Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Guest Co-Construction Co-Community (3)
The voice of Yen Lung Shun, the Middle Party representative, at the meeting hall, seems a little angry.
“The reason we collaborated with foreign countries was to introduce leading management techniques for advanced terminal construction and transportation. But none of this is happening right now, and neither side is keeping their investment promises, so our pain is overwhelming. ”
“Carry on.”
“Terminal site is for the public good, so it's not something you can buy or sell. At the time, the government had already compared this terminal site to the construction and operation of a joint venture. By asking one side to replace only transferable land, do you mean transferring it to another person, or do you want to take a loan as collateral? ”
“The claim of fullland remains unchanged. Lending is later, and we have to use the full amount of land to fund it. ”
“The Korean side seems to be too ignorant of Chinese laws and institutions. ”
“We're not talking about China or Korea's laws or institutions, we're talking about it according to international conventions. ”
“Is there a regulation in the international law that states that land in China should be used as land for full use? ”
“Common sense before the law. You have to own your land to do something about it.
The voices of Gugun Lake and Yen Lung Castle grow louder and louder. Others only saw the sights of Jenlun and Gujarati.
“We cannot sustain the shackles. Therefore, I let the terminal be built on the Middle East side and dismantle the construction disappearance of the Lean Road Vehicle during the time of the terminal completion and installation on the joint. We will also ask the city to withdraw its shareholders at the same time. ”
“Withdrawal? Good. And the three million dollars that we've invested, we demand right back. ”
“You can't give it back because one of them broke the rules of rationality. One blow was never a tie from the start. ”
“Hey, what kind of rules does one punch break? I was thinking of sending a second investment here, but then I got suspicious of the attitude of the middle man and bought five apartments here with that money. Are you telling me I'm unwilling to go along with this? ”
Changchun, the Vice President of the Middle East, asked for a recess as they approached each other.
“I think you two are a little excited. Why don't you call the meeting back in 10 minutes? ”
“Okay, let's do that. ”
The middle side seemed to be going out and discussing things with each other. I didn't have much to say to the other side of the meeting room, so I just sat with my arms crossed with a serious face. Interpreter Cho Eun-hwa said with an uneasy expression.
“What happens to us when the noose withdraws? ”
“Bastards, can't we eat without the string? ”
In Gu Gu, Eun-hwa's expression made him even more uneasy.
As Eunhwa went out, Jang Chun, Vice President, called out to her.
“Hey, what did the other side say? ”
He said, "We can't eat noodles or shit." ”
Zhang Chun expressions anxious. Yen Runjeong, who was next to him, smiles unseen.
Jenluncheon is currently the president of the Jangdo train group at the time with 10,000 employees. He had a lot of passenger transportation companies, terminals, freight companies, gas stations, etc.
China was originally a government official, as bus terminals and bus companies were commonly state-owned. However, Jen Runjeong was also a veteran of the Operations Department because she was a former director of the Operations Department at the time.
The meeting was concluded again.
Yen Lung shudders, smiling silently.
“Dear old boss, I've heard that Old Master owns several companies and has recently listed one of his livelihoods. He's a progressive entrepreneur. Can you send him a second investment? ”
“I think the state, as I said, is in keeping the fundamental spirit of the tie between countries. ”
“Then can I accept that you're willing to withdraw? ”
Changchun next door said.
“There are already over 100 employees in the joint venture. They don't want to withdraw from the shackles. I think the terminal wants the passenger carriage to remain intact, even if one shot is given up. ”
Jen Runjeong pretends to think with her arms crossed.
“Hmm, giving up the terminal and staying on the transport? ”
Jen Runshen stretches his arms and looks at the helmet and says,
“What do you think, old boss? Changchun's proposal, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Interior. instead of giving up the terminal and going after the three million dollars, the bus rations are sustainable. ”
“If that's not Yan San's claim, and hopes of more than 100 employees, I can't help but think forwardly. ”
The idea of more than 100 employees was merely an excuse for Jenlun or Gu Gun Ho. They only calculated the profit in their head. Both of them put their arms together and pretended to think for a long time.
When the Gu 'Geon Ho and Jen Lung Castle closed their eyes, the rest looked at the two of them like this without hesitation.
Gu Gu opened his eyes with his arms open.
“So the carrier is 20 years old? ”
“We have 19 years left, since we've had one year. ”
“How many passes can you give me? ”
“I'm in my 20s. I can't help it because it's not what I do, it's what the city transportation agency does. ”
“Instead of looking for $3 million in primary investments, you're giving up the terminal and letting 20 buses run for 19 years. ”
“That's right.”
“If I'm in my 20s and I don't make a profit, I'm going to lose three million dollars. ”
“China does not give out railroads lightly. Estimate and deliver demand. so we can hire a certain level of people. because South Korea has a monopoly on aviation and high-speed buses, but China has a priority on the employment of people. ”
“Now, Moon Jae-Seok only has nine transportation partners, so he's not making much profit, but if he hits his 20s next year, even if he hires 300 employees, he can guarantee a profit of 6-7% after tax. ”
“This is the amount that reflects the ticket commission. ”
“Ticket fee? ”
“We have to pay a ticketing fee to run the terminal because the joints have abandoned the terminal. A profit of six to seven percent after tax is the figure that reflects this part of the cost of transportation. ”
Gu Gu pretended to close his eyes and think again for a long time.
He opened his eyes and said.
“Fine, let's do it. ”
“I'd like that, too. I have a lot of regrets about the terminal part, but I don't really want to disassemble. ”
“Too bad. I'd like to withdraw right now, but I can't help but notice the employees want it. Please help Yansam a lot to fill his 20s in the future. ”
Everyone's relief lights up. I thought the plough would run a giant terminal, but I was fortunate that it ran into a small company that only operates buses, but took the risk of demolition.
A smile spread through the mouth of the Judge Office President and Head of Accounting.
President Jen Runjeong calls you Master of the Judgment Room.
“Now, I want you to summarize what I've discussed with one of our old presidents and write down the minutes of the meeting and bring them in. You brought your laptop, right?”
“Yes, I brought it. I'll fill it out soon."
Vice President Jang-chun said.
“Then I'll take a break while I fill out my meeting request. ”
Guggenho and Jenlun Castle stand up, shaking hands and grinning. It was like people wanted this from each other. Guggenho looked at the burnished face of Yen Lung Castle and thought:
[Now that the terminal building is up, you can only borrow a bank with a bank statement, right? Once he reports that he's pulling in the string and building the building, he'll win points because he's got all the colors. The deputy mayor and the transit director will raise their merit scores, and you'll be able to stay in the running for the long train group. Congratulations.]
Enlunchum looks at the face of the helmet and says to himself, as he does.
[Young man is clever. You know, terminals take a lot of investment and they have a long payback period, right? It's a transportation business. It's much better than the bank interest rate. You want to take this with you? What, you think you're forward-thinking because your employees want you to? Funny, when did you and I ever think about waitressing? Well, congratulations on your investment.]
We regrouped about 20 minutes later.
Gu Gu and Jen Lung sign off on the meeting request. I shook his hand. The rest of you clap with a smile.
Zhang Chun said.
“The meeting was long, so the lunch was late. The restaurant is a five-minute walk across the hotel. It's a restaurant called Zhuon Ding. ”
The restaurant was surprisingly big and luxurious.
A special room with a view of the garden outside. There was a round table with enough seating for 20. Jen Runjeong seats the Guggenhorn on the table. Yensam should be sitting next to the Gu Gu Gu 'an, but he sits apart with two seats empty.
“Would you like to sit next to me or separate? Come and sit down. Do you hate me that much? ”
“Haha, by the way, the deputy mayor and the transit director are coming. ”
“Deputy Mayor and Director of Transportation? ”
The hot tea came out and the side dishes began to come out. The deputy mayor and Fushoi Transportation Director arrived at the time the food was released from Guzhou San Baizhou.
“Hey, old man,"
“Oh, deputy mayor Jean, and vice president. ”
Gu Gun Ho, Deputy Mayor and the Transportation Director greeted each other. The deputy mayor and the transportation director shook hands with Moon Jae's ceremony and asked if it was hard.
Yen Lung reported the meeting as soon as the deputy mayor and the Director of Transportation sat down. The two of them were listening with only a sound. Finally, I showed you the meeting requirement signed by Jen Sam. After a long report, the deputy mayor handed over the documents to the Director of Transportation.
“Kur's. ”
The deputy mayor gathers all the glasses in front of him and follows the white baiju. And he gave me a glass.
“Thank you so much for your meeting today. I wish it was a terminal business, but it's too bad. But then Jen showed her willingness to build her own terminal, and the vice president, on the one hand, didn't want to dismantle it for the workers. The ending may not be 100% satisfactory, but it seems to have ended well on the line that both sides deserve it. Thank you for your meeting. Let's have a toast. Cheers!"
The deputy mayor poured another glass.
“The next glass is a toast to our everlasting shipping alliance. Even if I go elsewhere, the Transportation Director and Yansam ask for a lot of help in securing the Belt and Road Pass. A toast to the noose! ”
Gu said, looking at the deputy mayor with slightly surprised eyes.
“No, are you going somewhere else? ”