Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Deal (1)
One day, in December, when the sun was shining and the weather was so warm, there was another wind in politics. It recruited an outsider from a party opposite the Democratic Republican Party. I traveled around the country giving speeches, secretly reflecting that the big man was going to run for election.
It was a situation for Lee Jin-woo's camp to start a fire. However, there was still silence in Lee Jin-woo's camp.
On this day, the Salvation Army receives another shocking offer to change its fate. It was a proposal from Dr. Park of Planning and Control in the A Electronic Group.
Gu Gun-ho answered as soon as his phone call came in.
“Mr. Gu? I'm the president of electronics group A. I'm almost there this year. Do you want to meet for tea? ”
He was always the kind of person who offered a proposition that Gu Gu Cho had not thought of. I also wondered what other offerings I would make this time.
“Where can I go? Can we go to the Namsan Library like last time? ”
“No. Meet me at the Grand Hayat Hotel in Namsan? It's close to the Namsan Library. ”
“Where can I go there? Can we go to the lounge cafe gallery? ”
“Rather than a gallery cafe, come to my room… I'll get you a room. I'll text you after I get a room. ”
“I understand.”
A long time later, I got a text from the president. It was a text with the room number. I was told to be here by 11: 00, so I should probably go now. He instructed secretary Oh Yeon-soo to wait for the car.
Gugan went to the Grand Hayat Hotel in Namsan. The Gu Gun Ho went straight to the room that the president told him about. The room was open waiting for the Gu Gun Ho to arrive and the lights were on in the room. He knocked twice.
“Come in.”
When Gu Gun Ho went inside, he was drinking tea by himself.
“You're here early. ”
“No, I just got here. ”
“Have a cup of tea. There's green tea and tea for guests in this room. ”
While speaking, he pressed the switch on the coffee port. The two sat in chairs waiting for the water of the coffee pot to boil without saying a word. No one was eavesdropping or staring. It was the perfect place for the two of them to talk.
“Great view. ”
It was a place with a view of the Han River far beyond the glass in the hotel room. At night, I thought it was worth watching.
“I see. I have a good view. ”
He said as he poured the water into Gu Gun Ho's tea cup.
“The last time Lee Hyung-woo joined, Dijon Korea was a bit noisy, right? ”
“Well, because of that, we also sold some at the high point to press the stock price. ”
“I've seen the disclosures. You sold one million shares in majority ownership. ”
“Then it slowed down a bit and the trend dropped. I'm walking around for 20,000 won now. ”
“What are the shares issued there? ”
“So the market cap is 52 billion. ”
“That's how it's gonna be. Dijon Korea has no debt and sales are up 30 percent every year, so if you're not a political theorist, wouldn't you go there in about three years? ”
“It's great that a company that's just been founded has that much market value. Congratulations."
“In fact, I don't want to be noticed as a politician. The sale of majority shareholders' equity was actually one reason I wanted to reduce the damage of ant investors. ”
“Selling majority shareholders' equity must have cost the company a lot of money. ”
“We've got about 40 billion. There was no other major shareholder sale, and it was sold at the same rate exclusively for Giant H. Mobil and Dijon Corporation. ”
“If you went public and sold your co-conspirators, you'd have a lot of cash on hand. ”
Gu Gu Gu felt somewhat bad. It was not pleasant to keep asking me if I had someone else's company cash. This seemed to have caught his attention.
“Haha, I'm just saying. ”
“No, thank you. Nothing to hide. There's 15.6 billion in public offering money, and now there's 5.6 billion in cash. To be precise, we could send the sale of majority shareholders to our respective investment companies, but we would have to keep the sale of the shares in-house. ”
“Then 20 billion out of 40 billion shares can be handled as return on investment, not dividends. ”
“That's right.”
A moment of silence passed.
Gu Gu said again after a long time.
“I had this thought one day. In fact, we reviewed the withdrawal of listings due to minor shareholder issues. because it acts as a bottleneck in distributing profits. ”
“Like the dense picnic with Japan? ”
“Denso has a lot of revenue, but it's not listed. Was Denso Automotive originally listed? ”
“I don't remember much else. ”
Another awkward silence fell.
[What was he trying to tell me? You're not just trying to find out how much cash he has.]
He drank a cup of tea and slowly said.
“I remember what the old boss said one day. When we collaborated with Dijon, he said that stocks are transferable, that companies that pay a lot of money can sell them. ”
“Isn't that obvious? ”
“What do you think? Would you be willing to give away 32.7% of what you have at Giant Mobile at a good price? ”
“W-what? Hey, the transfer? ”
“Yes, the current market cap is 52 billion, so 32.7 percent makes 170 billion. Isn't it attractive? ”
“I don't do that. ”
“Why? The market capitalization must be in politics by now. ”
“Think about it. It's a debt free company with more than 10 billion dollars in after-tax income every year. With revenues growing, we can also guarantee that in five years and 10 years, we will be down 100 billion. We also have a lot of cash, so we can expand. ”
"I know that, but the current market cap is 5,200, which is a tremendous opportunity. ”
“Even though the present value is high, the company is living with the future value. Ms. Grant's words are numbers that reflect only real values, and future values are not calculated. ”
“But do you really want to buy it in Group A? ”
“We're not. I have a company that I want to buy, and they want me to let go of my leg. ”
“Which company? ”
“It's hard to say right now. However, the company they were trying to acquire has a chemical manufacturing plant, so they thought it would be synergistic if they acquired Dijon Korea. ”
Suddenly, he thought about political funding.
[Lee Beomsik, Lee Jin-woo's father, who now owns 15% of GE Mobile, can only receive 1.5 billion shares. No matter how prosperous the business may be, there will only be 10 billion left in profits after tax this year.]
[Dijon Korea will not exceed 10 billion. Then, since it has 32.7%, it is 32.7 million won if you have flowed to Giant Mobile. This is only a few billion if Lee Beomsik is paid. If you're not a congressman or a president-elect, you don't have a choice.]
[You'll need to consult Dijon headquarters to dispose of the majority stake this time. If we can spare the company at Dijon's headquarters and use it for industrial expansion or M&A funding, what can I do? Then there may be a huge shortage of political funds. Even though Lee Jin-woo is a wealthy craftsman, he hates politics, so if he doesn't get help, he will have to rely on me.]
[How many shares did Lee Hyung-woo buy and resell while pushing his brother into Diyong Korea? 100,000 shares? 1 million shares? I came in later, so a lot of people might not be able to buy it. So I don't know if you want me to sell it at the right time. That's what pays off.]
As Gu Gun-ho kept thinking, he smiled and said.
“You've been thinking a lot about my offer because it's so sudden. I'm going to tell you that old man demands future value from a chemical company that's interested in Dijon Korea. ”
“The acquisition of a large company has its own decision, but there will be a due diligence team in the planning room to investigate. I don't know how much they understand the future value of a company. ”
“I don't think it's a bad idea for Dijon Korea to be acquired by that chemical company. By acquiring Dijon Korea, you'll be able to take over everything you know about blending technology. He's also a brilliant manager, so he can expand his business as soon as 170 billion enterprises arrive. ”
“Anyway, future values should not be reflected. ”
“By the way, how much do you want to ask for in the future? ”
“Well, I don't know about that. You have to analyze it. ”
“Very well. I'll tell that to the chairman of that chemical company. I want you to think about it. I'll get back to you in a few days. ”
“Very well. I'd like to take you to lunch, but I have other people's eyes, so I'll just head to Sinsa-dong. ”
“I have to meet another guest, so I'm going to stay here a little while longer. Thank you for today."
The Gu Gun Ho left the Grand Hayat Seoul Hotel at almost 12 o'clock.
He looked at the rearview mirror and asked. “
“Where shall we go? ”
“Let's go in after lunch. Let's go to the Triangle Gub. ”
“You mean Pyongyang House? ”
“Yes, I think so. Let's go there. It's better than hotel food. ”
“Hehe, I like that kind of food too. ”
On the way to the triangle, Gu Gun Ho closed his eyes leaning deep into the chair.
[If you give us 17 billion in the money from the sale of Dijon Korea's shares, this will lead us straight to Giants Mobile. Then how much will Mr. Lee get? Two and a half billion, regardless of tax challenges. Well, that should be good money for the election.]
Gu Gun-ho was terrified when he thought of this.
[Scary people. I calculated this. You came up with this idea because you're not satisfied with Lee Hyung-woo's executive position. I'm a merchant, so I can sell if I pay a lot of money for whoever I am.]
[But what kind of company is that? Is it a finance company? Is it possible that something in politics was forcing Achilles to take over? Then, if I don't cooperate properly, they might question my weaknesses. You have to be careful.]
Gu Gun-ho once again remembered the words of Chairman Lee, Cheongdam-dong.
[Entrepreneurs should always go into an unstoppable relationship about political power. It's hard to make money from so far away, and if you get too close, you have to constantly demand it. Be careful.]
[But at 170 billion, gummy bears are pulling. If 17 billion flows into Giant Mobile, I get more wingspan, right? We've talked about the value of the future, so if you sell it, you'll get at least 17 billion more.]