Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Listed Equity Face Split (2)
Face Divisions of Shares are a means to increase the number of shares outstanding. In this case, the stock market favors most stock prices. So if you had come to visit senior auditors from investment clubs, it would have been an act to get information ahead of others.
That's why Gu, today at the executive council in Dijon Korea, is talking about face to face division.
Senior auditor said.
“Our original stock was two million shares before it went public. When 600,000 shares came in and 2.6 million came in, it was true. The number of shares outstanding was insufficient, making 5.2 million shares split into 50 won per week. ”
“I did.”
“Except for majority shareholders and our shareholders, the actual number of shares outstanding is only 1.2 million shares. And if this 1.2 million shares also has some institutions, I'm looking at the number of shares outstanding, both within and outside 600,000 shares. ”
Gu Gu felt this way because he was thanked by his boss.
[With the 600,000 shares I've already accumulated in Seung Hee's sister stock account, the actual number of shares outstanding will be 400,000 shares.]
“Thank you. Keep talking. ”
“If there are so few shares outstanding, the forces will soon create an upper limit and a lower limit. It's not a desirable phenomenon. I support 100% of the liquid content. ”
“What do the others think? ”
“I agree. ”
Kim Jong-moo said yes. Yoon Sang-mook and Yoo Hee-ryeol didn't know the contents well enough. Adam Kassler thought of something.
“Because we are partners, we must consult with Dijon headquarters on everything. What do you think of Adam Kassler? ”
“If there is no capital fluctuation, I agree. However, you will need to report this to HQ. ”
“Fifty-two million won per share, which is 50 won per share, increases to 52 million won if it's 50 won per week. And then the number of shares outstanding expands. But what if 500 is too small and 1,000 is too small? ”
“I think that would be good. Now, the number of shares outstanding is five times larger as the current 5,000 won share becomes 1,000 won. ”
Yoon said to Senior Auditor.
“So now our stock goes from 5.2 to 26 million shares?"
“Yes, except for the stocks actually owned by the majority shareholders, our shareholders and our institutions, the actual shares outstanding were 600,000 shares, and that would be five times three million shares. ”
He looked at his boss with a smile and said,
“Fractions can increase our current stocks, which could lead to institutional quantities. Then the outstanding shares can be more than 3 million shares."
“That's true. The share price goes up in portions, so institutions will also get people to make a profit. It will increase the number of shares outstanding. ”
Yoo Hee Yeol said as if it was strange.
“Since he has five times more shares, it's true that his face value decreases five times per week. Why does the stock price go up? ”
It was explained by Kim Jong-moo.
“Let me explain. Our current stock price is 26,000 won. If we cut it by five times, will it be 5,200 won? ”
“Yes, I understand. ”
“If you think 26,000 won per week is expensive, you think 5,200 won is cheap, which means that if you go up to 6,000 won, there will be more people trying to buy. Isn't that right, thank you? ”
“Yes, that's it. So the institutions can start selling the shares that the conspiracy bought for 26,000 won when the stock price went up. Institutions make a lot of money when a lot of money comes and goes. ”
Director Yoo Hee Yeol nodded as if he knew.
Gu Gun Ho had a cup of tea and spoke.
“So let me summarize the meeting today. Dijon Korea shares are worth KRW 5,000. The amount must go through the General Shareholders' Meeting, but thank you for calling the General Shareholders' Meeting on this date and filling out the Shareholders' Note. ”
“I understand.”
“In addition, the amount of the listed company will be announced for a certain period of time. The shareholders on the shareholder list should be informed of this and thank you to the shareholder stock broker. ”
“I understand.”
“In addition, the amount is subject to a change in registration. Please proceed with the registration change process. ”
“I understand.”
After the meeting, Gu Gun-ho was drinking a soy sauce tea in the boss's room, and Kim Jong-moo came in.
“Did you hear about the death of EZ-No-Pac's mother? ”
“I heard.”
“I spoke to Mobil's director this morning, and I heard that she was in harmony with him. ”
“You don't have to spend it here. because I sent it from Mobile under the name of CEO Dijon Korea. ”
“I heard that they took the boss's money too. ”
“I got it.”
“I also have an envelope for you to take with me, and I'm sorry about Mobil. ”
“You're on your own, sir. Are you leaving today? ”
“I'm leaving tomorrow. ”
“Your mother seems to have lived a long life since she was 96. ”
“I think so. It's a boon.”
The next day, Gu Gun-ho went to work at the Sinsa Dong building.
After drinking coffee and watching the economic newspaper, he sat at his desk around 10 am. Then I opened the computer and launched the stock exchange window.
Dijon Korea's stock went up considerably.
“Looks like you already got the pills from the Executive Council yesterday. Seven of you had the meeting, so you probably know your spokespeople, your clerks, your lawyers, your stockholders, your stockholders. ”
In fact, this is what Gu Gu was aiming for. It was only a matter of a fraction. I could have done it in secret in the locker room with my senior auditor. Since it's a tie, it's only a matter of discussing Adam Castle. However, I was hoping that Gu Gu would secretly spread the word. It was because Gu Junho had already bought 200,000 shares into his sister's account. The stock was running 7.5% plus.
The Governor entered the Naver and clicked on the Dijon Korea Sports Discussion Board.
“What's going on in Korea today? Did the big brothers come in? ”
“I don't know. Red swelling this morning. ”
“Hey, guys, we're talking about liquid. Pick it up. ”
“Sheikh, if you leave a note, you'll be left behind. ”
“I asked Master. The company says there's been a review, that you don't know it, but when you don't, will there be smoke in the chimney? ”
“Hey, I got a text from the club. There's a good chance of liquids. ”
Gu Gu smiled and closed the sports discussion board. Suddenly, I remembered the words of Chairman Lee, Cheongdam-dong.
[Don't share. This stock is unknown to the opponent's Hand.]
“That's right. Ants always attack without knowing their opponent's hand. ”
Gu Geon Ho leaned on the couch after drinking cold coffee, and the phone rang. He is China's foreman in cardiology.
“I'm the foreman of psychology in China. ”
“Yes, it's Gu Gun Ho. Is this the post-production period? ”
“Yes, I'm editing now. The distributor has been provisionally engaged in Yang Phlegm Pictures. Although she's not the number one and number two contender, such as inglian media and bona fights, Yangwang Pictures also ranks in the top 10 among Chinese distributors. ”
“Hmm, is that so? ”
“China has nearly 90 percent of China's top 15 distributors. ”
“Is that so?"
“Director Liscan was also very empowered to capture Yangwang Pictures. ”
“Oh, really? I hope you have a great day. ”
“I'm looking forward to it. because China is a big movie market. ”
“How big is the Chinese movie market? ”
“Because the country is big, the market is big. My country has about two trillion won in box offices, and China has over 10 trillion. Over five trillion Chinese national box-offices alone. ”
“I, and I have to go to Korea next week. ”
“What's going on in the house? ”
“It's not the housework, it's the editing. I need to get some cooperation from BM Entertainment. ”
“Sure, sure. ”
“I will stop by the boss when I go to Korea. Shin Shin-Sook from the media has something to say. ”
“I understand.”
In the evening, Gu Gun-ho left for Bundang Hospital at Seoul University. It was to go to EZ-No-Pack's mother's funeral.
“Chanho, you're going to be late today. When I stop by Bundang Hospital. ”
“This is all work. Me and my overtime allowance. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“You bring the daily journal to the General Manager of Mobil, right? ”
“If you bring me my logbook late, what does the Chief Secretary say? ”
“Haha, really? ”
There was a great harmony in the funeral home of Bundang Hospital at Seoul University. As expected, EZ-No-Pac's feet were wide. There was a lot of harmony between the financiers and the ministers and the congressman. Among the harmony was the harmony sent by Gu Gun Ho and President of Invoicing Hwan in Mobile.
Gu Geon Ho placed a flower of flowers in front of EZ-No-Pac's mother's face and worshiped her twice. It was a pleasure to meet you, Chairman EZ-No-Pac.
“Oh my goodness, the old boss is here. ”
“You've been through a lot. ”
“Song went there yesterday, and Kim Jong-moo from Diyonkorea and an American named Adam something. It looks like all the brothers and sisters of Giacchi are going there. Thank you. ”
EZ-No-Pac introduced the man standing next to him in his 50s. He looked just like EZ-No-Pac.
“This is my brother. ”
My son, who looks like a bandit, was also standing next to his brother. Gu Gun-ho also greeted his son.
“It's been a while.”
Today, the wretched son dressed in a black tie and respectfully greeted Gu Gun-ho.
After finishing the sentence, Gu Gun-ho came out alone, where the plaintiffs were sitting. I was looking around for Kim Jong-moo, and someone motioned for him to come. Surprisingly, he was the president of Group A's Planning Control Room.
“What are you doing here? ”
“I came to pay my respects. Sit down.”
Gu Gun Ho sat in front of Group A's president.
“Are you familiar with EZ-No-Pac? ”
“We don't know each other very well, but we've met a few times. Minister Lee Jin-woo. No, he's Senator Lee Jin-woo now. I'm here on behalf of Senator Lee Jin-woo. Senator Lee Jin-woo has been restrained from going out because of the focus of Masscom lately. ”
“I guess you knew Chairman Lee Jin-woo well? ”
“I know a little. He also sends it to the party to thank them. ”
[Hmm, looks like EZ-No-Pac has also made a donation to the Democratic Republican Party.]
Gu Gu, thinking like this, opened the bottle lid in front of him.
“Have a drink. ”
“Thank you, old boss. Have a drink. ”
Dr. Group A introduced the man next to him.
“Say hello, by the way. Secretary General of the Democratic Republican Party. ”
“Oh, really? I'm Gu Gun Ho.”
The secretary was surprised when he gave him his business card.
“Oh, you're the old president of the G.H. Group. I've heard a lot about it. I'm an alumni of the University of Invoice-Han, President of GE Mobile. ”
"Oh, really? “
“I appreciate what you sent me last time. ”
Gu Gun Ho had a political contribution of KRW 100 million to the Democratic Republican Party when Lee Jin-woo contested in the regional municipal election.