Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Myura Soichi's Tears (2)
The Guggenho party heads to Noge Odin's house not far from Gannai Station.
“This house has been here for 100 years! ”
“Isn't it amazing that this house was born in Meiji 36 (1903)? ”
The food was short. Chopped chicken, boiled beef, and Odin seemed to be the food that older people liked. That's why I think Sakada Ikuzo recommended this house.
“What's wrong with Bob? ”
“That's because it's Chamesh. A rice made with tea water. ”
Sakada Ikuzo asked Park Jong-seok.
“So you quit your gig mobile and set up your own gig? ”
“Yes, it is. Eighty percent of the startup fund was invested by the old boss, and my stake is 20 percent. Deliver Dijon Korea Machine Equipment. ”
“Machinery? Twin screws can't be built. ”
“Import only open screws. We make the rest while we're buying parts. ”
“Oh, I see. You can do that. But the Twin Screw Factory doesn't teach you much at Dijon headquarters. ”
“How did we just find out? It's a bit more expensive than the delivery price for Dijon Korea. We're reducing labor costs and other parts. ”
“Hmm, I see. So what company does the screw come from? ”
“West Molding, Seattle. ”
Sakada Ikuzo nods.
Gu Gun Ho asked Dr. Ikuzo.
“Odeng is light and tasty. The rice is good, the pickled cabbage is good, and the miso soup is cool. ”
“Haha, really? Eat a lot. And you're willing to buy Mechanical Equipment with the precision of Miura? ”
“Well, it has to be decided by Mr. Park Jong-seok first. I don't know the technology, so the technical review has to be followed first. ”
Park said after drinking Odeng Soup.
“Machines are a lot automated, so I think I can handle the equipment just a little bit. But those of you in there are older people, and I don't know how you came up with such a cutting-edge automation machine. I was surprised to see that it was self-made. ”
“Miura Soichi, the precision president of Miura, was just as young as I was and poor. For generations like us, the Dankai were lacking in supplies at the time. Soich also went there as a job apprentice and learned skills by being beaten by his classmates. ”
“Are you hit by a falcon? ”
“That mood is gone now, but I was beaten and learned a lot in the old days. It's dangerous to deal with machines in particular, so if you make a few mistakes, you follow the safety issue. So I used to get slapped without cause. ”
“Did you?”
“That would be a big problem right now. The person who was hit leaves the company immediately and goes home. Haha.”
“I'm not going home, I'm going to kick the guy who hit me. ”
After eating the miso soup, he said again.
“Mr. Gu, do you know Seo Gap-ho, a Korean spinster? ”
“Mr. Seo Gap-ho? I don't know. ”
“I was president of editorial affairs. ”
Is it a Japanese company? ”
“No, it was a company in Yeongdeungpo, Korea. It's a company that changed its name in a way that was not easy to find. ”
“I've never even heard of tarnishing. ”
“Different generations make sense. Then, do you know Times Square in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul? ”
“I know. I went there to buy some clothes. ”
“That's where the barricade was. ”
“Is that so?"
“Why do I tell you a story, Mr. Seo? Because he learned spinning skills by being beaten up by countless Japanese people. ”
“Hmm, did you? ”
“Later on, when he became president, he said that his body had been crawling around like a leather revolution wound. ”
“Did that happen? ”
“Mr. Seo Gap-ho is a person who has learned spinning skills in Osaka and crossed Japan as a blood group during the Jell-O period. He was the one who beat me to it. He eventually became the president of Osaka's book of spinning ( ) and set up a spinning block in Korea's Yeongdeungpo. ”
“Did you?”
“I don't think anyone who is willing to learn skills is right at all. It pains me to think that Miura Soich, who used to be old, is now on dialysis for kidney disease and selling machines. I would like them to be delivered to President Park Jong-seok, who is my favorite review index. ”
“When I told myself I was selling machines and folding them, I cried when I saw Miura Soich crying. ”
Gu Gun-ho and Park Jong-seok closed their eyes just the same. And they thought that if they sold a piece of machinery that was the exact same as a piece of machinery that was manufactured by Josh Mobile or Josh, they would shed the same tears.
The group ages from the teacher's rhetoric and eats nothing but Odeng.
Dr. Matsui Yoshitaka wiped his mouth with Nefkin, then smiled and said.
“I feel like a samurai when I see Mr. Ikuzo or Mr. Park Jong-seok. And it's not just samurai. Miyamo has this amazing swordsman image. ”
Mr. Ikuzo smiled and said.
“I also like Miyamo Musashi, a master swordsman of Nitenyi Dynasty. “
After a meal, the group drops Dr. Ikuzo off at his hometown motomac.
“We're going to the hotel now. ”
“Are you returning to Korea tomorrow? “
“No, I'm going to take a day sightseeing. Park Jong-seok won't let me do it. You're welcome to accompany Mr. Ikuzo.
“Haha, I'll stay here. We hope you enjoy your trip and go back. ”
“Thank you.”
“If you are still willing to acquire the precision of Miura in the future, please contact me. ”
“I'll do that. For now, we will go to Korea and review more. ”
The group departs for the Royal Park Hotel overlooking Yokohama Harbor.
The next day, the group comes to Tokyo.
First, I went up to the Tokok Tower and also visited Yasukuni Shrine, who held a grudge against South Koreans. Gugunhoe told Yoshitaka in the moving car.
“Don't you want to meet Shinjuku's Horseman Segawa Junko? ”
“Why are you saying that all of a sudden? ”
“Isn't that Yoshitaka's old lover and my lover? ”
“Haha, you're progressive, but I'm an old story. ”
“But I'm here, so go see him. ”
“What do you do when you meet? It's not like they'll sell you drinks and drinks in a fairy. As me, it's hard to get there. ”
“Book it. I'll be there tonight. ”
“Old? The boss? ”
“Shouldn't I be meeting Morrie Eiko? ”
“Yeah, yeah, but me too...”
“The three of you are coming with me. Please make an appointment with Yoshitaka. ”
“Oh, I see. ”
Park Jong-seok listened to me and said.
“Brother, I'm talking to Yoshitaka. What do you mean by fairies? ”
“Well, Park Jong-seok also came to Tokyo to visit the Japanese fairy once. ”
“Since a man is born, don't you think you should visit a Japanese fairy? ”
“Korean fairies can be expensive to go to once, but Japanese fairies can be more expensive. ”
“Expensive. That's why I'm going. ”
“I don't want to. But I don't want to go there. ”
“Yoshitaka said she knew the house well. This house is worthless. ”
Park Jong-seok asked Yoshitaka.
“Yoshitaka, how much does it cost to go to a Japanese fairy once? ”
“Well, wouldn't it be more expensive than going to Korea for a roommate? I think there's high-end food and people who do scissors. ”
“Do you have a swing? ”
“There's also Geisha Odori for Samisen. ”
“Geisha Odori? Wow, I'd love to go. However, I don't think I've ever been to Cho Won Cheol, Hwang Byung-cheol, and Lee Suk-ho. But it costs a lot of money. Where are you going? ”
Then, Park Jong-seok only noticed Gu Gun-ho.
Gu Gun-ho smiled and looked at Park Jong-seok and said to himself,
[Son of a bitch, I made 6.5 billion this month buying and selling Dijon Korea stock. Some Japanese fairies remain accidental.]
Gu Gu said, tapping Park Jong-seok's back.
“Don't worry, I can't let my beloved brother Park Jong-seok see the Japanese fairy once. If I can't, I'm not a human paramedic. ”
“Really? Hehe. ”
Yoshitaka called somewhere and spoke fluent Japanese. He seemed to be on the phone with horse racing Sega and Junko. Yoshitaka called very vigorously.
“Did you make contact with the Horseman? ”
“The call has been made. I'm surprised Old Man's coming as a guest. ”
“Is that so?"
“I'm more surprised that the old lady is coming than the old me. ”
“Haha, really? ”
“What should I do with Morrie Eiko?" he asked. I have guests, so I can come and dance with them like other guests. ”
“Well done. ‘
After 6 pm, the three people took the ISIS rental car and went to Nymph in Shinjuku.
“Don't say Irashai (welcome). ”
Horseshoe Sega and Juncoe were wearing light makeup and beautiful clothes today.
“It's been a long time, Your Highness. ”
“Old boss, long time no see. Come up to Tadami's room.”
When the three of them were seated in Tatami's room, Shega and June again took their hands and bowed down to Tatami. It was probably because I had never seen Park Jong-seok before.
“My name is Segawa Junko, the Horseman. ”
Park Jong-seok didn't know how to act, but he also tried to greet Tatami with both hands. Gu Gun-ho quickly grabbed the back of Park Jong-seok and said.
“You sit tight. ”
After finishing the temple, Segawa and Juncoe raised their heads. Gu Gun Ho smiled and said. Gu Gu has learned a little Japanese while dating Mori Eiko.
“You look 10 years younger because you dress like that. It seems like the old beauty has come back to life. ”
“You're welcome. This kimono's floral pattern is her favorite, so I took it out and put it on. ”
Teacher Yoshitaka was very fond of this. Perhaps the old memories were remembered, but their eyes soon changed.
Traditional Japanese food came out and Japanese sake came out.
“Today's drink is a sake called kubotamanju. It used to be Yoshitaka's favorite drink. ”
“Really? So you're Yoshitaka and not me today. Teacher Yoshitaka pays for today's drinks. ”
“Me? Me? I don't have any money. ”
Everyone laughed at this. Horse riders Sega and Juncoe stopped their mouths and laughed.
Sega and Junko said, pouring the wine into the goblet of Gu Gun Ho first.
“Thank you for making Morrie Eiko appear in a Chinese film this time. I'm also happy to receive all the payoffs in this difficult time. Morrie Eiko and I had great power. ”
“Haha, no problem. I wish you all the best for your movie. ”
“I heard that Old Man invested a lot in it. This is a glass for success. ”
Park Jong-seok didn't know what the two of them were talking about, so his eyes were full.