Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 73: Bart Chamber of Commerce
We heard from Boinsky that he was ambushing on the way to the Chamber of Commerce, where he was supplying the narcissistic army.
There are two supply routes, divided into two units with Raylan as their leader, and Raylan was looking for a plane on the forest side route and the sea side supply route.
On a moonless night, he waits breathlessly in the dark bushes for a handful of elite and carriages to pass by.
"It's exciting to attack something from this side."
Orion seems a little excited, waiting for the carriage now or now.
"Don't hurt people. It is the supplies of the narcissistic army that we aim for. Now the narcissistic army can't declare war on us with the Allied remnants of the hunt. It is a man of Narcisse's breathtaking Chamber of Commerce who is supplying him and has nothing to do with the war. Then we can attack them."
"Saki, you're a bad guy."
"Say cunning. I don't have that kind of bad taste in killing people to tell me what to do."
In front of Maximum and the Hundred Eyewitnesses watching me in the back of my brain, the scene where Carlos was murdered is remembered.
It's so cruel, it's a thought that a harrower can boil down to an unbroken way of killing.
I would never let him be a hero. I'll definitely drag you down.
I'll do anything for it.
If you can't stay a beautiful hand and win, even if you dirty this hand.
"I'll do it."
When you bite your back teeth off with a gibberish, the sound of the pacca pacca and carriage rings out of the darkness, and the pale lights of the lantern look blurry.
The number of carriages is high at six. Instead, there are only about six people who look like guards, possibly about ten even if they all fit together.
"All right, Bart, it's the Chamber of Commerce carriage. We'll go when we get past here."
Copy that.
As we hold our breath and wait, suddenly we hear a horse groaning and a man screaming.
"What? What's keeping you?
The lantern's light is shaking tremendously, and multiple shadows surround the carriage. It looked like someone was attacking us, not us.
"You're lying, you're ahead of me!
Looks like they had eyes on them before us, and they raided them one step ahead.
"Damn it, who is it!
"You look like a burglar."
"You're a thief or a scumbag!
"What kind of mouth is that?"
Ignore Freya's groaning voice, and I rise.
"Saki, what are you going to do?
"But hey, think after you help!
"You're starting to look like shit."
We rush, but the escorts have already been killed and the Chamber of Commerce has escaped.
The bandits were in the process of carrying out their shipments.
"Hehe, massive. You don't even know if it's a little tricky."
"No. I'm upset that your head is being used by that little kid."
The big men fill their nostalgia with hardware and roll the barrel of alcohol.
A woman from a tied chamber of commerce stares at the condition.
"Ooh, scary scary. Your sister will have fun with us later. Gahahahahahaha"
The big man laughs high, but the voice suddenly groans and falls straight to the front.
Behind it is one female warrior in a bikini with a robe feather.
"What themai!?
I can kick the bandits in the legs with a yell.
Freia and Amazones, who held back behind them, unleashed magic and arrows, and Orion and Aerica beat down running burglars one after another.
We will seize the bandits with complete personal grievances.
I am horrified that there is no sense of justice or anything else involved.
We will seize all the bandits and tie them all up.
"Is that all of it?
"Maybe I haven't seen the carriage in the back yet"
"I'll see."
I get into the rear-end carriage with one hand, Sabel, and suddenly I yell.
"Don't come near me! Or I'll kill this woman!
The big man had a knife on the woman's neck without shame.
"Were you still there? You puke like a stereotype."
"Don't come near me! I'll kill you!"
"Ya, if you can do it, you can do it! If only this big merchant Kisaragi Bart could do it with such a tiny knife!
A woman like a dancer wrapped around a turban that is caught shows the bandits cut and cut without any fright at all.
But those legs were gushing and trembling, obviously just showing off superficially prestigious.
Shut the fuck up! If we find out about this, our necks will all fly!
"Ho, who can't do that if they find out?
"That's not how it works! Back off! Back off! Where the hell is Temei? You said it was safe to attack, but you didn't talk about it at all!
Apparently, these guys aren't just burglars. They have someone behind them.
"We heard there was going to be bandits in this neighborhood, and they came hunting guys like you the other way around."
Actually, if the bandits hadn't attacked us, we would have. I can't tell you what a ripped mouth is, so I decided to line up the lies appropriately.
"Damn, there's a king coming outside that fucking kid force..."
"Out of the force means your employers are kings too"
"Ugh, don't pry any further! I'm gonna bust this guy!
A big man's knife slashes a woman's thin skin and blood flows from her neck muscle.
The woman tears her eyes at once and shakes her legs gushing.
"Oh yeah, I have something I want to give you guys. Just give me a minute."
"Hey, what's up?"
"I don't know if you like it."
I huddle my pockets with crap and throw a knife in the face of a big man in cheap motion as if throwing a ball.
The man cannot cope with too abrupt a move, he turns his face away aggressively, but his ears are slashed and his hostages released into pain.
"Whoa!? This kid imitated you!
I use a flash move and go around the back.
But I transfer myself to a slightly off position behind my back.
"Chip, I knew it wouldn't slip away"
Lately, I've been able to see the flash movement's weaknesses.
The closer the coordinate position that transfers itself, the more deviations occur.
I wanted to go around to the back, but my position is slipping to the window of the carriage.
"Where the hell did you go?!?
Big guy who loses me and shakes his head left to the big right.
A retard like this would help, but if his strength is remotely relative to the enemy above him, this discrepancy is going to be a dead end issue.
When I grip the back of the big man's head, I pour the current into him with a stun bolt and let him faint.
"Ababa, Bubba!
The man fell on his knees and remained on his front lap.
Ignore the mugger man who's stopped moving, and I'll lend a hand to the gaggling woman.
"Oh, thank you..."
"Are you okay? It's amazing. I'm blushing."
"What, hey, wait a minute!
When the woman immediately removes the hand mirror and checks her complexion, she covers it with a veil that is clear from her nose and below.
I didn't think it meant much because it was transparent, but let's not say it.
"O, I'm Xaragi Burt. Burt, it's from the Chamber of Commerce."
"I'm Kaji Yongsaki, the king nearby. Is Bart, possibly of Bart's founder?
"Oh, Bert, founder of the Chamber of Commerce, Missima Bert is my father"
"Well, I didn't know the Burts were on board."
"Um, uh, what, I want to thank you for the help, so come to the Bart Chamber of Commerce."
"I'm sorry, I can't take the time."
"Oh, shit, that's too bad."
I feel a little guilty about the xaragi dropping my shoulders visibly.
"I'll go face to face when I get rid of what I'm doing now. Burt, I wanted to keep my face on the Chamber of Commerce."
I am overwhelmed by Xaragi, who comes close to my face to eat excitedly.
"Why were the Burt family people directly on board? Aren't you letting him subcontract or something about the transport industry?
"I suddenly got a cancellation from the king who was going to ask for security, and I thought I should have a head count at all because it's a big business deal. I got caught the other way around..."
"Are you gonna steal wild and leave quite a bit?
"I come out there frequently. I usually leave it to Narcisse Chariot to escort them, but they attack the bandits every time there's no escort."
"... what's the shipment?
"Supplies to the narcissistic army and the supplies they were asking for. If this was taken away, it would have been really helpful because the Bart Chamber of Commerce had to make it up to you."
That sounds like a do-it-yourself in Madison...
"... hey, you pretending to pass out"
I step on the groin of a bandit trying to escape as I crawl forward.
"You're your employer narcissists."
"Hehe, don't be silly. We're not shielding the Bandits."
"Then what's with the knife with this family crest?"
"Huh? We don't use that kind of weapon with legs. Who would use a weapon with a rose of such bad taste?"
"Why did the rose come out when all I said was family crest?"
"... did you say that? Shina."
I stepped on the man's groin harder.
The creepy feeling is the best.
"Come on. So, you're going to crush Temei! Oh, yes, I am. I am a bandit hired by King Narcisse!
"I knew it. You let the bandits attack his friendly Chamber of Commerce."
"By paying him a fee, we were giving him the Chamber of Commerce transportation route and a less secure schedule. But lately, I've been trying to make it harder for you to steal this thing from this carriage. The fee was a little bit at first, but now you're gonna give the bastards everything you stole, take out the good stuff yourself, and then you're gonna send it back to us."
You're a douchebag.
"You guys weren't going to steal Geostone!?
Xaragi interrogates him over the blood phase.
"I don't know. I was told to steal a lot of ore and cocoa."
"Ore only carries geostones! I can't believe you were willing to steal a deal!
"Is Geostone that expensive?
"Just the geostone we're carrying today, it was a big deal of about 20 million vestas and over 2,000 gold coins!
"You weren't very guarded."
"King Narcisse turned me down, so I was going to ask another king, but that was canceled, too. We can't be late because we have a delivery date... Now I think maybe there was pressure from King Narcisse."
"You're a dirty guy, though. What are you talking about? You got a narcissist bastard, Geostone, for free, and you were trying to scare him from the Chamber of Commerce to the gold."
You've been greedy too much.
"What a mean king. I've always thought that guy was frigid! How disciplined I am to keep that promise from my predecessors!
Xaragi was angry at Cancún.
That would make you angry if they stole your deal, and your own safety was in danger.
Kisaragi, do me a favor.
"I think this geostone, it's probably pretty important to him. But Bart, the Chamber of Commerce is a merchant, so if he told you to sell it, you'd have to sell it, wouldn't you?
"As for me personally, I don't admit it as a customer anymore, but my dad might sell it. I think I owe it to my predecessors.
"Sell us all this stuff."
"All of it...?
"Oh, all of it"
I'll tell Kisaragi everything about it.
All the narcissistic armies being heroized in the alley now are lies created by him, and he's really a coward with allies.
We also want to take his supply route to fight the narcissistic army.
"I wouldn't believe it if I were you, but maybe you're right. All right, I'll tell you how horrible this Xaragi Bart is for turning merchants against his enemies."
"I'm sorry, but we suddenly can't pay 2,000 gold coins because of our financial difficulties, so it would help if you made me a loan. When the war starts, we'll put the summons stone on the supplies and pay it back."
"Oh, I don't mind. I owe you my help.... How about this much? Big service."
When Kisaragi is hollow, the numbers come up, and after a few numbers have been replaced, the amount is presented to me more and more.
"What... this, okay? About two digits down."
"I don't mind. Besides, this is to damage the target, so the damage account is out of sight."
"Are you sure? You can pay normally."
"You can say it. Now you don't have to ask the narcissist army to escort you, and if you ask the narcissist army to escort you like this and think about the amount of supplies and supplies that would have been taken from you by the bandits, the fishing will come."
"Oh, really? Then please."
"That's a deal."
I shake hands with Kisaragi and get free geostones and tons of cocoa.
"I know it's hard to solve people's misunderstandings, but good luck. Bert, if anything happens to the Chamber of Commerce, I can help you."
"I'm sorry, thank you from what"
"No, it's this way to thank you. I'll tell the other chambers of commerce about this. The narcissist army is going to have a bad debt, so get your hands off me."
"Oh, we'll drag our fake heroes down"
"I hope so. And don't look at me when I pass near the Bart Chamber of Commerce. I'll get you a good business meeting."
"Oh, be sure when this battle is over"
I wasn't sure if I should tell you, but I feel guilty because I seem to be clinging to the goodness of the Kisaragi people.
I decided to never tell you why I was here.
"... that Kisaragi... we're not actually the Kings who came hunting for the bandits"
"I know. It's not convenient for all these armed soldiers to reveal themselves. He said he wanted a supply route, so I know why."
"Oh, I'm sorry. We could have been your enemies, just in reverse order to attack the bandits."
"But you helped me. Merchants value results more than processes"
"You don't have to apologize. I was saved, and that's all I owed the merchant for the rest of my life."
"I'm sorry. You're a man's merchant."
"Hehe, thank you. I'll see you later. I wish you luck."
I responded forcefully, picked up every carriage, and broke up with Kisaragi.