Strongest Naruto System

Chapter 476: Xiao Nan's Submission

After Yu Xiaonan chatted for a while, Naruto took her to find Nagato and went to the basement under the tower. At first glance, he saw an empty room without a single figure.

Xiao Nan was taken aback, and immediately understood what was going on. Without even thinking about it, he turned around and wanted to run out.

Nana was stopped by Nami who just rushed over. Nana looked at Xiao Nan with a calm face and said

"Nagato is dead, killed by Otsuki Kaguya."

Xiao Nan frowned and looked directly at the girl, silent, her expression was very unfriendly, and she made it clear that she didn't believe it.

Nana didn't care what Xiao Nan thought, she just turned her head to look at Naruto, and said with a gentle smile on her mouth.

"Brother Naruto, what you told me to instigate the Ninja World War has been completed, and now the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Thunder no longer exist."

Naruto nodded, hum, and immediately closed his eyes to check the breath of Nagato. Obviously, it is not available in several countries. This situation clearly shows that Nami is right.

Without thinking for long, Naruto faced Xiao Nan and said

"Nagato is indeed dead. Neither the country of rain nor the neighboring countries has his breath. The most important thing is that the breath of the six penins is gone."

Xiao Nan turned his head and looked at Naruto, with a dazed expression. Her deep-seated heart didn't have the slightest suspicion. When she thought of Nagato's departure, the tears from the corner of Xiao Nan's eyes flowed down, and she cried silently, indeed a strong girl.

Naruto stepped forward with a serious face, gently put Xiao Nanlou in his arms, and quietly comforted a few words.

Xiao Nan stretched out his hands and hugged Naruto's back, crying silently, without even sobbing.

It's just that the shoulder trembles, explaining Xiao Nan's sadness.

The two held their arms around for a while, and for a while, no one spoke. Nana stood silently on the side, knowing that at this time, she should give Xiao Nan some time to cry.

Time passed by, from the trembling and sobbing to the last teardrops, Xiao Nan wept like a child.

After crying for half an hour, his eyes were a little red and swollen before he stopped. From Naruto's shoulders, there were teardrops in the corners of his eyes, and there was a different flavor on the pure face of the angel hung.

Naruto couldn't help holding up Xiao Nan's face, and gently kissed away the crystal tears with his lips.

Xiao Nan's face blushed, because Nana was aside, she looked a little shy, blushing, pushed Naruto's face away with her little hand, and whispered

"Naruto-kun, I'm fine, let's go back, Nagato will never escape death, I understand very well, maybe one day I will be like Nagato."

Looking up at Naruto, there was a sad expression in Xiaonan's eyes, and the heart still did not let go.

Naruto stared at Xiao Nanfu's sad expression and said with a faint smile

"I can't let you die. From now on, no one can kill you."

That confident look made Xiao Nanfang drunk, stretched out some cold hands to hold Naruto’s cheeks, and barely squeezed out a smile.

"I believe that Naruto-kun has this kind of thing, and I don't want to die. I want to be with you forever and stay by your side forever."

Xiao Nan smiled happily, with tear-stained cheeks, there was a very cute feeling.

Naruto couldn't help but wanted to kiss Xiao Nan's lips, but was covered by Xiao Nan's extended hand, feeling the smoothness of the palm of his hand, Naruto couldn't help but kiss the center of Xiao Nan's palm.

Xiao Nan's palm was itchy, and he pulled back like a snake bite. He realized that he was too awkward. He blushed and couldn't help but stared at Naruto. His eyes were round and round, and there was a kind of anger on his face. a feeling of.

The corners of the mouth all beep out, quietly speaking

"Naruto-kun, can you keep me quiet these few days? I'll give you everything when I sort it out."

At the end, the voice was very soft and small, if it weren't for Naruto to have an inhuman chakra, I would really not hear it.

Naruto, who smiled faintly, didn't care much, rubbed Xiao Nan's cheeks with both hands, and said with a smile

"I said earlier, no matter how long it is, I will wait for you quietly, and now you don't want to run away."

Xiao Nan blushed and lightly nodded his head. The eyes that raised her head were full of erotic desire. Unfortunately, Nagato's death still made her unable to let go. She only thought that she had killed Nagato. Xiao Nan was also afraid that Naruto would become Nagato. Door, her fragile heart couldn't stand it anymore and the people around left.

Naruto took Xiaonan's palm, turned his head and said to Nami

"By the way, everything is resolved, and I will fulfill my promise, Nana, come home with me."

Nana smiled sweetly, stretched out her hand to hold Naruto's palm, and said with a very happy smile

"Brother Naruto, I've been waiting for this day from the beginning."

The sincerity was seen in Nana's smiling face.

Naruto didn't stay long in the country of rain, and now only Datongmu Huiye was left. In the end, he must be the only one to fight against.

Armed with Xiaonan and Nami, Naruto went straight to Konoha Village.

Passing through the country of rain shrouded in sunshine, Xiao Nan, who was holding Naruto, looked back and looked at the masterpiece that Naruto had left for her in the sky.

It was a dark cloud torn apart by life, surrounding the country of rain, the broken dark clouds were scattered, and it was impossible to condense again.

Xiao Nanfang had a sweet heart, turned his head and glanced at Naruto who was on his way, then raised his head and kissed Naruto's cheek.

With a burst of Xiangfeng Naruto realized that he had been attacked, he couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Nan, and what he saw was the appearance of the shy little girl buried in his chest.

Naruto, who was moving in his heart, really wanted to stage an 18x picture in this sky.

But for the sake of Xiao Nan's agreement, Naruto still suppressed the commotion in his heart forcibly.

With increased speed, Naruto flew towards Konoha Village like the speed of light.

With the speed of light like Naruto, he can reach it in less than 2 hours, slowly descending from a height of 1,000 meters, looking at a large yard covering an area of ​​1,000 square meters on the ground, showing a faint smile.

Xiao Nan blinked his eyes and looked at the village of Konoha below. He couldn't help holding Naruto's hand tightly, and whispered.

"Naruto-san, will the people in Konoha village drive me away."

Looking up at this Naruto, Xiao Nan's eyes are a little scared. Now Naruto's figure is completely filled with her heart. If it is not accepted by Kimha Village, she may not be accepted by Naruto. She just thinks about it and feels it. Afraid.

Naruto chuckled and stared at Xiao Nan and said

"No one will rush you. If anyone dares to bully you, you can tell me that I will destroy his whole family."

Xiao Nan Fang was intoxicated for a while, showing a smile, a sweet smile, the whole is a pure little girl.

There was a pity and love in Naruto's heart, and he loved Xiao Nan from the heart.
