Story of a Big Player from Gangnam
Great Fish (1)
Gu has entered the prison electronic disclosure site and looked at the audit report of style Apparel Co., Ltd., the owner of the fire prevention building. It was a small business with about KRW 30 billion in sales. Some debt, but not risky, assets were refined.
“There's no reason to sell buildings. ”
Gu Gunho left the president's office and went to the lecturer's desk.
“Does that Apparel guy work in that building? ”
“No, it was Cheongdam. Cheongdam-dong also had a small building. It looked like it had a store and it had its own building. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
Gu Gunho thought while drinking coffee in the chairman's room.
[Since it's such a strong company, I won't sell the building, but if it's in Cheongdamdong, I might be willing to put the prison together. It's not even a place to build a clothing shop. A clothing store would be better than bronze.]
[If you're the president of a clothing company, you're going to want more shops. Cheongdam-dong is good, Myeong-dong is good, and Dongdaemun is good.]
Gu Gun-ho called Kang again.
“Meet the Apparel boss again. ”
“He's asking for 30 billion. ”
“Don't talk to me like I'm stabbing you. Talk to me seriously. If someone wants to start a hospital, 25 billion people are willing to live. I'll leave my card, so call me if you think of anything. Just say you'll bring someone to buy it. ”
“What if I don't hear from you? ”
“If we don't hear back, we should give up. ”
“Chairman, 25 billion is a good building accident for Anyang, Seongnam, or Bongcheon-dong, where I live. Do we really have to insist on that? ”
“If I can't contact them, I'll do it. ”
“I think the hospital is run by my wife, who will commute from Bangkok to Anyang or Uijeong-do if she has a story. ”
“I'll think about it later. Go to Cheongdam first. ”
“I understand.”
It became early April.
China's forensic director emailed me a sales associate (Business License) for a new nightmare entertainment firm. The forensic director called.
“Chairman, have you seen my sales pitch? ”
“I saw it.”
“I have a starring agreement with Morrie Eiko. This time, we decided to raise our payload drastically. ”
“How much do I owe you? ”
“Five hundred thousand dollars. ”
“How much did you pay for the last shot? ”
“It was 200,000 dollars. ”
“Well, that's a lot of climbing. ”
“Morrie Eiko's acting has improved a lot. He is also a well-known actor with a lot of faces. I wouldn't mind giving it to you. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“The contract with Mori Eiko was agreed to take place in an accident on April 5th. ”
“You go to Tokyo and you don't do it. You call it an injury and you contract it? ”
“It's best to do it in injuries. This is also a newspaper headline. Journalists arrive when they sign the contract. Or we can take it and distribute it as a press release. It's also helpful to promote that the Japanese actress Mori Eiko, who was the heroine in the drama, appears again. ”
“Hmm, I suppose. ”
“Chairman, will you not come to the accident on April 5th? ”
I also wanted to see Mori Eiko. However, employees of the Chinese Hwanrussey Corporation or a forensic foreman seem to have a suspicious view of their relationship with Mori Eiko. I thought it would be good to meet you quietly later.
“I'll see you next time, Morrie Eiko. Give my regards."
“Very well, then. I will say that this promotion was very powerful for the Old Testament. ”
Song is on the phone.
“A loan of 120 billion was made. In a few moments, it will go into the account of the GTH Development Corporation. And as of today, all of us at GE Development have been hired as new employees at GE Mobile. ”
“Well done.”
“Many of the red flags and succession among employees have been absorbed into this area. The four main insurance jobs that were represented by Jungyoung were absorbed directly from the Secretary General's office and from the Chief Executive's work to this direction. ”
“Hmm, I guess so. ”
“One of you has to let me go. Is that okay with you? ”
“These people have been through a lot under me...”
“Then, I will assist the instructor in managing the rent for the residential company, and I will be responsible for managing the attendance for the janitor or the security staff. ”
“What about the chief?”
“Chief Hong, why don't you build a planning office directly for him and make him chief of planning? If you have a tax status, I think it would be a good idea to take care of the companies under GE and take care of the tax adjustment or your estate management. ”
“Otherwise, one of you has to let go. ”
“Build an annex rather than a planning office. Chief Hong is the Deputy Chairman, Secretary Oh Yeon-soo is the Deputy Chairman. When appointing, parentheses should be placed next to the position as treasurer and secretary. ”
“I understand. I think that would be good. ”
Gu Gun-ho called the chief of staff, the chief of staff, Yeon-soo Oh, and the chief of staff, Seo-nam Jung, who works in the underground machine room. Four men enter the room, put their hands together and stand in a line.
Gu Gun Ho smiled and said.
“Where's the instructor? ”
“You said you were going to Cheongdam. ”
“You do know that your affiliation is changing in terms of how you develop at GTH, right? ”
“I heard from the instructor. ”
“This is the office of GE Mobile. If your affiliation changes, your identity remains unchanged. You can work as hard as you've worked so far. ”
‘Very well.'
Four people did the same thing.
However, since the work of the head office and the head of the red chief has been transferred to the headquarters of Mobil, the head office can assist the teacher more. “
“I understand.”
“And he can look at things like income management and tax adjustments for companies under GE and do the things I tell him to do. ”
“I understand.”
Gu said, looking at each one of them.
“I know there's a redhead here who's seen his career, but development hasn't been profitable. It's a big company that benefits 600 employees, and I think it's going to make you feel better. ”
The staff bowed their heads and said nothing.
“Yesterday, the instructor posted me a severance package for development. Kang and Jeong Dae-ri were posted for 3 years, and Lee Yeon-soo was posted for 2 years, respectively. The chief didn't get his severance pay because he was short on days. I'm sorry that the company is different and cannot be associated with a severance pay. ”
The staff was silent again.
“If you ask the instructor, he's a good son-in-law too. It will probably give you a reasonable treatment. I will also tell you to do so. Let's work hard.”
The employees left smiling. They were expressions that they just needed to earn a good salary no matter what.
The lecturer entered the chairman's office.
“Cheongdam-dong met the president of the Apparel and gave him my business card. ”
“What did you say? The girl president of the Apparel? ”
“There was no other word. I stared at my business card for a long time without answering 25 billion offers. So I just gave him my business card. ”
“Good work. I'll let you know if I think of anything else." ”
“Oh, and 1,200 billion enterprise accounts. What do you want to do?”
“Send it to my personal account. ”
“I understand.”
“Development doesn't pay corporate taxes, right? ”
“Well, you have to earn something to pay the tax. Haha.”
“Then we won't have any corporate tax problems. ”
“That's right.”
“Did the employees have any complaints about changing their affiliation? ”
“No, I didn't. I thought you'd complain about the succession of severance pay, didn't you? Rather, they pay in cash. They all think they've got money. ”
“Haha, really? ”
“It's disadvantageous if the severance pay is not inherited, but it seems to me that I'm in need of money. That's what it looks like when you have unexpected money. ”
“You might think it's a little unfair not to accept the chief. ”
“That's what I did to the chief. The president asked me if I could do something more important, and I felt like I was sparkling. I heard from Song about the restoration of staff uniforms. ”
“Hmm, really? ”
“And there's an empty floor on the 17th floor in June, and the janitor's office is going down to the 17th floor. ”
“What about here?”
“Actually, your room is too small. When I went to Mobil, it was less than Ms. Mobil's room. So the 18th floor is going to be decorating your room and your secretary's office. Song brought this up first. ”
“I'm fine. ”
“But you can't do that. ”
“Let's think about this in June. ”
Gu Gun Ho sat on the chairman's couch and fell asleep and sat in a non-dreamy dream. He was the president of the A Electronics Group.
“How are you? Mr. Old Testament.”
“Nice to meet you, Doc. ”
“Come to Namsan Library parking lot tomorrow at 11 am. ”
“May I have a gift? ”
“I don't know if it's a gift or not. Let's meet and talk. ”
“I understand, but I would like to shoot Namsan air in April. ”
Gu Gu was curious.
I grabbed my backpack and wandered around the chairman's office.
“What kind of gift are you offering? Don't accept it unless you give it a gift that's worth 30 billion dividends. ”
Gu Gun-ho hoped that whatever gift he would give, he also changed his mind.
“Let's not expect too many politicians like trash who don't have any morals. If the expectations are too high, I'm disappointed. ”
The next day, Gu Gun-ho went to Namsan Library with Chongho around 10: 30 in his heart. The president's car was here first. The boss gestured to open the window slightly and only reach out his hand. Gu Gun got out of the ventry car and moved to Dr. Park's car. Even today, he drove a generic car without a driver.
“You drove by yourself? ”
“Sometimes I drive alone. In fact, I used to walk this street a lot with my girlfriend when I was younger. ”
“Haha, you have good memories. ”
He looked at the watch and said,
“The Old Town Leader must have had a lot of bullets in his pocket last time. ”
“Seeing how there are so many places to go, we've already scattered a lot of bullets. ”
“Haha, I see. ”
Gu Gu only looked at his mouth. When I was young, I thought I heard that I was quite handsome.
“Representative Lee Jin-woo of the Democratic Communist Party is speaking in Gwangju in the next ten days. ”
"Oh, really? I haven't seen the news lately. “
He lowered his head and said in a very low voice.
“Representative Lee Jin-woo is running for election that day. ”
“Oh, really? ”
[This information is great! “]
Gu Gu Gun-ho's body is full of chicken fat.
[Good! I'll pull the fishing line as hard as I can when it bites!]
Gu Gu said, relaxing his nervous face.
“Haha, I think President Lee Jin-woo is very busy. ”