Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 22: Dry Castle Defense Battle Epilogue
We were returning from the castle by metamorphosis magic.
Dry soldiers can also manage to fly together and take a breath.
But fewer than twenty dry soldiers were able to survive.
Everyone's allowance was made in the courtyard of the castle, and some groaned at the wounds, and some mourned the death of their companions.
When I opened the phone and checked the King's power map, the dry realm was gone and changed to Dorothea territory.
Now the dry king was extinguished, and the chariot was forcibly dissolved, and all the dry soldiers were treated like free warriors.
"Dry, I wonder if they caught me..."
"Do you have a king?
When I looked up, there was Lily.
She was about to be cut off from her contract and forcibly returned, and just as I arrived there, she renegotiated with me.
"What's up?
"No, I was just trying to thank you."
"Well... I'm not in the mood to be thanked for the terrible damage."
"Still, the king saved so many lives. If the king hadn't come, Lili and everyone would have died."
"............... what do we do now? If you want to go back to your hometown, you can send them back or you can break your contract."
"Lili can stay like this. It's just like how Ae looks."
When Aerika came back, she went between the magical underground chatter to repair her personality and restore her lost arms, and she stopped moving.
"You're worried when she can regain her former personality."
"Maybe it's okay. Ae's memory is full of kings."
Not sure, but Lily didn't seem to be saying it unfounded.
I went around asking the other dry soldiers what they were going to do, but most of them went back to the country, lived as low-ranking adventurers, and there was little to keep fighting as chariots.
"What will Grandpa do?
When my right arm asks the old knight of the machine gun, Grandpa looks at me as he blows smoke from the cigar he was wearing.
"I made a promise to my friend. Kid, I'm gonna train you."
"Are you sure? Don't you think you can hide out now?
"Don't be silly. I'll make you a warrior."
Older knights laugh niggardly, so I laugh back niggardly, too.
Hit each other in the fist and confirm your intentions.
Big, hard fist, hidden in leather gloves, but probably iron.
"Mr. Erica later, but he's not moving..."
I think so, and I'll show you the status of the new Lily and Roberto.
Lily Class Archer Rarity SR
Muscle strength C = = = =
Agility b = = = = =
Technique A = = = = = = =
Health D = = =
Magic B = = = = = =
Loyalty B = = = = =
Faith E = =
Skill Control Bow
You can control the orbit of an arrow at a certain distance
Roberto Class Gunner Rarity HR
Muscle strength b = = = = =
Agility D = = =
Technique B = = = = = =
Health C = = = = =
Magic F =
Loyalty A = = = = = =
Faith F =
Erica Class Magic Armor Rarity EX
Muscle Strength S = = = = = = =
Agility A = = = = = = =
Technique B = = = = = =
Health B = = = = = =
Magic A = = = = = = =
Faith F =
Skill Magic Gun Magic and Physics Concurrent Attacks
It is possible to call firearms from different dimensions of the wepon rack
Unlock Limiter Temporarily Increase Status by Two Steps
After skill ends, inability to act until overheating recovers
Is that it? Mr. Erica's status is in my chariot on its own.
Why? I thought so, but I'm pretty sure you saw that being on our list of character statuses got you into our chariot.
I don't remember signing a contract, but I tentatively decide to ask after she finishes her self-repair on this matter.
Neither Dee nor Sophie use special abilities this time, so I'm probably not going to find out about the Dorothea Army that easily, but let's be very vigilant.
With the accession of my new companions and the presence of a great enemy named Dorothea, I felt a sense of crisis in my current weak chariot.
If Dorothea and I hit each other, we wouldn't be fighting or losing.
With the accession of my new companions and the presence of a great enemy named Dorothea, I felt a sense of crisis in my current weak chariot.
If Dorothea and I hit each other, we wouldn't be fighting or losing.
"King, I'm a roommate for a new subscriber."
"Saki - I'm hungry -!
"King, let's get out of here! I want a famous pizza in the alley right now."
"Do you have that kind of money! Whoever's fine, pick up dinner tonight at the back mountain. Help me build a new room for the rest!
"Nyah! I just touched this wall and it collapsed!
"Kid, it won't start without a drink first. Where's the booze?"
All the more problematic children, but the lonely Castle of Borough was steadily beginning to flourish.