Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 20: Pig Attack
Should I analogize that ants flock to sugar squares?
The advance of the hungry oak troops surrounding the dry realm was not such that the combined soldiers, let alone the powerless inhabitants, could manage.
Ravage and destruction by a large group of heavyweight warcraft.
The orcs, irrational by famine, destroy the city indiscriminately with red eyes.
Whether or not humans are included in its target of destruction, it echoes from where there are screams and the footsteps of orcs driving the inhabitants around in the territory.
The man, who stood up to protect his family, fell down without hesitation with his head snapped open by a swinging stick.
Oak found his place in the barn with a good sense of smell and forced him to drag his mother and daughter out.
"No... don't"
When he sounded a fugofugo and a deaf nose, Oak threw away the weapon he had and tore off the clothes of his parents and children.
Men are mercilessly murdered, women are caught, nightmares that thoroughly take away human dignity.
Such desperate sights are spreading throughout the dry realm.
While the orcs are hitting the inhabitants with violence and desire, suddenly something bursts out of their heads. At the same time, a dazzling light shone across the city.
Until then, the orcs, driven only by instinct, glare up at the balls of light shining over Dry Castle.
The bright white light is the flash shell emitted by Erica, and the oak rejects the strong light.
For this reason, we try to hide ourselves against the strong light or to extinguish it from the light.
Aerica took advantage of the habit and summoned an oak to the castle.
I'm sure he would be outraged if he found out about this, but he wasn't around in the middle of collecting the hardware in the castle to escape now.
"Okay, well done. The orcs are coming this way."
"I'm going to take another shot"
When Roberto checks the movement of the oak, Aerica releases the signal bullet again.
Then I saw the orcs running and coming to the castle this time.
Instead of being able to move from the front of the castle, they figured out the means to turn the oak towards themselves.
"Shut up the castle gate!
By order of Heyman, the castle gate is lowered, and everyone ascends the castle wall except Heyman and Roberto.
Lily and the others all shoot a bow at the orcs who have come to the castle with momentum.
"Orcs can't even hit your body, they're going for your head!
As Lily waves her right arm overhead, the arrow released orbits and pierces the head of the oak.
An attack by bow and stone throw will cause the leading orcs to collapse.
"Ether Compression Engine Startup, Magic Gun Loading"
Aerica, dancing in the hollow of the walls, targets a herd of oaks. The sphere floating on her shoulders spins at high speeds and generates energy. The bees and the sound of the magic rebelling, compressing the energy into warhead form.
"barrel open, 40% energy"
The shape of the sphere extends like a cannon, and the shell is blue and magical.
The magic circuit engraved on the shell shines, the gatin 'and the noise rings, and the demon bullet, a mass of energy, is loaded.
"Magic cannon fire!
A dong-soaring bright red warhead is fired and a large amount of steam is blown out of the waste heat mechanism on the back of the demon cannon.
The shells cause an explosion in the middle of the oak population as they arc.
I can't attack with full power given the damage to the territory. But even with less than half the power, the orc herd blows up all at once like paper, with holes in the crowd.
"Second shot loading"
"Olaora, you pigs are coming for me!
"Get in the mood!
Roberto shoots the machine gun in his right arm, and Hyman chops it with a giant sword for every thick fat in the oak.
A tremendous amount of pods strike the world, and the next thing you know, the orcs will be hives.
From above, the Magic Gun, which now diffuses power and widens its range, is fired.
A rain of magic falls from above, and the less resistant orcs stop their feet.
Roberto and Lily snipe there, and Heyman slashes down what's approaching.
"All right, good grilled pork!
"I can't eat this much."
Gahahahaha and the old knights laugh. But the number of oaks has not decreased at all, and new oaks are coming from next.
Stepping on the corpses of his companions, the red-eyed pigs will kill them when they eat everything that is in the castle.
"Third shot!
It was Jaguar, the Dorothea Army Attack Captain, who watched the state far-winded with binoculars.
"Nah, that. Why do you ignore the inhabitants and go to the castle? Mostly that flying woman. What? I didn't hear there was such a thing."
"Near the dry king, a woman named Erica, the class is with EX."
Jaguar's voice goes low as soon as possible.
"Yes, with the first summoner of the dry king."
"What, you mean the first woman of the dry king?
"As, well..."
Jaguar distorts a face like Dorian and squeezes the binoculars he had.
"I can't allow that. You mean the virginity of the dry king could have been taken by that woman, right?
"Yes, I don't know if the dry king was a virgin, and I don't know if he had a physical relationship...?
"I want to tear that bitch apart. Contact the soldiers. Knock that woman down that's floating in the sky and kill her as miserably as you can. I'll allow you to use it."
My men run away trying to escape the jaguar with an even irritating look on their face.
Shit, you're kidding me.
Hyman accidentally blew out the cigar he was wearing.
Around the garrison of Dorothea troops, a huge magic formation unfolded, from which a silly giant appeared.
The giant called Gigantes was just a ghostly monster waving a stick made of giant trees called the World Tree on a giant body like a mountain.
If such a thing came, the castle would be shattered with a twist.
"You Dorothea bastard, you even took that thing!
"Wow, I'll go"
Aerica jumps up in the air with a bulk in her mind that is about to tremble.
"I'm sorry, miss, but only about your weapon seems to make sense to him. I beg your pardon!
Erica raises the output of the demon cannon and targets Gigantes' head to prevent damage to the territory.
But at the same time, Erica's Range Attack disappeared, causing the orcs to lose momentum.
"Not at all."
Blood had already seeped out of Lily's hand, which kept releasing arrows, and the magic of controlling them was running out.
Even more desperate was the beginning of a mix of armored things in the oak.
It was put on oak by Jaguar with bow and gun measures, simple but very effective.
The power of the arrows had been drastically diminished just by being worn in the helmet, and Roberto's headshots had ceased to work.
"Are you telling me they attracted your little girl to Big Boobs for this?"
Aerica's magic cannon could have pierced every piece of armor, but she's full of Gigantes opponents.
In the first place, Gigantes is a division-class fighter, not a monster who deals alone because of how much EX it is.
"The pigs will be cut to death the next time - call from him!
Slash and discard the oak that Heyman approached.
But his right arm was about to burn out due to too much wiggling.
"It's not good to stay like this."
Erica shoots the demon cannon, but she's not responding.
He says he's shooting a magic cannon close to full power in Gigantes' face, but he's just standing there without a flicker.
You never come this way, and what if Gigantes's control isn't working? and Erica predicts.
Or because the distance is too far away, is the attenuation rate of the demon cannon higher than I thought?
Because of the need to crush the possibilities, Erica wanted to get close to Gigantes but could not move out of the castle due to dry orders.
A little more, if only a little more could pack the distance.
I think so. I go beyond the walls and move forward a little bit.
"Shoot me!!
Suddenly a voice sounded from under his eyes, and when he looked down, he saw the soldiers in black armor with huge cannons.
"Dorothea soldier! If I thought it was just the orcs, they'd be in there too!
Take it up to a giant siege weapon, and with the cries of black armored soldiers, the arrows and shells pour down to Erica like rain.
But to that extent, we can't break through her defensive barriers.
But the arrow is followed by magic, the magic is followed by arrows and constant attacks, reflected in Erica's retina, barrier energy is draining more and more.
"Once we don't cut it, we'll have a thermal outburst... and even Gigantes will have to"
The internal temperature of the barrier generator provided in Aerica's glutes is found to be gnawing and feverish.
Dorothea soldiers are important too, but we can't just allow Gigantes to progress.
Seeing where Gigantes had been until earlier, the figure of the giant was just about to disappear with clarity.
"No way phantom!?
It doesn't make sense and it's useless. Gigantes was created by Dorothea soldiers, just like a shadow in a phantom.
Their aim is to drag Erica forward. Gigantes' phantom disappeared because it was complete.
"Not good!"
Noticing the enemy's intentions, he tried to retreat toward the castle to leave the scene.
But I didn't say I was waiting for it, but suddenly a net can throw from the sky.
The net was made of metal, and Aerica tried to cut it off immediately, but at that moment a tremendous electric shock ran, paralyzing her whole body.
The girl, who was floating in the hollow, fell near the castle gate, and immediately a large number of Dorothea soldiers pushed around.
The nets used were insulating nets that cut the transmission of magic.
Lily and Roberto realize Aerica has been dropped, but the oak has prevented them from going on the road and helping them.
"Get out of the way. Ahhh!
Erica's destruction began on her ass with Lily's scream that she couldn't move.
With her back held down by her feet, Erica was pressed into the ground with both arms, and a giant armored soldier held a large hammer, crushing both her arms.
The men are forced to pull off Erica's arms with a freshly sounded vacuum.
Aerica's scream echoes.
Forcing Aerika, who has lost both arms, sounds hammering, slapping, slamming, blunt blowing noises from there, bees and sparks rising from each part of the armor, sparks rising from the chopped cord of a thousand.
The translucent mask that was protecting his head also smashed, and his bloody face peeked.
If you were just going to kill Erica, you shouldn't have to do that, but it looked as if you were intentionally trying to hurt her and kill her.
"Stop it, that's it!!
Lily pulls the arrow out of the arrow barrel and releases the arrow in a row as she jumps down the wall.
The arrows move as if they were willing, but the effect is thin on the Dorothea soldiers dressed in armor all over their bodies.
The number of enemies does not diminish where you have shot how many bows.
Eventually Lily, who came forward, is also pulled down by the armored soldiers.
Lily rambling in the hands of the men, Erica sees the condition with a blurred retina with blood.
"Lily... run... I'm fine. So..."
Erica uses her last force to fire a flash shell attached to her lower back.
For a moment the soldiers wandered, and Lily ran away with the gap.
Lily couldn't help herself, even though she knew Aerika was being caught behind her back.
Even if she knows she's going to blow herself up.