operating earnings from the business activities and the last time your co-conspirators came in are more than 30 billion? ”
All attendees gave a faint heartbeat, saying that more than 30 billion of them were appreciated.
“Huff! Thirty billion! ”
Gu Gu quickly rolled his head.
[Since 1.2 million shares became a conspiracy for 26,200 won, 31.4 million won will come in, and the cash reserves from operating activities will be around 10 billion won.]
[After the executive meeting, we should ask the manager to issue a cash statement and pull out the balance statement by the bank.]
Gu said, looking back at the entire executive.
“The purpose we tried to get Dijon Korea to go public was to raise the necessary funds for the establishment of an overseas subsidiary. Dijon Korea, as you all know, has acquired the Asian right to sell from Lyman Del Yonsa, USA. This is also in the terms of the contract when you first tie it together. ”
“That's true. ”
Adam Kassler said:
Gu Gu said again after drinking a cup of date tea.
“So I'm going to set up two additional manufacturing factories. ”
Everyone was watching the face of Gu, “
“In Indonesia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and the Middle East, we don't have the expertise yet. So I want to start with a manufacturing plant in northern India, and outside of Beijing, respectively. ”
No one threw up except for a dry cough.
“Noda, India, is close to New Delhi. We just got out of the Delhi Station with Senior Manager Jong-Geun Lee. It shouldn't be difficult to set up a production plant in Noida. You can appoint Lee Jong-geun as your local president. What do you think? ”
No one answered. After a little moxation, Kim said.
“Noida area is good. Just in time, you also have Lee Jong-geun, who has enough manpower. All Deliza has to do is go in there. I totally agree. ”
It is said that they all agree. Adam Kassler said he was late for another drink.
“The Beijing area will be covered by Dinging in Shanghai. Dining has a lot of alumni and a good relationship with the bureau. There's also President Min Hyuk Kim there, so you can ask him to check out the Beijing factory. ”
Kim Jong-moo received a message.
“There are also many Korean companies in Beijing, so once the factory is set up, I can provide sales support. ”
“The Beijing area is also in the best order of modern cars. ”
“Where is Purity in Beijing? ”
“Located in northeast Beijing, there is a modern car in Korea. But I also like the genuine side. ”
“Cheonjin is close to Beijing. There are also ports, so there are lots of jobs that have already been built. Isn't there a lot of work in the Cheonjin Economic Development District? ”
“I hope it's worth it. ”
“Cheonjin also has a Korean corporation formed by the Korean Land Development Corporation. and the typhoons and the Germans -- it shouldn't be hard to find a factory. ”
“Very well, then I'll ask Dinging and Min Hyuk Kim to look at the factory. I will also instruct Chong-geun Lee in India. ”
“I think that would be good. ”
“That concludes today's meeting. Well done.“
As the executives all left, Lee Sun-hye came in to clean out the empty cup of tea.
“Tell the manager to come over. ”
“I understand.”
Shortly after, the Director of Light Sook came to the boss's office.
“Make a cash statement by today's date and let us know the balance by your bank. ”
“I brought it here. ”
“Did you pick it out already? I didn't give the order. ”
“Isn't it Ms. Grant's day? I'm sure they'll find a cash timesheet, and I asked them to prepare it for me. ”
“Hmm, really? Good job.You can leave the paperwork. ”
As the conductor went out, Gu Gu, who was twisting his legs, sat down and looked through the documents slowly.
“Hmm, that's exactly what I'm guessing. ”
He called Lee Jong-geun, a manager in India, right away, with hot paperwork.
“Are you the manager?”
“Oh, yeah. Ms. Lee Jong-geun. ”
“Well, are you fit to live in India? ”
“Yes, I'm working hard. I'm sorry you're not getting the sales you were hoping for. ”
“You're doing great, sir. And I want to share with you a story from today's Executive Group. ”
“Yes, tell me. ”
“Take over a factory in the Delhi or Noida area. Well, it's about the size of a factory in Chennai. ”
Lee Jong-geun seemed surprised.
“So, what happens to me? ”
“Well, how could I? You can run the factory. ”
“Old? The boss? ”
Lee Jong-geun seemed to wake up when the sound of the boss came out.
“Very well. I'll look into it right away. ”
“You do know that Dijon Korea has gone public this time, right? ”
“Yes, I heard about it. ”
“It doesn't matter if the factory is selected as large, because there's money coming in. A good place to check transportation and electricity and find people. ”
“Very well. How long do you need?" ”
“There are no deadlines, but the sooner we do it, the better. Please take good care of it. ”
“Yes, ma'am. ”
Gu Gun Ho called Kim Min-hyuk from China this time.
“It's me, Gu Gun Ho. ”
“Oh, Old President. It's me."
“I'm in Dijon Korea. I hosted an executive meeting this morning, and I got a report that Dinging Company's performance was improving. ”
“It seems that they now sell what they produce here without importing finished goods from Korea. ”
“He said he was doing it. Dijon Korea has sold 120 tons a month since it went public. Ding Ding is amazing. ”
“Is that so?"
“And today at the meeting, I'm going to set up another factory in Beijing or Cheonjin. ”
“In Beijing or Cheonjin? ”
“China has a large area, so Beijing will also need to set up a factory. We got a lot of money coming in this time. We got plenty of ammo. ”
“Is that so?"
“Tell Dinding to get another factory. ”
“Who's going to be the boss? “
“Dinging would recommend it. He probably knows most about China now, and Ding Ding is the local CEO of Dijon China, so he should listen to Ding first. ”
“Got it. I'll talk to Dinging. ”
Gu Gu tried to search stock market prices on his smartphone, but he received a senior audit.
“Did you get that report from the cash register? ”
“Yes, I received a report. ”
“It is also not desirable to keep more than 30 billion in a company - why not invest more than 20 billion in short-term bonds? ”
“There are times when short-term bond investments are also lost. ”
“I do, but I feel sorry for you. ”
“Wait a little longer. ”
“I understand.”
As the senior auditor went out, the bailiff checked the stock quote again.
“The closing price is 22,500 won. It's not good to rush too far. This is great! ”
Gu Gun Ho hung up his smartphone with a smile.