Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Listed Equity Face Split (1)
I bought nearly 200,000 shares of Dijon Korea stock for metallurgical scraping by Gu Gun Ho. The average price was 26,000 won, so it was 5.2 billion won. I still have 5.4 billion in Seung Hee's account, but I didn't photograph any more shares. It was because the number of shares outstanding decreased significantly when Gu Gae Ho had too much volume.
“That's enough. ”
Gu has now examined the par value division of Dijon Korea stock.
Gu Geunho sat at his desk every day, trading stocks, and now he seemed to be liberated. I landed back on the couch at my desk. I called Secretary Oh Yeon-soo.
“Just get me a cup of coffee. ”
“I understand.”
After Yeon-soo brought coffee, Gu Gu sat on the couch twisting his legs and watching TV while drinking coffee. News came out.
[Three candidates have been selected from the reserve ship of the Democratic Resonance Party to enter the main ship. The finalized candidate is the former Secretary of State, Lee Jin-woo from Senate 3, and.....]
“Hmm, there you go. That passes. Next problem, though. ”
[These three will have a fierce party competition in the future and will appear to be advancing the faculty's recognition. The Democratic Republican Party will hold a convention next month and elect a successor to the next party.]
“If I become the party president, I can also see the election. I don't know if it's gonna work, but it's gonna make a huge contribution to the name. ”
Gu sent a text message to Minister Lee Jin-woo.
[Congratulations on making it to Main Line. We look forward to welcoming you to the party.]
I got a reply directly from Minister Lee Jin-woo.
[Thank you. ^ ^]
It was Thursday, when Gu Gun Ho went straight down the mountain and Asan.
“Dijon Korea should have an executive meeting. ”
Guggenho called Yoon Sang-moong from Dijon Korea on the highway.
“I'm Gu Gun Ho.”
“Four, boss. It's a lucky call.”
“Kim, did you come from China? ”
“Yes, I came back yesterday. ”
“Please let me know if you're meeting with Dijon Korea at 2: 00 this afternoon. ”
“Is it 2 p.m.? I understand.”
After a long time, Gu Gun Ho stopped by the direct San Diego Plant in Chechnya, Chechnya.
There were guests in suits in the factory yard, and there was a quality director on site.
“Is something wrong? ”
“There is a regular external audit at the Quality Control Certification Authority. ”
“Hmm, really? Be responsive. ”
“I understand.”
Gu Gu came straight up to the second-floor master suite without stopping today because the production site would be disordered.
“Ms. Grant, it's been a long time. ”
Secretary Park Hee-jeong greeted Gu Gu with a bright smile.
“How are you? ”
“Can I get you coffee? ”
“No, I want green tea. I had a cup of coffee on the way to the rest stop. ”
“I understand.”
As Gu Gun Ho sat on the couch in the owner's room, the officers came in turn and greeted Gu Gun Ho.
“Long time no see. ”
When the managing director and the secretary came to greet him and heard that Gu Gun Ho had come, the principal also came to greet him. Song did not come because he had an outside guest. Song came a long time later.
“I'm sorry, I'm late for the executive review of the quality control audit. ”
“Do you have a lot of points? ”
“Just an answer to the checklist. There's a lot of formalities. ”
“How's the company? ”
“Yes, the company is doing well. And I got a call a little while ago from the EZ-No-Pac secretarial office. EZ-No-Pac's mother is dead. ”
“Was your mother alive? Then you must be very old...”
“He's 96 years old, and his place of departure is Bundang Hospital, Seoul University. ”
“I'll have to send you a reconciliation. If you are the CEO of GE Mobile, please send the harmony in Song's name, and I will send the harmony in Dijon Korea's name. ”
“Yes, sir. I'll be right with you. ”
“And how much do I owe you?....."
“We used to do 100,000 won for customers' wedding ceremonies. But EZ-No-Pac is an important account for us, and I don't know how much I can do about it. ”
“Song, $200,000. It's a goodwill gesture. ”
“Very well, I will instruct the secretary to arrange an envelope for 200,000 won in my name and 300,000 won in your name. ”
“When is Valine? ”
“Sand morning. I have work tomorrow, and I'm going to stop by the Bundang Hospital funeral home tonight. Kim Jong-moo from Dijon Korea will be at the funeral. ”
“I'll be there tomorrow evening. ”
Gu Gun Ho left the boss's office to go to the precision of GE, where Park Jong-seok is president. I was about to get into a ventry car parked outside the front door, and the secretary chased me out.
“Ms. Grant, I, uh...”
The secretary put out a white envelope.
“What? This? ”
“Chairman EZ-No-Pac, this is the house deposit. ”
“Ah, I see. ”
He smiled and received the envelope.
Gu Gun Ho went to visit Giah's precision in the Chun 'an Paleolithic Agricultural Complex. I heard a fight in the factory yard, and Park Jong-seok was arguing with someone. Gu, who pretended not to know, entered Park Jong-seok's office.
A clerk who knew Gu Geon Ho's face came and smiled and rode the green tea.
“What's wrong with her outside? ”
“You're doing it with the vendor. It looks like you delivered a faulty item. ”
“But can we fight? ”
A long time later, Park Jong-seok came in to eat.
“Why are you fighting? Let's talk.”
“The son of a bitch delivers defective goods and gives me a duck's foot. I can't afford it, so I'm pissed off. I'm sorry, bro.”
“Speak up. Why can't the boss fight lightly? There's staff downstairs. ”
“It's because of the staff. In the old days, those guys would have kicked the shit out of us. ”
“How did it go? ”
“We agreed to give you half. ”
How many Dijon Koreans have you sent?
“I delivered four more and got four more orders. I ordered a new Twin Screw from West Moling, USA, teenagers. I don't know how to place an order, so I asked Director Seo Chang-hoon of GE Mobile. ”
“Did you?”
“The conductor comes here to play. He left here yesterday for lunch. ”
“Yeah? But the staff seems to be shrinking today. Where did he go?”
“I went to fix a broken machine in a factory nearby. I'm getting paid. ”
“Hmm, really? And Miura, the boss of Japan, called to say he'd be here. ”
“Looks like they want to see for themselves if they can afford the machine. He said he's coming with the factory. ”
“So you'll do it for 300 million? ”
“We didn't get to that point. We'll have to negotiate here when we get here. ”
“By the way, bro, I got the Dijon Korea delivery, but I have to buy stuff at West Molding Company, and I have a lot of parts to buy here. I don't think it's going to be easy to take 300 million. What do I do? ”
“I'll send you 300 million. Take him down with the lead singer. ”
“You can tell the clerk that. I don't want to increase it, I want to put it in temporarily, but I want to put it in the water cattle temporarily so I can pull it out when I have money. ”
“Hmm, is that so? ”
“And if we enter the Mechanical Precision facility of Miura, pick someone to deliver to the Japanese company. I mean in charge of trade.”
“I think we need a trade officer. I can't keep asking Mobile to order West Molding. ”
“Do it. And get this cleaned up before Miura gets here. The Japanese like clean things. ”
“Bro, do you think this is a very good opportunity for me to get my GE Precision TS16949? I got a call from a consulting firm yesterday, and they're going to be receiving TS16949 and ISO9001 and ISO14001 simultaneously. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“That's why I say it's a small company that only has 12 employees, and I say it's a company that has five employees and six employees. ”
“Take it, then. ”
“So there's a young, long-standing employee here, and I'm thinking of putting him in charge. ”
“You take care of that. ”
“Well, I'll think about it. ”
“And what happened to you creating a homepage? ”
“Oh, dear. Yeah, I just got off the phone with the head of design for george media and I didn't ask any more questions. Being the boss means you have too much to take care of. ”
“I will. ”
“You're amazing at that. Taking care of all those companies by yourself. You just gonna take that, too? It's two or three times more likely to look at the washing house than the boss. ”
“Equation, stop staring. ”
“Can I do this after I see the results of Miura's precision problems? ”
“Do it. ”
Gu Gu stood up.
“Then get to work. I'm going. I have a meeting with Dijon Korea this afternoon. ”
“Aren't you going to lunch? ”
“Isn't there a nice restaurant around here? ”
“There's a house with a good grill when you get out of here to a foreign corporation.
“Let's go, then. Let's get in the car. ”
After lunch, Gu Gun Ho moved to Dijon Korea.
At 2 pm, Gu Gun Ho convened a meeting of executives in Dijon Korea.
Gu Gu commented.
“First, tell me about the propulsion of a contract between a manufacturing plant in Noda, India and a manufacturing plant in Cheonjin, China. ”
Kim Jong-moo reported.
“India signed a contract because there was a 5,100 pyeong factory in Noda. The purchase price is 3.2 billion. We decided to pay the rest later this month. The installation of the machine will serve the precision of GE, and the first will be two units of machine equipment. ”
“The operator must be selected and sent here, even if the installation of the machine is at geo precision. ”
“I understand.”
“In addition, Director Yoo Hee Yeol has to send one of the blending technicians. ”
“I understand.”
Kim Jong-moo continued to report.
“China has asked Dinding to sign a contract with the right factory. They're probably going to sign today. He received a report from Dinging this morning that he was going on a business trip. ”
“Is Cheonjin going into the public domain? ”
“Yes, the plant average is 4950 pyeong for 2.8 billion. ”
Gu said, looking at the senior auditor.
“Make one announcement after the stock market ends today. Establish Indian factories. You may disclose the size of the plant, purchase price, location, etc. ”
“I understand.”
“In China, publish next Monday or Tuesday with a time difference. ”
“I understand.”
“And has there been any talk of investors in the face division lately? ”
“Well, there are people who ask Judam every day. In some investment clubs, people came to me directly. ”
“Don't you think we should split the par value due to the lack of stock distribution? ”
“That's what I think. ”
“What should we do with the amount? ”
Gu said this and looked around.
[There are 7 interpreters present at the executive meeting today. The fact that we reviewed the story of the amount at the executive council today could have flowed to the stock market. The executives here may not be aware of it, but investors outside the company are probably tackling the amount right now. Because the stock price goes up in parts.]