Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Deal (2)
It became December 5.
I got a call from Jeong-mu Kim in Dijon Korea.
“I've been to Guangdong. The factory was worth it. Lee Hyung-woo has signed a verbal agreement very much. ”
“Well done.”
“We've finished setting up our corporations. Lee Hyung-woo is not the representative to stay there, but the local president temporarily was Lee Hyung-woo's executive officer. ”
“That's it. You can replace it later if you send someone. ”
“And there was a monthly tally of the offshore factories last month. The gains in Noida, India and the heavenly areas of China. ”
“Really? Did you make any sales? ”
“I'll be looking at four locations overseas, and I'll be looking at last month's results. Chennai, India, 300 million. Noda, 400 million. The Noida area looks later than Chennai, but Lee Jong-geun's earnings for revenue sales go into 400 million. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“Suzhou, China, has delivered 400 million in sales and 200 million in sales. ”
“So how many are there in all four? ”
“1.3 billion.”
“That's 15.6 billion in annual revenue. ”
“That's right.”
“That's less than 100 billion in domestic sales. ”
“There will be over 100 billion next year. ”
“I hope so. ”
“As a result of the contract of the Gwangdong factory, we have ordered 4 production machines for the precision of GE. Yesterday, we went to george precision, and we had it all built. They'll ask you to ship it as soon as you clear the factory balance. ”
“Very well. Good work. ”
Unexpectedly, a call came in from Dijon headquarters in Seattle.
“Hello, I'm Angelina Lane from Rymandell Dijon headquarters. ”
“Oh, Mrs. Angelina Lane. It's been a long time."
“I wanted to talk to you about something. ”
“Stand still. Let me change the translator. ”
Gu Gun-ho quickly called Yeon-soo O'Brien. Instead of Yeon-soo Oh, Stop Young's representative will come in and report.
“Yeon-soo Oh, I just went to the bathroom. ”
“Bathroom? Eggs, do you have to go to the bathroom like this? Call me from America. Tell them to come quickly. ”
“I understand.”
Guggenho only apologized to Angelina Lane.
“IM Thorley, Jast Moment. ”
After a long time, secretary Oh leaped in.
“Angelina Lane at Lyman del Dijon headquarters. Answer the phone. ”
After answering the phone for a long time, Yeon-soo turned his head to the side of the bowl.
“How's Adam Kassler doing? Talents, leadership, interpersonal relationships. A, B, and C. ”
Say, "Come on, A. ”
“I understand.”
I got a call from the president of electronics group A.
“Have you thought about the last time you sold Dijon Korea? ”
“At 170 billion, we don't even have a share. Moreover, the company has no liabilities and a large amount of cash in hand. ”
“When you meet a potential takeover, you'll have to appeal to cash holdings. Would you like to meet the potential takeover tomorrow? ”
“Do you have any company data? ”
“I do.”
“Then register your business and have your company materials ready and come to Group W's secretarial office at Euljiro tomorrow afternoon at 2: 00. “
“Group W?”
“That's right.”
Guggenho called the chief auditor of Dijon Korea.
“It's an IR resource that we created last time we went public and distributed to institutional investors. ”
“Made of PowerPoint? There is.”
“Could you fix that number and send it to me right now? No, please send this to the Chief Executive Officer of GTH Development. ”
“Very well. I'll send it right away. ”
Gu Gun-ho summoned the chief of staff.
“In a few moments, the company's data will come from Dijon Korea's senior auditor. Print it out and make five copies. ”
“I understand.”
The next day, Gu Gu Gun Ho came to work, and on the president's desk were five copies of the Dijon Korea Corporation's materials, sitting quietly on the desk. It also included a copy of the company's registration. The chief prepared it and put it up. I looked at the data.
“Nice to see it's written in large collar. ”
Gu Geon Ho came after lunch, drank coffee, brushed his teeth, and put in a large envelope the company data and corporate register. And then left for group W in Euljiro.
Gu Gu, on his way, thought about Company W in a ventry car. The chairman there was rumored to be arrogant. Even his subordinates were famous for slapping or chipping their cheeks if they didn't listen. He was a person who stabbed the sky when he was younger, even though he was older now.
[Kick, isn't group W where Min-hyuk Kim passed the test twice? Min-hyuk Kim went to Seoul University and stared at Group W, but I dared not write because I was from Cyber University to drop out of the gang.]
[But who's coming out of group W today? Will the Chief of Staff be there? Is the Chief of Staff there? Is that a commercial grade? W-Group has W-Chemical, so he'll be president. W-Chemical is also a company with over $1 trillion in revenue.]
Gu Gu stopped as he tried to enter the Group W building. It was because they installed a ticket stamp in the lobby, like the history of the subway. The staff left their ID cards around their necks and went in when the door opened.
“Well, that's tricky. ”
When the guard hesitated, he came and said,
“If you are visiting, please take your visitor's license. ”
He wrote down the name and contact information of the visitor and received a certificate and went inside. I walked into the secretarial room, and there were two beautiful women sitting in the secretarial room. When I saw the Gu Gun Ho, a woman woke up.
“Where are you from? ”
“I'm the president of Giant Mobile. ”
My secretary showed me to a room. A man came in and greeted me politely.
“Are you Mr. Gu Gun-ho? I'm the Chief of Staff.”
The secretary gave me a business card, so I got up and gave him a business card. It didn't look like a presidential class, but it looked like a commercial class.
Just as I waited in the small room, the president of electronics group A came in, and a man in his mid-50s with a lot of gray hair came in.
“Hey, is the old boss here? This is the President of W-Chemical Group. ”
Gu stood up and greeted him politely and gave him his business card.
W-Chemical President said:
“Did you bring the company data? ”
“I brought it. ”
The Governing Body gave me a copy of the corporation registration and company data. Chemical President looks at the documents carefully.
“Is this year's sales estimate 84.5 billion? ”
“Yes, it is. ”
“That's a lot more than the previous fiscal year. ”
“It looks like a restaurant red. ”
“You suck at practice? ”
The two bosses laughed together.
“There's no debt and a lot of cash. ”
“That's right.”
“If you transfer shares, how much would you like to receive?
“I told you once. Currently, GE Mobile owns 8.5 million shares. Today, with 20,000 won per share, the combined total of 170 billion and 55.6 billion cash assets and about 15 billion operating earnings for two consecutive years is more than 240 billion. I want a plus alpha here. ”
“Overseas sales are coming in and sales volume is rising next year, and we think we can pick up our investment in less than 10 years. I hope my demands are not overwhelming. ”
The president stood up, opened the door, and called the secretary.
“Sir, are you in your seat? ”
“He is.”
He looked at Gu Gu Gun-ho and said.
“Let's go. You're here. Get the data.”
Gu Gun Ho and Dr. A Electronics followed behind the President of Chemical. Gu Gu has entered the chairman's room for the first time.
The presidential suite was a large and spacious room with a luxurious rug. On the back of the dresser is a large pottery. Instead of sitting at his desk, he sat at the center of the meeting table, wearing a magnifying glass and looking at the newspaper.
“How do you do?”
The president of Chemical and Dr. A Electronic Group bowed at a 90-degree angle and greeted. The chairman placed the newspaper on the table and looked down at the people coming in.
“Oh, you're not the president of electronics group A? How do you do, Mr. A.? ”
“Yes, I'm fine. I'm here with the President of Dijon Korea I told you about last time. ”
He looked beyond the magnifying glass. Gu felt that he looked just like EZ-No-Pac. He was making a puffy look on his face and looked very hypertensive. When I was really young, I thought everyone would kick it with their feet. The president said with a blunt face.
“Take a seat in front of you. ”
Chemical President introduces Gu Gun Ho.
“I am the President of Gu Gu Gu, CH Mobil. He is the majority shareholder of a company partnered with Rymandell DiYonsa. ”
“How do you do?”
He bent his lower back and greeted me with a respectful greeting.
“Well, you're a young man. Have a seat.”
The three of them carefully sat on the chair.
He pressed the speaker switch on the table and said:
“Bring me four cups of tea here. ”
You hear people on the speakers.
“I understand.”
A secretary who looks like a movie actor brought me four cups of tea.
He gave the materials and a copy of the registration to the chairman from Gu Gun Ho.
“This year's projected revenue is 84.5 billion. Foreign sector revenue is not in here. ”
“There are no liabilities and quite a lot of cash assets. ”
“No debts? What an unusual company.”
“The shares distribution is owned by Rymandell DiYonsa and his old boss here by 32.7%, while the rest are microshareholders. ”
“So is it 32.7%? ”
“That's right.”
“If it's a tie, I should talk to DiYonsa beforehand. ”
He replied on his behalf.
“When we joined forces, we agreed from the beginning that we could transfer our shares. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
Again, the president looked at the material and explained.
“Of the 26 million issued shares, the old owner owns 8.5 million shares. The current stock price is crossing at 20,000 won, making it 170 billion. The total assets listed in the B/S (Balance Sheet) are 120 billion, including cash assets, real estate assets, inventories and workmanship. ”
“Hm. How much does the old boss want now? ”
Gu said, looking at the face of the chairman.
“As President Chemical has said, the market capitals are 17 billion and the asset capitals are 120 billion. But it doesn't include the future value of the company and the right to sell across Asia that we've acquired from Rymandell DiYonsa. ”
The chairman listened to Gugan.
“If you acquire Dijon Korea from WChemical, I hope you will receive KRW 35,000 per share in the current market price of 170 billion in cash equivalents and in the future. ”
He gets up with a magnifying glass and picks up the e-calculator on his desk. “
“How many shares did you say you owned? ”
“85 million states.”
“35,000 won per share for 85 million...”
He tapped the calculator himself with a magnifying glass. Gu Gu said first.
“297.5 billion.”
The chairman stopped tapping the calculator and said:
"297.5 billion? Even if you have future value and Asian right to sell, it's too much. Isn't it hard to invest about 300 billion in a company with less than 100 billion in revenue? Isn't that right, Mr. Chemical? ”
“I think 35,000 won per share is too much. ”